SDCFans - The Unofficial Fan Site For Silver Dollar City

Silver Dollar City & Celebration City Discussion => Construction/Rumors => Topic started by: History Buff on February 23, 2008, 11:02:59 PM

Title: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on February 23, 2008, 11:02:59 PM
I can't find a strand on site for this, so I'll start it up.

We all like to speculate on future attractions at SDC, and if you're anything like me, you've even dreamed up your own attractions and figured out where to put them in the park.  So how creative are you?

For example, I'd like to see SDC create an area to show Ozark wildlife.  As I understand it, Dollywood has an eagle sanctuary and with the purchase of Wild Adventures, animals are now in the system.  This time, lets see some wild boar, some white-tailed deer, raccoons and bobcats, copperheads and tree frogs.  Only animals that appear naturally in the area, though.  No bison or long-horns, no ostriches or cobras.

Then, how about a roller coaster that combines the serene charm of the beginning of Fire-in-the-Hole with the extreme thrill of a spinner, all while traversing a cool track.  The name of the ride?  Ozark Twister.  It would be complete with quirky Wizard of Oz type images along the lift hill, with a simulated tornado in the distance.  Then after the wild part, the car cruises back by the same Ozarks village after the twister has hit.  I know, it would have to be tastefully done, but it could be done.  Donations could be collected for victims or real tornadoes, and an interactive, educational "museum" could be incorporated (only it would still have to fit the theme of the park).

What kind of virtual reality ride could be put in?  Doesn't Dollywood have one?  The VR rides at Disney and Universal, though expensive, and really cool.

Anyway, now it's your turn.  Who knows?  Someone may take our ideas and actually engineer them.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: CJR on February 24, 2008, 06:47:27 PM
I like your ideas, especially the first one.  I actually had typed up a list of things I'd do if I were in charge.  I'll just copy and past those ideas right over.  Out of my ideas, my favorite is the first one.  I've been wanting to see HFEC do a 3D film for a long time.  Anyway, here you go:

1885 Invention Convention:
TYPE: 3D Theater
VEHICLES: 4D Theater Seats / 3D Screen/ 3D Glasses
DESCRIPTION: In the wooded hills of the Ozarks, the annual invention convention is taking place.  At the convention, inventors will show off the very latest technology and inventions of the 1880's.  All guests in attendance are required to wear safety goggles (3D glasses) in the event of an unexpected accident.  With all the inventions being new, anything can happen so be ready for anything.  Be ready to be amazed at where our world is going during the convention's limited engagement at The Silver Dollar City Convention Center.

Fire in the Hole 2.0
TYPE: Indoor Roller Coaster
VEHICLES: Coaster trains/ track
DESCRIPTION: In an upgrade to the original Silver Dollar City classic, Fire in the Hole features cars carrying more passengers in a longer ride.  Basically, the entire ride has been rebuilt telling the same story on a more personal level.  The ride now features lifelike animatronics and a musical ending written by some of the same writers that created the amazing musicals Charles Dickens – A Christmas Carol, Headin' West, and For the Glory.  A town lives, dies, and is reborn in this classic retelling that is sure to become a new generation favorite.

Lost River of the Ozarks 2.0
TYPE: Circular Raft Ride
VEHICLES: Circular rafts, flume
DESCRIPTION: Featuring the same length and layout (although refurbished), the ride features a better told back story in its queue area as well as several added effects.  Although a portion of the upgrades were made outside, including a few geysers, the big change is the ride's climax after guests float into a dark cave.  In addition to the thrills of the water, guests will encounter bats, Ozark mountain lion, and even a small cave-in.  The ride is now more thrilling than ever while keeping its loved feel that its fans have come to enjoy since the ride opened in the 1980's.

Powder Keg 2.0
TYPE: Launch Roller Coaster
VEHICLES: Coaster trains/ track
DESCRIPTION: Not a whole lot will change to the actual ride.  The only major change will be unnoticed and that is an upgraded launch featuring new technology.  The reason for this is because launch rides require heavy maintenance and sometimes an upgrade.  This is that upgrade.  In addition to the upgrade, geysers will be installed toward the ride's conclusion (that were supposed to originally be included with the ride in its 2006 debut), matching the concept art originally shown.

Refurbished American Plunge area
DESCRIPTION: In an effort to improve the quality of the park, the American Plunge area has been redone giving the ride a new queue area and a widened path to the parks Wildfire.

New Table Service Sit Down Restaurant
DESCRIPTION: Giving guests the feeling that they are dining at an 1880 family's home, guests are treated to some of the most popular food in the 1880's.  Served in a great American fashion, guests will be able to order some of the finest foods in America at this one of a kind restaurant experience.  The restaurant will be the hot spot for food in the city as the only real table service restaurant in the park with waiters and waitresses.

Refurbished Train Ride
DESCRIPTION: The Silver Dollar Line, which has been entertaining guests for ages, gets a big upgrade.  New gates are installed in the station; trains are repainted, new seats installed, and a wall built over by The Giant Swing allowing the Robbery Scene to take place in its original location.

Story Time with Grandma
DESCRIPTION: After a day of running around, kids and their parents can take a seat and rest in a newly constructed garden in Tom Sawyer's Landing while listening to Grandma read a story.  Take a break from they day and enjoy a story in a beautiful garden.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Coaster on February 26, 2008, 05:42:40 PM
^I've always wanted SDC to make a 3D show. Have they ever even considered it? Anyways I liked pretty much all your ideas CJR except for all the refurbishings of the current rides. I don't think anything should be done to FITH, the train, or Powderkeg (it's practically brand new). I do however agree that if Lost River of the Ozarks got an upgrade many of us will be happy. I think your idea for that was great.

Dr. Horatio Harris' Splash Machine!

Dr. Harris has done it again! From the maker of Wildfire, comes a ride that you might just get a little wet on! This ride would replace American Plunge to make a larger, more exciting, and WETTER ride. It includes animatronics and a 50 foot drop!! The area around the ride will immerse you into the ride and if your brave enough to watch from the roadway we'll guarantee you you will get wet!

I have a bit of an imagination. I picture this ride being something like Splash Mountain where you come out of a "mountain" for the final drop.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on February 29, 2008, 09:53:19 PM
Yes, the original plans for Powder Keg need to be activated.  The splash would add a terrific visual.  And the upgrade to Lost River is long past due.  Both of these seem like 1.0 plans that were never made, and both seem unfinished or broken as a result.

That being said, now you have me thinking...Flooded Mine 3.0:

The Flooded Mine returns to its roots - no more Shootout.  New figures (Call them audioanimatronics if you like) really engage miners as they float through in their mine carts.  FM becomes more of an Ozark "Pirates of the Caribbean" with extravagent scenes (The jackhammer guy with his false teeth reminds me of the prisoner on the PotC ride who's whistling for his dog.).  A new song plays through out the ride until riders hit a few rapids in the flood and shoot out of the Ozarks in a grand finale.

You can't replace the Flooded Mine with anything but another, even more flooded mine!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Coaster on March 01, 2008, 04:46:49 PM
To take the shootout away from the Flooded Mine is like making Silver Dollar City a zoo.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Copper on March 01, 2008, 07:51:16 PM
I could go with a refurbishment of Fire in the Hole and the Flooded Mine. To update FITH they would probably have to demolish the ride and rebuild it, I think this needs to be done. It is a little embarrassing to have Baldknobber leaning against the wall because it is broken, plus to have them move and talk would be much more exhilarating.

No, No on changing the songs in either of the rides, the songs are classics. 

Welcome to the mine game, Welcome to the toil, welcome to the trouble neith the earth and soil.
Sweat a little water you'll, sweat a little blood, and you might get out if the mine don't flood.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on March 01, 2008, 10:09:36 PM
I really want to see something along the lines of a massive shopping area with a wooden roller coaster twisting around and through it. Picture a Geyser Gulch for adults with a tight wooden roller coaster diving in and out and all around it. It might be tacky, but meh - if it were done just right...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dukefan on March 02, 2008, 05:26:51 PM
Quote from: Copper on March 01, 2008, 07:51:16 PM
I could go with a refurbishment of Fire in the Hole and the Flooded Mine. To update FITH they would probably have to demolish the ride and rebuild it, I think this needs to be done.

I think it would be cool to do a modern version of Fire in the Hole that used real fire and pyrotechnic effects, kind of like Escape from Pompeii at Busch Gardens Europe.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Copper on March 03, 2008, 01:01:53 PM
Yes, I agree. Escape from Pompeii's pyrotechnics would be amazing in a new Fire in the Hole. I would want some great audioanimatronics too. The queue line should also tell the story of Marmaros and  the Baldknobbers since not everyone visiting is from the Ozarks.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 08, 2008, 12:04:13 PM
OK, I concede on the new song/old song discussion.  I haven't been able to hear the themes on Flooded Mine or American Plunge at all lately, so had forgot the FM had a song and not just an instrumental version.  As for the shootout, so many people don't even bother to shoot.  The ride used to have scenes that riders would anticipate and flinch at.  We really thought the saw blade was going to cut our cart in half, and that the explosion would really flood us completely.  It was a dark ride well done, not just a carnival amusement.  That's what I miss, and the animatronics would make it even better (We don't shoot at the pirates in Disney parks.).

Here's another one:  the Ozarks has its own version of Bigfoot, named MOMO.  An attraction could be based on this, in which riders are on an expedition to prove it exists.  I'm thinking of something like the Maelstrom ride at Epcot, in which the ride stops half-way through, and then quickly reverses through scenes as if running away from the very thing we were looking for.  Could be cool.  I noticed the Magic Kingdom also has Expedition: Everest; SDC would have to make sure MOMO was something different than that, which is probably more extreme than they would like.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Copper on March 10, 2008, 02:31:37 AM
All the Flooded Mine needs is some attention to detail. I don't use the guns, and I enjoyed the ride before them. New animatronics and special effects would be great. The lights should go out when the saw falls, like what originally happened. The voices need to be turned on. The explosion scene needs to be bigger and better and the guy needs to say, "I'm getting out of here no matter what!" The ride originally had employees inside the scenes dressed as miners, but with animatronics they would be able to serve that purpose. The convict on the outside of the ride in the oar bucket needs to go up and down like he used to.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 10, 2008, 07:02:55 PM
The Flooded Mine was where I worried they would put the Ice House ride, but I was wrong.  There is an advertisement for ice visible in the area (Look up high.), and I thought it was a clue.  I had not seen the sign before the survey came out.

How about this for a new slogan:  "We're History!"
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Copper on March 10, 2008, 10:37:14 PM
 The Ice House inverted coaster idea could work between the Expo and Echo Hollow. The ride would fall down a steep ravine and could have a couple large helixes. Cut minimal trees down, so that the "Woodsy" feel would remain. A new concession area could open near the Ice House. During the summer they could serve different kinds of iced teas, since iced tea was invented at the St. Lois Exposition. It would all tie together.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 18, 2008, 12:46:23 AM
How about a new area - the Osage village - in which Native American crafts and entertainment are presented?

New rides could be developed:

Then, naturally, Native American flavor would be introduced to a whole new generation through a new eatery.

No casinos.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on March 18, 2008, 12:46:51 PM
^Meh, I'd rather they take that idea, but use a more tradition Ozark hillside town theme. It could be some sort of detached suburb community from SDC, in which the inhabitants are known for being a bit... odd. Kinda like the old Shanty town.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 20, 2008, 09:44:18 PM
There's a new saloon in town, one packed with action, a larger stage, and room for people to sit.  Located between Wildfire and the Lumberjack Camp, the new saloon boasts a brand new show in which the lumberjacks get in on the action.  They dance on the "root beer barrels", throw axes, climb to the second level, and do other lumberjack stunts.  This interrupts the dancing girls, which include the inimitable Miss Tilley.  It's all the things that make the current saloon show so popular and more!

The old saloon is transformed into something different, but what?  Any ideas?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 30, 2008, 09:00:11 PM
Couldn't we easily move the Tom Sawyer theme into Guyser Gulch (complete with the Tadpole steamboat).  That would free up the huge Tom Sawyer area in the center of the City to work in Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, Jim Bridger, and other explorers in the Landing area.  The area could be themed to focus on adventurers (Lost River is already supposed to be about the search for the Fountain of Youth.).  Another river ride perhaps?  A trading fort with Indian and Trapper characters?  Covered wagons just arrived from the east?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on March 30, 2008, 09:21:08 PM
Mmmmmm, I could see the trading fort, especially if it was off on it's own from the park, a true new area with more than just a featured ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 04, 2008, 06:31:36 PM
Hillbilly Hollow.  It's a place full of nothing but front porches, hound dogs, and XXX jugs.  The centerpiece a moonshine still that looks like Cinderella's castle.  What do you do in Hillbilly Hollow?  Sit on the front porch with your hat over your eyes.  (I'm hoping this is a no smoking area.)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sdcforever on April 05, 2008, 12:07:27 PM
I'm not sure how well this would work out on the surface, but I think if it was tinkered with enough it would be plausible.  It's sad how Tom Sawyer's Landing has been stripped of it's identity in the past few years.  How about revamping Lost River to incorporate the raft scene from "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"?  Lost River is right by the Landing, and if it was revamped and incorporated into the Landing it would restore some identity to the area.  If they did that other attractions and shops could be added to help Tom Sawyer's Landing regain some of it's theme.

Just had a brainstorm.  They could incorporate the Riverfront into the Landing and hold Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn plays/musicals in the Playhouse and maybe have some costumed characters (and bring back Mark Twain himself) wander the Landing and interact with guests...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on July 02, 2008, 11:03:03 AM
OK, so here's a flying coaster idea:

Mild mannered school master comes to town with a secret:  he has the powers of levitation and flight, and when he's not teaching school, he catches bald knobbers and delivers them to the marshall.  A suspended coaster tells the story with a schoolhouse theme in the queue, along with museum-type displays about education history.  The coaster could be located between TGS and FitH and open up a new bypass traffic area.  It's the same kind of wild idea that brought Doc Harris to invent a new fuel called Wildfire.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 02, 2008, 12:38:52 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 20, 2008, 09:44:18 PM
A brand new show in which the lumberjacks get in on the action.  They dance on the "root beer barrels", throw axes, climb to the second level, and do other lumberjack stunts. 

This would be an excellent way to "re-imagine" the lake behind the Lumbercamp Restaurant.
They could have a Lumber Jack Show - with climbing poles, pole spinning in the lake (where you try to knock the other guy off), chain saw races and what not.  The area would be a great for a show -- and with its proximity to the Lumbercamp Restaurant, it would be sticking with the already established theme of that area.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: DocSpeleo on July 02, 2008, 03:54:40 PM
I just have to say that if half of the people on this list were working in the development department the park would be even more amazing than it already is....

reading ride descriptions that were so vividly described and themed for the city made my heart pound with anticipation as I wished they could just be plopped down in the park over night! lol

GREAT job!  I'd love to read more!!! Any artists with ideas drawn out? scan them and upload them too!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on July 02, 2008, 09:18:32 PM
You'd have to scan my imagination - - - and I don't there are enough colors in the world for that.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: bradhig on August 16, 2008, 05:48:45 PM
a wooden coaster near the wterbogaan
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: oldsdcer on September 25, 2008, 11:26:29 PM
How about a suspended coaster (like Batman at SF) that goes underground and themed like a ride through a mine.  I thought that TNT was originally going to do this.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on October 04, 2008, 12:18:07 PM
Rube Dugan's Treehouse OR Miners' Treehouse:

Huck's Treehouse is revisioned and repositioned.  The miners have taken to the trees to throw claim jumpers off their tracks.  The new treehouse is complete with spy gear and defensive capabilities (built from items available in the 1800s).  Visitors who trespass in the treehouse will see their living quarters, kitchen, and even restroom facilities (outhouse in the sky, placed above a sidewalk in the populous Silver Dollar City).

Miners are working their mines during the day, but a may return at any time for a snack or a nap.

A room laden with special effects gimmicks will serve as the Silver Room, where each miner has stashed his findings.

This concept could pay tribute to the defunct Diving Bell as parts of the facility would be built to resemble the bell, now salvaged from the depths of Lake Silver.

This concept could also take advantage of some of the recent additions to other Herschend parks and could include a zip line and ropes course elements.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sdcforever on October 04, 2008, 10:40:35 PM
^I like your idea.  It would definitely have to be repositioned, especially given the ropes course elements.  The new splash battle is going to take up a lot of space.  Where would you like to reposition the treehouse?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on October 08, 2008, 10:25:03 AM
HAHAHA... I love the idea of the outhouse in the tree... LOL

~ "Becky" Joy ~
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on October 08, 2008, 01:18:09 PM
I like it around TNT someplace, but I'll let the engineers work all that out.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sdcforever on October 08, 2008, 06:14:10 PM
^Around TNT is a good idea.  They can shorten the queue and put it there.  I've been wishing for a while that they would shorten TNT's queue and put some sort of attraction in that area.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sdcforever on October 15, 2008, 11:39:38 PM
I'd love a new coaster, of course, but Gerstlauer's new Sky Roller looks pretty awesome (and it would be less costly, since that's a big concern right now).  It's a new flat ride they're promoting.  Check out the link below.  I'd think it'd be pretty easy to theme it to the park, along the lines of crazy inventions like Wildfire and PowderKeg.  What do you think? (
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on October 16, 2008, 12:46:34 PM
It's interesting, but I doubt it'd have the PpH that they need.

On the topic of flat rides though, I'd really like to see the go back to Huss soon. I hope the mess with Timber Tower hasn't scared them away, because a giant frisbee or a top spin would sure up SDC's ride appeal. Of course, they'd cut into SDC's traditional feel again, but we're moving that way in any case.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on October 18, 2008, 11:36:20 PM
I really like the Sky Roller, and it could definitely be outfitted for the late 19th Century mad scientist theme. I don't know how PpH works out, with 16 passengers for a 4 minute ride (going by the video). It's a very small footprint, so PpH might not count as much as PpAcre.

I gotta say, this has to appeal to every "kid" (current or former) who has ever "flown" his hand out the car window.

8)  ;D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on October 19, 2008, 02:36:38 PM
QuoteI'd think it'd be pretty easy to theme it to the park, along the lines of crazy inventions like Wildfire and PowderKeg.

For the record, PK's theme is not a crazy invention; it is based around the mining of bat guano from Marvel Cave for the purpose of manufacturing explosives for the mines.

Here's another idea:
Mrs. Wilson needs help with the laundry.  It seems clothes get dirty on a farm - who'd've thought?  A sort of Gravitron ride has been set up in the Wilson's Farm area in which guests enter the oversized old-style washing machine, complete with a giant wringer.

Another addition to Wilson's is the interactive children's area to teach the ways of the old farmhouse.  Children will be invited to look into the "icebox" and the outhouse to see and hear about the modern "conveniences" that were available during the 1800s.  Visitors can try the hand at some of the chores their 1800s counterparts would be doing - presented with tongue-in-cheek, of course.  Farmer Wilson and his wife are the area hosts who are present in the attraction to interact with guests.  I was thinking something like Mickey's Toontown at Magic Kingdom.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on October 20, 2008, 02:51:19 PM
Quote from: History Buff on October 19, 2008, 02:36:38 PM
QuoteI'd think it'd be pretty easy to theme it to the park, along the lines of crazy inventions like Wildfire and PowderKeg.

For the record, PK's theme is not a crazy invention; it is based around the mining of bat guano from Marvel Cave for the purpose of manufacturing explosives for the mines.

19th Century science seems pretty "crazy" to people born after the debut of MTv. Have you ever watched a pre-teen kid stare with amazement at the flyball governor ( on a steam engine?

The recent surge of steampunk fantasy art ( is perfect evidence of why the 1880s theme, whether "mad scientist" or accurate portrayal of the actual technology of that period, is fascinating for visitors and a huge drawing point for potential new guests.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on October 20, 2008, 06:39:05 PM
Acknowledged, but I'd hate to see them use that as a cop-out reason to justify a bunch of new attractions - in the same way that I don't want to see too many more "amusement" rides added to the Grand Exposition.  With more creativity a lot of the new technology can still fit within the theme.

That's not to say I haven't proposed some of my own "mad scientist" attractions.  If you look back in this topic, you may find my idea for a suspended coaster - a mild-mannered schoolmaster by day, nineteenth century superhero after hours (Enter through the schoolhouse.).

In the 1990s, I even proposed an attraction to TPTB.  It was of a giant barn attraction that was a combination show and walk-by interactive attraction in which the barn was owned by an inventor who has created new ways to do his chores.  There was an egg collecting machine that did everything but what it was supposed to do, a flying machine that knocked a hole in the roof, a hay chute slide for people to get from the upper level to the lower, and many more ideas.  On the wall would be a giant animated machine-looking contraction made of antique farm implements.  This idea was proposed long before Doc Harris invented his Wildfire fuel, but I like to think I may have planted the seed for this idea in my proposal.

Now to revise a previous idea:
QuoteHillbilly Hollow.  It's a place full of nothing but front porches, hound dogs, and XXX jugs.  The centerpiece a moonshine still that looks like Cinderella's castle.  What do you do in Hillbilly Hollow?  Sit on the front porch with your hat over your eyes.  (I'm hoping this is a no smoking area.)

How about making this a WiFi area where folks could sip coffee and bring their laptops to enjoy the internet in a nature setting.  I could see myself doing some research or using the setting as the inspiration to the Great American Novel.

Would anyone else LOG on (Get it?  Can't you see the logo?) at the park?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Copper on October 20, 2008, 08:17:15 PM
I have wanted SDC's registers to look like that computer on the Wikipedia Steampunk page for a long time. I hate the way those huge boxy computers look in all the shops. I love the mix of modern and the past, I think it is imaginative and people would appreciate it more.
In a way it's reminiscent of the SDC of the past, where they went out of their way to offer an amazing presentation. Steampunk could be utilized all over the park.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on October 24, 2008, 08:59:30 AM
Quote from: History Buff on October 20, 2008, 06:39:05 PM
Now to revise a previous idea:
QuoteHillbilly Hollow.  It's a place full of nothing but front porches, hound dogs, and XXX jugs.  The centerpiece a moonshine still that looks like Cinderella's castle.  What do you do in Hillbilly Hollow?  Sit on the front porch with your hat over your eyes.  (I'm hoping this is a no smoking area.)

How about making this a WiFi area where folks could sip coffee and bring their laptops to enjoy the internet in a nature setting.  I could see myself doing some research or using the setting as the inspiration to the Great American Novel.

Would anyone else LOG on (Get it?  Can't you see the logo?) at the park?

I can't see myself lugging a laptop into the park, but I can certainly see parking an elderly relative in there with one. Or taking advantage of WiFi for iPhone connectivity (if I ever get one!)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on October 24, 2008, 09:03:55 AM
Quote from: Copper on October 20, 2008, 08:17:15 PM
I have wanted SDC's registers to look like that computer on the Wikipedia Steampunk page for a long time. I hate the way those huge boxy computers look in all the shops.

Check out this steampunk Mac Mini that was created as a wedding gift:

The monitor is amazing!

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dukefan on October 24, 2008, 05:24:34 PM
^Now that is SWEET!  I mean seriously...  8)

It would be great if the park could get some registers and computers styled like that.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: danjankids on March 27, 2009, 04:27:50 PM
I know that this would be almost impossible, but here it goes.  A revamped CC(renamed or whatever).  A special express train leaving from the same depot in SDC but taking new tracks to CC(or whatever).  Stopping at the SDC campground and new HFE resort hotel on the way.  Both parks open in the summer from morning till say 10pm or so.  So what do you say, too much.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on March 27, 2009, 08:33:33 PM
^Lol, yeah, a bit too much seeing as right now they can't even get a $5 million Splash Battle off the ground until after a year-long hiatus.

The concept of a link between SDC, Branson, and several other attractions actually isn't new though. There have been at least a couple official propositions to install some sort of rail link from Branson, through Shepard of the Hills, and over to SDC. It's a massively expensive proposition though, and one no party will be able to take part in for many years to come with this financial mess resetting everything.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 28, 2009, 02:27:37 PM
Just pass another "stimulus" plan, and this and all of our other dreams will come true.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: crsjrr on April 05, 2009, 09:24:01 PM
I too would like to see the Wilderness Campground connected to SDC. (With a train). I'm sure costs would prevent it.  I also like the idea of an one site resort with it's own entrance to the park.  Something with a theme like Great Wolf Lodge with out the waterpark, or with if we are dreaming.   
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 06, 2009, 03:45:12 PM
They could always connect it with a series of ziplines and ropes.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on December 30, 2009, 12:14:31 AM
Maybe the miners need a saloon on their side of town, a place where only silver dust is accepted as payment.  Like my previous concept of the lumberjack saloon, the miners could provide the show's interruption, dancing on the staves, and acrobatically jumping over their picks and shovels in a carefully-choreographed action fight that ends explosively with the whole side of the saloon blowing off revealing a portion of the new mine coaster built in the same area.  For that matter, the coaster could wrap around this venue with fly-throughs adjacent to the queue.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on February 15, 2010, 10:44:42 AM
I have solved the dilemma.  This came to me in a dream while I was riding the new "Route 66 Coaster" at Silver Dollar City (It was nothing to write home about, by the way.).

The Silver Dollar Line, in conjunction with Doc Harris Enterprises, announces the newly re-engineered "Time Train", an experience to take guests into Silver Dollar City during 1960.  What will SDC look like in 1960? you ask.  Well, lets see:

First, the train will travel through a "time tunnel" to transport visitors to the future (1960, a symbolic year).  Once there, in an area away from the current park, we walk through the Hospitality House, which is now the Hospitality Arcade.

On the other side, the band stand (formerly the gazebo), rocks with popular music of the past decade (50's).  The "square" now hosts classic car shows every weekend, with local car clubs showcasing their babies.  The Main Street buildings have transformed through the years and now boast their new storefronts and signage, including lots of neon.  Hannah's is still Hannahs, but now it's a rockin' soda fountain complete with jerks.  Other shops reflect some changes.  Costuming is also different now.  The Mine and the Mill are now the Mine and Mill Pizza Parlor, Roller Rink, and Bowling Alley, in which guests may rent skates.  A more current firetruck is on display on the other side of the square, along with a victory garden in the place of the old homestead.

Working counterclockwise through the condensed version of the park, we find a newer, hipper candy store.  The Flooded Mine is now the Flooded Mine mini-golf (a pay-to-play attraction).  ThuNderaTion is now the ThuNderaTion Raceway, where guests can drive period cars around a track.

Ice skating is offered at the cannery (a smaller version of the original), and the Grand Exposition has been replaced by a street carnival with the best rides from Celebration City filling the area, with the CC Carousel taking the place of the Wave Carousel.  The carnival can even rotate its rides throughout the year so the experience continually changes.

The Lost River and Geyser Gulch have now become the LR and GG waterpark, with any number of waterslides and attractions (White Water is a thing of the past.).  Geyser Gulch is also the location of the new Adventure Mountain ropes course.  The Riverfront Playhouse is updated as a dinner theater.  Even the newest ride at SDC gets a makeover in 1960.  Tom and Huck's Riverblast is now an enclosed laser tag area.  The Giant Swing is a display of modern agricultural techniques.

Fire-in-the-Hole is now a dark ride that simply slowly takes guests through fire, local, and Silver Dollar City history, ending in a walk-through experience.  The Opera House is now a movie theater showing classic movies on the big screen (the only place you can see old movies on the big screen).  And Powder Keg is now a big chat pile with a track through it that guests can sled down.

Wildfire is now a gas station and drive in restaurant where guests can order from carhops or step inside a great old hamburger joint.  The Saloon is now a biker bar (just kidding).  American Plunge eventually gets a position here, too, now as a white water rapids ride with a huge plunge at the end.  Oh, and grandfather's mansion is rebuilt in its approximate space (to ADA standards), and is now Great, Great, Great Grandfather's Mansion.

Shops can be interspersed strategically as in the 1800s park.  The whole thing, as I said, is a condensed version with all kinds of tongue-in-cheek nods to the original.  A book will be published called Spot the Differences in which readers can compare pictures of each time period (Volume Two will be a contrast between the real 1960 and the "future" 1960 of SDC.).

Guests to SDC will have free admission to this new section, but will still have to pay to play golf or laser tag, skate, bowl, see a movie, or enter the waterpark.  On the other hand, the general public also will have access to shop in the area, but they will be charged for tickets to ride any of the carnival rides, etc.  They could also enter SDC on this side, by purchasing a pass and boarding the train to go back in time.

The train will plummet through another time tunnel to get to the current station, at some time playing Huey Louis while going "Back in Time".

Methinks the train will not be enough to accommodate the number of guests wanting to travel back and forth through time, so we may need to think of a barnstorming idea, in which guests can ride ski-lifts to the new area and back, getting a great view along the way.

Naturally, features in this new area would be able to remain open when SDC closes for the evening or for the season.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on February 15, 2010, 12:47:59 PM
Possible mini-festivals could include:

Rockin' the World (during WorldFest, a way to focus on America's influence on the rest of the world)
Space Cowboys (during the Cowboy Festival, focusing on the space race of the 1950s and 60s)

During Old Time Christmas, the old tree could be erected in the new square and reprogrammed to some of the classic crooners.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on February 15, 2010, 01:21:30 PM
I forgot to mention the laser/water show in the "new" Echo Hollow each evening.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on February 15, 2010, 01:57:58 PM
^Stealing my ideas there >:(  I've long said that should happen.

I also think they should have a concert series during October in Echo Hollow called ROCKtoberfest
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on February 15, 2010, 02:11:32 PM
That was some dream History Buff! I only ever get to dream of getting pulled apart by leprechauns or lame stuff like that.

It would definitely be amusing to see people get confused about not only where they were, but when they were  :D.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Firstvisit1967 on February 19, 2010, 11:09:01 PM
I think they should build a hotel on the park property.  They would have plenty of great theme ideas and you know it would be a tough reservation.  They could add pools and restaurant for the guest.  Hotel guest would have a special entrance to the park.   
Stage Coach Inn,  The Mystery Mine Hotel, 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Coaster on February 20, 2010, 06:46:07 PM
^That has actually been a topic we've talked about before. Check it out:
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: PastorDon on March 28, 2010, 11:53:10 PM
One of my favorite Disney attractions has always been the Haunted Mansions.  While that exact type of attraction may not fit in with SDC's theme, why couldn't they make a dark ride that would be an expansion of Grandfather's Mansion?  It wouldn't have to have the spooky supernatural stuff the Disney rides have, but could utilize many of the same kind of special effects that are already in GM plus other cutting edge technologies, like holograms to make it just kind of a topsy-turvey world where unexpected things happen.  The back story could be something like this:  Grandfather was a crazy inventor who messed with all sorts of technologies with surprising results. 

Maybe they're already working on this.   I noticed several years ago that SDC was apparently experimenting with attempting to duplicate one of the effects from the Haunted Mansions.  While you were waiting in line to ride the FMS, you could look through a window and see (and I don't remember which anymore) either an animated talking bust or picture on the wall.  This was done, as it is at Disney, by projecting a real face onto the bust or picture frame using an LCD projector.  While I'm sure Disney spent a lot of money years ago to make their group of singing busts in the cemetery, that's pretty common and inexpensive technology these days. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on March 29, 2010, 01:20:41 AM
My idea is a rollercoaster over Lake Silver, that actually plunges under water! And I'm gonna get the CEO of Herschend to send me to school to design it!

Oh... wait... someone beat me to it?

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on March 29, 2010, 08:57:02 AM
That animated head in the warden's office at the flooded mine has been there since the late 1970's. At one time, several of the dummys in the flooded mine were animated, as well. All that humidity creates "break down" problems with the projectors, so I'm guessing that's why they moved away from that.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Ozark Outlaw on March 29, 2010, 11:18:47 PM
Quote from: KBCraig on March 29, 2010, 01:20:41 AM
My idea is a rollercoaster over Lake Silver, that actually plunges under water! And I'm gonna get the CEO of Herschend to send me to school to design it!

Oh... wait... someone beat me to it?


Stop stealing my ideas! ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on March 30, 2010, 07:54:13 AM
And as you go underwater, you see what's UNDER LAKE say the 26 year old wreckage of a diving bell! Maybe you will get to see a glimpse of Grandpappy Dugan's ghost, ever guarding that elusive treasure...hmmm....the possibilities!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Ozark Outlaw on March 30, 2010, 07:25:11 PM
Well the silly Diving Bell kept blowing gaskets, and pipes everytime it went down. It wouldn't surprise me to find it at the bottom of Lake Silver. :P

Maybe they could open a new attraction where you get to dive to see the old Diving Bell! It could be an all new high-tech 1890's version! :D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Firstvisit1967 on April 06, 2010, 06:48:29 AM
If they were going to build a new rollercoaster the runaway Butterfield Stage coach would be a great start.  Guest board the Butterfield Stage.  The stage leaves the town and is attacked by bandits.  The race is on.  This ride could also be done in a 3D ride.

It would be great to see them bring back the waterfall area of the park.  That would be a great place to have the Ozark animals.  Besides deer, bear, etc.  they could use the waterfall to add an Ozark aquarium.
Guest could view, catfish, stugens, gar, etc.

They could also add and ozark dinning area.  One where catfish, deer, bison, wild boar,  snake etc were served as the main courses.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 06, 2010, 06:26:50 PM
It works for me.  Previously, I have suggested an area with the indigenous wildlife, and the runaway stagecoach works nicely as an alternative to yet another runaway mine car.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Firstvisit1967 on April 07, 2010, 10:12:30 AM
They could also move White Water onto the property.  They have enough land to build a great water park to go with SDC.  They could really theme it well.  The could call it the White River Water Park.

They could also build at least three hotels on the property.  One themed like Grandpas Mansion, one themed as the Tree House, one themed as the Rude Dugans Diving Bell.  They would be booked a year in advance.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: themeparkguy on April 07, 2010, 10:23:13 AM
I have always loked dollywood 3-d theatre and think the city should also have one to help with rainy or cold days and have another inside attraction.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on July 07, 2010, 11:42:33 AM
A barber shop would be a great addition, complete with quartet.  Of course, the barber would have to cut hair without modern tools.

 The best location, theme-wise, would be in the Grand Expo, maybe next to the C&A School, overlooking Echo Hollow.

I could get a haircut while watching the show.  Plus I like the idea of getting a shave and haircut for two bits!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: PastorDon on July 07, 2010, 02:59:32 PM
This isn't exactly an attraction, but HB's Barber Shop idea sparked something in my mind that my son mentioned when we were at SDC a couple of weeks ago.  He said they really need a full-fledged Western Wear store with boots, hats, jeans, etc.  It would certainly seem in keeping with the theme! 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on July 07, 2010, 03:53:21 PM
Let's go for something really off the wall...a full blown oddities show...a freak Grand Exposition. Pickled punks, bearded lady, rubber man, sword swallowing guy, people with no limbs, dog faced boy, mummified bodies, conjoined twins, three headed calf, four legged chicken, chickens playing a piano, display of goiters and other odd things removed from human bodies in surgery, and a top of the line barker to pull in the crowd. OH WAIT! I think Branson has something like that already...Ripley's Believe it or not. (Of course, I'm just strange sense of wife says "sick" sense of humor...just temporarily kicked in.) :o
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Zephon on July 07, 2010, 11:37:11 PM
Were you working here, Junior, when we had the knife thrower, Larry Suseski, and the jugglers that performed at the intersection by the Saloon and Tintype Shop?  That's what your idea reminded me of.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Andymeets1880s on July 08, 2010, 12:21:03 AM
How about a James Gang or Jesse James ride?! Maybe a coaster like FITH where you ride through robberies and shootouts? The coaster would go right down the middle of shootouts with the James Gang on one side and law enforcement on the other. It starts with Jesse in Quantrills guerrillas and ends with his last hold-up.
maybe something like a Quantrill or Border Wars ride where you go through battles and events like Quantrill's raid on Lawrence, Kansas!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on July 08, 2010, 08:05:43 AM
Yeah, I remember Larry and the jugglers. Larry managed to appear on a new NBC morning show hosted by David Letterman. Poor ole Larry, he lasted only part of one season...I saw his show daily because it was in the little "Theater in the Woods" (Where Dockside Theater is now) just across from the diving bell. Really, he was only so-so with the act. Hard to work with, and went through many women assistants. He grazed one gal with a throwing knife, giving her a cut. After that, it was hard to find anyone to work with him. That was the 1980 season.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on July 08, 2010, 12:30:39 PM
Quote from: Andymeets1880s on July 08, 2010, 12:21:03 AM
How about a James Gang or Jesse James ride?! Maybe a coaster like FITH where you ride through robberies and shootouts? The coaster would go right down the middle of shootouts with the James Gang on one side and law enforcement on the other. It starts with Jesse in Quantrills guerrillas and ends with his last hold-up.
maybe something like a Quantrill or Border Wars ride where you go through battles and events like Quantrill's raid on Lawrence, Kansas!

How about the Adventure Mountain course, only with live fire from the James Gang?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: betamike on July 26, 2010, 08:12:47 AM
So here's one that could be a seasonal offering. 

At Disney during the Fall, we take the old horse-drawn buggies out of storage and offer a nighttime tour of the back 40 of Fort Wilderness Campground (waaaay away from the campers) with nothing but the moonlight shining by the lake.  That is until the headless horseman actually follows you and gallops right alongside your buggy!

It would be pretty awesome to crank up the old Butterfield stagecoaches once again and have a similar theme to it with maybe the exception of an old outlaw....or maybe a ghost mailman delivering a love letter and theme it to the pony express (since that started in St. Joe, Mo).
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on July 26, 2010, 08:21:48 AM
I like the stagecoach idea, but think they sold off all but one of the coaches a few years ago. I was disappointed when I heard that, too. One old stagecoach was on display a few years ago at Ralph Foster Museum at College of the Ozarks, but I don't know if they still have it. 


Speaking of Disney and special have got to explain to me, BetaMike, how the Imagineers came up with the ghost in the haunted mansion at Magic Kingdom that gets into the car with you for a moment as you are traveling through. That blew me away in 1996 when I visited with my family, as well as the Honey I Shrunk the Kids thing at Epcot...the special effects with the 3D was fantastic! At one point in the film, the kids knocked over a cage with mice in it, and I guess the Disney people used jets of air to simulate the mice running up my pants leg. Again, those two special effects at the Haunted Mansion and Honey I shrunk the kids thing totally knocked me out.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: betamike on July 26, 2010, 09:06:05 AM
I would imagine that SDC got rid of those assets a long time ago, but may be worth re-creating a new one down the road.  I have always thought that was one thing missing from the City and its theme was an actual carriage or stagecoach.  Even if they didn't allow guests to ride in it (for liability), just to have one on display.  Think of it as an investment in heritage.

Yeah, the effects are pretty cool in the Haunted Mansion.  I used to walk the place early in the morning when I worked in Adventureland as a Jungle Cruise Skipper.  It's actually very simple how it's done too.  The Pepper's Ghost effect that is used in the ballroom scene is just a reflection on a mirror.  For the exit when they ride with you, it's a special kind of glass that is reflective (so you can see yourself) and also see-through so you can see the ghosts ride with you.  They are on a large carousel just behind the mirror.

The Honey I Shrunk effect was actually a piece of plastic that air pumped out and was made to wiggle.  When you left the theater you could sometimes see these "rat tails" hanging down that didn't return to their proper place in the seat.  Sadly, the Honey show is no longer there but they use the same effect for the return of Captain Eo including the shaking floor!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Copper on July 28, 2010, 09:51:35 AM
I too had a stagecoach ride idea, but it was an indoor dark ride sort of like Spiderman at Universal.

During the ride you would travel through different scenes encountering many opsticals including bandits after the stagecoaches money ect...

I like Beta Mike's idea of the headless horseman! This could be a special show for Sep & Oct.  With this type of ride several different shows could be created.

This attraction could also be open during bad weather and it would be in operation all season long.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on July 28, 2010, 11:10:10 AM
The diving bell in 2010...that's a big step forward from the simulator attraction I worked at. I could see a stagecoach theme...really, any Ozark flavored theme would work with this simulator attraction. It's great!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on July 28, 2010, 11:13:48 AM
Would the vehicle be an open-air coach, or do I have to look out the windows?  How would it look w/o the horses?  Could guests board it with the help of a moving belt, or will it have to stop to unload and load?

I love the idea that it could change with the season.  Perhaps it could even change several times a day, through the use of scenes on turntables, so the experience could always be fresh and "collectible".  Every once in a while, a live outlaw could actually interact along the ride.  Or perhaps there would be an outdoor portion that could take guests through native wildlife.

This would be awesome if it were to become SDC's Pirates of the Caribbean, with full-size vistas, beautiful Indian villages, and entire bandit campgrounds with funny and memorable animated characters.  Or am I thinking too big for SDC?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on July 28, 2010, 11:16:58 AM
^^I see, Junior.  This could be SDC's version of Soarin' at EPCOT.  Steampunk the coaches and allow them to fly through the old Ozarks before flying through the west.

Now for a name...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Andymeets1880s on July 28, 2010, 11:55:56 AM
This kinda goes back to my idea of having a ride attached to Jesse James. The way technology is today, his image could be used along with other outlaws and western figures to make it feel like they were actually chasing you or riding around you.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on July 28, 2010, 03:39:48 PM
All these ideas are great...I hope somebody at SDC is monitoring today!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on July 28, 2010, 06:26:28 PM
Quote from: History Buff on July 28, 2010, 11:16:58 AM
^^I see, Junior.  This could be SDC's version of Soarin' at EPCOT.  Steampunk the coaches and allow them to fly through the old Ozarks before flying through the west.

Now for a name...

How about Stage-Coaster?

They used the name I came up with!  Yeehaw!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: betamike on July 28, 2010, 07:42:50 PM
Here's an idea that could work with the 3D technology.  This just premiered in California at Universal.  This video takes a little while to get going (fast forward halfway through to start), but it gives you the general idea.  Screens surround the vehicle.

Maybe they could do something similar with a stagecoach "vehicle" on a track that goes outside on part of a track then transitions into a show building for the experience.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on July 28, 2010, 08:57:04 PM
Wow...some serious potential here. Could you imagine being the victim of the Stone County Baldknobbers and being flung deep into the Devil's Den? Or how about a ride in a Jon boat on the quickly rising waters of the White River after a thunderstorm? Or being held up by bandits on the Butterfield Stage Line? Or being the victim of "the creature on the creek?" OR a new and improved diving bell? Thanks for sharing the video.
Now my mind is could this be changed to fit the SDC theme?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on July 29, 2010, 11:51:28 PM
Another really cool idea might be to make this whole concept into a Rainforest-Cafe-type restaurant where all of these events happen around the diners.  Of course, I'd rather see this as a Mark Twain package.  As with other locations, the restaurant would be accessible from outside the park with its own parking area.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on July 30, 2010, 04:26:54 PM
Ooo... A Mark Twain-themed Rainforest-Cafe type restaurant??? I am SOOO for that!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Firstvisit1967 on August 01, 2010, 07:14:45 PM
In the fall the theme could be along the line of the "Headless horseman"  The Christmas theme could be runaway sleigh, the spring could be the lost river ride white river flood,  the summer with JJ.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on May 04, 2011, 10:15:43 PM
Quote from: Duelist on July 28, 2010, 06:26:28 PM
Quote from: History Buff on July 28, 2010, 11:16:58 AM
^^I see, Junior.  This could be SDC's version of Soarin' at EPCOT.  Steampunk the coaches and allow them to fly through the old Ozarks before flying through the west.

Now for a name...

How about Stage-Coaster?

They used the name I came up with!  Yeehaw!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on May 05, 2011, 08:43:57 AM
Duelist, pretty cool, huh? Wonder if they will somehow give you/SDCFans credit here?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on May 05, 2011, 06:26:07 PM
I like the restauraunt idea..  would fit right in!.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on May 05, 2011, 07:48:39 PM
Quote from: Junior on May 05, 2011, 08:43:57 AM
Duelist, pretty cool, huh? Wonder if they will somehow give you/SDCFans credit here?

Well, if they wanted to give me, like, a lifetime Season Pass I reckon I'd take it.  :D

Seriously though, maybe this is proof that the "powers that be" really do visit this site.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on May 05, 2011, 08:20:32 PM
Oh!  somebody is fopr sure watching this site..

you can put money on it and give odds!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: oldsdcer on May 15, 2011, 11:35:21 AM
Didn't they have a similar ride at Dollywood where Dolly and her Cousin were flying thur The Smokey Mountains that could be set up a a stage coach?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Polley on June 03, 2011, 01:28:23 AM
How would everyone feel if instead of investing in a new ride they invested in a new "area" to expand the park? (something more fitting for the park than the great exposition.)  Fill the new area with new shops, craftsmen/craftswomen, and shows. This would allow room for more future rides and expansions while eliminating the need to remove older attractions to make room for the new ones? As much as i like HDH, i would have rather they kept the natural beauty of the bridge area and moved the attraction to somewhere else. Also, I fear management will crowd or land-lock SDC with major rides leaving little to no room for future growth.   

I think it would be great if they built the area around the back side of the lake while leaving the existing tree buffer on the back side of the lake.

My suggested area has a few issues, like the relocation of some major SDC maintenance buildings. However, SDC could relocate some of these buildings.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on June 03, 2011, 08:04:24 AM
They would have to relocate the train shed and the staging area for the loose an employee parking area. That said, the area would be good for development.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on June 03, 2011, 11:02:19 AM
Don't expect them to expand back into the maintainence area anytime soon. Moving all of that to a new location would probably be a major challenge, and highly expensive if any of those buildings have specialized foundations for equipment as I suspect. They can and probably will eventually do it, but I'd expect to see them expand to either side first. They'll probably put a path between the tracks and the pond before they ever expand back there.

Management isn't land-locking the park, they have enough foresight to have general expansion points and plans. I know there are expansion points off of Wilson's farm, GE, SH, and by the major coasters, and maybe one behind the homestead as well if they're really desperate for space. There's a lot of places to build before they have to make major changes to their operations though.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on June 03, 2011, 05:30:03 PM
I dont see any expansion in that direction.. I dont think they want to make the city any "bigger", but instead utilize existing area.    That's why HDH is where it is.

As shave said there are 3 or 4 other areas that would be easy to use/modify
the space behind the falls between WF and PK. is an obvious area.
WW and behind GG is another one.
as well as shave mentioned spots.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Polley on June 03, 2011, 05:57:49 PM
You all are probably right.  However, these were just my attraction ideas if they were to ask me. ;D of course mgmt. will more likely than not build a new ride attraction before they do anything like this.  As for my "land locking" concern,  I just don't want them to put in too many rides then when they are ready to expand behind the lake, or another area, opt to remove a classic attraction that many of us love. Thanks for everyone's input!!

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Ozark Outlaw on June 04, 2011, 09:58:35 AM
What makes Silver Dollar City so great is that it is not a flat "parking lot" style Amusement Park. There are hills, and valleys, and terrain variations all over the park. On the other hand, that is also what makes Silver Dollar City development such as challenge, especially on the westside of the park.

There is plenty of room south of Wildfire, which stretches behind the homestead area, and all the way to the parking lots. However, this area is very steep, which would add complexity to any design, and construction.

To add insult to injury, the north, south, and east sides of the park are restricted by the roadways, maintence areas, and parking lots.

If only that silly cave wouldn't have established itself in the middle of the Ozark hills so many years ago! :D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Polley on June 07, 2011, 11:23:56 PM
Quote from: Ozark BBQ on June 04, 2011, 09:58:35 AM

If only that silly cave wouldn't have established itself in the middle of the Ozark hills so many years ago! :D

I know, how about a shot tower shooting out from the cave's cathedral room?!  ;D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 14, 2011, 09:43:52 AM
I'd like to see a woody that incorporated the terrain but actually go underground long enough to totally blackout. The flooded mine takes away it being a mine theme I guess.

I'd like to see a rebirth of the diving bell. with all the advances in simulation rides and video screen like Oled that can bend it would really be as realistic as possible. Maybe incorparate 3d into it.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on June 14, 2011, 04:57:37 PM
When the old diving bell existed, my area manager Ron Herschend confessed to us that he got motion sickness from riding it! I think if they ever brought that attraction back with todays technology, it might be so good I'd get motion sickness! However, the attraction holds a special place in my memory, and I would love to see it reincarnated. Probably not, though. As I've said before, Rube and  his diving bell are now part of the romantic history of SDC's bygone days. I'm proud to have been one of those who were a part of those times. :)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: stlphotogal on June 24, 2011, 04:35:14 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 08, 2008, 12:04:13 PM
We really thought the saw blade was going to cut our cart in half, and that the explosion would really flood us completely.  It was a dark ride well done, not just a carnival amusement. 

THIS! As a youngster I would make my dad sit on the outside so I was certain not to be cut by the spinning blade. I always prayed that we weren't in the car that was in front of it when the lights went off.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: momto3dcl on June 29, 2011, 10:32:02 AM
Ok I will be the odd ball. I wish they would brings back the Waterworks Waterboggen. And revamp it. This was my daughters favorite ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: joshblakebran on June 29, 2011, 02:19:31 PM
My family had a lot of fun on the waterboggin'. We hated to see it go, especially if it wasn't going to be replaced with something right away. I would have like to have tried the Diving Bell and the Jim Owen's Float Trip before it was taken out.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on June 29, 2011, 03:19:04 PM
The park has been asking about water rides a lot this year it seems. I don't know if that's simply due to the heat and to make conversation with their guests, or if they're legitimately trying to gauge interest in another water attraction. It sure seems like RiverBlast did not receive the welcome they expected.

However, I would be surprised to see them go out and actually bring in a new water attraction. If anything they'll probably plop Roaring Falls in the old waterboggin location or out behind GE. If we could choose though, I might go for something like the newer Mack Spinning raft rides (
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: DollarCityBoy on June 29, 2011, 03:33:26 PM
^ I noticed that too on Facebook. The vote was for:
American Plunge
Lost River of the Ozarks
River Blast

LROTO had the major lead. I voted for it was well. I thought about voting for AP, but my thought process behind not voting for it was this: maybe if AP doesn't get a lot of votes, they will revamp it, and by that I mean fixing up the tunnel.

I know it sounds far-fetched, but ya just never know what they are truely thinking when they send out these vote's and survey's.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: dwfan on June 29, 2011, 03:52:16 PM
I personally think this ride would clash with SDC's charm. I mean at Dollywood their slogan was always "Come Enjoy some Homespun fun!" and they've stayed pretty true to that with unique well planned and thought out attractions. They always stuck to the East Tennessee/Smoky Mountains theme. This ride would look bad at SDC. (Atleast they way I envision it) But who knows they might be able to make it fit.
Title: My Attraction Ideas
Post by: okiebluegrass on June 30, 2011, 09:51:37 AM

Bring in more demonstrating craftsman (and women), more street shows. Let us walk behind the waterfall again. Bring back the diving Bell. Fix things right when they break. Put the waterfall back in front of grandfather's mansion.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Ozark Outlaw on June 30, 2011, 11:33:01 AM
Oh come on okie! You know it's much more practical to rush into a new attraction than to repair, or revamp what is already in place. ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on June 30, 2011, 01:28:08 PM
Quote from: Ozark BBQ on June 30, 2011, 11:33:01 AM
Oh come on okie! You know it’s much more practical to rush into a new attraction than to repair, or revamp what is already in place. ;)

Now thats funny!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 17, 2012, 12:32:09 PM
Well, now that we kinda know what's around the bend for 2013, what about 2015.

I just reread this thread. I could see a rehab of Flooded Mine but with 3d effects. Same could be done with a New Diving Bell with 3d effects.

I'm somewhat facinated with the spinning car coasters like Tony Hawks big spin and the Fairly Odd thing at mall of America. Theme it as the baldnobbers hiding their shine in the town's water supply in an attempt to get by the revenuers and it's causes you to start spinning.

Tunnel at American Plunge needs work and it would make it less boring waiting to get wet.

The whole splash harbor needs redone.

Why didn't they move the ferris wheel to Grand Expo from Celebration City.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Ozark Outlaw on March 20, 2012, 11:26:29 AM
Quote from: chittlins on March 17, 2012, 12:32:09 PM
I just reread this thread. I could see a rehab of Flooded Mine but with 3d effects. Same could be done with a New Diving Bell with 3d effects.

I am with you on a new Diving Bell using new technology! Although the Flooded Mine could use a spruce up, I love its current classic feel.

Quote from: chittlins on March 17, 2012, 12:32:09 PM
The whole splash harbor needs redone.

Well, you are in luck since they removed Splash Harbor several years ago. Yes, yes I know you are referring to Geyser Gulch, and I agree that it could use a touch up. :)

Quote from: chittlins on March 17, 2012, 12:32:09 PM
Why didn't they move the ferris wheel to Grand Expo from Celebration City.

They would have to completely re-theme the Ferris Wheel, and find a big enough footprint in the Grand Exposition to put it.

I like your creative thinking, keep it up. :)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on March 20, 2012, 02:13:16 PM
Quote from: chittlins on March 17, 2012, 12:32:09 PM
Why didn't they move the ferris wheel to Grand Expo from Celebration City.

Good lord, talk about your breaks in theme. That would pretty much ruin all the charm the city has left. There's no way they would theme that in any way that would actually make it fit in with the park.

I like most of your other ideas though. GG and AP need some help in order to deliver the same experiences we grew up with.

I don't like the idea of changing Flooded Mine though. IMO, it's perfect the way it is when everything is working. They can build a new attraction to have 3d effects.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: okiebluegrass on March 20, 2012, 03:30:48 PM
CHange the flooded mine by...... taking out the guns?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on March 20, 2012, 04:39:29 PM
If the powers that be put a ferris wheel at Grand Exposition, it would lift up passengers above the tree height, and right there in your 1880's experience you would get a clear view of the intersection of Indian Point Road and Highway 76 and all that traffic. A ferris wheel is fine, but maybe they could place it somewhere on park so we don't have to see traffic going by. Some people would not care...after all you get a wonderful view of condos on Table Rock at Wilderness Church and the viewing platform at from the cars on the track at Wildfire and Powder Keg. It's just the way it is...well, EXCEPT back in Miss Mary's time...but we are NOT in her time anymore as we have discussed here many times before.  ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Coaster on March 20, 2012, 05:33:39 PM
After we get this roller coaster in 2013, the one thing I want before we get any other ride is an American Plunge renovation. Take it back to its glory days of when I was a kid. Fix the tunnel, fix all the gimmicks. Heck, last year when I rode it the head was off of the drowning man. It just really brings down the quality of that entire ride.

After that, I still think a shot tower would fit in perfectly in the Powderkeg area.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 20, 2012, 07:01:58 PM
From what I've heard, we're in the midst of a 3 project boom.  The first is the smallest budget of the three.  The next after this might include some relocated rides along with something else. The final one is the big whopper and had been rumored for years.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on March 20, 2012, 09:24:52 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 20, 2012, 07:01:58 PM
From what I've heard, we're in the midst of a 3 project boom.  The first is the smallest budget of the three.  The next after this might include some relocated rides along with something else. The final one is the big whopper and had been rumored for years.

Very cool information. I've heard something along these lines from a couple of other people as well, though people are always talking about the "project pipeline". From the sounds of things I'd guess a new area could be planned behind GG or the Expo with Roaring Falls and the Accelerator shot tower from CC along with some other things, and then finally the Ice House/Mystery Mine concept at some point that's been rumored in some manner for at least 8 years now.

I just hope they don't try to pull out another 'Adventure' theme...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Coaster on March 22, 2012, 02:08:09 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 20, 2012, 07:01:58 PM
From what I've heard, we're in the midst of a 3 project boom.  The first is the smallest budget of the three.  The next after this might include some relocated rides along with something else. The final one is the big whopper and had been rumored for years.

Wow, great news! Do you know if this project boom is supposed to happen for three consecutive years, or is it spread out over like a 5 year period?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 22, 2012, 02:27:12 PM
Quote from: okiebluegrass on March 20, 2012, 03:30:48 PM
CHange the flooded mine by...... taking out the guns?

My 8 and 10 year old think the Flooded Mine is a waste of their time. It is, as my boy says, "super boring." These kids have 3d gaming systems. Revamping the Flooded Mine with 3D technology that makes the shootout more interactive might make it much more appealing to them and others. You go to universal and other places and you understand where I'm coming from. Sentiments aside, it needs work otherwise it'll continue to get lost in the shuffle. It seems like a ghost town when we go with nearly no one in line.

I and my kids liked the spinning coaster at Six Flags and I think with the proper theming be really cool.

Sorry about the Ferris wheel. When I think World's Fair, I think Ferris Wheel.
That's what Iget out of the themeing of Grand Expo.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: DollarCityBoy on March 22, 2012, 02:48:12 PM
I wish the balloon ride would make a reappearance in Grand Expo. I think it would fit that area well.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: okiebluegrass on March 22, 2012, 02:51:46 PM
Us old folks on here remember what it used to be like. No guns, just different scenes that you would see as you floated through. We have talked at length on here about how the guns seem to take away from the charm of the old ride. You can't hear what the characters are saying and the constant sound of the guns is just annoying.

That said, they should at least make sure the annimatronics(sp?) are all working on a consistent basis
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 22, 2012, 06:22:18 PM
Quote from: okiebluegrass on March 22, 2012, 02:51:46 PM
Us old folks on here remember what it used to be like. No guns, just different scenes that you would see as you floated through. We have talked at length on here about how the guns seem to take away from the charm of the old ride. You can't hear what the characters are saying and the constant sound of the guns is just annoying.

That said, they should at least make sure the annimatronics(sp?) are all working on a consistent basis

Quite honestly, it reminds me of the shooting galleries at Bass Pro. I keep lookin' for the coin slot.

Back to my spinning coaster, here's Knott's :

That's from Googe Earth

notice the train goes thru the ride.

Mix a couple of flat rides in with it like the BALLOON RIDE  one in the video or what they do at the Nick place at the Mall of America. I think theming could be really unique like the one I mentioned that the Baldknobbers hid there shine from the revenuers in the City water supply.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on March 23, 2012, 07:26:07 PM
There's a spinning coaster at Worlds of Fun, for anyone interested in checking one like that out.

I would love to see the Balloon Ride show up in the Grand Expo.

As for Flooded Mine, I don't think 3D tech is necessary, but some sort of tech could help increase kids' interest. I mean, take out the dips and Pirates of the Caribbean is basically like the Flooded Mine, minus the shooting. However, it's HUGE compared to FM; the WDW version is somewhat like 7min long and the DL version is close to 15, if I remember correctly.

I will always maintain that SDC needs a "People Mover" in the vein of Haunted Mansion. Something that is constantly moving, eating 100s of people an hour, and is long enough that the wait in line is worth it.

More interactivity in the queues could help, too. Disney's been doing a brilliant job adding interesting things to see and do while waiting in line, and while SDC rides rarely have the kind of waits Disney rides do (though I don't know how Kids Fest is, since I haven't been there for it in ages), it could still help keep people's attention. Especially for rides like Powderkeg and Fire in the Hole, which take a long time to queue because of the small number of people who fit a single train.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 24, 2012, 07:08:52 AM
A spinner would work well with the Icehouse theming as well. Some parts can be indoor and other outdoor, low sections hat bend and curve can be a tunnel. I like the Mack ones where you sit back to back. Would give better views.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on March 24, 2012, 08:41:34 AM
I would be happy with a makeover of AP and a re-opening of the treehouse.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Ozark Outlaw on March 24, 2012, 11:22:07 AM
Quote from: DollarCityBoy on March 22, 2012, 02:48:12 PM
I wish the balloon ride would make a reappearance in Grand Expo. I think it would fit that area well.

The ride itself would definitely fit the theme, but I am afraid that the original magic would be lost. The original location of the Balloon Ride had tall trees all around, and it truly made you feel like you were flying just over the treetops in the woods.

The Grand Exposition has very few tall trees, and sits at the back corner of the park. Once in the air, the riders would be able to see the back employee parking lot, and possibly the nearby street which would spoil the illusion.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on March 24, 2012, 05:33:58 PM
Quote from: chittlins on March 24, 2012, 07:08:52 AM
A spinner would work well with the Icehouse theming as well. Some parts can be indoor and other outdoor, low sections hat bend and curve can be a tunnel. I like the Mack ones where you sit back to back. Would give better views.

Oooohhhh, YES! The Icehouse theme would be PERFECT for a spinner!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on March 24, 2012, 05:43:05 PM
I've heard rave reviews for the Intamin spinner at Bakken ( Even though it's a small coaster, they managed to make it pack a punch, and Bakken did a good job putting a building in and around it so the coaster swoops in and out of the facade. That is something missing at SDC.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on March 24, 2012, 11:37:48 PM
Oh wow! That ride looks amazing! The only "theming" you get for Spinning Dragons at Worlds of Fun is some nice landscaping.

I also wish SDC had a ride like Cyclone Sam's. It's probably the best-themed ride of all of WoF's rides.

EDIT: I just realized that spinning coaster is totally different from Spinning Dragons in terms of the cars. That's awesome!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 25, 2012, 10:35:16 PM
Quote from: Joy on March 24, 2012, 11:37:48 PM
Oh wow! That ride looks amazing! The only "theming" you get for Spinning Dragons at Worlds of Fun is some nice landscaping.

I also wish SDC had a ride like Cyclone Sam's. It's probably the best-themed ride of all of WoF's rides.

EDIT: I just realized that spinning coaster is totally different from Spinning Dragons in terms of the cars. That's awesome!

Intimin made the Tornado referenced in the post above, notice the seating, 2x2, facing. Mack makes cars 2x2, back to back and put them in trains like Sierra Sidewinder, maurer shone's cars are the same type but are sent single and they have a high speed lift. Not sure on Gerlauster's version. Those are the companies that seem to do custom layouts, seems up to the park on theming and the extent of it. Like above, there's some that indoor. outdoor, some that are all outdoor and have tunnel sections on the lower turns. There' seems to be a great amount of flexibility and most seem quick ride at 1 to 1.5 minutes. Intimin has flirted with the idea of one with an inversion. Seen one ideo on a company site where there's a loop but the track twists so you are never truly upside down. Most seem a hoot and the theming and footprint of the rides very flexible. Just seems like something that SDC could knock out of the park around where the Waterboggan used to be. I've kinda be obsessed with them lately.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mfarley on April 20, 2012, 11:20:52 AM
I have looked at the ozark wild cat on google earth and also taken a screen shot of the area in between wildfire and powder keg, I'd love to see them move the ozark wild cat over to SDC and I think the area would be a perfect fit! Put a 3rd coaster over, theme it up to be more of a doc-harris themed woodie.  Lumber camp would be just down the hill, play into the the theme of the waterfall and put in a few new shops/attractions, and complete the already existing maintenance  loop between the two big coasters and the ozark wild cat lays perfectly in there.  Maybe some smaller adult thrill rides in the area between wildfire and powder keg and then you are out to the maintenance road. (
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 20, 2012, 02:35:25 PM
Quote from: mfarley on April 20, 2012, 11:20:52 AM
I have looked at the ozark wild cat on google earth and also taken a screen shot of the area in between wildfire and powder keg, I'd love to see them move the ozark wild cat over to SDC and I think the area would be a perfect fit! Put a 3rd coaster over, theme it up to be more of a doc-harris themed woodie.  Lumber camp would be just down the hill, play into the the theme of the waterfall and put in a few new shops/attractions, and complete the already existing maintenance  loop between the two big coasters and the ozark wild cat lays perfectly in there.  Maybe some smaller adult thrill rides in the area between wildfire and powder keg and then you are out to the maintenance road. (

Great work. Only issue is the difference in terrian where as Oscar sits on flat land.  You are seeing more and more Parks intertwine their rides for more efficient use of space. Saw one where a coaster travels over the flume chute and if timed just right the train gets a little spray. American plunge redone to include another dip or two or like a newer ride going in Europe with an airtime hill would rock. See online that gravity group has a prototype woodie dark ride with small section that goes outside and back in. 

Still would love a new spinning coaster, someone has a design for one with a non-inverted loop.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on April 20, 2012, 02:56:20 PM
I don't think you're going to make OzCat fit anywhere at SDC easily - notice how small the station buildings are in that photo compared to Wildfire's due to the difference in size of the OzCat inlay. In reality, you'd have to bulldoze most of that corner of the park to make it fit.

It's not worth it anyway, I really like what they're doing now with an original design that fits the terrain.

As for AP, I think I'm more and more becoming OK with the idea of it getting completely taken down and replaced with a new water ride with a similar theme. There's no way the ride is going to be restored to it's former glory at this point, and it kind of need to just be put out of it's misery. The new Mack superflume/water coaster things are interesting, but really not that great. They do make some more traditional flumes that could be utilized creatively though.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 21, 2012, 07:45:50 AM
Quote from: shavethewhales on April 20, 2012, 02:56:20 PM
I don't think you're going to make OzCat fit anywhere at SDC easily - notice how small the station buildings are in that photo compared to Wildfire's due to the difference in size of the OzCat inlay. In reality, you'd have to bulldoze most of that corner of the park to make it fit.

It's not worth it anyway, I really like what they're doing now with an original design that fits the terrain.

As for AP, I think I'm more and more becoming OK with the idea of it getting completely taken down and replaced with a new water ride with a similar theme. There's no way the ride is going to be restored to it's former glory at this point, and it kind of need to just be put out of it's misery. The new Mack superflume/water coaster things are interesting, but really not that great. They do make some more traditional flumes that could be utilized creatively though.

What that Photoshop does show is that something fairly major can go there but isn't there a bat issue right there?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 22, 2012, 12:26:50 PM
Quote from: Junior on March 20, 2012, 04:39:29 PM
If the powers that be put a ferris wheel at Grand Exposition, it would lift up passengers above the tree height, and right there in your 1880's experience you would get a clear view of the intersection of Indian Point Road and Highway 76 and all that traffic. A ferris wheel is fine, but maybe they could place it somewhere on park so we don't have to see traffic going by. Some people would not care...after all you get a wonderful view of condos on Table Rock at Wilderness Church and the viewing platform at from the cars on the track at Wildfire and Powder Keg. It's just the way it is...well, EXCEPT back in Miss Mary's time...but we are NOT in her time anymore as we have discussed here many times before.  ;)

Goofin off, found a hub and spoke design ferris wheels with lots of theming wiggle room from Zamperla. They got those little up and down rides at the giant swings how bout is there somewhere to go along with the woodie.  That's a higer area,so place it where it overlooks  most of the park
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on April 24, 2012, 02:21:48 PM
Oh, hey, I've seen one of those! I think that'd be a great little themed ride!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on April 24, 2012, 02:30:49 PM
I think its kinda tacky....I would not want that to reside at the city...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Ozarks Gal on April 25, 2012, 04:42:05 PM
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on April 24, 2012, 02:30:49 PM
I think its kinda tacky....I would not want that to reside at the city...

I agree with Trams. It looks a bit tacky to me. Besides, wagons are sooo impractical in these hills! ;D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on April 25, 2012, 04:51:00 PM
Hey, maybe they could make one of those wheels with say, DIVING BELLS on them!  :D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 25, 2012, 05:28:58 PM
Quote from: Ozarks Gal on April 25, 2012, 04:42:05 PM
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on April 24, 2012, 02:30:49 PM
I think its kinda tacky....I would not want that to reside at the city...

I agree with Trams. It looks a bit tacky to me. Besides, wagons are sooo impractical in these hills! ;D

It was more of an example, I'm sure the City could come up with a more fitting theme,

Hey, say how about one with balloons:


And with the effect and animatronics out there, I'd want something much more for a new Diving Bell attraction that should happen one day soon. It's only right.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on April 25, 2012, 05:32:24 PM
I think any modern looking ferris wheel would be terrible for the city, regardless of theming. The only way it might work is if they tried to sort of replicate the original ferris wheel from the St. Louis World's Fair. That would be a massive custom job with little pay-off though, so it would never happen.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tiffanylynnt on April 25, 2012, 09:19:47 PM
Let's just bring back our old balloons. That would make me a happy camper :)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on April 26, 2012, 10:28:24 AM
Quote from: tiffanylynnt on April 25, 2012, 09:19:47 PM
Let's just bring back our old balloons. That would make me a happy camper :)

I see that happening, eventually.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: rubedugans on April 26, 2012, 10:42:41 AM
If they went up though at GE...they sould see the unfinished roofs, as well as the employee paarking area and storage area
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on April 26, 2012, 10:52:06 AM
Maybe they'll have somewhere near the new coaster for the balloons.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 26, 2012, 12:32:15 PM
Quote from: Duelist on April 26, 2012, 10:52:06 AM
Maybe they'll have somewhere near the new coaster for the balloons.

The things in the original concept art of Wilson's Farm and what ended up there are different. I also remember that the survey had the swings at where the waterboggin was. I still think a new spinning coaster with indoor/dark elements with outdoor sections with a small tunnel section would rock. And it would fit perfect right there. Maybe some sort of water element. Take a neat feature of some of newer themed ones and make a super one with all those included.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on April 26, 2012, 04:26:35 PM
NO FERRIS WHEEL!!! ICK!!! GAG!!! I am serious. I hate those things.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 26, 2012, 06:35:16 PM
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on April 26, 2012, 04:26:35 PM
NO FERRIS WHEEL!!! ICK!!! GAG!!! I am serious. I hate those things.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tiffanylynnt on April 26, 2012, 06:45:25 PM
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on April 26, 2012, 04:26:35 PM
NO FERRIS WHEEL!!! ICK!!! GAG!!! I am serious. I hate those things.

I hate them too! I'm afraid of heights, so that's why I hate them. As long as I keep moving, like rollercoasters and stuff I'm fine, but as soon as I get stopped at the top, that's it for me!! No thank you!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on April 26, 2012, 07:09:20 PM
Thanks chittlins. I got a good chuckle outta that  ;D. Ferris wheels are just plumb unsafe. I am with Tiff. I am scared to death of them and elevators. But that is another issue. I dont mind roller coasters in fact love them but I do not like ferris wheels
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 26, 2012, 09:04:45 PM
Quote from: tiffanylynnt on April 26, 2012, 06:45:25 PM
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on April 26, 2012, 04:26:35 PM
NO FERRIS WHEEL!!! ICK!!! GAG!!! I am serious. I hate those things.

I hate them too! I'm afraid of heights, so that's why I hate them. As long as I keep moving, like rollercoasters and stuff I'm fine, but as soon as I get stopped at the top, that's it for me!! No thank you!

I suppose the fact that I was in a cessna when dad would do stalls for fun prepared me for bout any ride. Later on, the Gs we would pull in his Agcat was fun too. I remember my first big ferris wheel at the worlds fair in Knoxville Tn.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tiffanylynnt on April 26, 2012, 10:21:11 PM
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on April 26, 2012, 07:09:20 PM
Thanks chittlins. I got a good chuckle outta that  ;D. Ferris wheels are just plumb unsafe. I am with Tiff. I am scared to death of them and elevators. But that is another issue. I dont mind roller coasters in fact love them but I do not like ferris wheels

Elevators are the WORST!!!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: cousin bubba on May 03, 2012, 01:15:24 PM
take craft classes like the cooking classes the offer now. blacksmith 101, glass blowing 101, etc.

also would like to see a behind the scenes tour of city dollar city. i would like to get a look at the basement of the candy factory.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: emmabugsmama on May 03, 2012, 07:20:08 PM
hOw about some additions or at least repairs to the American Plunge.  I love that ride still today, but it is lacking in effect.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: pintrader on May 03, 2012, 10:07:15 PM
I think they should get the blue prints out for the original Float Trip and bring it back to it's original glory.  Then for a twist leave the plunge part in, and then at the end let each boat have a choice to take the plunge or just go back to the dock.  In other words get wet or stay dry.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: emmabugsmama on May 03, 2012, 10:30:53 PM
Quote from: Pintrader on May 03, 2012, 10:07:15 PM
I think they should get the blue prints out for the original Float Trip and bring it back to it's original glory.  Then for a twist leave the plunge part in, and then at the end let each boat have a choice to take the plunge or just go back to the dock.  In other words get wet or stay dry.
I love that idea Pintrader!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tiffanylynnt on May 04, 2012, 01:00:02 PM
I also love that idea! I love water rides except the part where I'm walking around dripping wet and freezing to death the rest of the day, then being very uncomfortable on the ride home with the slightly damp clothes.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on May 04, 2012, 01:19:00 PM
Interesting idea, but the old float trip channel is used to cycle water through AP now. I'm glad they preserved the old channel and utilized it with the AP, and it is nice to pass part of the channel on the way to Wildfire. I can still remember where the old float trip scenes were on the channel. I worked the float trip in '79, and often was the early man in, responsible for cleaning the boats and filters prior to rope drop on Main Street. I loved the old float trip, and was sad to see it go, but excited about the new AP at the time ('81). The Dugan boys got to be among the first humans to ride the plunge. We came in a couple of weeks before the park opened to rehearse, and one day they told us to come over and try out the new ride. They were looking at the boats as they came down the lift hill to make sure everything was running OK, and they ran us through the ride over and over again until we were glad to get off. I remember Jack Herschend watched us go around a few times, and his smiling at us as we came over the top of the hill for the first time. We must have had frightened looks on our faces. Anyway, we survived. (Well, most of us did, HA!) ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: pintrader on May 04, 2012, 01:38:48 PM
One big thing if they could and would bring the old Float Trip back is Old Time Christmas.  The things they could do with it would be almost endless.  They tried to do something with River Blast a couple of years ago but it was so short no one really wanted to ride.  As of now during that time of year American Plunge is closed down and literally dead in the water.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tiffanylynnt on May 04, 2012, 03:34:24 PM
The OTC idea would be really cool! I would definitely ride it :)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 09, 2012, 06:54:01 PM
In another thread I bemoan Geyser Gulch and wish it removed. Seems Tom and Huck is a hit with the kids. Lets take the water play lost in Slash Harbor and Geyser Gulch and bring it back in a interactive way that involves a coaster to boot. I really think they could get creatie with theming with this,  like the secret of Ozark folks piloting  kites made of quilt blocks.

Here's the coaster that gives me the idea:


A suspended coaster that SDC lacks but with the ability to drop water bombs on those firing the water cannons at them. See how it could go out over Lake Silver a bit

This would allow for a new development for the kids  vand adults larger than the pre k kids that Half Dollar Holler seems to be for. Something that incorporates challenge courses like Adventure Mountain and old play area the Treehouse was part of now complete with a new Treehouse that meets todays requirements.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on May 09, 2012, 07:21:24 PM
Buzz Saw Falls Part II? Hmmm...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 09, 2012, 07:47:21 PM
Quote from: Junior on May 09, 2012, 07:21:24 PM
Buzz Saw Falls Part II? Hmmm...
not really, just no half coaster/ half flume. I got a kick that pics of Buzzsaw Falls is still on the manufacturers web page.
Notice that picture, it also has a tunnel element.  I'm seeing lots new coaster go out over water, check up this picture of a euro fighter like Mystery Mine they stuck on the pier in Galveston

(!/galvestonislandpier (!/galvestonislandpier)

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 09, 2012, 07:56:26 PM
Another idea for a new dark ride is taking the Gravity Group's indoor woodie concept and theming it like a trip through the woods of the Ozarks at night complete with animatronics of Black Bears, panthers, and even a skunk that'll spray you with an odorless fog.


Something similar but more outdoor than in.

Also throws those that miss the backward cars on Thunderation a bone.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on May 09, 2012, 08:36:19 PM
I like this idea more as a dark ride. I think Shave came up with a concept for a boat ride, but it could be an indoor coaster, too. "Creature on the Creek"  which explores the legend of MoMo the Monster, also known as Bigfoot. Plenty of Bigfoot sightings over the years in OK, AR, and MO! So it fits right in with an Ozark theme.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 09, 2012, 08:41:00 PM
Quote from: Junior on May 09, 2012, 08:36:19 PM
I like this idea more as a dark ride. I think Shave came up with a concept for a boat ride, but it could be an indoor coaster, too. "Creature on the Creek"  which explores the legend of MoMo the Monster, also known as Bigfoot. Plenty of Bigfoot sightings over the years in OK, AR, and MO! So it fits right in with an Ozark theme.

A boat ride has no elevation, ect, it's Flooded Mine rethemed. I'd want it indoor as well.

I still favor a  indoor/outdoor spinner themed like and ice house.

A want my cake and eat it too.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on May 09, 2012, 08:46:36 PM
I like that suspended coaster w/water idea. I've seen vids of that type of coaster, and that'd be really uber fun!

Also like the indoor coaster idea, too.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 13, 2012, 09:57:53 AM
Well we know that Buzzsaw Falls was such a success that SDC promptly replaced it. Well These things have evolved, check out this thing:

This is a new flume ride across the Atlantic. It has a Gerlauster Bobsled coaster that wraps around it as well.

I love the idea of integrating  rides  together like this. A cool concept would be for  a rework of American Plunge with a coaster like this. Theme a bridge for the coaster over the channel just beyond the Flume's splash and sometimes the ride would get just right a light mist would hit the coaster riders.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on May 13, 2012, 10:11:52 AM
Uh uh no way. That thing had an ELEVATOR!!! No way would I get on that thing. Yuck o!!!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 13, 2012, 10:20:58 AM
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on May 13, 2012, 10:11:52 AM
Uh uh no way. That thing had an ELEVATOR!!! No way would I get on that thing. Yuck o!!!

Is there anything you like?

Pics of the second one's construction here:

And a pov video of the wild mouse like bobsled ride thats intertwined with the flume

4 mil in Euro is a little more than 5.1 million dollars.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on May 13, 2012, 04:30:53 PM
I'm not a huge fan of the new Intamin flumes (ie, the one with the weird elevator). Seems like a lot of flash with little improvement on the ride experience, and the drops are pretty lame. Whoever built the new one at Klotten (ABC?) did a good job though - that one actually looks fun.

I'm a much bigger fan of the old heavily themed Hopkins flumes with the upgraded boats like DW's flume. For SDC, I hope they keep it simple and just theme the heck out of it with a really imaginative theme, basically like what AP used to be like.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: emmabugsmama on May 14, 2012, 04:43:42 AM
Quote from: shavethewhales on May 13, 2012, 04:30:53 PM
I'm not a huge fan of the new Intamin flumes (ie, the one with the weird elevator). Seems like a lot of flash with little improvement on the ride experience, and the drops are pretty lame. Whoever built the new one at Klotten (ABC?) did a good job though - that one actually looks fun.

I'm a much bigger fan of the old heavily themed Hopkins flumes with the upgraded boats like DW's flume. For SDC, I hope they keep it simple and just theme the heck out of it with a really imaginative theme, basically like what AP used to be like.
I miss the "falling" outhouse.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on May 16, 2012, 09:09:28 AM
Quote from: chittlins on May 13, 2012, 10:20:58 AM
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on May 13, 2012, 10:11:52 AM
Uh uh no way. That thing had an ELEVATOR!!! No way would I get on that thing. Yuck o!!!

Is there anything you like?

Green trams, maybe?  ;D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 16, 2012, 09:59:26 AM
A Gerstlauer EuroFighter or an S&S El Loco themed as an old grainery all enclosed or a little of indoor/outdoor.

Some photo references:


Some  El locos




new compact Eurofighter at Galveston


Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tiffanylynnt on May 17, 2012, 10:52:10 PM
The picture in the middle kinda reminds me of The Mystery Mine at DW.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 17, 2012, 10:58:35 PM
Quote from: tiffanylynnt on May 17, 2012, 10:52:10 PM
The picture in the middle kinda reminds me of The Mystery Mine at DW.

Mystery Mine is a EuroFighter but longer than the compact version they stuck on a pier as shown in the last photo.

do a youtube search on:  Steel Hawg POV for another El Loco example.

Both rides offer a beyond vertical drop, the El locos have a tight little corkscrew at the end of the rides
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: BALZYMAGEE on May 18, 2012, 10:36:46 AM
What about like a moon car ride and throughout the ride there could be like old Moonshining Distillaries, you could pass through an old bridge that goes over a creek, then a couple cabins with animatronics pickin their banjos on the front porch.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 18, 2012, 11:21:42 AM
Quote from: BALZYMAGEE on May 18, 2012, 10:36:46 AM
What about like a moon car ride and throughout the ride there could be like old Moonshining Distillaries, you could pass through an old bridge that goes over a creek, then a couple cabins with animatronics pickin their banjos on the front porch.

I've given that some thought and the term "Blow your Top" comes to mind. That's where I see drop tower theme come into play. Shoot straight up and drop right back down.

Believe it or not, they tried growing cotton in the Ozarks in the late 1800s. I've seen the crop records for Newton Co. Arkansas. Another attraction could be themed around an old cotton gin. The cars would resemble a cotton bale.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on May 18, 2012, 12:04:49 PM
I was putting some thought into the whole moonshine the end some hillbilly could chase you outta the woods brandishing a shotgun....
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 14, 2012, 06:09:28 PM
Still seeing the lamenting of the loss of the backward cars on Thunderation. I've posted Gravity Group indoor woodie with backward seats and here's a new ride by Gerstlauer. This one is rather simple but a good solid family coaster that mom would ride with the kids.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 14, 2012, 09:00:49 PM
We don't want anything by Gravity Group in our park.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 14, 2012, 09:30:48 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 14, 2012, 09:00:49 PM
We don't want anything by Gravity Group in our park.

Ok. why?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on June 14, 2012, 09:49:21 PM
QuoteWe don't want anything by Gravity Group in our park.
I don't know about you but that looked liked like some crazy ass fun stuff to me. Probably knocks the crap out of you but I love the premise.  What is your objection Swoosh?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 14, 2012, 10:54:41 PM
Show me one GG coaster that has aged well.  You can't. 
Hades is horrible.  Voyage tears itself apart, so much so that it got modified.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on June 15, 2012, 03:30:34 AM
Quote from: mhguy77 on June 14, 2012, 09:49:21 PM
QuoteWe don't want anything by Gravity Group in our park.
I don't know about you but that looked liked like some crazy ass fun stuff to me. Probably knocks the crap out of you but I love the premise.  What is your objection Swoosh?

I agree that that looked fun. Short, and I am not a fan of out-and-back rides, but still very fun.

I don't know what was up with the wait times after the lifts. Throughput could be much better.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 15, 2012, 08:16:24 AM
Quote from: KBCraig on June 15, 2012, 03:30:34 AM
Quote from: mhguy77 on June 14, 2012, 09:49:21 PM
QuoteWe don't want anything by Gravity Group in our park.
I don't know about you but that looked liked like some crazy ass fun stuff to me. Probably knocks the crap out of you but I love the premise.  What is your objection Swoosh?

I agree that that looked fun. Short, and I am not a fan of out-and-back rides, but still very fun.

I don't know what was up with the wait times after the lifts. Throughput could be much better.

That was the Gerstlauer over in Germany. I think that's called a family shuttle coaster and was their first or near first one of that kind. I'm thinking something like that could go in the area that's discussed often for rides down around the Culinary school and Echo Hollow. It hugs the ground, would stay below the tree tops, small footprint  and the U shape of it allows the queue to go down the middle. It would transition well between the kiddie coaster and thunderation. The video is nothing but moms and kids.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on June 15, 2012, 11:19:17 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 14, 2012, 09:00:49 PM
We don't want anything by Gravity Group in our park.

For once I actually agree with Swoosh on something. TGG is the new CCI both literally and figuratively. Their rides are awesome when they open, but quickly turn to crap because their track/train designs just can't handle what they are attempting to do with the medium. Hence the rise of RMC. With RMC taking over the big woodies, and GCI doing family/twister woodies, TGG better come up with something new quick or they're going to go down the same way CCI did.

As for the Gerstlauer shuttle, it's definitely got too small of a through-put for SDC. The crowds to the park are only getting bigger. Vekoma has a larger, better designed version, but even that might not be enough. For a family coaster I'd rather them go with a well themed Zierer w/ drop track like the one at legoland denmark:
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 19, 2012, 07:33:17 PM
A mine themed ride based on the Euro fighter but with another attraction built in.

As part of the queue you come to the part of the line where the 8 or so people that  each train carries gets to the verticle elevator shaft that takes you down into the mine where you load into the ore themed train for the coaster. The eight people get in and as part of safty protocol strap into their seats. as the elevator starts the descent it goes normally but when out of sight of the queue line and in the dark something goes wrong and SNAP, your on a freefall tower for about 15 to 20 ft where you suddenly brake and then proceed to the ore train for the coaster.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 19, 2012, 07:34:59 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 14, 2012, 09:00:49 PM
We don't want anything by Gravity Group in our park.

Have GG's timberliner trains helped? Seems that given it's problems folks still rave about Holiday World's woodies and get them lots of media play.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 24, 2012, 07:14:24 PM
I'm guilty of pushing a spinner ad nauseum, now gerstlauer has inverted a spinner. Still think this in an icehouse theme would be great, Check in at 4:08 and turn down the volume or watch the whole thing from a Sega indoor arcade in asia. So much cool stuff  that would make Branson a year round destination.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 24, 2012, 10:56:49 PM
I think a custom themed Vekoma family inverted coaster would work for the ICE HOUSE.
WDW is currently working on one themed to Monsters Inc for their Hollywood park.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 25, 2012, 08:29:20 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 24, 2012, 10:56:49 PM
I think a custom themed Vekoma family inverted coaster would work for the ICE HOUSE.
WDW is currently working on one themed to Monsters Inc for their Hollywood park.

inverted as in going upside down or suspended as in feet dangling with no floor. Either one is great. I love the Vecoma concept that has the waterbombs and would interact with water cannons from the ground. Mix that into the 2014 ideal and you get an incredible amount of attraction im a small footspace. One of the reputable companies has a suspended coaster concept that spins as well.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 25, 2012, 10:28:36 AM
Inverted as "hanging" from the track.  That's what inverted means.  Looping means, well it goes upside down.

Not sure what company you are talking about that has the spinning suspended coaster.  The link you had is not a spinning suspended coaster, it was the halfpipe that was Sega Joyland.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 25, 2012, 12:06:16 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 25, 2012, 10:28:36 AM
Inverted as "hanging" from the track.  That's what inverted means.  Looping means, well it goes upside down.

Not sure what company you are talking about that has the spinning suspended coaster.  The link you had is not a spinning suspended coaster, it was the halfpipe that was Sega Joyland.

go to the 4 minute mark of rhat video. They have installed a gerstlauer launched spinning coaster with an inversion.
The suspended coaster that spins is a Mack concept
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 25, 2012, 01:20:21 PM
Oh you mean a POWERED turn.  My mistake. I was thinking that you meant a normal spinning coaster that was under the train that spins via physics not by being turned by computer.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 25, 2012, 02:38:05 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 25, 2012, 01:20:21 PM
Oh you mean a POWERED turn.  My mistake. I was thinking that you meant a normal spinning coaster that was under the train that spins via physics not by being turned by computer.
it can be controlled or spins freely according to Mack. I think EuroMir at Europa is controlled where as Sierra Sidewinder at Knotts is free spin.  Same premise, just hanging from the rails. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Thunderation on August 08, 2012, 02:47:03 PM
Another idea for fire in the hole 2.0
This would require tearing down the hole thing and rebuilding it from scratch :'(
but the could keep some of the old ride elements

- bridge collapse with barrel roll
- real fire like escape from Pompeii or mystery mine
-audio animatronics
other than that the ride would stay the same ;D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on August 17, 2012, 01:02:33 PM
Had a thought, why dont we all chip in on paint drive down to SDC and paint the murals back into the tunnels of the AP. Paint the spinning daredevil head and dog. One of us are good at building with wood. They could make that fun barrel that used to be there in lieu of paint. I wonder if SDC would take to our flash mob........lets take back our memories!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: clancomyn on August 18, 2012, 03:17:57 PM
If I remember correctly, "MoMo" (which is short for "Missouri Monster") wasn't seen until the early 1970s, and then in NE Missouri, near Louisiana. It's a similar story to the (in)famous (cue The Three Amigos) Legend of Boggy Creek in Arkansas, which also originated in the late 1960s. Vance Randolph, the noted Ozarks folklorist, makes no mention of "Bigfoots" in his magnum opus, although he does discuss the sighting of the "White River Monster" in the early 20th century.

A ride like "The Haunted Mansion", featuring ghost stories from Randolph might be fun. Another thing I would like to see is a return to the Yocum Silver Dollar story -- A "Breadtray Mountain" themed ride or attraction that tells the story of the Yocums.

Apologies for being pedantic there.  ::)

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: clancomyn on August 18, 2012, 03:28:15 PM
Quote from: betamike on July 26, 2010, 08:12:47 AM
So here's one that could be a seasonal offering. 

At Disney during the Fall, we take the old horse-drawn buggies out of storage and offer a nighttime tour of the back 40 of Fort Wilderness Campground (waaaay away from the campers) with nothing but the moonlight shining by the lake.  That is until the headless horseman actually follows you and gallops right alongside your buggy!

It would be pretty awesome to crank up the old Butterfield stagecoaches once again and have a similar theme to it with maybe the exception of an old outlaw....or maybe a ghost mailman delivering a love letter and theme it to the pony express (since that started in St. Joe, Mo).

Stone County has its own version of the HH called "Old Raw Head" that was seen near Kimberling City in the early 20th century. Vance Randolph's Ozark Magic & Folklore is filled with stories that could be adapted for things. Heck, my buddy Champ & I would be willing to do our storytelling program about Ozarks ghosts if any of the SDC folks are reading the forum.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on August 18, 2012, 03:41:05 PM
Quote from: clancomyn on August 18, 2012, 03:17:57 PM
A ride like "The Haunted Mansion", featuring ghost stories from Randolph might be fun.

Oooo... I like that! SDC really does need some sort of PeopleMover-type ride to help ease the flow of crowds. It would also add to the very small amount of rides that people of any age can ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: clancomyn on August 18, 2012, 03:54:01 PM
Quote from: Joy on August 18, 2012, 03:41:05 PM
Quote from: clancomyn on August 18, 2012, 03:17:57 PM
A ride like "The Haunted Mansion", featuring ghost stories from Randolph might be fun.

Oooo... I like that! SDC really does need some sort of PeopleMover-type ride to help ease the flow of crowds. It would also add to the very small amount of rides that people of any age can ride.

Randolph's chapter on Ozark ghost stories has some great ones -- The Oak Grove School House, just north of Crane, for example, is a local story that is "period" to SDC.   Randolph even documents a phantom Model T that used to appear on Highway 14 between Nixa and Ozark in the 1930s.  8)

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on August 19, 2012, 04:16:58 AM
Quote from: clancomyn on August 18, 2012, 03:17:57 PMin NE Missouri, near Louisiana.

Ummm... what? Did I miss a joke, or did they move Louisiana?

QuoteIt's a similar story to the (in)famous (cue The Three Amigos) Legend of Boggy Creek in Arkansas, which also originated in the late 1960s.

I'm very familiar with that one, since Fouke is about 15 miles from where I sit.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: clancomyn on August 19, 2012, 07:06:42 AM
Quote from: KBCraig on August 19, 2012, 04:16:58 AM
Quote from: clancomyn on August 18, 2012, 03:17:57 PMin NE Missouri, near Louisiana.

Ummm... what? Did I miss a joke, or did they move Louisiana?

QuoteIt's a similar story to the (in)famous (cue The Three Amigos) Legend of Boggy Creek in Arkansas, which also originated in the late 1960s.

I'm very familiar with that one, since Fouke is about 15 miles from where I sit.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on August 19, 2012, 04:44:31 PM
Quote from: clancomyn on August 19, 2012, 07:06:42 AM


:D LOL, thanks. I knew about Mexico, but I didn't know about Louisiana.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: oldsdcer on August 19, 2012, 06:48:32 PM
That was where Mark Twain was born.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: clancomyn on August 19, 2012, 08:16:57 PM
Quote from: oldsdcer on August 19, 2012, 06:48:32 PM
That was where Mark Twain was born.

He was born in Florida (Missouri):

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: oldsdcer on August 19, 2012, 09:42:42 PM
my bad
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on October 27, 2012, 09:55:38 PM
I found this video to better illustrate my vision of a revamped Fire in the Hole. Like I said, just revamp the story portion of the ride with modern tech with more life like props and led screens for fire and when you get to the bridge, A timber falls across the track just on the other side and your stuck and then this

followed with a revamped coaster circuit with a splash at the end.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: okiebluegrass on January 02, 2013, 04:44:52 PM
What about transforming Mutton Hollow (i'm sorry, celebration City, or whatever its called) into...... Mutton Hollow  :o
No admission charge, arts, crafts, horseback riding, etc. I know all the trees were knocked down before SDC bought it, but still I miss the way it was back in the 80's and that abandoned amusement park is kind of an eyesore.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 02, 2013, 09:17:24 PM
I gurantee you, that the CC property will not be touched until 465 is completed.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 02, 2013, 10:09:36 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 02, 2013, 09:17:24 PM
I gurantee you, that the CC property will not be touched until 465 is completed.

A don't think Modot is going to touch that for the forseeable future. Heck, they need to get rid of the lights south of Branson on US 65 and replaced with overpasses. As slow as Arkansas is on building roads, they are catching up on US412.  I'm almost willing to wager that a northern bypass of US 412 will get done before that. Some "folks" in Bentonville want that done to improve access to the pet airport. Arkansas is building half of the bypass around Bella Vista finally. I set here and see that the rum folks in PR and US Virgin Islands are getting hundreds of millions in aid. Yet this country can't fund the completion of I-49 ::)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on January 03, 2013, 10:17:57 AM
Dont even get me started about foreign aid money being spent when we have so much that could be done in our own country.. 
from feeding the people that "need" to be fed,  to additional funds for education, to hiway projects!!!
OH MAN!!  No place to stop that conversation..
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 03, 2013, 04:14:03 PM
Save it for the politics board
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 03, 2013, 05:06:56 PM
This is a politic'n board. We politic'n for what ride we want.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on January 03, 2013, 05:46:51 PM
You's right swoosh!!  save it for the political forums, thats why i said it short and sweet..... ;D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 13, 2013, 10:23:54 PM
Ummm... Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands aren't "foreign"; they're US Territories. In fact, Puerto Rico voted this election to pass a petition for statehood. If all goes well, it should be our 51st state soon.

Attraction-wise, I'll forever and always restate my opinion that SDC needs a "People Mover" ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 13, 2013, 10:57:04 PM
Quote from: Joy on January 13, 2013, 10:23:54 PM
Ummm... Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands aren't "foreign"; they're US Territories. In fact, Puerto Rico voted this election to pass a petition for statehood. If all goes well, it should be our 51st state soon.

Attraction-wise, I'll forever and always restate my opinion that SDC needs a "People Mover" ride.

Puerto Rico will not be a state anytime soon.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 13, 2013, 11:07:18 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 13, 2013, 10:57:04 PM
Puerto Rico will not be a state anytime soon.

Don't hold your breath.  Sounds like it is being fast-tracked
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on January 14, 2013, 12:38:03 AM
lol, so getting this topic back on track:

Looks like the prospect of the long-awaited adventure course is out of the question now that the chain is suddenly removing them from their properties. Up until that happened I was positive something like that was coming to the space vacated by the Waterboggin, and maybe that was the plan, but it looks like they can't take the associated risks anymore.

So what else could go there? The other popular theories included a G-fighter or some variant, but it seems like the chain has not rushed back to Gerstlauer to add another like they probably would have if they really loved MM. I think the mixed reviews of MM might have scared them off of the concept, even though MM is the most visually impressive ride they've built yet (IMO).

The other popular idea that was discussed a few seasons ago was putting the Mack SuperSplash from CC back there. That could be a very likely possibility for 2015, I would think.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 14, 2013, 04:53:38 AM
If themed well, I could totally see them move the SuperSplash over to SDC.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 14, 2013, 06:06:20 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 13, 2013, 11:07:18 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 13, 2013, 10:57:04 PM
Puerto Rico will not be a state anytime soon.

Don't hold your breath.  Sounds like it is being fast-tracked

Nope, Puerto Rico voted for statehood sort of, read up on it. The results were very murky. They simply voted to not go independent. On the second part of the issue, many did not vote at all because it didn't include the Commonwealth option. It will take total control of Congress by the Dems to get it done as PR looks like it would add two Ds in the senate and 5 Ds in the HofRs.

I'll put 5 dollars down that Rs make gains in 2014

Oh, did I miss Stone Moutain removing theirs? Like I said, Bass Pro should buy the DW one and slap it in the Pyramid considering they want to do zip lines and a couple of stores have rock climbing walls.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on January 17, 2013, 07:28:49 PM
Quote from: Joy on January 13, 2013, 10:23:54 PM
(Puerto Rico) should be our 51st state soon.

Nope, just the 50th. "West" Virginia is not legally a state.  ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 17, 2013, 11:48:04 PM
Quote from: KBCraig on January 17, 2013, 07:28:49 PM
Quote from: Joy on January 13, 2013, 10:23:54 PM
(Puerto Rico) should be our 51st state soon.

Nope, just the 50th. "West" Virginia is not legally a state.  ;)

and the State of Missouri does not recognize the territory to our immediate west as a "state" as well.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 18, 2013, 01:04:59 AM

You know what would be a cool attraction? Something like Cyclone Sam's. I know it's more of a carnival-ish ride, but with each addition of a coaster, it'd be nice to have some more flat rides. And the theming could be great; maybe theme it around the Rainmaker.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on January 18, 2013, 02:01:18 AM
Six Flags in St. Louis had an attraction I remember from when I was a kid that was called "Tom's Twister" that essentially was a centrifuge people stood in that whirled them around and around in. The force of being spun around pinned them to the walls. It was durn scary looking and as a kid, I refused to ride it. I was probably too little to do so anyway. Anyone remember that one?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 18, 2013, 05:39:37 AM
Quote from: Junior on January 18, 2013, 02:01:18 AM
Six Flags in St. Louis had an attraction I remember from when I was a kid that was called "Tom's Twister" that essentially was a centrifuge people stood in that whirled them around and around in. The force of being spun around pinned them to the walls. It was durn scary looking and as a kid, I refused to ride it. I was probably too little to do so anyway. Anyone remember that one?

sounds like what they had at Dogpatch
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on January 18, 2013, 05:45:44 AM
used to have 1 of them at WOF, (may still have),,,  At the time i think it was called "finish fling".... 

:)the secret is to pick a spot straight acros from you to look at...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on January 18, 2013, 06:55:46 AM
I remember the one at WOF. If I am not mistaken it was by the octopus ride....
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 18, 2013, 07:49:09 AM
Both Worlds of Fun and Adventureland USA still have their centrifuge rides.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 18, 2013, 01:49:54 PM
I like that ride at WoF, except with my weight, I tend to drop a little and it hurts my spine. Now, the Gravitron ride at the Ozark Empire Fair, that has an angled wall (Finnish Fling has vertical walls) and each person is on a moving cushioned thing, so I was far more comfortable on that one.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on January 18, 2013, 03:10:03 PM
I don't care to see a new attraction, but I wish they would bring back the Plunge to it's earlier glory, and spruce up Fire In The Hole and Flooded Mine. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: DollarCityBoy on January 18, 2013, 03:30:32 PM
^ I agree!
I wish they would just take a year and fix/update/re-new some of the classic attractions.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on January 18, 2013, 04:11:04 PM
Quote from: DollarCityBoy on January 18, 2013, 03:30:32 PM
^ I agree!
I wish they would just take a year and fix/update/re-new some of the classic attractions.
Quote from: Gilligan on January 18, 2013, 03:10:03 PM
I don't care to see a new attraction, but I wish they would bring back the Plunge to it's earlier glory, and spruce up Fire In The Hole and Flooded Mine. 

I think we all agree with that.... just imaginw what a million or 2 million dollars worth of repairs and revamping would do... ;D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 18, 2013, 06:34:09 PM
Ditto to all the above!

Can you imagine what SDC could do with A100 animatronics for FITH and Flooded Mine? Are there any companies outside of Disney that have advance audio-animatronic tech?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 18, 2013, 08:27:32 PM
^Sally Corp
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 18, 2013, 09:13:23 PM
Really thing redoing FITH with modern animatronics with a new ride system that features a vertical drop sequence at the bridge when a falling timber ablaze blocks the track

another example:
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 19, 2013, 02:29:39 AM
YES. I want something more exciting at the bridge again. I miss having the falling bridge ceiling.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 19, 2013, 08:34:42 PM
Quote from: Joy on January 19, 2013, 02:29:39 AM
YES. I want something more exciting at the bridge again. I miss having the falling bridge ceiling.

This technology is here, The new coaster at Busch Gardens features a vertical drop and so does Thirteen at Alton Towers. The most impressive so far is the one at Alton Towers

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 19, 2013, 11:28:10 PM
When you said vertical drop, in my mind I was seeing one of those drops where you tilt over, like this coaster -- -- and was wondering how exactly FITH could be altered for something like that.

But that drop on Verbolten seems like something that could actually be put on FITH. And ha! The look on that guy's face when it drops! LOL!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 20, 2013, 10:34:14 AM
Quote from: Joy on January 19, 2013, 11:28:10 PM
When you said vertical drop, in my mind I was seeing one of those drops where you tilt over, like this coaster -- -- and was wondering how exactly FITH could be altered for something like that.

But that drop on Verbolten seems like something that could actually be put on FITH. And ha! The look on that guy's face when it drops! LOL!

Thanks for linking that, never seen it.

I still like the alton towers one best considering its got the wooden floor theming

I've put this in this thread before. Another idea of mine is when Thunderation comes to its end or they give us a Mystery Mine like ride is to make an elevator shaft feature where you go down to the loading platform for the actual coaster. Here's the catch, it's like a shot tower without the the actual rise. The same amount of folks get into an evevator buckle in and you slowly start the descent. Once gone from visibility of the loading platform, the cable breaks and you freefall like a drop tower, an employee at the bottom goes on about how he managed to engage a fail safe and you board the train for the coaster.

I still want an indoor or indoor/outdoor spinner themed like an Icehouse cause you slip, slide and spin on ice

Hey look here's one is the snow, can you say OTC!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 20, 2013, 03:20:34 PM
YES. A spinner themed to an Icehouse would be perfect!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Saaam! on January 20, 2013, 06:41:39 PM
The only thing I'm not big on of renovating Fire in the Hole is the fact that some of the classic figures of it would be taken away and replaced with spangled new  stuff. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but one factor I love about that ride is the outdated animatronics that make it cheesy, but very "SDC-esque".
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 20, 2013, 06:56:22 PM
Quote from: Saaam! on January 20, 2013, 06:41:39 PM
The only thing I'm not big on of renovating Fire in the Hole is the fact that some of the classic figures of it would be taken away and replaced with spangled new  stuff. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but one factor I love about that ride is the outdated animatronics that make it cheesy, but very "SDC-esque".

It's endearing to us who remember that that stuff was once state of the art but my kids are bored with FiTH considering the other rides they have been on Universal and Disney. I don't think anyone is proposing changing the theming and they can still use the entire storyline but the scenery and figures could be so much more these days.

I'd love a couple more dark rides that are enclosed so when during OTC, there's more to do ride wise when it hits 38 and lower.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 20, 2013, 08:08:14 PM
I think FITH and Flooded Mine are two attractions that you just don't touch.  You can "refresh" but the suggestions on how to "fix it" are out of line.  If you want something like what you are suggesting, then build a new attraction all together.

Also I don't care if your kids are bored with it or not.  Kids are into instant gratification nowadays and no matter what changes you make they'll get bored with it.  Shoot they'll probably get bored with OR too after a few circuits.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on January 20, 2013, 08:34:40 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 20, 2013, 08:08:14 PM
I think FITH and Flooded Mine are two attractions that you just don't touch.  You can "refresh" but the suggestions on how to "fix it" are out of line.  If you want something like what you are suggesting, then build a new attraction all together.

Also I don't care if your kids are bored with it or not.  Kids are into instant gratification nowadays and no matter what changes you make they'll get bored with it.  Shoot they'll probably get bored with OR too after a few circuits.

I absolutely agree!  I don't want modern technology - I want it the way it used to be or better.  It can't be that tough to spruce it up and fix broken parts. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 20, 2013, 08:43:45 PM
We do have to think about the next generation, though, because they're the future of SDC. Without something to keep their attention grabbed, attendance will drop a couple decades from now.

And honestly, the mannequin things in both FITH and Flooded Mine are just... wow... so below the standard of all the other major parks in the world. No one's suggesting changing the theming or anything; just get some theming that actually doesn't look severely out-of-date.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 20, 2013, 09:09:33 PM
Quote from: Gilligan on January 20, 2013, 08:34:40 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 20, 2013, 08:08:14 PM
I think FITH and Flooded Mine are two attractions that you just don't touch.  You can "refresh" but the suggestions on how to "fix it" are out of line.  If you want something like what you are suggesting, then build a new attraction all together.

Also I don't care if your kids are bored with it or not.  Kids are into instant gratification nowadays and no matter what changes you make they'll get bored with it.  Shoot they'll probably get bored with OR too after a few circuits.

I absolutely agree!  I don't want modern technology - I want it the way it used to be or better.  It can't be that tough to spruce it up and fix broken parts. 

Problem is, they don't know what's broken or gone, Those kids are future parents and patrons of the park and if they thought the ride sucked they will not bother with them. One kid refuses to ride it and other does it just for Daddy. They'd rather ride Powder Keg or lost river over and over and are not yet bored with those after a couple of years now. Eventually things have to get overhauled but you try to remain as true to the original as possible, you see this with historical homes all the time but like the flushing toilet, sometimes  you put new fangled things in.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 20, 2013, 09:31:23 PM
You see there are gaping holes in your theory there.  IF that were the case, attractions like Great Moments with Lincoln, the Hall of Presidents, the American Experience, the Tiki Room, etc would all be gone at the Disney parks.  They're not.  Sure the tweenagers don't care for those attractions, but guess what, they're not for them.  The same is true with Fire in the Hole.  That attraction is not for the tweenagers.  It is for the older folks who remember it as the "big ride" at the park.  IF it was such a problem of being "boring" it wouldn't have a line and there is always a line for it.  Even on days when the park is dead.

Sure they might think it is lame now, but when they get older they'll take their kids on it telling them how it was one of the first rides they were able to ride at SDC. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on January 20, 2013, 10:38:13 PM
I agree with Swoosh, FITH and Flooded Mine have a timeless quality in my mind that will always be part of the integral SDC experience for me. There are always improvements that could be made, but any talk of bringing them up to some sort of worldly "standard" is almost blasphemous to me ;)

Not everything should be designed around keeping the kids attention with the latest and greatest flash of technology. Many of the things that made these rides timeless and great have to do with the way they take you back to a simpler time and relax you so you can truly enjoy them together as a family.

I mean, everyone complains that when they throw pop-country or whatnot on the park speakers it ruins the park's special ambiance, but I'm sure the justifications are the same. Someone thinks they need to "update" the park's appeal to a new generation...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 20, 2013, 11:43:27 PM
Yeah, but those Disney attractions have all had overhauls to update their technology.

I'm not talking needing flashy things; just having animatronics instead of lifeless mannequins would go a long way (granted, Flooded Mine does have a bit of movement, and that keeps it more interesting).
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on January 21, 2013, 06:57:10 AM
I dont think they need animatronics in FITH. Not only would it loose some of its specialness, but ya buzz by so fast anymore that one doesnt seem to see things anymore.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on January 21, 2013, 08:17:03 AM
I'm sure we can meet half way way on this FITH subject... Lets look at Blazing Furry, Dollywood's version of FITH. It has an almost identical layout (after the FITH revamp of 1982)  and theming, but is a much better ride IMHO. A couple of things give BF an advantage. The first and foremost thing is the fact that it was built 6 years after FITH (1972 & 1978 respectively), so there was time to work out the kinks. BF was a shorter ride with larger capacity due to the third car on each train. The second thing that gives BF an advantage is the fact that it is much smother. The first drop on BF is large enough to get the train to the other side where FITH has to use an accelerator belt (1972 version of a launch!). This not only creates a rough ride for the passengers, but tears the trains apart, which is why they are always overhauling one in the maintenance area. The third advantage is all the MOVING figures. Not quite , but not stone cold, lifeless mannequins. In no way do these take away from the charm and uniqueness of this ride, and it actually enhances the story. Let me paint a couple of pictures for you... What if the man carring the lady could actually barge out the saloon door and "run" in between the saloon and the jail to escape the fire and the gunfire? (This and any other "running" motion would be created by simply mounting the figures to a cart on a small gauge track that could be electronically powered to run its course as trains pass. this could be triggered by the trip wire sensors already in place throughout the ride). At the same time the new addition of the lady chasing the baldknobber with the frying pan could be fashioned the same way. Most people would have to choose what scene to look at since they are right next to each other, making the ride repeatable in the first ten seconds! The next "motion" scene could be the wagon next to the bridge. Does anyone know what they are doing to the captured folks in the back? Well I do! They are taking them to the be hung in the next scene... How cool would in be to be ridding next to that wagon as it comes out of the old volcano scene, rounds the bend, and takes a shortcut through the woods as you plunge down the bridge that they burned! And that "same" wagon could pull up next to the lynching post in the next scene. It's almost like a action scene out of an old western! The wagon could be fitted with spinning wheels and everything, maybe even some new gunshots aimed at the volunteer fire fighters (the riders for those of you who might not know the actual story line of FITH). This could be capped off with a heroes welcome at the splash pool. DW has taken out their water and is slowing down their trains with magnetic plates and if FITH stands the chance of making it another 5 years, SDC will need to do the same. The trains carry water all over the building and the water finds its way out through various places in the train causing the building to rot. before they can put any big money into FITH they will take the water out. So you can use this as a tool to speculate any further FITH development, if the water disappears, big things are to come! The last thing that gives BF an advantage is its location. They built it into a culdesac, this allows the theme to encompass you and your perifials do not catch another rides theme. Don't get me wrong, I love FITH, but it could learn a thing or two from it's younger sibling.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 21, 2013, 09:25:01 AM
Considering almost all of the effects on Blazing Fury were broken in November and not a single animatronic was moving -- it sort of makes your post null and void
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on January 21, 2013, 09:38:22 AM
Null and Void? Are you always an ass or are you just on your monthly cycle... You must be one of those people that has all the good ideas and no one else's would ever work. Remind you that BF is 35 years old... The CONCEPT of BF's moving parts is what puts it above FITH... The fact that the Yetti malfunctions on Expidition Everest at least 50% of the time does not stop Disney from putting animatronics like it in their rides, it just means that they do in better next time.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 12:31:42 PM
I just want to know if Outlaw Run still will not have inversions?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on January 21, 2013, 12:44:41 PM
^ I'm confused... ???
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 21, 2013, 04:04:16 PM
Quote from: Hollywood on January 21, 2013, 09:38:22 AM
Null and Void? Are you always an ass or are you just on your monthly cycle... You must be one of those people that has all the good ideas and no one else's would ever work. Remind you that BF is 35 years old... The CONCEPT of BF's moving parts is what puts it above FITH... The fact that the Yetti malfunctions on Expidition Everest at least 50% of the time does not stop Disney from putting animatronics like it in their rides, it just means that they do in better next time.

I'll handle your post in parts.

Regarding the animatronics at Blazing Fury.  Let's not romanticize them.  They're really basic.
1. Rocking chairs
2. Saloon Doors
3. Chase scene (when it works - been broke for awhile)
4. Teedering fat lady at hotel
5. Collapsing bridge (when it works - been broke most of last season)
6. Railroad crossing sign

For me, FITH is a better ride.  It has a definite backstory and theme.  Blazing Fury never tells you why the town is on fire. 

It's funny that you bring up Disco Yeti at Expedition Everest.  It is completely broke.  It doesn't move at all.  The strobe lights on it give it the appearance of movement, but it hasn't moved since the first month of operation.

...and yes, I am an ass.  But most of the time I'm just overly sarcastic.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on January 21, 2013, 05:00:31 PM
oh my!!!   :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 05:17:36 PM
The story on FITH is great, The ride needs updating. Waxing Nostalgic isn't going to help. I fear in a few years, we'll be dicussing FITH in the same terms of the Diving Bell. But like I said, we need more enclosed attractions/rides at SDC due to it's extended operating season in a vert fickle climate.

;DOh, and Frank Haith......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on January 21, 2013, 06:25:14 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 05:17:36 PM
The story on FITH is great, The ride needs updating. Waxing Nostalgic isn't going to help. I fear in a few years, we'll be dicussing FITH in the same terms of the Diving Bell. But like I said, we need more enclosed attractions/rides at SDC due to it's extended operating season in a vert fickle climate.

;DOh, and Frank Haith......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I agree FITH and The Flooded mine need to be updated in a bad way. Keep the basic storyline but spruce it up. Someone mentioned older Disney attractions that have been kept. You have to also remember Disney keeps some current also. The upgrades to Pirates of the Caribbean for example brought the attraction new life. They are currently working to upgrade and refurbish Splash Mountain. The Snow White attraction was closed and a new Snow White themed coaster was recently opened. Mr. Toad was closed to make way for Winny the Pooh ride. The haunted Mansion has upgrades in the finale and scenes have been upgraded.
Take for instance poor old grandfathers mansion. This is just plain ugly and a worn out 1970's gravity house. It has to many coats of paint and just reeks of ugly. The moat in front of FM is overrun with Algee .

Point is you have to move ahead or die. I remember these attractions in their prime. Would I miss them if they were replaced with something more appealing and modern? Nope not a bit.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 06:32:05 PM
Quote from: Runner1960 on January 21, 2013, 06:25:14 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 05:17:36 PM
The story on FITH is great, The ride needs updating. Waxing Nostalgic isn't going to help. I fear in a few years, we'll be dicussing FITH in the same terms of the Diving Bell. But like I said, we need more enclosed attractions/rides at SDC due to it's extended operating season in a vert fickle climate.

;DOh, and Frank Haith......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I agree FITH and The Flooded mine need to be updated in a bad way. Keep the basic storyline but spruce it up. Someone mentioned older Disney attractions that have been kept. You have to also remember Disney keeps some current also. The upgrades to Pirates of the Caribbean for example brought the attraction new life. They are currently working to upgrade and refurbish Splash Mountain. The Snow White attraction was closed and a new Snow White themed coaster was recently opened. Mr. Toad was closed to make way for Winny the Pooh ride. The haunted Mansion has upgrades in the finale and scenes have been upgraded.
Take for instance poor old grandfathers mansion. This is just plain ugly and a worn out 1970's gravity house. It has to many coats of paint and just reeks of ugly. The moat in front of FM is overrun with Algee .

Point is you have to move ahead or die. I remember these attractions in their prime. Would I miss them if they were replaced with something more appealing and modern? Nope not a bit.

Seven Dwarfs coaster will not open till 2014. It'll feature cars that swing from side to side.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on January 21, 2013, 07:35:27 PM
Move ahead of die?? What do you think WF, PK and OR is? What do you think GE is? They dont need to ax classics. Hell I could say my dear grams has too many coats of paint. Does that mean I want to get rid of her? No. She is a classic and fun ta boot. I dont think the point of an attraction should be what does it do? How many bells and whistles does it have? It is about what kind of memories does this make? Does this add to valuable time I can spend with my kid? Thinking back now I dont remember the suped up awesome roller coasters. I dont remember the latest and greatest technology this or that had. I remember the fun I had with my family. Going through GM actin a fool. Riding FM a bajillion times. Going down some corrogated metal pipes (Which I think Junior placed as leftovers from the DB.)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 21, 2013, 07:46:01 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 05:17:36 PM
;DOh, and Frank Haith......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

What does this even mean?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 08:30:28 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 21, 2013, 07:46:01 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 05:17:36 PM
;DOh, and Frank Haith......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

What does this even mean?

Appears your coach is headed for a Show Cause penalty from the NCAA.

Maybe we can get SDC to hire him as a real, in the flesh, Baldknobber with a bag over his head.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on January 21, 2013, 08:40:43 PM
This thread needs to get more civil real fast. I know we all have different opinions, but nothing we talk about on this site is worth getting in a tiff over.

I'd be fine with new props on either of the rides in question, but it's hard to draw the line between the classic experience and over-doing it so that it's "white-washed" with technology. When FC redid their dark ride it became much cleaner and flashier, but the experience is now very dry and stale. Luckily SDC's in-house professionals know what they're doing in these regards and I'm sure they have great plans in store down the road. I think if anyone looks really close at the recent changes/additions to the park you'll see they are still doing the best they can to keep the old charm under modern conditions.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on January 21, 2013, 09:38:36 PM
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on January 21, 2013, 07:35:27 PM
Move ahead of die?? What do you think WF, PK and OR is? What do you think GE is? They dont need to ax classics. Hell I could say my dear grams has too many coats of paint. Does that mean I want to get rid of her? No. She is a classic and fun ta boot. I dont think the point of an attraction should be what does it do? How many bells and whistles does it have? It is about what kind of memories does this make? Does this add to valuable time I can spend with my kid? Thinking back now I dont remember the suped up awesome roller coasters. I dont remember the latest and greatest technology this or that had. I remember the fun I had with my family. Going through GM actin a fool. Riding FM a bajillion times. Going down some corrogated metal pipes (Which I think Junior placed as leftovers from the DB.)
^what she says!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 21, 2013, 11:34:55 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 08:30:28 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 21, 2013, 07:46:01 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 05:17:36 PM
;DOh, and Frank Haith......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

What does this even mean?

Appears your coach is headed for a Show Cause penalty from the NCAA.

Maybe we can get SDC to hire him as a real, in the flesh, Baldknobber with a bag over his head.

I'm failing to see how this adds to the discussion.  It appears like a desperate grasping of straws to solicit a response from me... and if that is the case, that is pretty pathetic and very unbecoming of you.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 22, 2013, 08:06:56 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 21, 2013, 11:34:55 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 08:30:28 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 21, 2013, 07:46:01 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 21, 2013, 05:17:36 PM
;DOh, and Frank Haith......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

What does this even mean?

Appears your coach is headed for a Show Cause penalty from the NCAA.

Maybe we can get SDC to hire him as a real, in the flesh, Baldknobber with a bag over his head.

I'm failing to see how this adds to the discussion.  It appears like a desperate grasping of straws to solicit a response from me... and if that is the case, that is pretty pathetic and very unbecoming of you.

Can't help it when I see that avatar of yours.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on January 22, 2013, 11:02:37 AM
I have an on topic response!

I know everybody (including myself) has had many memories of Tom and Hucks Hideaway (the treehouse) but lets face it, with todays's ADA laws, and the fact that it would not be a huge marketing hook, it will never be brought back to life... I think it would be neat to continue in the Mid Town tradition and add a demonstrating craft shop.... With an indoor flat ride! I know... It's hard to imagine, but let me paint you a picture. You take the wooden tops that the street performers sell and turn it into a hands on, decorate your own, hand spun wooden top. In the middle of theis Merch/Craft shop you have a custom themed, park model, Chance Wipeout.

Interactive crafts, demonstrating craftsmen, and a thrill ride all in a beautiful SDC Building!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 22, 2013, 12:45:45 PM
Quote from: chittlins on January 22, 2013, 08:06:56 AM
Can't help it when I see that avatar of yours.

A Lego Tiger causes you to drunk post? Um, ok
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 22, 2013, 12:53:10 PM
Quote from: Hollywood on January 22, 2013, 11:02:37 AM
I have an on topic response!

I know everybody (including myself) has had many memories of Tom and Hucks Hideaway (the treehouse) but lets face it, with todays's ADA laws, and the fact that it would not be a huge marketing hook, it will never be brought back to life... I think it would be neat to continue in the Mid Town tradition and add a demonstrating craft shop.... With an indoor flat ride! I know... It's hard to imagine, but let me paint you a picture. You take the wooden tops that the street performers sell and turn it into a hands on, decorate your own, hand spun wooden top. In the middle of theis Merch/Craft shop you have a custom themed, park model, Chance Wipeout.

Interactive crafts, demonstrating craftsmen, and a thrill ride all in a beautiful SDC Building!

Or an enclosed ride like a gravatron that's themed like a top.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 22, 2013, 01:33:35 PM
Quote from: Hollywood on January 22, 2013, 11:02:37 AM
I have an on topic response!

I know everybody (including myself) has had many memories of Tom and Hucks Hideaway (the treehouse) but lets face it, with todays's ADA laws, and the fact that it would not be a huge marketing hook, it will never be brought back to life... I think it would be neat to continue in the Mid Town tradition and add a demonstrating craft shop.... With an indoor flat ride! I know... It's hard to imagine, but let me paint you a picture. You take the wooden tops that the street performers sell and turn it into a hands on, decorate your own, hand spun wooden top. In the middle of theis Merch/Craft shop you have a custom themed, park model, Chance Wipeout.

Interactive crafts, demonstrating craftsmen, and a thrill ride all in a beautiful SDC Building!

Oooo, YES! A Sidewinder is what I was thinking of when mentioning Cyclone Sam's. And this would be a wonderful theme for it!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 22, 2013, 01:47:36 PM
Considering all the hairbrained contraptions that were invented in the pursuit of learning to fly, take a Gerstlauer Sky Fly and theme it to period as some SDC citizens wacky attempt at flight and with it's flying theme add the balloons to the area for a bit of a tamer ride.

An example of the Sky Fly is the Ninja Turtle ride at the Mall of America
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on January 22, 2013, 02:51:18 PM

I thought so to Joy! You could take out the light package, and fill those holes with wood looking panels. Put a on top of the ride, and give it a red a green scheme... Finish it off with a que line that wraps around the entire ride, and you have the perfect indoor flat ride that unarguably fits the SDC theme and brings together the three main reasons anyone goes to SDC. Rides, crafts, and family time.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on January 22, 2013, 03:05:25 PM
Return of the Diving Bell would be the best yet!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on January 22, 2013, 03:52:05 PM
Could it operate in all weather conditions? Or did it shut down in the lightning?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on January 23, 2013, 08:25:08 AM
I worked at the diving bell, playing "Junior Dugan" from 1979-1984. The diving bell was a simulation attraction, and it was contained completely inside the building that now houses the Lost River. Since the simulators were inside the building, the attraction could operate any day, rain or shine. It did not matter if thunder and lightning were nearby. I only remember a few violent storms in the years that I worked there that resulted in a power outage at the diving bell. The occupied capsules would simple come to rest at a slant on their hydraulic arms, and everything of course went black. When the power came back up, the Junior in the capusle with the group of park guests would have to hit a "recycle" button which reset the film and effects, and within ten minutes, the adventure could begin again...from the start. So, a power outage really ruined the ride, because guests then knew they were not underwater! Belive it or not, the combination of film and sound effects, special effects like water leaks, and the motion of the capsule, convinced many people over the years that they really were on an underwater adventure in a submarine. The attraction, if brought back today with the special effects that now 3D, and so on, would be fantastic! I'd like to see the diving bell come back, and I'd love it if SDC would let me help them in staging the comeback. I'd leave all sorts of "homage" around the attraction that would tip a hat at the old attraction and the people who worked there. I can dream, can't I?  ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 23, 2013, 12:49:51 PM
A new version of the Diving Bell seems like such a no brained and there's. Spot for it as well considering  the removal a certain water attraction a couple of seasons back. Wtih the City push outward, I wonder if creating another lake has been considered?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on January 23, 2013, 05:32:26 PM
I think if they put a diving bell simulator building on the site of the old Waterboggin, and built a fake "tunnel" with a water feature that allowed for a fake diving bell top like there used to be at the old attraction to pass back and forth in the tunnel, it could be believable enough and would link the new building to the lake. Build the fake tunnel so it appeared that a capsule passed from the building, under the current kiddie playground area, to the lake. Another way to do this could be with the film shown in the simulator. The diving bell could be at the top of a flooded sinkhole, and just sink into a passage that gos to the lake. They could still put a fake diving bell top on the lake edge to make it appear the capusles were in the lake.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on January 23, 2013, 06:36:14 PM
Quote from: Junior on January 23, 2013, 05:32:26 PM
I think if they put a diving bell simulator building on the site of the old Waterboggin, and built a fake "tunnel" with a water feature that allowed for a fake diving bell top like there used to be at the old attraction to pass back and forth in the tunnel, it could be believable enough and would link the new building to the lake. Build the fake tunnel so it appeared that a capsule passed from the building, under the current kiddie playground area, to the lake. Another way to do this could be with the film shown in the simulator. The diving bell could be at the top of a flooded sinkhole, and just sink into a passage that gos to the lake. They could still put a fake diving bell top on the lake edge to make it appear the capusles were in the lake.

A great idea!  BRING BACK THE BELL!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 23, 2013, 06:45:29 PM
I think if they do the Diving Bell it needs to be where Splash Harbor was.  That way it has good visibility across the lake.  You'll have to go through Geyser Gulch to get to it... Geyser Gulch should probably be in the name somehow.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on January 23, 2013, 09:50:09 PM
Hey, great idea Swoosh. Whatever works. It would be fun to see the diving bell come back, but I'm not holding my breath. Time marches on. It was a fun 8 years from 77-84, I'm glad I was a part of it all back then.  :) It has been nice over the last few years to hear so many fond memories of the diving bell from forum members. I've cruised some other Internet sites and seen similar positive memories and stories. I'm glad to know that so many people fondly remember the old diving bell. It was a cutting edge attraction for its time.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on January 29, 2013, 02:48:27 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 23, 2013, 06:45:29 PM
I think if they do the Diving Bell it needs to be where Splash Harbor was.  That way it has good visibility across the lake.  You'll have to go through Geyser Gulch to get to it... Geyser Gulch should probably be in the name somehow.

YEAH!  Just bring it back, please!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on January 30, 2013, 07:11:43 AM
The diving bell concept would be a great idea, but I would like to see it brought back as a 3D/4D concept similar to Spider-Man at IOA or toy story mania. Stationary simulators have not seemed to evolved much to me. The ride through concepts though keep getting better.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 30, 2013, 01:04:16 PM
Oh, I dunno. The refurb of Star Tours is AMAZING. Every ride is different. So much so that my friend and I rode it *8* times in one day, and we still have not seen all of the combos. Also, the 3D in it is magnificent; the glasses they use a wonderful, and the 3D is SO clear.

I think a new Diving Bell with 3D and maybe a randomized mix of elements like the new Star Tours could be something incredible.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on January 30, 2013, 03:37:25 PM
With todays technology a new diving bell attraction at SDC would be G-R-E-A-T!!! I bet it would cost ten times what the original attraction cost to build! (About $1.5 million.)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on January 30, 2013, 06:14:21 PM
Quote from: Junior on January 30, 2013, 03:37:25 PM
With todays technology a new diving bell attraction at SDC would be G-R-E-A-T!!! I bet it would cost ten times what the original attraction cost to build! (About $1.5 million.)

So what, It needs to be done. It's the one thing we all agree on and gives us a weather proof attraction.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on January 30, 2013, 06:53:39 PM
I think the return of the Diving Bell following Outlaw Run would bring in visitors by the flocks!  ;D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on January 31, 2013, 07:20:16 AM
Quote from: Joy on January 30, 2013, 01:04:16 PM
Oh, I dunno. The refurb of Star Tours is AMAZING. Every ride is different. So much so that my friend and I rode it *8* times in one day, and we still have not seen all of the combos. Also, the 3D in it is magnificent; the glasses they use a wonderful, and the 3D is SO clear.

I think a new Diving Bell with 3D and maybe a randomized mix of elements like the new Star Tours could be something incredible.

I rode it 6 times and never got the same story. I agree the 3d elements are great, but the motion elements are not much improved over the original. I still think the 3D/4D type like Spider-Man where you move along a track in front of screens would be a great diving bell type attraction. It would probably be to costly for HFE though.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on January 31, 2013, 12:53:15 PM
why copuldnt they do a simple panoramic 360 degree view?
i dont know what the correct name is, but you all know what i am talking about..   
they could do 3 or 4 different recordinge/scenarios,  and there ya go!.. 
wouldnt think the expense would be too extreme..
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on January 31, 2013, 01:39:41 PM
Throw me 3 season passes and if they need a ruby dugan voice over Im their gal!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 31, 2013, 05:10:56 PM
What would be fun would be to utilize the technology used on Soarin' at Disney parks and make it into the next generation Diving Bell.  Might enclose the seats into a "sub" or something
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 31, 2013, 05:57:02 PM
OMG. I LOVE Soarin'. Either make a Diving Bell attraction with that tech, or a flyover of the Ozarks, which has to include a flyover of SDC with accompanying smells (I love how in Soarin', when you fly over the orange orchards, you actually smell oranges!). Could theme it to the flight of a bat from Marvel Cave or something.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on January 31, 2013, 07:27:13 PM
Just another flying contraption of Doc Harris
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on February 01, 2013, 07:05:17 AM
I remember a time when the PTB considered "revamping" the original diving bell attraction when it was still in place, about 80/81/82 they had "experts" come in from somewhere else...where I do not know...and they rode one of my rides, after the visitors got out, the experts proceeded to walk around the capsule, and one thing they did talk about then was a 360 panoramic view! They wanted to remove some of the wooden panels to put in more windows, but that would have meant shooting additional film, putting it in sequence with what was already in place, and then refitting all five capsules. I'm sure that idea at the time was not cost efficient. Bottom line is, to the best of my knowledge, no changes were made to the original attraction at that time. In a new attraction, something like that could be worked in from the start. Think about this, though, if you see less on screen, you don't know what's coming at  you next...a torn off boat dock, a rockslide, Eli Tolts, and so on...might make it more exciting NOT seeing something until the last second! ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on March 14, 2013, 07:46:41 PM
I think this would be the ultimate solution to the abandoned waterfall/CC ride situation. I know some of you don't want RF to come to the city, but if they do it right, it could look something like this. Think of the classic float trip on top of the hill with a surprise ending down the waterfall behind Lumbercamp. The queue line could take the classic route under the waterfall and up the hill behind the jerky shop. The station could be up there as well with the lift hill being at the end of the ride... Lumbercamp Falls!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 14, 2013, 08:40:57 PM
Quote from: Hollywood on March 14, 2013, 07:46:41 PM
I think this would be the ultimate solution to the abandoned waterfall/CC ride situation. I know some of you don't want RF to come to the city, but if they do it right, it could look something like this. Think of the classic float trip on top of the hill with a surprise ending down the waterfall behind Lumbercamp. The queue line could take the classic route under the waterfall and up the hill behind the jerky shop. The station could be up there as well with the lift hill being at the end of the ride... Lumbercamp Falls!

not bad
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 14, 2013, 08:44:21 PM
I showed a suspended coaster from Whitewater West in concept art for GG some time back and mentioned that Vekoma was putting in something similar at a monster of a waterpark over in Dubai. Here's a photo of the coaster that drops water bombs to fight back.


Here's a link to a review of this highly themed waterpark
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Thunderation on March 14, 2013, 09:47:09 PM
I think it would be interesting to have an indoor Wing rider. There would be a lot of near-misses, and it could be themed very well. Maybe themed to a bat going into a cave.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: rubedugans on March 15, 2013, 07:38:24 AM
Soarin' is is a do not miss ride. As for Branson /SDC soarin' I would arrange it like this:
Scene 1: a foggy morning lake fishermen etc flyover that then goes into
Scene 2: a flyover of the Ozark hills
Scene 3: that dives down into the cave
Scene 4: goes through cave and heads towards a bright light
Scene 5: the light dims and you are flying down he strip
Scene 6: you see highlights of 76 leading you to the landing fire and water show
(Narrowly missing the flames- but getting a bit of the mist on you)
Scene 7: point lookout and SOTO give way to
Scene 8: the SOTH farm and tower swing you up and out
Scene 9: and into SDC flying by all the big attractions
(Avoiding GE!)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on March 15, 2013, 08:57:48 AM
RUBE!!!???   where do I sign up for that ride..!!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on March 15, 2013, 09:35:08 AM
YES. An SDC version of Soarin' would be amazing!!!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: rubedugans on March 15, 2013, 08:00:14 PM
Sorry I had been up since 445 and totally forgot about this post! I actually had to read it to remember what I had posted. soarin is 4:51 long, I think that they could put together that much for the Ozarks. Throw in a few waterfalls , and some water surfing, tubing, white water, Branson would be well over 5 min! Just now invest in an IMAX camera ( half a million dollars) and start filming, a helicopter would be in need...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Thunderation on April 14, 2013, 07:24:42 PM
This isn't an attraction idea but the leftover concrete trenches from Buzzsaw falls need to be filled in with dirt an maybe plant some flowers on top.  It looks really ugly from the queue and on the ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 14, 2013, 08:03:46 PM
Quote from: Thunderation on April 14, 2013, 07:24:42 PM
This isn't an attraction idea but the leftover concrete trenches from Buzzsaw falls need to be filled in with dirt an maybe plant some flowers on top.  It looks really ugly from the queue and on the ride.

Yep that needs reworked for sure.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: emmabugsmama on April 23, 2013, 08:02:40 AM
I actually like seeing where things once were, my daughter is really fascinated by my  stories of old rides.  If you really crane your neck you can still see parts of Jim Owen's Float Trip on the way to Wildfire.  But that's just my little ol opinion.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior on April 23, 2013, 08:23:33 AM
I was pleased to see that over the years as they added Wildfire and put in the AP, they left some of the old float trip as atmosphere. I worked at the float trip in '79, and am glad I had a chance to. They replaced it in '81, and I got to work at AP, too. I wish they could better utilize the old float trip mill, open it up as a shop, but unless they developed an AP gift shop, I don't know what they could do with it, as it is an island surrounded by AP channels.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: TwinsVikingsWild on August 20, 2013, 02:59:52 PM
I'd like another roller coaster "The Western Shot"
Starts out going up a 150 foot lift hill, then a turn right, then straight down. After that, you go through a series of fast turns and inversions.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on August 20, 2013, 09:25:13 PM
Quote from: TwinsVikingsWild on August 20, 2013, 02:59:52 PM
I'd like another roller coaster "The Western Shot"
Starts out going up a 150 foot lift hill, then a turn right, then straight down. After that, you go through a series of fast turns and inversions.

You literally just described Outlaw Run... or was there a joke there that went over my head?  ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Clanouper on November 06, 2014, 07:55:19 AM
My family had a lot of fun on the waterboggin'. We hated to see it go, especially if it wasn't going to be replaced with something right away. I would have like to have tried the Diving Bell and the Jim Owen's Float Trip before it was taken out.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on November 15, 2014, 10:14:27 AM
Riverfront Playhouse experiences its most dramatic transformation yet.  We're not utilizing the space as a theater any more, so let's think creatively:

1.  Strip the interior and start laying the track for Silver Dollar City's newest dark ride.

2.  Make this into the new 4D theater.  Go West!:  the Incredible True Story of Lewis and Clark.

I don't know how the queue would work, but there is a little space there with which to work.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on November 15, 2014, 01:37:54 PM
Quote from: Clanouper on November 06, 2014, 07:55:19 AM
My family had a lot of fun on the waterboggin'. We hated to see it go, especially if it wasn't going to be replaced with something right away. I would have like to have tried the Diving Bell and the Jim Owen's Float Trip before it was taken out.

I'm not so romantic as most for the Float Trip. I grew up running a 14 ft flat bottom with a 9.9 outboard  on the St. Francis. But...The Diving Bell could most definitely be recreated with amazing effect with today's new tech and should be the only consideration for a NEW dark ride.

Flooded Mine has been attacked but most top parks have a shooter dark ride. It could use a Tech and effect overhaul but the storyline is fine. That was an amazingly themed ride for times and still is. I've expressed what I'd do to FITH.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on November 15, 2014, 01:50:21 PM
Quote from: History Buff on November 15, 2014, 10:14:27 AM
Riverfront Playhouse experiences its most dramatic transformation yet.  We're not utilizing the space as a theater any more, so let's think creatively:

1.  Strip the interior and start laying the track for Silver Dollar City's newest dark ride.

2.  Make this into the new 4D theater.  Go West!:  the Incredible True Story of Lewis and Clark.

I don't know how the queue would work, but there is a little space there with which to work.

Have you Google Earthed that area, with  the open patch of land between it and River blast, it's as large a footprint as Waterboggin had. I maintain this is an excellent location for and Indoor spinning Ice House themed coaster.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on November 15, 2014, 02:11:27 PM
^I've always noticed that space, but it's been a long time since we talked about it on here. It's a perfect space for a ride because it's a great amount of space tucked away behind things.

Just throwing this out there: I'd personally look into putting something like a HUSS Top Spin there (or rather, one of the Zamperla/KMG variants that might be more reliable). It could be oriented so that the back is facing the train depot so that side isn't disruptive to the depot atmosphere, and themed to a sawmill. Here's Talocan at Phantasialand, which we've brought up a few times before:
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on November 15, 2014, 02:27:38 PM
Quote from: shavethewhales on November 15, 2014, 02:11:27 PM
^I've always noticed that space, but it's been a long time since we talked about it on here. It's a perfect space for a ride because it's a great amount of space tucked away behind things.

Just throwing this out there: I'd personally look into putting something like a HUSS Top Spin there (or rather, one of the Zamperla/KMG variants that might be more reliable). It could be oriented so that the back is facing the train depot so that side isn't disruptive to the depot atmosphere, and themed to a sawmill. Here's Talocan at Phantasialand, which we've brought up a few times before:

Heve you seen the Zamperla Air Race concept that rises up high. It was shown at a presentation that they gave to try and manage that place up in New York.


Anyways, IAPPA starts soon, i'll go cooky over the new ideas, like to attend that one of these days.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Injun Joe on November 15, 2014, 02:41:29 PM
I think Chittlins' is clearly the most desirable option, but hey, theres plenty to be said for a nice big flat too.  Of course, I thought Buzzsaw Falls was pretty cool, so take that with a grain of salt.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on November 15, 2014, 02:57:49 PM
Quote from: chittlins on November 15, 2014, 02:27:38 PM
Quote from: shavethewhales on November 15, 2014, 02:11:27 PM
^I've always noticed that space, but it's been a long time since we talked about it on here. It's a perfect space for a ride because it's a great amount of space tucked away behind things.

Just throwing this out there: I'd personally look into putting something like a HUSS Top Spin there (or rather, one of the Zamperla/KMG variants that might be more reliable). It could be oriented so that the back is facing the train depot so that side isn't disruptive to the depot atmosphere, and themed to a sawmill. Here's Talocan at Phantasialand, which we've brought up a few times before:

Heve you seen the Zamperla Air Race concept that rises up high. It was shown at a presentation that they gave to try and manage that place up in New York.


Anyways, IAPPA starts soon, i'll go cooky over the new ideas, like to attend that one of these days.

Nah, that's not a ride I'd want to see plopped down in the heart of the city. The reason I liked the Top Spin is because they seem to easy to enclose or heavily themed so that they are at least partially concealed. The only place I think a ride like that could "work" at SDC is if they put it up in the corner of GE where the Galleon is now. That way it's part of the kooky expo and can be played off as some sort of bizarre steam punk invention, without affecting the feel of any part of the park except the immediate area of the GE.

IAPPA surprises me every year. I think lately it's the suggested implementations of ride technology that really interest me more than the tech. itself, and more companies are getting better at showing that off. I'm also really interested to see what GCII will have... they were doing some fairly innovative smaller/economy coaster ideas, but then they lost half their staff just a few months ago. I still really want a GCII at SDC.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on November 15, 2014, 07:35:11 PM
I think a lot of people would like to see some form of the diving bell return.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on December 10, 2014, 08:30:23 PM
Posted about this ride before but this video really shows the possibilities with this ride system and would love for something based on this to find a home at SDC. I think with the right story, it would really elevate SDC.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior, too! on December 11, 2014, 05:37:37 AM
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on December 11, 2014, 07:38:22 AM
Quote from: Junior, too! on December 11, 2014, 05:37:37 AM

Kills ser real birds with one stone doesn't it. It's inverted, a spinner, and perfectly suited for dark ride elements all with what appears to be a fast load station.

I love the indoor station with the slides. I think there's a couple of kiddie rides in there that isn't shown. Would help with the cold weather of Old Time Chirstmas.
Title: Re: SDC's 2016 Project(s) and Park Developments
Post by: Dewayne on December 19, 2014, 10:00:48 PM
I like that we have a place to talk to other random SDC fans about any random stuff. I live in Oklahoma and I go to Branson almost every 2 weeks, so a lot of the employees are now my friends. Like Zar, Fire Chief Jessi, T-Bone, Miss Daisy, Terry Sanders, Catfish, Shorty, Lair, Tom and Tim who play Scrooge in A Christmas Carrol, Bart who plays Jacob Marley and works in the maigic store, Ric, Fred-die, Cathy, Jason, Larry, and Kenna.

I have thought about a lot of stuff that I would like to see.

1. A suspended coaster like the one in the blueprints on Undercover Boss. I want it to go above everybodys heads because I know they have some unused room here and there around the park. So put the poles in the unused space. People can watch thier children and take pictures from the streets. Making a coaster go underground is also a good idea. They have lots of unused room underground.

2. I miss Celebration City A LOT!!! Open it back up as a the same 50s/60s theme and put in any cool rides you can find online. I want to ride bumper cars, free go karts, scrambler, free mini golf, tilt a whirl, fireball, chaos, and the flying aces again. Either that or bring expand SDC and bring them there. We really need bumper cars, free mini golf, go carts, an arcade, the ferris wheel, and tilt a whirl. They also need to do something with Wildcat. Like maybe buy 2 new trains and bring it to SDC.

3. I want a forwards and backwards coaster like the Boomerang Coaster that is at a lot of parks.

4. The Ferris Wheel either go in between the Waterboggan tower and Firemans landing, if not then i want a big mini golf course there (its looks like a great place for a mini golf course), or i want the ferris wheel in the small space on top of the small waterfall that never works anymore between Riverfront Playhouse and Boatworks Theater.

5. I want to see another railroad crossing going across the tracks behind Firemans Landing, along with a coaster and carnival rides back there.

6. Ive heard great things about how Fire in the Hole used to be, when it told the story and went on a longer track including a track broken bridge track that went down somehow. I want to see this come back so I can see what it was like. Im tired of telling the story myself.

7. More rides up the road from Outlaw Run. Connecting Wildfire with Powder Keg also sounds like a good idea. Make that into a big circular road and put another ride back there.

8. I want to see some kind of ride or show on or over Lake Silver. The Lumberjack show was awesome! Bring that back!

9. Rides going over each other sound cool. Like a coaster over a water ride. You wont know if you will get wet or not. You know you wont get wet during the winter because they dont run water rides then. So getting soaked relies on another ride, while you are already riding one.

10. Either change the American Plunge or get rid of it! Ever since the horrible upgrade it got 6 years ago, its become bland and boring! I liked it the way it was with the manicans and lights that came on, which told a story. Unlike now. Traveling thru a dark tunnel slowly, that tells no story. I usually scream, shout, and talk with other people while in the tunnel for something to do.

11. I am soooo excited for Firemans Landing next year! But why did they build Half Dollar Holler and  do a lot of advertizing for it when there wasnt much there? Plus, theyre moving the lil swings to Firemans Landing. Why did they build them in the first place? I hope they put something there. I hate seeing an area die like that. Put a ride in place of it!

12. Ive heard good things about the diving submarine thing or whatever it was. I never seen it but i really want to know what it was like. Please bring it back.

13. Redo the treehouse or take it out! Its an eyesore that nobody can use. Its useless.

14. Some kind of a scary ride and a halloween festival.

15. There are a lot of couples or people who are in love who come. I want to see "The Tunnel of Love" telling a story of a regular couple in love. Going thru marriage, child birth, raising kids, growing old, and getting grandkids.

Please comment or say what you guys think.  ;D
Title: Re: SDC's 2016 Project(s) and Park Developments
Post by: Dewayne on December 19, 2014, 11:21:10 PM
Over the years, the park has gone down hill because of many things. First, in the past SDC was a great park that i was proud of, with a great, old, park that played great oldies which wasnt from the 1880s but it was close enough and they were good songs. Then about 7 years ago, they change the park theme for some odd reason to a dumb cowboy theme. I dont know why. They got rid of all the good oldies shows and started playing stupid country. Why? What happened? How? It used to be a great oldies park like celebration city. They even built Outlaw Run and gave it a cowboy theme. I mean come on! Ever since the theme changed, the only time i heard a good song that i wasnt playing, was in a few shows that brought their own good music that they like. Which were 3 shows. David Willey, birds of prey show in echo hollow, and the Flying Ace All-Stars. They played a few good oldies and some great Rock songs.

These are the shows i want to see at SDC or come back:

1. The 50s/60s oldies show in echo hollow which was so awesome! Why did they bring a stupid all country show? There needs to be a good show that plays 1 good genre like oldies, rock, or pop, or a mix of every genre, so there is something for everybody!

2. The lumberjack show.

3. The pig races

4. Great shows during summer fest like a BMX Bike stunt show, veggie tales show, or an old school, Cirque di Sole steam-punk like variety show, kind if like the saloon show but with jugglers and acrobats.

5. The Parrot show, the Skinny Improv, or a show like Ignite The Night from Celebration City.

6. The guys from Uhkraine who dance like theyre croutching on their shins. I liked them. They were great dancers.

7. Chinese shows are always good and very interesting.

8. David Willey had the greatest Science Show ever! Keep him!

9. The birds of prey show in echo hollow.

10. Flying ace all stars

11. The Australian singer. I cant remember his name. His last time was about 7 years ago.

12. A Wild west gunfight stunt show that is actually good this time! The pinkerton man sucked because every year there was sone kind of bad music or stupid song. Go to Frontier City in Oklahoma City and watch their stunt show! That is and always will be the best stunt show ive ever seen! You will learn a lot from that show! It has everything you could ever ask for in a stunt show. Good Rock music, FIRE, an explosion, lots of shooting with blanks of course, comedy, and great fighting. I feel like im at a wrestling match when i watch it because its so thrilling! Plus they are professionals down here. You can learn a lot from Frontier City.

13. A scary, sideshow, freak show. Where people do weird tricks with their body.

14. Some new acts for the Street Shows. They have done the same ones for the past like, 8 years now abd im starting to get bored wuth them. Dont get ne wrong, i really do like them. But ive seen most of them 5 times so far.

15. Young Christians Weekend. Why dont they get awesome bands that everybody knows and loves? I wanna see SKILLET and Matt Kearney! They are my 2 favorite Christian singers.

16. They say they play bluegrass now? Which is just another word for country, pretty much. Tgen why dont they get a good Bluegrass / Rock band? Why dont they get MUMFORD & SONS? They are awesome! They have taken bluegrass to new heights and showed that you can play a banjo in a rock song and make it sound good! Mumford and sons....I will wait. I will wait for you!
Title: Re: SDC's 2016 Project(s) and Park Developments
Post by: History Buff on December 20, 2014, 10:22:46 AM
It sounds like you have your themes confused.  SDC is not about the oldies or 50s.  It's not a park about Christian rock bands.  It's not about contortion shows, stunt shows, etc.  SDC is a romanticized version of the 1880s.  Some of the things you tout are the very things that most of us cringe at - the loss of the true theme.  Bluegrass music would be the heart of the type of music that would have been played in the hills - certainly not Skillet.  The part is and should be about history, heritage, and faith.  While pushing the limits on presentation, those things constitute the soul of Silver Dollar City.  All of your carnival rides will make SDC like every traveling street carnival in the world and divert the attention from the beauty and the rustic charm of Silver Dollar City.  The theme has not been controverted, but we can agree that it has been expanded and in some cases diluted to include the time period but not necessarily the location.
Title: Re: SDC's 2016 Project(s) and Park Developments
Post by: sanddunerider on December 20, 2014, 05:35:17 PM
Quote from: History Buff on December 20, 2014, 10:22:46 AM
It sounds like you have your themes confused.  SDC is not about the oldies or 50s.  It's not a park about Christian rock bands.  It's not about contortion shows, stunt shows, etc.  SDC is a romanticized version of the 1880s.  Some of the things you tout are the very things that most of us cringe at - the loss of the true theme.  Bluegrass music would be the heart of the type of music that would have been played in the hills - certainly not Skillet.  The part is and should be about history, heritage, and faith.  While pushing the limits on presentation, those things constitute the soul of Silver Dollar City.  All of your carnival rides will make SDC like every traveling street carnival in the world and divert the attention from the beauty and the rustic charm of Silver Dollar City.  The theme has not been controverted, but we can agree that it has been expanded and in some cases diluted to include the time period but not necessarily the location.

Well put, thanks HB!!
Title: Re: SDC's 2016 Project(s) and Park Developments
Post by: DollarCityBoy on December 21, 2014, 01:05:54 AM
Quote from: Laroy on December 19, 2014, 11:21:10 PM

7. Chinese shows are always good and very interesting.

13. A scary, sideshow, freak show. Where people do weird tricks with their body.
Title: Re: SDC's 2016 Project(s) and Park Developments
Post by: tinmann620 on December 21, 2014, 04:10:39 AM
Stay on topic, all the above has nothing to do with this thread. Personal ideas and wants belong in the "ideas" thread. Thanks~
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on December 21, 2014, 04:34:29 PM
Welcome Laroy... I disagree with just about everything you've posted, but at least it's a new perspective!  :D

I'm a little puzzled at your rejection of the cowboy infusion into SDC while simultaneously wishing for things like mini-golf and the 50's/60's show, among other things...

At least we can all agree on wanting to see the lumberjack show return.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: okiebluegrass on December 22, 2014, 02:10:08 PM
1) I want my treehouse rebuilt :)
2) All New Diving Bell
3) Please fix American Plunge, and theme it like the old Jim Owens Float trip
4) Figure out a better way to communicate the theme of Fire in the Hole so that people that don't know and / or understand that they have no affiliation whatsoever with the KKK
5) Heap on the Ozark History - Make it as close to a "Living History" Museum/Theme Park as possible.
6) More street shows. More Performers, More improv.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on December 23, 2014, 02:01:04 PM
Ok ok.... I hopefully just thought of a show that we would all like to see just now. There used to be a small stage in midtown that now has a wagon on it. Back in the 1800s and 1900s there were a lot of traveling salesmen. Some selling tonic, the were called Medicine Men, and some were more like Rainmakers. I looked this up. I heard there used to be something like this in SDC a long time ago. The medicine man usually said, "Come one, come all! I have just invented a magic tonic that can cure any ailment and it will make you live longer." This sounds like a really good character and show i want to see. It would be very short. He isnt really selling anything and its just a small, brown bottle of water.

They can also do a Rainmaker like show where he has 1 kid put 1 foot in a round metal pan on the ground and a stick in her hand. He tells her to hold it high and say a chant like, Ooya Ooya Rain come here today! Then he flips a switch behind a curtain in the wagon and water comes out of 2 sprinklers on top of the wagon.

There should be a halloween festival with a scary ride or haunted house. During this festival, there should be a casket in place of the wagon. He says there is a 6 bedroom, 3 bath house underground and the casket is the elevator. He chooses a man to go inside and he closes the door. Once he does a hooded figure opens the back door and taps him on the shoulder to switch places. He then asks are you done looking yet and tells everyone to come up close. He opens the door and the hooded figure jumps out, scaring everyone. Then he goes back inside, closes the door, switches places with the man, the man comes back out, and the hooded figure stays behind the casket where he cant be seen.

I know not all of you will agree with the halloween part but the Rainmaker and medicine man show are very good ideas because they were very popular back then. Btw, i do TRY to stick with the theme all the time but i want to see the things come back that i grew up with. I also think they can add stuff to the park that would make it a lot better, and im tired of them trying to change the theme to a cowboy theme. The old theme is not bad but if you want to change it, dont change it to a cowboy theme.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on December 23, 2014, 02:09:21 PM
Quote from: Laroy on December 23, 2014, 02:01:04 PM
Ok ok.... I hopefully just thought of a show that we would all like to see just now. There used to be a small stage in midtown that now has a wagon on it. Back in the 1800s and 1900s there were a lot of traveling salesmen. Some selling tonic, the were called Medicine Men, and some were more like Rainmakers. I looked this up. I heard there used to be something like this in SDC a long time ago. The medicine man usually said, "Come one, come all! I have just invented a magic tonic that can cure any ailment and it will make you live longer." This sounds like a really good character and show i want to see. It would be very short. He isnt really selling anything and its just a small, brown bottle of water.

They can also do a Rainmaker like show where he has 1 kid put 1 foot in a round metal pan on the ground and a stick in her hand. He tells her to hold it high and say a chant like, Ooya Ooya Rain come here today! Then he flips a switch behind a curtain in the wagon and water comes out of 2 sprinklers on top of the wagon.

There should be a halloween festival with a scary ride or haunted house. During this festival, there should be a casket in place of the wagon. He says there is a 6 bedroom, 3 bath house underground and the casket is the elevator. He chooses a man to go inside and he closes the door. Once he does a hooded figure opens the back door and taps him on the shoulder to switch places. He then asks are you done looking yet and tells everyone to come up close. He opens the door and the hooded figure jumps out, scaring everyone. Then he goes back inside, closes the door, switches places with the man, the man comes back out, and the hooded figure stays behind the casket where he cant be seen.

I know not all of you will agree with the halloween part but the Rainmaker and medicine man show are very good ideas because they were very popular back then. Btw, i do TRY to stick with the theme all the time but i want to see the things come back that i grew up with. I also think they can add stuff to the park that would make it a lot better, and im tired of them trying to change the theme to a cowboy theme. The old theme is not bad but if you want to change it, dont change it to a cowboy theme.

SDC used to have a rainmaker show a long time ago. I do not ever recall a medicine  man show, but it is a good idea. The trouble with this is one big word MONEY. Where do you put your money to get a return on your investment. Street shows take a lot of full time employees to do. Not sure if they would pull the new revenue to offset the cost. I would love to see them unfortunately it is a new era.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior, too! on December 23, 2014, 03:36:22 PM
There was a medicine show in the late 60s to mid 70s. If you catch the Beverly Hillbillies at SDC episodes, one has Granny on the medicine wagon doing a bit.  The Rainmaker was on park in the 70s 80s, and early 90s. The medicine show sold candy medicine, but the last year or two that became politically incorrect. The medicine wagon moved to SDC Tennessee for many years and was used in some capacity. In recent years It was used as a stage next to the SDC Missouri candle shop.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on December 23, 2014, 06:07:55 PM
Pete Herschend sang on the stage in the 60's as part of the Medicine Wagon Quartet.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on December 23, 2014, 07:31:55 PM
Not long ago they actually brought back a medicine wagon show. It was on the little stage next to the candle shop. I think it was around 2008-2009. I think the problem with it was a bad location and the fact that people didn't know about it or why it was worth seeing.

Runner, I think there's definitely a ROI on these types of activities within the park. Anything that makes the place special helps people feel that they are getting their money's worth and encourages them to tell others about the park. It has to be marketed correctly though. This type of stuff needs to get brought back into the advertised focus of the park.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on December 24, 2014, 06:25:27 PM
That is exactly what i mean. Thank you! It should be in the Pathfinder because it is a show. People need to know about it so they can see it. I think they would probably put it down near where they put the street shows, under the Echo Hollow Show, in Park Happenings.
Title: to be merged
Post by: chittlins on March 13, 2015, 10:47:08 PM
Quote from: DianaGail on March 13, 2015, 09:33:10 PM
Doing halloween is a terrible idea.  Number one, part of the allure of SDC is the Christian atmosphere and emphasis.  Halloween does not fit in to this at all.  Many Christians do not celebrate Halloween and this will certainly hurt them.  Number two, look at the customer they target.  While it is always a family park, you see so many older people there during the fall.  You take away the fall fest, you take away all of that money.  And those people spend money and lots of it.  How would you market a Halloween festival to a bus full of seventy year olds? 

You know the amazing thing is that you don't have to ostracize both young and old. Last I looked my pastor still takes my check on Sundays and my kids haven't been kicked out yet for being Rocket Raccoon and Katniss.

Are they hurt when they play all that modern country music full of innuendo and stuff during Moonlight Madness. See, I'm a pretty conservative guy but come on. It reminds me of when my Brother In Law wouldn't have anything to do with Disney based on religious ground, amazing after child three you'd never had know that. No one is saying take away the fall fest for the Blue Hairs but my 12 and 11 year old aint' feeling the arts and crafts either.

What's that bumber sticker

Title: to be merged
Post by: Dewayne on March 14, 2015, 09:30:09 AM
Ok ok. When it comes to shows, any show that doesnt play music, is good. Or if they have their own recorded music, like the Harlem Globetrotters, or David Willey. The saloon show is half-good. All the rest is crap because it is all stupid country! And during moonlight madness, they play it loudly all over the park! Nobody wants to hear it! Stop annoying people with it! They are suppost to play something good like Oldies, or if you want to play country, it has to be in a mix! This is common sense! Oldies are closer to 1880 than anything else! Why did they change? Also Dickens is good, and I hope I get to see my friend Chris Stanley. I wish we had a good Wild West show like Frontier City. Its a western park but they still play good Rock Music in the show. I dont want to hear all stupid country when im walking around or in line! Thats why im the parks good music entertainment. Also the train show is good too, but I can only hear it half of the time.
Title: to be merged
Post by: Dewayne on March 14, 2015, 09:38:52 AM
We could also really use a resort like Dollywood's.
Title: to be merged
Post by: History Buff on March 14, 2015, 11:10:19 AM
I'm all for good shows.  I still advocate for a return of the comedy shows in the Playhouse, but most of you don't even remember those.  Many of the venues are sitting unused for most of the season, and are only used for visiting performers in little thrown-together shows that you can see on a local festival stage in a local municipality.

The word is unique, and it should be something for which SDC continues to strive.  No meeting of the decision makers should be without the questions, "How do we make this OURS?  How do we set ourselves apart?  How is our experience different?"  After all, SDC's proclaimed mission is to provide Memories Worth Repeating.  If I can get the same show (or any attraction, for that matter) in any other place, it's not worthy of our beloved City.  If it can be envisioned, crafted, molded, and honed into something special, then Silver Dollar City will continue to be viable, healthy, and stand out as a beacon and example in the tourism world.
Title: to be merged
Post by: Dewayne on March 14, 2015, 11:42:23 AM
Yes and that cant happen if the choosers of the rides, said no as much as you guys. You need to stop saying no to every ride! There are only about 100 different rides in the world, not including coasters. Most parks already have every ride we have. If you say take out one ride, you might as well take out every ride! So what if we might have rides like other parks! That doesnt matter! If you dont like it, you dont have to come! They choose the rides. We are just trying to help with ideas. STOP SAYING NO TO EVERYTHING! SDC wouldnt be where its at today, without rides! I wouldnt even come, if they didnt have rides. Not everybody can go to other parks! SDC is my disney and they need more rides. So what if other parks have them! It doesnt matter! You can go to parks around the world because most of you are richer than me! Just because you dont want to ride some rides, doesnt mean you can reject every single ride. You have to give it a chance like everyone else.
Title: to be merged
Post by: Dewayne on March 14, 2015, 11:43:47 AM
I would like more funny shows. Everybody likes to laugh! We need more of those!
Title: to be merged
Post by: Dewayne on March 14, 2015, 12:25:23 PM
Its about 2 things: Money and what the majority wants.
Title: to be merged
Post by: Dewayne on March 14, 2015, 01:03:33 PM
You can already see that SDC went away from the 1880 theme when they made the first ride, then the first coaster because they didnt have rides back then. So theyre not sticking to the theme anyway. Since you all keep saying no to all this, then we need another park or something in branson! One with a different theme, more like a regular amusement park so we can all see what riding popular rides is like, in the branson area. Then, we wont need to drive all the way to florida, california, texas, or kansas city. We can experience it in branson. We need another park with a different theme and more modern, popular, regular rides, coasters, and a halloween festival. It was a very bad idea taking CC out, but at least we got the its not all bad...

Also, we need a Tunnel of Love in SDC. Because love was in the air back in 1880. It needs to tell a story of a man meeting a woman, child birth, and growing up. It should be a romantic ride that reminds you both why you married each other. Or maybe some kind of pedal-boats on Lake silver. Some parks have swans. So maybe they can make a different kind of boat.
Title: to be merged
Post by: Tmboote on March 14, 2015, 01:21:26 PM
I have three amusement parks (Worlds of Fun, Valleyfair, and Adventureland) closer to me than SDC is that have the rides you would expect at an amusement park. But, I still come to SDC because it is a better park than any of those. So, you don't need to have certain rides to get people to come.
Title: to be merged
Post by: History Buff on March 14, 2015, 06:39:52 PM
Laroy, you are cracking me up.  You're all over the place.  Hey, the restrooms aren't in theme.  They should only have outhouses with leaves and corncobs to wipe with.  And maybe there should be a ride based on it, because they had poop in the 1880s!

You keep talking about what SDC is supposed to have, as if there are laws about these things.  The bottom line is SDC is supposed to have whatever their owners and directors decide they will have.  I know they want to appeal to the masses, but SDC is also a labor of love, and they want it to exude a particular mood and feel.  I've never seen electric guitars in any of the photos from the 19th Century.

Now, to be clear, this thread needs to get back on topic.  If you wish to discuss these peripheral topics, you need to find another thread.  There is no reason to hijack threads for redundant conversations.
Title: to be merged
Post by: runner1960 on March 14, 2015, 06:48:59 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 14, 2015, 06:39:52 PM
Laroy, you are cracking me up.  You're all over the place.  Hey, the restrooms aren't in theme.  They should only have outhouses with leaves and corncobs to wipe with.  And maybe there should be a ride based on it, because they had poop in the 1880s!

You keep talking about what SDC is supposed to have, as if there are laws about these things.  The bottom line is SDC is supposed to have whatever their owners and directors decide they will have.  I know they want to appeal to the masses, but SDC is also a labor of love, and they want it to exude a particular mood and feel.  I've never seen electric guitars in any of the photos from the 19th Century.

Now, to be clear, this thread needs to get back on topic.  If you wish to discuss these peripheral topics, you need to find another thread.  There is no reason to hijack threads for redundant conversations.

Laroy  I would also add to maybe make your conversations more adult. Using words like Stupid just makes you seem like a child. We can criticize and debate in a civilized manner. I do not like a lot of your ideas but I would not call them Stupid because you have your opinion. A lot of us differ and have conflicting  views on how the park is and should expand but we do not resort to childish name calling. I really do not like text language in a civil conversation either. Now back on topic.
Title: to be merged
Post by: Dewayne on March 14, 2015, 07:05:50 PM
History buff, i didnt go that far, but it might be a good experience...also some things, i didnt know what you were talking about...
Title: to be merged
Post by: Dewayne on March 14, 2015, 07:07:39 PM
I do try to stay on topic! Im giving ideas just like you are.
Title: to be merged
Post by: Dewayne on March 14, 2015, 07:12:44 PM
What about a Renaissance themed area? Everybody loves knights, swords, and all that cool stuff. Kids would love getting knighted with the sword, or whatever you call it when they put the sword on your shoulder to make you an official knight. Jousting would also be nice....but some people would call it unsafe, even if they have professionals doing it. It doesnt have to be real, it just has to look real.
Title: to be merged
Post by: History Buff on March 14, 2015, 07:36:25 PM
It has been brought up at a part of a Mark Twain dark ride with a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.  Renaissance is not exactly 1880s Ozarks, so I don't see this happening.
Title: to be merged
Post by: Dewayne on March 14, 2015, 07:42:06 PM
What about Tim Hawkins, Bill Engvall, or Jeff Foxworthy?
Title: to be merged
Post by: Tmboote on March 14, 2015, 07:42:41 PM
Quote from: Runner1960 on March 14, 2015, 06:48:59 PM
Now back on topic.

I feel like this could be considered "on topic" since there really isn't any solid information on what we should be discussing for next season yet.
Title: to be merged
Post by: Swoosh on March 14, 2015, 08:37:00 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 14, 2015, 07:12:44 PM
What about a Renaissance themed area? Everybody loves knights, swords, and all that cool stuff. Kids would love getting knighted with the sword, or whatever you call it when they put the sword on your shoulder to make you an official knight. Jousting would also be nice....but some people would call it unsafe, even if they have professionals doing it. It doesnt have to be real, it just has to look real.

I appreciate you enthusiasm but I think you might be missing the point of SDC.  Have you ever been to the park?  Most of the ideas that you have suggested, while fun sounding, have no place at this park.  You might want to better acquaint yourself with what SDC is and stands for before chiming in, this isn't a random themes park.
Title: Re: to be merged
Post by: shavethewhales on March 14, 2015, 11:15:14 PM
I have moved a number of posts into this thread. This is the appropriate thread to post ideas, no matter how outlandish or unpopular they may be.  ::)

Lol, keep it up Laroy. I, for one, am entertained. Just keep it mature and in the right threads.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 15, 2015, 09:18:32 AM
Yes swoosh, i have been to the park more than probably anyone else. I dont see why we cant have any ride in the world, but you do have to know that there are only about 100 rides in the world, not including coasters. There are about 10 different kinds of coasters too. So, that means no matter what ride we get, some other park will have one too. You want it to be "different", but being that different just wont happen until someone invents new types of rides. We could have anything, even a suspended coaster. After Firemans Landing, I think they can theme almost anything. So what if its like Grand Expo! Its about enjoying the rides! So what if they dont fit into the theme! It makes people happy, they make money from them, and it makes memories.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 15, 2015, 09:32:25 AM
Thank you for confirming my suspicions that you do not understand SDC, that will make responding to you easier in the future.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 15, 2015, 10:11:23 AM
OMFG Swoosh! I do to!! Have you ever been? Branson is my 2nd home. Like I said before, I go almost every week.

As for crafts, I would like to see a salon and a shirt printing press.

Back to rides again: maybe some Tin Lizzy's cars or instead of cars, maybe plastic rocking horses. Also maybe some real horse rides. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 15, 2015, 01:27:38 PM
Have I ever been?  Yep. I've been there once.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 15, 2015, 01:29:08 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 15, 2015, 10:11:23 AM
OMFG Swoosh! I do to!! Have you ever been? Branson is my 2nd home. Like I said before, I go almost every week.

As for crafts, I would like to see a salon and a shirt printing press.

Back to rides again: maybe some Tin Lizzy's cars or instead of cars, maybe plastic rocking horses. Also maybe some real horse rides. 

I've never heard a single woman I know say, " going to SDC, wish I could get my hair and nails done there."

There are more than 10 types of coasters, granted lots share commonalities on track design and elements.

I don't get shirt printing press at all. That screams strip mall souvenir shop/flea market.

There's not enough flat land for an antique car ride  and if there was, not for that.

The biggest thing here, is we are the folks that snort pixie dust and can't quit it like those that do it for Disney parks, but we certainly will voice displeasure with events if we don't like them. It's why we harp on refurbing the classics. (sidenote, I was about ready to shoot myself half way thru It's a Small World at Disney World a month ago)
Some are just so old, something has to be done and we want them revitalized not razed. Some would like to see a revisit to Grand Exposition and give it a better tie in.  I don't know how you do that without scraping half of it. But, like Plopsa over in Europe shows it can be done

Tea Cups before

What will be after with a restaurant included

But you have to ask yourself, would you rather them spend millions on theming mistakes and scrape new projects for it. Answer is no.

Some of us see AP as a place where you can justify it with a flume that features side by side seating for better capacity, multiple drops and even direction changes with better and/or revamped thematics.

Like I said in another post, what the Euros are doing in the theming department, even the small parks are putting US parks to shame.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 15, 2015, 02:31:13 PM
Welcome to the forum, Swoosh!  If you have any questions about Branson and Silver Dollar City, please feel free to ask.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 15, 2015, 02:34:17 PM
Yes, but rebuilding the old rides or retheming, probably wont happen. Most of us want most of that, but we all know, it would be a miracle. I only said printing press and salon because they are interesting jobs that I think are interesting and love to watch. I dont want them as my job though. We all know AP needs something done to it. Doing anything to it would make it better, even having nothing there. I think its an eyesore because i hate thinking about what they did to it. But, they need to do something, like if it goes backwards i will ride it 100 times in a row. It doesnt matter how much capacity it has, as long as its better than it is now, ill be happy. There are about 10 types of coasters, not including backwards/forwards: steel, wood, indoor, inverted, looping, wild mine, launched, dive, reinforced (i think they call a triangular track, a reinforced coaster), and i think thats it, maybe others but i cant remember the rest.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 15, 2015, 02:36:20 PM
They had hairdressing back then and they could make money off  of it. They make lots off of everything else anyway..
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 15, 2015, 03:16:01 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 15, 2015, 02:34:17 PM
Yes, but rebuilding the old rides or retheming, probably wont happen. Most of us want most of that, but we all know, it would be a miracle.

The original rides are what made SDC a popular park and many people love those rides. I feel that SDC will do whatever they need to do to keep those rides for many years.

Quote from: Laroy on March 15, 2015, 02:34:17 PM
There are about 10 types of coasters, not including backwards/forwards: steel, wood, indoor, inverted, looping, wild mine, launched, dive, reinforced (i think they call a triangular track, a reinforced coaster), and i think thats it, maybe others but i cant remember the rest.

Wing, Shuttle, Mine Train, 4D, Suspended, Stand-Up, Floorless, Flying, Wild Mouse, Terrain
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 15, 2015, 03:24:12 PM
After the AP downgrade, taking away fith story, and taking out some fith track, I doubt that. Those things made it worse.

Ok, maybe 15 types then...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 15, 2015, 03:56:55 PM
All of those downgrades were in the name of increasing ride capacity.  With the numbers of riders that are handled on them, it seems they mishandled them.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: oldsdcer on March 15, 2015, 04:28:26 PM
I was looking at lake silver yesterday and thinking that they really need to do something with it, of coarse thinking diving bell, or an underwater coaster like was suggested on Undercover Boss.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 15, 2015, 04:50:24 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 15, 2015, 02:31:13 PM
Welcome to the forum, Swoosh!  If you have any questions about Branson and Silver Dollar City, please feel free to ask.

;D Thanks History Buff, I'll be sure to do that.  Super excited for my second-ever trip to the park next weekend.

::) Is this Laroy guy for real?  It has to be a double moniker for another poster who is trolling for lulz.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 15, 2015, 04:52:18 PM
Quote from: oldsdcer on March 15, 2015, 04:28:26 PM
I was looking at lake silver yesterday and thinking that they really need to do something with it, of coarse thinking diving bell, or an underwater coaster like was suggested on Undercover Boss.

Can't do much there as the Lake is very close to the cave.  Not much  "cushion" between the two in that area.  I would, however, like for the entrance to Lost River to be moved to inside Fireman's Landing.  The entrance/exit boardwalk could go along the faux rock wall.  That would really clean up the look of the Lake and open up the views from the dinning area by the Toy Store.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: DollarCityBoy on March 15, 2015, 04:55:50 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 15, 2015, 04:52:18 PM
Quote from: oldsdcer on March 15, 2015, 04:28:26 PM
I was looking at lake silver yesterday and thinking that they really need to do something with it, of coarse thinking diving bell, or an underwater coaster like was suggested on Undercover Boss.

Can't do much there as the Lake is very close to the cave.  Not much  "cushion" between the two in that area.  I would, however, like for the entrance to Lost River to be moved to inside Fireman's Landing.  The entrance/exit boardwalk could go along the faux rock wall.  That would really clean up the look of the Lake and open up the views from the dinning area by the Toy Store.

I LOVE that Idea Swoosh, I'll agree with that one!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on March 15, 2015, 06:00:35 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 15, 2015, 04:52:18 PM
Quote from: oldsdcer on March 15, 2015, 04:28:26 PM
I was looking at lake silver yesterday and thinking that they really need to do something with it, of coarse thinking diving bell, or an underwater coaster like was suggested on Undercover Boss.

Can't do much there as the Lake is very close to the cave.  Not much  "cushion" between the two in that area.  I would, however, like for the entrance to Lost River to be moved to inside Fireman's Landing.  The entrance/exit boardwalk could go along the faux rock wall.  That would really clean up the look of the Lake and open up the views from the dinning area by the Toy Store.

That, or maybe just a boardwalk in any case. The bit behind the toy store was certainly left ragged.

I think the lake just needs some general TLC around the other parts of the perimeter. I wouldn't want to see too much more added around it because is already a cacophony of rides now.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 15, 2015, 06:24:21 PM
Well at least one more attraction will be added to FL but not for awhile. 

I'm still not convinced that they're done with the dinning area by toy store.  That area was said to receive an entire new look this past off season and that didn't happen.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 15, 2015, 06:39:37 PM
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 15, 2015, 06:00:35 PM
cacophony .

You win today's 10 dollar big word prize.

I was flabbergasted.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 15, 2015, 07:03:05 PM
What did you say Swoosh? About me?

And btw that is a good idea about moving the lost river entrance/exit, if they were going to do something with it. Nice job OldSDCer. The coaster idea is good, if only they could find a way...

The lake has been a little boring to me ever since the lumberjacks left from doing the log roll on the lake. The FL gazebo is there to make people admire the lake. I wonder why...What are they thinking about doing? Could it possibly do with Lake Silver??? Seems like a clue to me....
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on March 16, 2015, 10:12:34 AM
QuoteCan't do much there as the Lake is very close to the cave.  Not much  "cushion" between the two in that area.  I would, however, like for the entrance to Lost River to be moved to inside Fireman's Landing.  The entrance/exit boardwalk could go along the faux rock wall.
I am not sure if I understand your idea.  Do you mean to run the walkway around the back of the lake? 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: DollarCityBoy on March 16, 2015, 11:30:09 AM
Quote from: mhguy77 on March 16, 2015, 10:12:34 AM
QuoteCan't do much there as the Lake is very close to the cave.  Not much  "cushion" between the two in that area.  I would, however, like for the entrance to Lost River to be moved to inside Fireman's Landing.  The entrance/exit boardwalk could go along the faux rock wall.
I am not sure if I understand your idea.  Do you mean to run the walkway around the back of the lake? 

Yes, I believe that is what he means.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 11:55:54 AM
Again, if we are calling this Fireman's Landing, there should be a boat aspect to the area.  I know it would take license with Ozarks history, but some sort of fire boat sitting in the lake, with fountains spraying from it might be an interesting addition.  I don't know that it needs to be a ride, but it could be a cool fountain feature.  Maybe it could even do a dancing fountain show at set times throughout the day.  Light it up at night for a light and water show.

With enough viewing area, something like this could create a "mist-curtain" for a nightly projection presentation of the Bald Knobber history and tie the firefighter theme to FitH.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 12:26:20 PM
Wow History Buff. That is a very nice idea! Kinda like the CC show Ignite the Night or Branson Landing's water and fire show. I also like the boat idea. I think anything would be nice there, as long as nothing collapses and nobody gets hurt. I still also like my idea of some paddle boats, like the swan boats that other parks have, but maybe something besides swans. Maybe something like ducks, dogs, or water buffalo. As long as they find a way to make it popular and get people over there.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: joshblakebran on March 16, 2015, 01:39:05 PM
I like the paddle boat would be great exercise and very relaxing. How could it be themed? Would there be issues getting insurance for an "attraction" like that? How many boats could fit on the lake at one time? Would something like this even be feasible Swoosh?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 01:41:27 PM
It could be a duck, dog, cowboy, water buffalo theme, or some other theme like that.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: DollarCityBoy on March 16, 2015, 02:06:20 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 01:41:27 PM
It could be a duck, dog, cowboy, water buffalo theme, or some other theme like that.

...or  renaissance themed.  ::)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 02:57:48 PM
I wish it could be. But someone else said they wouldnt do that.  :-\
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior, too! on March 16, 2015, 03:36:49 PM
I am OK with most everything folks are describing, but think the in park ads over the piped in music idea really are not what I want to experiece. Bummed out on that one. I will have to restrain my comments until I can get up to the park and hear it for myself. I can say this...if you don't like something, COMPLAIN. Tell any and all citizens how you feel...if you see survey folks as you are headed to the marketplace, or ask someone to have a manager come speak to you, if enough folks do this you will see results.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 03:44:32 PM
Agreed! Talk does get around fast, but sometimes you need to tell more than 2 people.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 05:20:15 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 11:55:54 AM
Again, if we are calling this Fireman's Landing, there should be a boat aspect to the area.  I know it would take license with Ozarks history, but some sort of fire boat sitting in the lake, with fountains spraying from it might be an interesting addition.  I don't know that it needs to be a ride, but it could be a cool fountain feature.  Maybe it could even do a dancing fountain show at set times throughout the day.  Light it up at night for a light and water show.

With enough viewing area, something like this could create a "mist-curtain" for a nightly projection presentation of the Bald Knobber history and tie the firefighter theme to FitH.

As for the "boats" if you move the entrance to Lost River by the FL restrooms you could do a returned of the ride and give it a purpose. 

I like the idea of a fountain show on Lake Silver.  I'm visualizing what they do at Dollywood for their special effects tree on their pond at Christmas.  We could even move our tree there to clear out some of the traffic on the square. 

Ooh!  They could put a skating rink where the tree usually is. 👍

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 05:21:54 PM
Quote from: DollarCityBoy on March 16, 2015, 02:06:20 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 01:41:27 PM
It could be a duck, dog, cowboy, water buffalo theme, or some other theme like that.

...or  renaissance themed.  ::)

😂😂😂😂 stop it, you're making my sides hurt from laughing so hard
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on March 16, 2015, 06:27:02 PM
LOL..!! ;D ;D

Swoosh !  Stop it!  your not helping!!..................
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on March 16, 2015, 06:35:09 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 05:21:54 PM
Quote from: DollarCityBoy on March 16, 2015, 02:06:20 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 01:41:27 PM
It could be a duck, dog, cowboy, water buffalo theme, or some other theme like that.

...or  renaissance themed.  ::)

😂😂😂😂 stop it, you're making my sides hurt from laughing so hard

Could you strap a couple of old Ray Johnson blades on a old broommakers broom handle. Then get a couple of horses and let the Hatfields and McCoys joust it out on the square?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on March 16, 2015, 06:44:52 PM
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 07:10:47 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 05:21:54 PM
Quote from: DollarCityBoy on March 16, 2015, 02:06:20 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 01:41:27 PM
It could be a duck, dog, cowboy, water buffalo theme, or some other theme like that.

...or  renaissance themed.  ::)

😂😂😂😂 stop it, you're making my sides hurt from laughing so hard

I knew I could count on you.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 07:49:58 PM
History, we're bad influences on each other.😇
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 07:52:36 PM
Swoosh why are you laughing? Are you being sarcastic?

Thank you Hollywood for that Veggie Tales video! It really brought out the kid in me. I miss watching Veggie Tales. They are a great, christian show for kids. Now that Im thinking about them, I want them back in SDC.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 08:05:49 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 07:52:36 PM
Swoosh why are you laughing? Are you being sarcastic?

Thank you Hollywood for that Veggie Tales video! It really brought out the kid in me. I miss watching Veggie Tales. They are a great, christian show for kids. Now that Im thinking about them, I want them back in SDC.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 08:30:07 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 07:52:36 PM
Swoosh why are you laughing?

Because History Buff made a funny.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 08:34:11 PM
Ok. Yes Tmboote I wish they could come back.

I just got an idea. Disney has the Bear Country Jimboree. Can SDC try something like that?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 08:37:26 PM
Tmboote, he's right...the Veggies were at SDC several years ago.

Laroy, there was a hound dog show proposed that was similar to the Country Bears; you just have to find the thread where it has been discussed.

Swoosh, if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right. :D

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 08:38:18 PM
Ummm no swoosh. It looked like you were laughing at me. Buff commented after you quoted mine and DollarCityBoy's posts.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 08:39:38 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 08:37:26 PM
Tmboote, he's right...the Veggies were at SDC several years ago.

You learn something every day. (I'm glad they left  :))
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 08:40:46 PM
Ummm why was a Hound Dog thing posted? You all say that you dont want to hear Elvis songs in the park.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 08:45:00 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 08:40:46 PM
Ummm why was a Hound Dog thing posted? You all say that you dont want to hear Elvis songs in the park.

Maybe people thought it would be okay to have that at the time it was discussed.

I don't really care about the shows because I don't go to them. (And I don't this is the correct thread to talk about shows and park entertainment)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 08:51:44 PM
Dogs are an iconic part of old-timey things.  Some of them even existed before Mr. Presley took his title as the King of Rock and Roll.  In fact, I have it on good authority that the lyrics in his song were a reference to the idea that a person could be as useless as a hound dog.  

Which came first?  Elvis recorded You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog in 1956.  Interestingly enough, however, he was not the first to sing it.  In fact, the first release of the song was three years earlier, just barely eking out the creation of the highly-popular hound breed of canines by a full 18 months.

And furthermore, since I created this thread and titled it with the word Attractions and not Rides, it is completely appropriate.  Some people are attracted to the classy stuff.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 08:59:42 PM
However, it is under the topic "Construction/Rumors." ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 09:01:18 PM
Ok thanks history buff for clearing that up. When someone said Hound Dog I immediately thought they meant Elvis.

And also thank you again. I thought this was the right place to talk about shows as well.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 09:03:05 PM
Shows can be "under construction" too and we can also have rumors about shows as well.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:05:21 PM
And just so everyone knows, (in case my sarcasm didn't show), I really don't care about you talking about shows on this thread. I'm terrible at staying on topic on threads.

Elvis isn't exactly "1880s Ozarks," so I'm glad you cleared that up History Buff.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:08:59 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 09:07:06 PM
I never said Elvis was 1880 ozarks.

I never said you said that.

Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 09:08:42 PM
What? Ok, now you are just putting words in my mouth. I never took a picture of anything or put "Swoosh" on anything!

I didn't mean that, something was messed up. It was fixed after I refreshed the page.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:19:34 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 08:38:18 PM
Ummm no swoosh. It looked like you were laughing at me. Buff commented after you quoted mine and DollarCityBoy's posts.
So I said the wrong person - point still stands that the poster that I quoted (DollarCityBoy) said something humorous.... and you might want to check the emoticon that DollarCityBoy posted after his message.  That would be an "eye roll"
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:20:59 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 08:37:26 PM
Swoosh, if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right. :D

Let's be BFFs.  No really, when are we going to finally meet up at the park?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:21:55 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 09:12:31 PM
How about we delete those posts between us and act like it never happened?

I deleted it right after it went back to normal, hoping that no one saw that post. It didn't work out that way.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:23:26 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:20:59 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 08:37:26 PM
Swoosh, if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right. :D

Let's be BFFs.  No really, when are we going to finally meet up at the park?

I believe that discussion belong in the 2015 Park Meet-Ups thread...... (Still kidding)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 09:26:54 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:05:21 PM
And just so everyone knows, (in case my sarcasm didn't show), I really don't care about you talking about shows on this thread. I'm terrible at staying on topic on threads.

Elvis isn't exactly "1880s Ozarks," so I'm glad you cleared that up History Buff.

Man, this thread is lit up tonight!  I can't even keep up with who's talking when.  Sorry I didn't pick up on the sarcasm, Tmboote.  Too many of us are employing that tool, this evening.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:30:30 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 09:12:31 PM
How about we delete those posts between us and act like it never happened?

Once it is on the internet - it can never be completely deleted.

Quote from: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:23:26 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:20:59 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 08:37:26 PM
Swoosh, if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right. :D

Let's be BFFs.  No really, when are we going to finally meet up at the park?

I believe that discussion belong in the 2015 Park Meet-Ups thread...... (Still kidding)

Careful or we won't invite you.  (I'm also still kidding)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 09:35:09 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:30:30 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 09:12:31 PM
How about we delete those posts between us and act like it never happened?

Once it is on the internet - it can never be completely deleted.

Quote from: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:23:26 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:20:59 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 08:37:26 PM
Swoosh, if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right. :D

Let's be BFFs.  No really, when are we going to finally meet up at the park?

I believe that discussion belong in the 2015 Park Meet-Ups thread...... (Still kidding)

Careful or we won't invite you.  (I'm also still kidding)

Tmboote:  ;)

Swoosh:  We met a couple of years ago, but just briefly.  I think you were on a tour.  I will be there, Wednesday or Thursday with the family.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:37:19 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 09:26:54 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:05:21 PM
And just so everyone knows, (in case my sarcasm didn't show), I really don't care about you talking about shows on this thread. I'm terrible at staying on topic on threads.

Elvis isn't exactly "1880s Ozarks," so I'm glad you cleared that up History Buff.

Man, this thread is lit up tonight!  I can't even keep up with who's talking when.  Sorry I didn't pick up on the sarcasm, Tmboote.  Too many of us are employing that tool, this evening.

Imagine how confused I was when my iPad was messed up and showed Swoosh's profile picture on Laroy. I'm glad it fixed it itself.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:44:09 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:37:19 PM
Imagine how confused I was when my iPad was messed up and showed Swoosh's profile picture on Laroy.

Dude.  Not cool.  Not cool at all.

Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 09:35:09 PM
Swoosh:  We met a couple of years ago, but just briefly.  I think you were on a tour.  I will be there, Wednesday or Thursday with the family.

Did we?  Sorry.  I meet so many people during the summer/season from online that I don't always remember screen names with the people IRL.  Let's plan on doing it again this summer.  (I won't be back to the park until Sunday -- and then after that, not until 4/11)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:49:36 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:44:09 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 09:35:09 PM
Swoosh:  We met a couple of years ago, but just briefly.  I think you were on a tour.  I will be there, Wednesday or Thursday with the family.

Did we?  Sorry.  I meet so many people during the summer/season from online that I don't always remember screen names with the people IRL.  Let's plan on doing it again this summer.  (I won't be back to the park until Sunday -- and then after that, not until 4/11)
I'll be there Sunday too.... This week can't go fast enough.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:51:14 PM
My group will probably be decked out in Mizzou gear and I'm sure I'll have my camera tied to my face (especially in FL).  If you see me, say hello (but make sure you ID yourself as being from SDCfans).

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 09:54:04 PM
Tmboote:  You'll have to look up to find Swoosh; he's got some height on him.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:55:43 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:51:14 PM
My group will probably be decked out in Mizzou gear and I'm sure I'll have my camera tied to my face (especially in FL).  If you see me, say hello (but make sure you ID yourself as being from SDCfans).

Ill be the one riding OR, PK, and WF.

Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 09:54:04 PM
Tmboote:  You'll have to look up to find Swoosh; he's got some height on him.

I'm not short, either.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:56:50 PM
I'm 6'4"  - yeah, that's probably in the realm of "tall"
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 09:58:57 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 09:56:50 PM
I'm 6'4"  - yeah, that's probably in the realm of "tall"

I'll look up 2-3 inches.

Wow, this got off topic fast.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 10:01:42 PM
Wait. There's was a topic?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 10:03:05 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 10:01:42 PM
Wait. There's was a topic?

Yeah, the Renaissance, remember?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 10:04:09 PM
Oh yeah.  I love the Ye Olde Turkey Legs.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 10:04:53 PM
Quote from: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 10:03:05 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 10:01:42 PM
Wait. There's was a topic?

Yeah, the Renaissance, remember?

It started in the 15th century in Italy then spread through Europe. Finally, World History class is good for something.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 10:08:32 PM
Yes swoosh i saw the eye roll. So what?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 10:09:19 PM
You know.  I think it would make a good theme for Silver Dollar City.
Nothing says Ozarks like knights running around in armor.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 10:11:47 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 10:09:19 PM
You know.  I think it would make a good theme for Silver Dollar City.
Nothing says Ozarks like knights running around in armor.

Wait, Italy is in the Ozarks? And Knights are more Medieval Period than Rennaisance.....
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 10:14:20 PM
but I saw jousting at KC Ren Fest -- and I got me a turkey leg.

and this is why I don't teach history, the inaccuracies by re-enactors would annoy me
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 10:17:44 PM
I like this already.

I plan on being there most of the day on Saturday and on Sunday morning. I will be on the train on saturday first, then FL almost all day after that. FL first on Sunday, then i dont know where i will go.

Look for a 5 foot, 11 inch red haired man in a "I Take Song Requests" shirt. I am the Good Music Man. Come up, say hi, mention SDCfans, and maybe we can hang out.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 10:20:40 PM
No.  I'm not being serious about a Renaissance themed section for the park.
Just wanted to make sure that everyone realized this would be a horrible addition to the park and completely break the established theme
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 16, 2015, 10:20:53 PM
Always love making new friends, but i never have anybody to hang out with.   :(
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on March 16, 2015, 10:23:51 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 16, 2015, 10:17:44 PM
I like this already.

I plan on being there most of the day on Saturday and on Sunday morning. I will be on the train on saturday first, then FL almost all day after that. FL first on Sunday, then i dont know where i will go.

Look for a 5 foot, 11 inch red haired man in a "I Take Song Requests" shirt. I am the Good Music Man. Come up, say hi, mention SDCfans, and maybe we can hang out.

Maybe you could start a petition for something Renaissance themed in the park.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 10:29:58 PM
As long as it is themed to Game of Thrones. :D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 10:34:49 PM
Robin Hood would fit right in with Outlaw Run.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 16, 2015, 10:40:13 PM
We already have a wooden roller coaster though
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 16, 2015, 11:24:46 PM
Nah, he could just be the mascot for Outlaw Run.  He's the outlaw, and we're the sheriffs.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 17, 2015, 12:43:14 AM
Nah...i wont start a petition. I never saw Game of Thrones, but i do want to watch it in the future.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on March 17, 2015, 07:01:35 PM
Quote from: Hollywood on March 16, 2015, 06:44:52 PM

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 17, 2015, 11:31:34 PM
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: puaa001 on March 23, 2015, 01:15:11 AM
completely agree with your ideas..
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 23, 2015, 08:50:34 AM
What ideas? Who's?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 02, 2015, 01:28:04 PM
I dont think it would be a bad idea if we had a horse or bull type ride like Bumper Cars, if we had horse rides, or walking trails through the woods. It would go along with the Outlaw Run theme, right? I know that carnivals have bumper cars and you dont want stuff that other parks have, but I dont think any parks have Horse/Bull Bumper Cars or walking trails. There are horse rides at places on the side of some roads, and Shephard of The Hills has them, but those are not really parks and it would go good with Outlaw Run theme.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 02, 2015, 11:29:02 PM
The insurance for horseback riding is through the roof.  When I worked at a place in the 80s, the liability insurance was $2000 per horse per year, and we just didn't make that much to justify the cost.  The owners just took their chances on special occasions with a waiver, but that little piece of paper is not worth the paper on which it is written.

As for bumper cars, no matter what shape they are molded to look like, they are substandard for SDC and would detract and distract from theme.  We don't like the basketballs bouncing, and bumper cars would be akin to that.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 03, 2015, 07:59:53 AM
How about walking trails that tell a story of Marmaros through the woods? Maybe with interactive buttons. That wouldnt cost much and there wouldnt be any liability there.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 03, 2015, 08:26:46 AM
Now you're talkin'!  I would love to lead tours like that or work on the implementation of historical "information centers throughout the City.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 03, 2015, 09:38:52 AM
Awesome! Maybe they can do that. All they need to pay for is the buttons, pictures, shovels to make the pathway, wood chips, and the work. It wouldnt take more than a month.

Do you work in the park?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on April 04, 2015, 02:04:17 PM
Quote from: Laroy on April 03, 2015, 09:38:52 AM
Awesome! Maybe they can do that. All they need to pay for is the buttons, pictures, shovels to make the pathway, wood chips, and the work. It wouldnt take more than a month.

Do you work in the park?

It is a good idea but a lot more work than you describe. PID drawings and engineering work along with electrical infrastructure to support the buttons you propose. Safety on the paths and ADA guidelines. A lot more than a month for something like this.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 04, 2015, 03:01:33 PM
Quote from: Laroy on April 03, 2015, 09:38:52 AM
Awesome! Maybe they can do that. All they need to pay for is the buttons, pictures, shovels to make the pathway, wood chips, and the work. It wouldnt take more than a month.

Do you work in the park?

No, Laroy.  I am a teacher.  Such could be solar powered, and perhaps could be a place where the scan of your ticket activates it.  There could also be a section of the SDC app that triggers a smart phone when it nears a particular location.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: joshblakebran on April 04, 2015, 09:10:47 PM
I really like this idea. It would be like an interactive trail. I personally love stuff like that.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 04, 2015, 10:48:18 PM
I like it too. It wouldnt be cartoonish looking, or anything that you wouldnt want to see, which is in a lot of other places. I can just picture this Walking Trail going under and in the middle of Outlaw Run more than anywhere else.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tinmann620 on April 05, 2015, 07:35:12 AM
I would love trails, like the one that used to go under the waterfall, unfortunately, this isn't a perfect world WITHOUT vandals, laws, rules, regulations, and INSURANCE companies. No one is allowed in a ride perimeter when the park is open, including employees...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on April 05, 2015, 10:01:24 AM
I wish the waterfall trail was still open.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 05, 2015, 11:51:44 AM
Then put the trail somewhere else.

I wish the waterfall trail was still open too.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 06, 2015, 01:10:06 PM
I just thought of this. There are coasters at some parks, very few, that have moving parts next to the tracks, to enhance the theme. I was thinking SDC could do something like add Wooden Boards that go up and down, controlled by one of those door closer things. For example, after Thunderation comes out of the tunnel, to add a more TNT effect, 2 boards that are next to the tracks can go down right after the train comes out of the tunnel. When the boards go across the tracks, it looks more like something has been blown up, then go back up to wait for the next train. They could also do this on another coaster, but I can see it happening on Thunderation more than any other ride, even though most people wont even notice it.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on April 06, 2015, 05:23:10 PM
I feel like it wouldn't be a good idea to have anything on the tracks. If the thing would malfunction and it isn't on the tracks, no big deal, but if it is on the track you have the trains crashing into them. I don't think this would be able to work on PK because of how sensitive the ride sensors are.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on April 06, 2015, 06:10:30 PM
Quote from: Gilligan on April 05, 2015, 10:01:24 AM
I wish the waterfall trail was still open.

It's closed for safety reasons and will not open ever again. Pretty sure I heard that a sink hole was discovered back there but I might be thinking of a different location in the park.  I know that there are at least a couple sink holes that have appeared here in the last couple of years.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 06, 2015, 07:59:14 PM
No need for a new attraction then - NEW for 2016:  Slide the Sinkhole has a nice ring to it.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 06, 2015, 09:23:35 PM
Quote from: History Buff on April 06, 2015, 07:59:14 PM
No need for a new attraction then - NEW for 2016:  Slide the Sinkhole has a nice ring to it.

The torrential rains the area had a few years back caused quite a few new ones throughout the Ozarks.
Heck, the cave is a sinkhole.. This is how SDC ends. Don't worry it's as likely at DisneyWorld too.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 09, 2015, 03:59:38 PM
Heres something new: A Pirate or Criminal type coaster, like the Hatfields or McCoys.

For pirate theme: Back in the 1880s, 5 pirates sailed in from Lake Taneycomo and into Table Rock Lake. They stole 500 dollars from victims in the streets. Come on on this wild coaster, Pirate's Plunder and act as they did and make a gettaway on their ship.

Every time I think about this, there is only 1 song that I could see being played as the theme song: Eastbound and Down.

For criminal/Hatfield theme: Dag nub it! Those Hatfields are at it again! Grab your hat and your boots and come along on this wild ride. Act as the Hatfields when they stole from people and made their gettaway. This is one wild coaster!

At first I saw it from the Policeman's point of view, but we have Outlaw Run for that.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on April 09, 2015, 08:05:38 PM
^I don't know about any of that, but I actually do agree with you on the earlier post about special effects near coaster tracks. I'm perhaps in the minority of coaster enthusiasts in that I would often trade track length for special effects and immersive theming. Adding some stuff to ThuNderaTion would be easy, and would make that ride really pop.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on April 09, 2015, 08:15:16 PM
QuoteAdding some stuff to ThuNderaTion would be easy, and would make that ride really pop.

I agree with you but have never considered what could be done to Thunderation.  What ideas do you have?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 09, 2015, 09:10:54 PM
True shave. There is almost nothing to look at in line that shows the theme of Thunderation, compared to other rides.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on April 09, 2015, 09:22:22 PM
Quote from: mhguy77 on April 09, 2015, 08:15:16 PM
QuoteAdding some stuff to ThuNderaTion would be easy, and would make that ride really pop.

I agree with you but have never considered what could be done to Thunderation.  What ideas do you have?

I'm just going to throw this out there without any explanation as to why this happened (and no I will not explain why so don't ask)

The theming on ThuNderaTion (the camp scene) has been removed and will not be coming back.  There were some other theming elements during the course of the ride that have been removed as well, but unless you're very familiar with the ride they won't be as obvious as the removal of the camp.  Its removal basically eliminates the entire backstory of the ride.

That is all, carry on
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 09, 2015, 09:24:21 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on April 09, 2015, 09:22:22 PM
Quote from: mhguy77 on April 09, 2015, 08:15:16 PM
QuoteAdding some stuff to ThuNderaTion would be easy, and would make that ride really pop.

I agree with you but have never considered what could be done to Thunderation.  What ideas do you have?

I'm just going to throw this out there without any explanation as to why this happened (and no I will not explain why so don't ask)

The theming on ThuNderaTion (the camp scene) has been removed and will not be coming back.  There were some other theming elements during the course of the ride that have been removed as well, but unless you're very familiar with the ride they won't be as obvious as the removal of the camp.  Its removal basically eliminates the entire backstory of the ride.

That is all, carry on

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 09, 2015, 09:46:30 PM
Did this happen recently? I have always seen that camp there. Wow, its like theyre trying to take the theming out of everything....
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Preachin_Bill on April 10, 2015, 11:47:03 AM
What?  That is very unfortunate.  I always enjoyed looking down at the camp from on top of the hill.  This seems like pure laziness.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 10, 2015, 01:04:02 PM
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tinmann620 on April 10, 2015, 02:30:23 PM
The camp was "re-invented" on the opposite side, this week. Now, if they would put Grandpa in the tub, back on the train loop, I'd be happy... :-\
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 10, 2015, 05:04:22 PM
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on April 10, 2015, 09:24:02 PM
So is the Thunderation area the place we need to look for construction flags?  Is the next project a newer, better TNT?  I love the old one so I hope it stays there in some fashion.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 10, 2015, 10:38:20 PM
^Not sure why anything should happen there before an AP replacement/upgrade.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Preachin_Bill on April 11, 2015, 12:33:35 AM
Thunderation is still a great ride and has great theme.  I think a big problem is that it's kind of hidden to those who don't know.  I had family go to SDC for the first time a few years ago and they went for consecutive years---the first year they didn't ride it because they didn't know it was even there, but when they eventually rode it the next visit they really liked it.  This was back when they had the backwards cars.
I guess chittlins is mocking those of us who thought the camp thing was a big deal, and that's fine.  I just hope people understand that to a lot of folks the small things matter, and combined they add up to a big feeling.  I like going back and looking at the same things I noticed as a kid; after all memories, good times, and unique experiences that we can't have anywhere else are what bring us back.  Glad to know there will still be a camp there, even though it isn't the normal one.

Moral of my post is that I agree with History Buff...there are bigger upgrade projects than Thunderation, with AP being number 1 in my book as well.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 11, 2015, 01:40:26 AM
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on April 11, 2015, 12:33:35 AMI guess chittlins is mocking those of us who thought the camp thing was a big deal, and that's fine.  

do me a favor, keep me out of your posts mmmmkay.

Now since this is the ideas thread an I post things from other parks you might want to look away.

Themed up Gerstlauer Sky Fly

Has anyone every rode the one at MOA. Think it's the only one stateside. The nice aspect about it is that the rider determines how maNY times they invert.

MOA Sky Fly
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on April 11, 2015, 03:02:17 AM
It has a steep learning curve on how to get it to flip.  Not overly fun unless you figure it out
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 11, 2015, 07:42:17 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on April 11, 2015, 03:02:17 AM
It has a steep learning curve on how to get it to flip.  Not overly fun unless you figure it out

Sounds like it's best to keep them in Europe then. One would think that would encourage re-ridership, so as to hone one's skills but most Americans these days..........
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 11, 2015, 11:37:47 AM
All of you are right.

Small things may seem small at first, but a lot of small things combined, doesn't look so small anymore. For example, a $1 bill is small right? Anything for $1 is cheap. When I go somewhere like Dollar Tree, I think that I will only need to buy 1 thing, but when I get in there, I need this, this this, that, then then that, and this, and this, oh and dont forget them. After a few minutes, I have 20 things I need (worth $20 combined), when I thought I only needed 1 thing. So, 1 small thing in theeming may seem small, but put 20 of them together, and it seems big.

And Chittlins, at first I thought you were so speechless that you couldnt talk, which is a first. Lol.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on April 11, 2015, 02:33:08 PM
^^^^I agree that AP needs the upgrade first of all.  Just that things changing at TNT got me to wondering if something bigger is planned for there.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on April 11, 2015, 08:09:55 PM
Not next year. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on April 12, 2015, 01:10:40 PM
Quote from: chittlins on April 11, 2015, 01:40:26 AM
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on April 11, 2015, 12:33:35 AMI guess chittlins is mocking those of us who thought the camp thing was a big deal, and that's fine. 

do me a favor, keep me out of your posts mmmmkay.

I understand what you were getting at, chittlins; you were expressing shock at the camp being taken out, and then relief when we learned it was just moved. Of course, I spend most of my time on Tumblr these days, so I've learned how to read people's expressing emotions via gifs. :D

PS: Great use of gifs, by the way. :)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 12, 2015, 01:42:07 PM
I see construction across the tracks from FL. Coaster, perhaps?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on April 12, 2015, 02:03:06 PM
Laroy, please see the 2016 thread.  I don't feel like c/p my post
What you see in that photo is just a backstage staging area.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 12, 2015, 02:14:26 PM
I did look. What about it?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tinmann620 on April 12, 2015, 05:02:38 PM
The picture you posted is old. The back lot has been cleaned off and is now host to hundreds of employees cars. fyi.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 12, 2015, 05:59:54 PM
Quote from: Joy on April 12, 2015, 01:10:40 PM
Quote from: chittlins on April 11, 2015, 01:40:26 AM
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on April 11, 2015, 12:33:35 AMI guess chittlins is mocking those of us who thought the camp thing was a big deal, and that's fine. 

do me a favor, keep me out of your posts mmmmkay.

I understand what you were getting at, chittlins; you were expressing shock at the camp being taken out, and then relief when we learned it was just moved. Of course, I spend most of my time on Tumblr these days, so I've learned how to read people's expressing emotions via gifs. :D

PS: Great use of gifs, by the way. :)


Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 12, 2015, 11:50:19 PM
Quote from: tinmann620 on April 12, 2015, 05:02:38 PM
The picture you posted is old. The back lot has been cleaned off and is now host to hundreds of employees cars. fyi.

Its from 2015. Thats not old.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on April 13, 2015, 08:13:48 PM
^It's old. Like he said, it's back to being a parking lot. A lot can change in a few months, and Google rolls out a new picture once every couple of years or so.

The Gerstauler Sky Fly is definitely closer to something I could see worked into SDC. It's an odd-looking ride, but I feel like it's one of those things that could really make something out of the Doc Harris/Steam Punk/1880's invention theme. I wouldn't want to see a lot of that thrown into the park, but one big ride like that would be cool.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 13, 2015, 08:30:43 PM
You want something high capacity and family oriented?... Only one kind of coaster comes to mind. What would be a 1880s, SDC version of a dragon?.... A bat. How about a suspended coaster that holds 4 people to a row (like Wildfire, but the track is on the opposite side) and is themed to the bats that come out of Marvel Cave every night. They are the reason SDC has very few mosquitos after all... The Flight Of The Bat! I can see it now!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 13, 2015, 09:14:13 PM
I could go for this idea, Laroy, but the public would rightly see this as a rip-off of Batman rides.  I like how you're thinking this time.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on April 13, 2015, 09:21:56 PM
Actually, a bat theme would be a really fitting animal theme for SDC. The cave is full of them. A large area of the park can't even be developed due to protecting the bat habitats. There's plenty of instances of them showing up in Ozark folk tales and such anyway.

I'm not big into animal themes for rides at SDC or DW - I think Wild Eagle turned out to be a very bland theme - but a bat theme could theoretically end up being well-thought out and fitting for SDC specifically.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 13, 2015, 09:40:11 PM
I think I've brought up the idea - in this thread - of weaving indigenous animals into the park - but strictly limited to those local animals.  Bass Pro could even sponsor a couple of small aquaria in strategic locations.  A lot of education could be included in the queue of a ride about bats.

I do a unit at school that focuses on the cave ecosystem.  Our room becomes a tourist cave, and students take other classes on tours, so this would interest me.  Of course, as we have discussed, it expands SDC to include yet another theme - zoology.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on April 13, 2015, 09:45:44 PM
A bat theme?  You mean like this one?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 13, 2015, 10:32:49 PM
Quote from: History Buff on April 13, 2015, 09:40:11 PM
I think I've brought up the idea - in this thread - of weaving indigenous animals into the park - but strictly limited to those local animals.  Bass Pro could even sponsor a couple of small aquaria in strategic locations.  A lot of education could be included in the queue of a ride about bats.

I do a unit at school that focuses on the cave ecosystem.  Our room becomes a tourist cave, and students take other classes on tours, so this would interest me.  Of course, as we have discussed, it expands SDC to include yet another theme - zoology.

Black Bear habitat. Mountain Lions are indigenous and are back out there again along with bobcats. There's quite a few if you get serious about it. HFEC doesn''t really need  Bass Pro's help u less it just wanta to share costs. Let's remember Wild Adventures and the aquariums in the company's portfolio. if they were to do this, I'd want top notch, realistic  habitats. I think the animals are taken care of at WA but the habitats are MEH.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 13, 2015, 10:46:07 PM
Example of Black Bear Habitat
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on April 13, 2015, 11:05:25 PM
Black Bear habitat at the Lumbercamp Waterfall. :)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: jstein4507 on April 14, 2015, 11:54:08 AM
A new area called the "Beverly Hillbilly Experience". There could be a ride that is like the famous truck, American Plunge could be rethemed as Texas Tea, ...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on April 14, 2015, 01:00:38 PM
Quote from: jstein4507 on April 14, 2015, 11:54:08 AM
A new area called the "Beverly Hillbilly Experience". There could be a ride that is like the famous truck, American Plunge could be rethemed as Texas Tea, ...

The trouble is no one under 60 would know who or what it was referencing.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: jstein4507 on April 14, 2015, 01:26:40 PM
I am under 60.
I know many under 60 that would fine the cultural and actual connection entertaining, no matter if they watched the show.
I do see what you mean though.

How about adding a Moonshiners class at the Culinary school?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 14, 2015, 04:45:52 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on April 13, 2015, 11:05:25 PM
Black Bear habitat at the Lumbercamp Waterfall. :)

That's exactly what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on April 14, 2015, 04:52:57 PM
Quote from: Runner1960 on April 14, 2015, 01:00:38 PM
[The trouble is no one under 60 would know who or what it was referencing.

I resemble that remark!....
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on April 14, 2015, 06:00:09 PM
I wish they could bring in the Shepherd of the Hills story.  Fictional, yes, but such an important part of the local culture.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on April 14, 2015, 07:57:50 PM
Quote from: jstein4507 on April 14, 2015, 11:54:08 AM
A new area called the "Beverly Hillbilly Experience". There could be a ride that is like the famous truck, American Plunge could be rethemed as Texas Tea, ...

Funny idea but the truck would be way out of theme for the 1880s.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on April 14, 2015, 08:26:34 PM
Quote from: Runner1960 on April 14, 2015, 01:00:38 PM
Quote from: jstein4507 on April 14, 2015, 11:54:08 AM
A new area called the "Beverly Hillbilly Experience". There could be a ride that is like the famous truck, American Plunge could be rethemed as Texas Tea, ...

The trouble is no one under 60 would know who or what it was referencing.

If they have MeTV at home they will.  For those who don't know, the truck is on display at College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: joshblakebran on April 14, 2015, 09:39:57 PM
I love the Beverly Hillbillies as do my kids, the youngest of which is in 1st grade. We watch them on TV Land and bought the SDC episodes when they were for sale at SDC a few years ago. If there are those who don't know what it was referencing it would give them something to research and learn about. With the way the area could be themed it could tell the story of who the Beverly Hillbillies are...wouldn't be much different than the way many learned about the Baldknobblers...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on April 15, 2015, 12:05:58 PM
They still sell the Tv Show with SDC on it..  I think there were 6 episodes..?  maybe the 1st 6? 

anyway as you walk into the building, walk past the Marvel Cave desk and the display is on your right on the wall.. They usually have a TV on showing them
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: joshblakebran on April 15, 2015, 01:55:22 PM
Thanks for the info sanddune...I think it is a must have for any fan of the Beverly Hillbillies and SDC...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on April 16, 2015, 04:06:48 PM
I love all these ideas. I wasnt thinking a flying coaster. I was thinking of just a regular sitting suspended coaster, but im ok for a flying coaster.

I do have MeTv 23-2, but i never watch it because nothing good like Beverley Hillbillies, Adams Family, or Munsters are ever on it. Beverley Hillbillies are always on 8-3 and on at the wrong time when other shows are on too.

I would like to see more animals in SDC, like bears, eagles, or an aquarium of fish. Make an area like a small zoo/aquarium with rides. The old petting zoo doesnt have many animals anymore and it doesnt look so good...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on May 04, 2015, 04:54:54 AM
Quote from: History Buff on April 14, 2015, 04:45:52 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on April 13, 2015, 11:05:25 PM
Black Bear habitat at the Lumbercamp Waterfall. :)

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

That would be SO amazing. They could find some way to include that story about the Osage scout who fought with a bear at the mouth of the Cathedral Room of Marvel Cave and they both fell in.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 04, 2015, 09:45:00 AM
YES! ^^^ That sounds great! I do wish they would have an area that is older, like Renaissance era, or newer like 1950s though....
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: W.P. Warburton on May 04, 2015, 09:59:54 AM
Knights in shining armor, baby boomers, and suburbia? Not at my SDC! Theme is 1880's and ozarkian traditional. Save that stuff for six flags and the like, just sayin
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on May 04, 2015, 11:41:19 AM
Quote from: Laroy on May 04, 2015, 09:45:00 AM
YES! ^^^ That sounds great! I do wish they would have an area that is older, like Renaissance era, or newer like 1950s though....

i wish there was something we could say that would make you understand what is meant by the "theme" Laroy.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tinmann620 on May 04, 2015, 02:51:06 PM
i.e. It's a TOTAL 1880's theme PARK, not a park with separate theme AREAS, like Disney and 6 Flags used to have...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 04, 2015, 03:35:45 PM
Renaissance is actually newer than the theme of the park
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on May 04, 2015, 08:23:14 PM
The Renaissance started in the 15th century.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on May 04, 2015, 09:14:41 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on May 04, 2015, 08:23:14 PM
The Renaissance started in the 15th century.

Exactly, I have no idea how Italy, Europe and the Renaissance have anything to do with the SDC theme.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 06, 2015, 12:29:46 PM
They have Crossroads Pizza. Where was pizza first made?

Exactly, it doesnt clash right with the theme. Thats why im saying I wish it was a good theme. Not some kind of a confusing, boring era/year
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on May 06, 2015, 12:45:18 PM
Quote from: Laroy on May 06, 2015, 12:29:46 PM
They have Crossroads Pizza. Where was pizza first made?

Exactly, it doesnt clash right with the theme. Thats why im saying I wish it was a good theme. Not some kind of a confusing, boring era/year

Laroy, I am not even sure you are talking about the right era you mentioned.

The Renaissance is completely different from the middle ages.If you are wanting jousting and Knights,kings and such you are talking 11th and 12the century stuff. If you are talking about the re awaking movement that started in Europe typically called the Renaissance period, then you are in the 15th through 17th century. Totally different time periods and themes.

Either way you are way out of SDC theming. Maybe you should go to Busch Gardens if you want that kind of theme.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 06, 2015, 01:48:18 PM
Again, i say i cant.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on May 06, 2015, 07:49:45 PM
Here ya go Laroy- it's in Oklahoma close to you- enjoy!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 06, 2015, 09:28:23 PM
I went last weekend. Best park in the world BY FAR. Dont matter if they have no rides. The way they talk, all the costume characters (its like a Comic Con), all the great shows, the cheap food and drinks, the atmosphere, and everything they have, its just all better than any park, even without rides. Although rides would make it even better...I didnt put much thought into a costume and didnt think i would need one. Bad idea! I stuck out more than a tomato in a box of lemons.

I highly recommend it to everyone! Too bad theyre only open during weekends in May for the renaissance. They also wont get the horse carriage out this year for some reason...

Come and see what a REAL park is at the Castle and bring a costume! Plus, its cheap.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: joshblakebran on May 06, 2015, 09:48:55 PM
REAL park? Are you trashing SDC?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on May 06, 2015, 09:59:37 PM
Quote from: Laroy on May 06, 2015, 09:28:23 PM
I went last weekend. Best park in the world BY FAR. Dont matter if they have no rides. The way they talk, all the costume characters (its like a Comic Con), all the great shows, the cheap food and drinks, the atmosphere, and everything they have, its just all better than any park, even without rides.

LOL, that's the viewpoint that most of us have about SDC. That's why not everyone agrees with some of your more wild suggestions.

I agree that the renaissance fair is awesome as well though. I've always found it interesting how so many people really latch onto the immersion at ren fairs, yet all these american parks don't take note. I think it shows that people really do get a lot of enjoyment out the the "atmosphere" stuff we always pick apart on here, they just don't think about it when they go to theme parks because they're used to crap.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 07, 2015, 08:20:13 AM
Everything is just better. SDC needs to take notes from other parks like the castle or Frontier City.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 07, 2015, 04:44:16 PM
Yeah.  The successful park should take advice from the substandard and amateur.  That's how I've always lived my life.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 07, 2015, 04:58:20 PM
I don't ... even ... WTH?  😕
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: W.P. Warburton on May 07, 2015, 05:18:38 PM
I think Laroy likes to stir the pot a tad......?!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on May 07, 2015, 05:40:26 PM
LOL...!!!! :o :o :o
Just when you think its time to check in................ ??? ???
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 07, 2015, 06:13:10 PM
Nah. He just doesn't know any better. That's the sad part.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 07, 2015, 07:31:06 PM
Quote from: History Buff on May 07, 2015, 04:44:16 PM
Yeah.  The successful park should take advice from the substandard and amateur.  That's how I've always lived my life.
Yes and the castle and Frontier City are the successful parks.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 07, 2015, 07:34:17 PM
No. its that SDC could be so much better and im putting my 2 cents and ideas in just like everyone else can. You all should be more open minded and look at everything in different ways and with different themes, like me. Dont look at every ride with the 1 theme that everybody says on here.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on May 07, 2015, 07:42:09 PM
Quote from: Laroy on May 07, 2015, 07:34:17 PM
No. its that SDC could be so much better and im putting my 2 cents and ideas in just like everyone else can. You all should be more open minded and look at everything in different ways and with different themes, like me. Dont look at every ride with the 1 theme that everybody says on here.

We love SDC the way it is.  And if they ever come close to your idea of the park I will burn our season passes.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tinmann620 on May 07, 2015, 08:03:39 PM
Indeed. The day they move away from the creators original intent, I'll quit my job!  ::)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: W.P. Warburton on May 07, 2015, 08:23:21 PM
It will never happen, as long as HFE owns the park, so not too worried about the misguided rants. I have been to Frontier City and the castle only because I was in Tulsa and Moore visiting family and the entire time I was there was wishing I was at SDC instead there is no comparison. It's like comparing pork steak to porterhouse!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 07, 2015, 09:34:00 PM
I enjoy a good pork steak, and I enjoy a nice porterhouse.  The pork steak might yearn to be a porterhouse, but I don't think the porterhouse should try to be a pork steak.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 07, 2015, 10:19:14 PM
Nothing can compare to the castle. There is nothing better than the castle.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: cowboy on May 08, 2015, 11:15:22 AM
Oh my Laroy.....the Castle?

Have you ever been to their Christmas event? What did you think about that?

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: DeweyBald on May 08, 2015, 03:37:55 PM
....smh    ::)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 08, 2015, 03:44:08 PM
I have an idea!  It's just an idea, mind you, but won't you please consider, um, I don't know, the possibility of, let's see, discussing other parks in the, uh, Other Parks category.  This thread is supposed to be a creative thread in which you may describe imaginative ideas that could fit at SDC - not for pointing to other parks for ideas.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 08, 2015, 04:27:01 PM
Blizzard: Embrace The Cold Tenesee (Dolly Wood 20…:

Dollywood's new coaster. Maybe SDC can get something like this. Hyper coasters dont have to go a long ways out and back if they have lots of turns. They can stay in a medium space with lots of turns. I think SDC needs a scary ride both outside and inside. Something that goes straight down outside, like this, and maybe music that plays on the speakers built into the chair. By the way, did you notice that like a Dive Coaster, this stops at the top of the hill, before going down? This would be a good time to say BLIZZARD!!! But SDC also needs a Suspended family coaster too.

I just love that ride so much. Reminds me of the coasters I used to build on Thrillville.

And yes guys, this does belong on this thread! I have been staying on topic. It says Your Attraction Ideas, fyi.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 08, 2015, 05:04:34 PM
Maybe even a ride like CC's Fireball or DW's Timber Tower. I dont see them at many parks. Also, maybe an SDC version of a Harry Potter ride, Hunger Games, or a hunting animals ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on May 08, 2015, 05:52:57 PM
Swoosh!  I don't even know what to say.......... ::) ::) ::)

I would like to respond, But don't know where to start :o :o :o
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 08, 2015, 06:33:24 PM
How about...starting where anybody else would....the beginning.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 08, 2015, 07:20:04 PM
Again, Laroy, as one of the moderators, I'm asking nicely:  unless you have an original idea that fits with the SDC theme - and there is a distinct one - it does not belong in this thread.  I feel like your imagination is running wild, and it's driving the rest of our members crazy.

This is a creative thread, not a wish list for rides that have already been built.  We stray occasionally, but we try to stay focused.  If the posts continue to perplex us and attract confused or angry responses, I will  intervene further.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on May 09, 2015, 10:59:42 AM
I posted a while back a attraction idea that I think still has merit. It would involve tearing down AP and do a completely new flume attraction. It could be done as a mountain sort of like Disneys Splash Mountain but themed Ozark. It could incorporate a Baldknobber theme even though we already have that with FITH. Maybe a cave or do the old Icehouse idea that was thrown around. You could even do something Rube Dugan related with it themed to a hunt for lost silver. We all know AP is in bad shape and needs something. Might as well make it world class when its done.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 09, 2015, 11:19:03 AM
AP is ready for this, and I agree.  However, it needs to keep with the lumberjack theme to fit with the lumberjack area on that side of the park.  I'm afraid that area is getting lost with some of the newer additions of WF and PK.  Knott's Berry Farm has revamped their flume, and it looks great on YouTube; on the drop, the audio even blares a hardy, "Fire in the Hole".

Even so, I think SDC could be a little more creative and add more humor to a brand new flume.  I don't think it was ever themed to lumbering in the past, though.  I liked the unique "daredevils doing things together" theme in AP's prime, but a new ride could certainly hit on other themes, as well.  I could see Ozark Adventurers being a theme in there.  Or a Momo-type bigfoot adventure.  There are lots of directions a new AP could go, and while it is/was a classic SDC ride, it has regressed to the point that most of us would be all right with a change.  The same is not true of FitH or FM.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 09, 2015, 02:54:00 PM
I like both of those ideas . ^^ I remember someone in the past bringing up the idea of an Ozarks Yeti theme because some people think that theyve seen a yeti or bigfoot near Branson. So, maybe they can do an 1880 Ozarks version of Expedition Everest into a log ride, maybe with Lumberjacks. I can kind of hear a lumberjack song in my head already, but I cant make out the words. It kinda sounds like a lumberjack version of The Seven Dwarfs song "Ho Hi".
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 09, 2015, 06:07:03 PM
That's right, Laroy.  I love the Everest ride, and I think it would work with the Ozarks "monster" if the queue educated people enough about it, but I also wouldn't want the attraction to be compared to Disney or to be a lame copy of Disney.  That's my response to the tea cups and flying elephants, too.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior, too! on May 10, 2015, 08:01:19 PM
The creature on the creek was the idea someone on this thread came up with. Very clever, too. I love it. Bigfoot has been seen all over the ozarks, known by some as the blue man, also bigfoot has been spotted in the green country of Oklahoma, which is still the ozarks. A bigfoot theme would fit right in on park.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 10, 2015, 10:46:48 PM
I agree that the American Plunge needs attention.  I think I have a pretty good plan for a refresh.
1. The current flume layout will go away
2. All new animatronics will be provided by the same company that redid the Log Flume at KBF
3. The old troughs from the Float Trip will now be be integrated into the layout of the flume ride. 
4. The finale splash down will be removed from its current location. 
5. New station for the log flume will be located in the Wildfire plaza area.
6. Current station, splash down pool, queue line area will go away.
7. New queue entrance will be located where the unused extended queue for WildFire is currently.
8. New theme for the flume ride will be the Inventor's League.  Along the route you will go through different labs (shacks) of Inventors in this league and will experience their latest inventions (all of which are just as successful as Doc Harris (who happens to be the leader of this League). 
9.  The finale of the ride will be an elevator lift to the final drop.  (another invention)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 11, 2015, 08:48:20 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on May 10, 2015, 10:46:48 PM
I agree that the American Plunge needs attention.  I think I have a pretty good plan for a refresh.
1. The current flume layout will go away
2. All new animatronics will be provided by the same company that redid the Log Flume at KBF
3. The old troughs from the Float Trip will now be be integrated into the layout of the flume ride.  
4. The finale splash down will be removed from its current location.  
5. New station for the log flume will be located in the Wildfire plaza area.
6. Current station, splash down pool, queue line area will go away.
7. New queue entrance will be located where the unused extended queue for WildFire is currently.
8. New theme for the flume ride will be the Inventor's League.  Along the route you will go through different labs (shacks) of Inventors in this league and will experience their latest inventions (all of which are just as successful as Doc Harris (who happens to be the leader of this League).  
9.  The finale of the ride will be an elevator lift to the final drop.  (another invention)

Why not go for multiple splash downs of varying height?

Why not a backwards section?

Would you use side by side seating for capacity?

Would we actually want a log theme? If we went with side by side why not make it flat boat themed like Jim Owens. Cave scenes include animated bear, Bald Knobbers hid out, prehistoric bones, ect.

If this went all out, why not a smaller, junior log flume with a small drop elsewhere in park for the little ones.

this should be the template. Notice the foootprint is shared with a coaster and could be done with better ride interaction.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 11, 2015, 10:28:59 AM
Yes! I love all of that! ^^^ Swoosh, awesome idea, but it will need more hills and splash downs. Like the swings, there should be a kiddie version. I hate everything about AP at the moment. Tear every part of it down and leave no evidence. Then make a log flume with side by side seating (like Daredevil Falls is) and use everything that SDC left over from WF, to use, like the extended WF line that they didnt need (even though it was smart to build a long line, it didnt need to be that long). Love your theme idea, both of you are right!

I went thru the line the other day and there are some trees, bushes, and plants that are starting to be overgrown. They need some trimming. They also have 2 speakers still back there, i dont know why they left them...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: joshblakebran on May 11, 2015, 12:12:21 PM
I vote for Chittlins and Swoosh to become co-CEO's of Herschend and make all these awesome ideas happen for us at SDC...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on May 11, 2015, 01:06:28 PM
I think we all agree that the Phantasialand flume is exactly the caliber of ride we want AP to be eventually turn into. I disagree about the theme though. The ozarkan daredevilry theme was such an SDC-flavored theme. It's just the right mix of unique, outlandish, and yet fitting for both the theme and ride. I'd like to see it come back. The steampunk theme is good in small doses, but it will easily get overused quick. I'd rather see them use that theme to work in another flat ride that would be hard to theme otherwise.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 11, 2015, 03:49:28 PM
^^^As long as we're using the Wildfire queue, why not bring in the icehouse theme, breaking up ice in the river.  Then the area could be all about fire-and-ice.

^GE becomes "the future through the eyes of the past", capitalizing on steampunk as a pallet and theme.  Of course, that would be a major overhaul.

Thanks to all for getting this thread back into focus.  This is the type of discussion for which it was created.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on May 11, 2015, 05:33:56 PM
Quote from: Duelist on May 07, 2015, 07:42:09 PM
Quote from: Laroy on May 07, 2015, 07:34:17 PM
No. its that SDC could be so much better and im putting my 2 cents and ideas in just like everyone else can. You all should be more open minded and look at everything in different ways and with different themes, like me. Dont look at every ride with the 1 theme that everybody says on here.

We love SDC the way it is.  And if they ever come close to your idea of the park I will burn our season passes.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Junior, too! on May 11, 2015, 06:03:49 PM
At AP, if it were to be reinvisioned, please figure out a way to use the interior of the old float trip mill. I wish some of you younger folk could see the inside of it. Not big, but big enough for a small retail space or food/drink concession. My guess is if you got access today, very little of the interior would be different from the last day a guest walked through it in 1980 when it served as the float trip entrance. When the AP Acrew used it for 2 or 3 years as a break room, all they did was set up a folding table and a few chairs for employees, the atmosphere pieces decorating the walls were still from the float trip. They hanged on the walls since the float trip opened in '68 or '69. A real time capsule!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 11, 2015, 06:55:10 PM
Quote from: shavethewhales on May 11, 2015, 01:06:28 PM
I think we all agree that the Phantasialand flume is exactly the caliber of ride we want AP to be eventually turn into. I disagree about the theme though. The ozarkan daredevilry theme was such an SDC-flavored theme. It's just the right mix of unique, outlandish, and yet fitting for both the theme and ride. I'd like to see it come back. The steampunk theme is good in small doses, but it will easily get overused quick. I'd rather see them use that theme to work in another flat ride that would be hard to theme otherwise.

Well you'll have to excuse me if I politely disagree with you on this.  The whole point (for me) on moving to an inventor theme is to make a more centralized theme for this area.  The Dare-Devil theme has nothing else in the area to go along with it.  WildFire is the anchor of this area and is at a dead end.  To me it makes sense to centralize the theme for the area to being the head quarters for the SDC Inventor's League than to have numerous random themes in the area.  I never stated that it had to be completely steam-punk - BUT if this area is where the steam punk theme is confined to, I don't have a problem with it.  I agree that there could be another flat ride in this area that has a steam punk theme, but I think moving towards one unifying theme would be a definite plus for the park.

Quote from: chittlins on May 11, 2015, 08:48:20 AM
Why not go for multiple splash downs of varying height?
Why not a backwards section?
Would you use side by side seating for capacity?
Would we actually want a log theme? If we went with side by side why not make it flat boat themed like Jim Owens. Cave scenes include animated bear, Bald Knobbers hid out, prehistoric bones, ect.

I seriously considered a MACK style Aquatrax ride, but I am not sure I want something to stand out as much as I think something like that would in the area.  I am more for it blending in with the scenery of the park and being hidden from the midway.  That's why I wanted the animatronics to be indoors and out of the elements.  I guess there could be some hidden drops insides these buildings along the route.  I do like the idea of having backwards sections.  I don't know about the side-by-side seating as that might cause the troughs to have to be expanded.  As far as logs/etc.  I don't think the theme of the actual vessel will be a make/break to the ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 11, 2015, 09:26:31 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on May 11, 2015, 06:55:10 PM
Quote from: shavethewhales on May 11, 2015, 01:06:28 PM
I think we all agree that the Phantasialand flume is exactly the caliber of ride we want AP to be eventually turn into. I disagree about the theme though. The ozarkan daredevilry theme was such an SDC-flavored theme. It's just the right mix of unique, outlandish, and yet fitting for both the theme and ride. I'd like to see it come back. The steampunk theme is good in small doses, but it will easily get overused quick. I'd rather see them use that theme to work in another flat ride that would be hard to theme otherwise.

Well you'll have to excuse me if I politely disagree with you on this.  The whole point (for me) on moving to an inventor theme is to make a more centralized theme for this area.  The Dare-Devil theme has nothing else in the area to go along with it.  WildFire is the anchor of this area and is at a dead end.  To me it makes sense to centralize the theme for the area to being the head quarters for the SDC Inventor's League than to have numerous random themes in the area.  I never stated that it had to be completely steam-punk - BUT if this area is where the steam punk theme is confined to, I don't have a problem with it.  I agree that there could be another flat ride in this area that has a steam punk theme, but I think moving towards one unifying theme would be a definite plus for the park.

Quote from: chittlins on May 11, 2015, 08:48:20 AM
Why not go for multiple splash downs of varying height?
Why not a backwards section?
Would you use side by side seating for capacity?
Would we actually want a log theme? If we went with side by side why not make it flat boat themed like Jim Owens. Cave scenes include animated bear, Bald Knobbers hid out, prehistoric bones, ect.

I seriously considered a MACK style Aquatrax ride, but I am not sure I want something to stand out as much as I think something like that would in the area.  I am more for it blending in with the scenery of the park and being hidden from the midway.  That's why I wanted the animatronics to be indoors and out of the elements.  I guess there could be some hidden drops insides these buildings along the route.  I do like the idea of having backwards sections.  I don't know about the side-by-side seating as that might cause the troughs to have to be expanded.  As far as logs/etc.  I don't think the theme of the actual vessel will be a make/break to the ride.

You are entering a cave to the right but you can see a drop from a river flowing out of another cave entrance  to your left. As you enter the cave you happen upon a larger calmer pool (this where the turntable is). TO distract you, there's an animatronics scene with Baldonobbers and the turn to see you and then you're moving backwards and you drop out of the cave that you saw to the left when you entered. You are straightened out for the larger drop in a revamped whirlpool area Cause I like the section when it's  right.

As you know Mack, has all kinds of upgrades for a flume ride. That's also why I mention the coaster the interactz with the flume as they make great bobsled style coasters that could play into your theme ideas.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on May 11, 2015, 09:39:13 PM
QuoteI don't know about the side-by-side seating as that might cause the troughs to have to be expanded.

Under the idea that you propose this has to be done anyway.  The Float trip used boats similar to the flooded mine, wide and shallow.  When they built the plunge they reversed the flow of the ride and had to modify the trough for the logs it was too wide and too shallow.  You can see when you are looking at the trough on the left side of the gift shop at WF.  That was actually where the boats left the old station, right there at the tractor/whatever invention in the water.  It would be necessary to tear up the entirety of the old trough system because it is not deep enough for logs.  Look at the area I am mentioning and you will understand the reason they might have not used all the old ride.  I however side with you on your idea Swoosh and think this would be a winner idea for a ride.  It sounds repeatable and original, that to me is what SDC was built on.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 11, 2015, 10:06:18 PM
Now that I think about it, I agree mhguy, the current troughs will all need to be removed to do this correctly. That will allow for a better layout and overall ride. 

So with that in mind. They can remove the entrance path past/behind the furniture store and rework the entrance arch by Lumber Camp to say "League of Inventors" (or something similar). A new building/business can go where the old Applebutter Store was and expand into where the current splashdown pool is.  I want the flume to be as hidden as possible from the main midway and path back to Wildfire and this new flume ride's entrance.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on May 11, 2015, 10:15:38 PM
Lots of good ideas here. Sure are hoping the PTB's are thinking along the same lines. I would also prefer a multiple drop scenario. Not sure how much extra cost would be involved to build it mountain style similar to Splash at Disney, but a side by side configuration in my book is a must. It makes it funner to ride with a partner. I am not sure which theming or storyline I would prefer but semi-steampunk would fit in with wildfire very well.

I would much rather see this done before another new coaster and I am a coaster lover.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 11, 2015, 10:30:58 PM
O.....M.....G!!! This is exactly what we need! It sounds like a mix of several rides, with a Steampunk theme. This will solve most of my problems. I think I was the one to come up with the Steampunk theme a few months ago, by the way. When I brought it up I thought it was a perfect theme for SDC because in a way, it shows what the future would be like, while keeping the 1880 theme. Steampunk is awesome and lots of people love it. If we get this next year, and I hope we do, more than a coaster, I think Steampunk lovers will come from far and wide in search of this great, new invention theyve all been hearing about. They might even start a Steampunk Convention in SDC.

Other than that, I have nothing to say. You all said it best and took all the good things to say about this tremendous new invention! What should it be called? Time Warp?

When SDC built WF back then, but didnt exactly throw in the Steampunk theme, where they planning on redoing AP in the future? Was redoing AP and throwing the Steampunk theme on us as a surprise, all part of their master plan? I feel like it was....
Kinda like building a ride, but telling nobody the whole theme until years later.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 11, 2015, 11:00:25 PM
Im betting there are clues in WF. All you have to do is think deeply, look closely, and think.....OUTSIDE the box.  ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 12, 2015, 07:38:10 AM
I really don-t care how it's themed as long as it's done well. I'm much more interested in the elements the ride incorporates. I think we all agree on multiple drops And a backwards section with one of those. I think some of us would like to see what Swoosh mentioned in water coaster but nothing like old Buzzsaw. That last drop in the clip I posted with the little hill at the bottom of the splash down area Is neat. That ride is an Intamin and we know that ain't happening at an HFEC property or so it's been said. Mack flumes offer many of the same options however and that seems plausible. If there is a major faux rockwork it only strengthens my desire to add a coaster to the footprint. Get the most out of that expensive work. It too can be part of the theme Swoosh has pitched. It adds a mid level, family coaster the park needs. I just think it helps vary the ride experience on both if a coaster briefly ran along the stream like real trains did in the era  and for it to reappear as a bridge crossing  over the splash zone. Random trips would provide that moment where it appears the flume will get the coaster riders wet but in reality it crosses a little before the splash. The two can even share the props if they are elevated or done in a way to be seen by both but the rides shielded from each other.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on May 12, 2015, 07:44:22 AM
I would much rather see this done before another new coaster and I am a coaster lover.
I myself don't like to get wet and walk around all day so I am not as much a water ride guy but I agree with Runner, I would rather see this before
another coaster as long as they do it right and drop some serious cash.  Also they can incorporate the splash control that they can turn down or up.   Disney has this for Splash Mountain, you can ride and with 3 + drops per ride walk away fairly intact on cooler months.  That would increase the season on the ride therefore increasing its value to the park and return on investment.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Gilligan on May 12, 2015, 01:19:38 PM
Quote from: Laroy on May 11, 2015, 10:30:58 PM
O.....M.....G!!! This is exactly what we need! It sounds like a mix of several rides, with a Steampunk theme. This will solve most of my problems. I think I was the one to come up with the Steampunk theme a few months ago, by the way.

FYI, you are not the first one to come up with a steampunk theme.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 12, 2015, 05:14:45 PM
The thing that might keep steampunk out of the park is the possible attraction of hardcore steampunk cosplayers.  I love the look of the stuff, but I really don't see the WF/AP area going that way.  As the logo is an ax and log, the forestry theme probably should prevail in the area.  Otherwise the only signs of logging will show up in a hamburger restaurant.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 12, 2015, 08:32:26 PM
Quote from: History Buff on May 12, 2015, 05:14:45 PM
The thing that might keep steampunk out of the park is the possible attraction of hardcore steampunk cosplayers.  I love the look of the stuff, but I really don't see the WF/AP area going that way.  As the logo is an ax and log, the forestry theme probably should prevail in the area.  Otherwise the only signs of logging will show up in a hamburger restaurant.

As long as they don't buy rights to My Little Pony, the hard core steampunk folks are ok In my book but Bronies scare me.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 12, 2015, 08:54:22 PM
Quote from: History Buff on May 12, 2015, 05:14:45 PM
I love the look of the stuff, but I really don't see the WF/AP area going that way.  As the logo is an ax and log, the forestry theme probably should prevail in the area.  Otherwise the only signs of logging will show up in a hamburger restaurant.

The only signs of logging right NOW in the park is that hamburger restaurant -- and that is just by name only.  There is nothing in that area that even suggests anything dealing with Lumberjacks other than the name. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 12, 2015, 08:59:38 PM
A log flume is inherently about logging, though in its current state, AP is pretty much just a ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 12, 2015, 09:03:45 PM
That's a stretch.  There is nothing about the ride that even begins to convey a logging theme other than the vessel you are riding in.  The theme (right now) is Ozark Daredevilry - what that has to do with a log flume is beyond me, but I digress.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 12, 2015, 09:45:52 PM
It WAS about doing amazing things TOGETHER.  The theme song explained this well.  The whole daredevilry thing started out as doing dangerous things together.  I'm not even sure when the together part was dropped.  I guess that's when the whole thing was shortened and elements were removed - the beginning of the end for AP.  I don't even ride it anymore.  What used to be one of the best flumes is nothing like it was.

Anyway, floating logs down the river is part of the logging process, and daredevils would get right out there on the logs to remove jams.  The act of riding the logs together was the idea behind the original theme.

So, steal some of our ideas and change this ride, SDC.  You've lost the appeal in this attraction.  It's not drawing the audience it should - and would have if it had kept a unique theme.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on May 13, 2015, 06:19:30 PM
As I did before, I agree Chittlins about having a log ride pass a coaster with the possibility of getting wet. It will be a different experience you cant have anywhere else, and I would ride it again and again so I could have that possible experience, and for theme too, if it's good. And another water coaster would be nice too, even though we already have FITH.

But please don't buy My Little Pony!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 27, 2015, 01:07:12 PM
So, here is a rendering of the new Mack Spinner going in at Busch Gardens Tampa.

That's a new train design from them and is that a vertical lift on a tower that looks like some other tower I know of.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on May 27, 2015, 05:56:34 PM
Looks like an elevator lift to me...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 27, 2015, 08:50:47 PM
I'd prefer a coaster with a higher PPH
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Duelist on May 28, 2015, 08:32:43 AM
^ And one that doesn't spin or go upside down for us motion-sickness prone riders!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 28, 2015, 08:59:12 AM
I think if we got something like Wild Eagle you'd be fine.  The elements are more graceful and not super G-force heavy.  Though I'd love a hyper skipping down the hill from Powder Keg to the Lake
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on May 28, 2015, 11:31:56 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on May 27, 2015, 08:50:47 PM
I'd prefer a coaster with a higher PPH

Some bits.

Controlled spins after the second drop, nothing tilt a whirl crazy

1,ooo Riders per hour.

Interactive queue.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on June 10, 2015, 10:36:19 PM
After riding Firechaser Express recently, I'm more eager than ever to see a version of it at SDC soon. It's really the perfect family coaster. The show building was awesome and really turned it from just a little coaster into a complete experience that was fun for everyone. I don't care that we already have PK, Firechaser is a definite step under PK's intensity and the show/backwards element adds some uniqueness anyway.

As for the wing-coaster rumors/wishes, Wild Eagle didn't impress me at all for some reason Wild Eagle felt... off. Like it was originally designed as a sit-down coaster and the radius of the loops are slightly wrong. I actually greyed out in the vertical loop a couple of times even though it didn't feel that intense. It just felt slightly uncomfortable, and the meandering figure-8 at the end didn't add much to the ride either. It should have just been a floorless coaster, IMO.

Thunderbird at Holiday World, on the other hand, was a blast. The launch is great and it's very re-rideable. If we get our own Wing-rider, it better be something like that.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 10, 2015, 10:48:50 PM
Wild Eagle was the first wing coaster in the U.S., so hopefully they've gotten better since that was built.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 11, 2015, 08:36:45 PM
Honestly I think our next coaster should be more like Verbolten at Busch Gardens Williamsburg.  I finally got to ride it on Tuesday and this is the perfect coaster for SDC.  While it shares a lot of similarities to Firechaser Express, it would be more of an adult version.  It relies heavily on a special effects indoor portion of the ride which I can see being themed to Marvel Cave easily.  The climax of the indoor portion is an elevator drop and that could easily be themed to cave in - AND it would be something unique.  I also liked how the indoor section's lighting and sound sequences could be randomized.  There were at least 3 different sequences and I think SDC could really capitalize on it.  The launches were not overly intense, but since it was indoors for most of the ride it seemed to be more intense then it really was. 

The main fact that it was mainly indoors is what really got me on the bandwagon for one coming to SDC.  I like when we can disguise rides from the main midway and this one has lots and lots of possibilities.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 11, 2015, 09:03:22 PM
Sounds great.  The cave-in message might be the wrong one to send to people who might be taking an actual cave tour, but otherwise it could definitely work.  It could absolutely be a mine cave-in or a cave-in caused by bandits or Bald Knobbers.  The best part is the indoor aspect.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Coaster on June 11, 2015, 09:09:04 PM
I love the idea of an indoor attraction themed to Marvel Cave. Basically I want our next attraction to be one of two options.

It has to be mostly indoor. SDC needs another indoor dark ride. I love the old ice house concept and the idea of a Marvel Cave type ride. The other idea I would love to see--and it is past overdue is the American Plunge revamp we have all talked about more than once.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 11, 2015, 09:11:15 PM
Just to clarify - Verbolten does have outdoor sections, just the majority of the ride is indoors with lots of tightly banked curves through set pieces.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 11, 2015, 09:14:47 PM
And what makes that work is the fact that it messes with your eyes.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 11, 2015, 09:58:42 PM
I just visualize stalagmites/stalactites and then beams holding up areas that are "prone to cave-ins" as you rush through the sets on your ore-cart themed trains. 

I thought about the "cave-in" elevator drop.  The lights could go out and then you hear bats and see their eyes all around you and then DROP.  Oh man this is such a cool idea and needs to be implemented
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on June 12, 2015, 09:09:59 AM
Wow! Love the idea of a ride going inside and out. Its brilliant! But SDC does need another dark ride so we have something else to do in the rain.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 12, 2015, 09:35:36 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 11, 2015, 09:11:15 PM
Just to clarify - Verbolten does have outdoor sections, just the majority of the ride is indoors with lots of tightly banked curves through set pieces.

The drop track is what i've opined on about a Fire in the Hole makeover. Same ride , just updated to the  bridge where real makeover begins as the bridge becomes the drop track  that leads into a launch into the darkness and splash at the end. But...the cave thing is an idea too.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 12, 2015, 01:59:30 PM
Would you replace TNT with this?  By having a structure for the indoor section, the 21st Century backsides of things could be masked more than they are with the current TNT.  Plus, the proximity to the mining area of the park and the cave area would still fit with the new ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 12, 2015, 05:11:10 PM
Quote from: History Buff on June 12, 2015, 01:59:30 PM
Would you replace TNT with this?  By having a structure for the indoor section, the 21st Century backsides of things could be masked more than they are with the current TNT.  Plus, the proximity to the mining area of the park and the cave area would still fit with the new ride.

I love the everything about Thunderation BEFORE the lifthill. I want nothing to happen that part of the ride. If it was replaced that segment needs duplicated. It is as solid a mine train as there is .
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 12, 2015, 08:03:44 PM
No, I don't want it to replace TNT.  I think it could go over in that area though - maybe the show building could go where the current cast member parking lot is over there
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 12, 2015, 08:32:55 PM
The load station entrance would be between Hospitality House and Reunion Hall
The station itself would be over the access road/entrance to the cave (this might be a good time to redo the cave entrance area on the bottom floor)

The coaster would launch into the special effects area through a tube themed to look like a mine shaft held up by timbers.  Have lantern effects and so on.  The launch then goes into the show effects building.

The drop finale in the show effects building then launches into the outdoor section with a few hills and helices.  It will then go back into the show building and will then end by going into a brake tube that goes back into the station.

I really think this would be a win for the park and would put a major attraction up on the square and that alone would help disperse crowds for the park.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: SDC-BMW on June 12, 2015, 08:45:38 PM
I'm digging that idea Swoosh!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 12, 2015, 08:54:41 PM
Wouldn't it kind of feel like you're leaving the park to get to the ride? Or am I not understanding the map correctly?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 12, 2015, 09:09:51 PM
^I agree, but what if we rebuilt the mill and mine restaurant to incorporate the dining rooms with the ride and queue.  I don't see a ride or anything else between the Hospitality House and Reunion Hall.  Traffic is congested enough without clueless people with their heads in their Pathfinders trying to find the new ride.  I love how Pirates has its dining area and the ride intertwined.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 12, 2015, 09:23:14 PM
This might make it more clear
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 12, 2015, 09:39:06 PM
So it would be directly on your right, right when you walk in?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 12, 2015, 09:51:06 PM
Once you walk through HH onto the square
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 12, 2015, 10:29:08 PM
I think it's a great ride idea, but I'm just wondering how much more congested that area would be if there was a major roller coaster there?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 12, 2015, 10:36:05 PM
Other than Christmas, never noticed that area as being congested. Though full disclosure, I don't spend much time on the square.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on June 13, 2015, 10:24:35 AM
Plus thats where the stairs are to get to the old picture stands before you go into Marvel Cave. There is also the Employee walkway, and the gates and road for the employee vehicle road there.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 13, 2015, 10:57:59 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 12, 2015, 10:36:05 PM
Other than Christmas, never noticed that area as being congested. Though full disclosure, I don't spend much time on the square.

Maybe it isn't as bad as I would expect. I avoid the square to get from ride to ride and so the only time I am there is when we enter the park and leave.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 13, 2015, 11:09:13 AM
Sorry, Swoosh.  I pictured that you were talking about between Hospitality House and Ozark Marketplace.  That would be absurd. :o
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 13, 2015, 11:58:19 AM
Quote from: Laroy on June 13, 2015, 10:24:35 AM
Plus thats where the stairs are to get to the old picture stands before you go into Marvel Cave. There is also the Employee walkway, and the gates and road for the employee vehicle road there.

Let's try reading all of the posts before replying as THIS was already covered.  Thanks
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 13, 2015, 12:53:36 PM
I wonder if you could do this ride as part of a TNT remodel, you could have the start of TNT up to the lift hill then instead of the lift have the launch into the indoor sections exactly as Swoosh described and make it more of a family coaster if that wasn't your original plan. And while we're at it, let's redo AP to match the same cave theme.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 13, 2015, 01:44:49 PM
I don't think AP needs to fit the cave or mining theme.  It's in the lumberjack area and needs to regain that focus to the area.  A log floating through a mine doesn't make as much sense.  All in all, AP is where they should really focus.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 13, 2015, 02:00:56 PM
I know most people will disagree with me, but I don't think that AP is that bad. Of course it was built 20 years before I was born so I don't know what it was once like, but I feel that other things should be done before that needs to be done.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 13, 2015, 02:30:55 PM
Trust me:  it's only a rise and a drop now.  AP used to be an excursion.  Not to mention the structure itself is looking pretty rough.  I wish you could go back in time to see it for what it was.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 13, 2015, 03:17:46 PM
I'm all for having AP go to a logging theme. I want a rename to fit that theme though and lots of animatronics to go along with it - pretty much like what KBF's is like
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on June 13, 2015, 05:00:51 PM
I never knew there was a lumberjack area  ???. Also, why would you have to float in a log. You can make it a boat.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 13, 2015, 05:30:40 PM
^Think about it.  The logs are cut by the lumberjacks in the hamburger area and floated down the river in AP, where they are hewn and stacks into piles of shingles or formed into the shape of a cabin at the homestead.  That side of the park needs revitalization with this as a tighter theme.  Wildfire is even aptly named and can fit well within that "land".

^^Absolutely, Swoosh.  Rename it, rebuild it, and fill it with movement - forest animals and lumberjacks all around.  No chainsaws though; stay 1880s.  While I'm happy with KBF's, I'm satisfied that a new AP could drip with more character and charm.  KBF is kind of bland in it's literal theme, with none of the potentially fun storyline that it could have.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 13, 2015, 07:40:25 PM
I have to admit, being an armchair imagineer is fun.
Here is my plan for the area.  
I think completing the loop and redoing the walkways near Wildfire will really help out here.
Also moving the log flume station to near the Lumbercamp area is a must and then that area can be themed to being an actual Lumbercamp.  The furniture store can add a backstory to the fact that they get their wood from there.  The eating places across from Lumbercamp need to be rethemed to reflect the direction that the area is going with.  Also would anyone be against moving the Old Time Photos to maybe up on the square or even where the Woodworkers are near Huck's Hideout?  The Woodworkers could be moved to that space then and then we have even more woodworking stuff.

Now for the ride, I want the splash down visible from the dinning patio of Lumbercamp - that should add more traffic to that area.


Now you might notice that I added some expansion pads back by Wildfire.  I think with that new loop, that opens up area for another coaster pad.  Also I think a new restroom will be needed on the new loop and I think where I put it on the map is a great spot.  Another grab/go food place can be put back there with a patio that dinners can sit at and watch both PowderKeg and Wildfire.  

Oh and there is enough room to put in a super themed flat ride back there as well.  Maybe something like the Cloudpoofer 2000 at Worlds of Fun... a themed indoor flat ride of some sort.  Must be inside though.

Again, thoughts?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 13, 2015, 08:24:59 PM
Since you and I are in charge of spending HFE's money, it is a unanimous vote to go ahead with this project.

I also want my new lumberjack saloon to compete with the classic saloon just across the street.  I'll have to look for it from earlier in this thread.

Ah, here it is:
QuoteThere's a new saloon in town, one packed with action, a larger stage, and room for people to sit.  Located between Wildfire and the Lumberjack Camp, the new saloon boasts a brand new show in which the lumberjacks get in on the action.  They dance on the "root beer barrels", throw axes, climb to the second level, and do other lumberjack stunts.  This interrupts the dancing girls.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 13, 2015, 08:56:20 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 13, 2015, 07:40:25 PM
I have to admit, being an armchair imagineer is fun.
Here is my plan for the area.  
I think completing the loop and redoing the walkways near Wildfire will really help out here.
Also moving the log flume station to near the Lumbercamp area is a must and then that area can be themed to being an actual Lumbercamp.  The furniture store can add a backstory to the fact that they get their wood from there.  The eating places across from Lumbercamp need to be rethemed to reflect the direction that the area is going with.  Also would anyone be against moving the Old Time Photos to maybe up on the square or even where the Woodworkers are near Huck's Hideout?  The Woodworkers could be moved to that space then and then we have even more woodworking stuff.

Now for the ride, I want the splash down visible from the dinning patio of Lumbercamp - that should add more traffic to that area.


Now you might notice that I added some expansion pads back by Wildfire.  I think with that new loop, that opens up area for another coaster pad.  Also I think a new restroom will be needed on the new loop and I think where I put it on the map is a great spot.  Another grab/go food place can be put back there with a patio that dinners can sit at and watch both PowderKeg and Wildfire.  

Oh and there is enough room to put in a super themed flat ride back there as well.  Maybe something like the Cloudpoofer 2000 at Worlds of Fun... a themed indoor flat ride of some sort.  Must be inside though.

Again, thoughts?

Mix a coaster in that interacts with some segments of the flume and let's call a board meeting and get this going.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 13, 2015, 09:09:47 PM
I like the path directly from WF to PK. I hate how on this thread right now we have two projects that would be great for the park and they probably won't be implemented at all, but I'd vote yes to both of these ideas!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 13, 2015, 09:28:17 PM
History Buff-

I like the idea of the show building - not sure it needs to be themed to a saloon too.
Where do you think it should be built looking at my map?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on June 13, 2015, 09:56:01 PM
QuoteAgain, thoughts?
Love all the idea so far and the ride idea works great with theme, full season operation, dark aspects that are unique.  Its a good idea.  The problem for me was
the placement.  I think the latest map is the best but I would pull down the path a little more in the bottom or corner of WF/PK this would allow more room in the circle.  This extra room would allow you to  combine the 2 rides into 1 piece of land.  There is sufficient room in that circle to contain both rides and possible have them both run through the same building. Possibly sharing some scenes, possibly being seperate and unique.   Also if you turn on terrain in Google Earth you will see a depression in the earth here that may lend itself to be usefull.  A big issue for me was the show building and being able to see it.   We only really need 1 FITH building in view on park.  I also thought about the (elevator)  drop of the coaster being used to get the cars under the train tracks. This would open up new places you could hide the show building.  If you were to berm the earth you could very esily hide the entire stricture even with it being quite tall.  Trees and berming and a little distance with that depression in the earth there you have everything you need.  I am great guns for this. Swoosh do you intend for the ride to run in the woods as well as the showbuilding ? In and out?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 13, 2015, 10:07:02 PM
So MH, you're thinking of putting the cave themed coaster and the new log flume both in the land area between PK and WF?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 13, 2015, 10:12:19 PM
I think the cave themed coaster needs to be up by the cave -- in fact, I've been thinking of having a new entrance to the cave be in that area as well instead of inside the HH.


I am all for having a coaster interact with the flume - BUT, I am huge on not having rides be overly visible from the midways and I think that having a coaster do that would defeat that mindset -- yeah I know I am contradicting myself with my new pathway there between PK and WF but I don't want to set a precedent that we cannot come back from.

BUT if we are dead set on having a coaster interact with flume, let's have the entrance to that ride be where I have "ride location" there by the grab/go restaurant
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 13, 2015, 10:14:22 PM
Sorry that I can't see your map; it's that age old problem that I have with seeing images that are posted via whatever method you used.  I've always pictured the new saloon directly across the street from the current saloon.  That would allow for a competing saloon premise, which could be acted on the balconies between shows.  That means I would move the current Lumberjack Camp back and perhaps incorporate it into the same building, side by side.  Maybe that's what they serve in this saloon - hamburgers (I have to think about that.).  The ride could be blended into the area behind.  I wish I could see your map and see how your ideas are fitting in there.  How about the logs floating through the show building and the Lumberjack Camp?

The show itself would be a very manly dance and stunt show.

I also like the idea of blending in the furniture store.  The lathe is in the area, too.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 13, 2015, 10:16:41 PM
Ok.  Let's put the new show in the location of the current Olde Time Photos place.  It can then be built back to the railroad track.  I like the idea of "right across the street"
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on June 14, 2015, 12:05:32 AM
QuoteSo MH, you're thinking of putting the cave themed coaster and the new log flume both in the land area between PK and WF?
Yes complete the loop in 1 shot.  Put in a eatery -bathrooms.  I agree the rides should not have entrances near each other.  I think 2 completely separate experiences but sharing some common visual passing. ( thinking the train and Splash Mountain or Pirates and the Blue Bayou restaurant., Mexican pavilion in Epcot.)  All are passes inside a building and they are short and once, this seems to work. IF you intertwine too many elements is messes the thing up.
I think if you look into finishing out the loop you also will loose a lot of "BS" pieces of the park that don't serve a purpose, the AP if taken out would open up a large piece of land.  Think of the entire float trip with loading areas of the ride that were overbuilt.  Wildfire I do not think I have ever seen coming out of the building If they are using the entire q.  This opens up lots of property here and I would think it would be ADA compliant as far as walkways.  I would think the ground on the loop here could be graded fairly reasonably as well.  It doesn't seem to be unworkable by any means.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 14, 2015, 07:36:02 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 13, 2015, 10:12:19 PM
I think the cave themed coaster needs to be up by the cave -- in fact, I've been thinking of having a new entrance to the cave be in that area as well instead of inside the HH.


I am all for having a coaster interact with the flume - BUT, I am huge on not having rides be overly visible from the midways and I think that having a coaster do that would defeat that mindset -- yeah I know I am contradicting myself with my new pathway there between PK and WF but I don't want to set a precedent that we cannot come back from.

BUT if we are dead set on having a coaster interact with flume, let's have the entrance to that ride be where I have "ride location" there by the grab/go restaurant

I get your concern, the only time the coaster and flume would be viable would on two instances, one where it where it runs parallel to the flume stream (think like how railroad
s do that) before it curves off and again as it crosses the flume path just  after the big splash, where the timeING  old get you a little sprinkle and add suspense for the coaster rider, kinda like this but more to scale
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on June 14, 2015, 01:00:16 PM
I may have gotten lost in the versions but I thought Swoosh was suggesting a indoor ride with heavy theming to the cave or mine.  My interpretation of this intermingling is the
ride being in a building, possible a " Mountain"  this would really allow the rides to be separate but share the same space.  If not a mountain than the thought of a berm planted with trees using exposed mine shafts, possible fax shafts included with the twisted rusted track sticking out hinting at a element of danger inside the mine.  I think it would be a great incarnation of Mystery Mine without the neck breaking outside portion and possible a different car configuration.  Mystery Mine in DW REALLY beats you up bad.  Great idea but bad manufacture.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 14, 2015, 01:21:24 PM
Quote from: mhguy77 on June 14, 2015, 01:00:16 PM
I may have gotten lost in the versions but I thought Swoosh was suggesting a indoor ride with heavy theming to the cave or mine. 

Yes, I am thinking he wants a cave themed ride with indoor and outdoors parts.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 14, 2015, 01:28:29 PM
We have two different projects in the thread.  One:  the mining/cave theme which would be in/near/behind the mine and mill restaurants (between there and FM), in a mining-themed area of the park.  Two:  the lumberjack theme across from the saloon (between there and the current AP).
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on June 14, 2015, 07:32:39 PM
1. When I look at the map, I wonder why there is so much land that they haven't used yet, near AP, over AP, and between/behind The Lumberjack Camp and PK Photos.

2. This idea blends several things we have been pitching, but where did you get all the stuff to build that model and build it so fast?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Pudgy Jones on June 15, 2015, 09:16:30 AM
Last week, I had a chance to ride Escape from Gringotts at Universal Studios. It was the best theme park ride I have ever ridden. SDC could do so much with this technology. Escape from Gringotts is basically a cave-themed ride with wizards and dragons. Replace them with bats and baldknobbers, and you've got yourself a winner.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Coaster on June 15, 2015, 04:52:03 PM
LOVE these ideas. I can't decide which one I want more. I love the idea of revitalizing AP but I also think the park is desperate for a new dark ride. I don't expect them to go all out Harry Potter style--but then again the Forbidden Journey is amazing and the best ride I have ever rode.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 15, 2015, 06:22:06 PM
Three thoughts:

1.  I'm all for a dark ride, but they took out my prime location for one when they built RB.  Dark ride elements should be used for both the cave coaster and the new flume/etc. area.

2.  I just don't think there's a need for three mine rides at the same time, so I like the idea of a cave exploration-themed ride and area.

3.  Could the cave coaster tell the story of the cave, beginning with an Indian, his dog, and a bear, stories of Devil's Den, and Henry T. Blow with mining the guano to be used for black powder production at PK?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 15, 2015, 06:24:37 PM
Is this a good time to break out my idea for a new traditional dark ride in the Carousel Barn themed to Tom Sawyer?  The building would need to be expanded out back but I think that would tie the area together better and use an often left empty building.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 15, 2015, 06:26:25 PM
HB. That could definitely be the backstory and be featured in a preshow
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 15, 2015, 06:30:12 PM
HB, what does RB stand for?

Swoosh, it's always a good time for new ideas   ;)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: joshblakebran on June 15, 2015, 06:43:53 PM
I believe RB stand for River Blast...
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 15, 2015, 07:53:12 PM
Would there be room on the other side of RB (River Blast) for the dark ride.  A Sawyer/Finn storyline is exactly what I think it needs to be there.  I don't think the Carousel Barn is big enough for a good dark ride and its queue.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 15, 2015, 10:07:50 PM
Like I said, you will have to expand the building - but yes, there is A LOT of land that can be used behind River Blast and Boatworks Theater.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 15, 2015, 10:24:00 PM
I'm going to post this again as it has some elements mentioned recently. This ride is a bit like Firechaser Express in that it's fairly tame but fun, that it uses the same kinda tame launch, has the reverse section and the trick track at the end of the ride but it also has the drop track section.
I've mentioned it as a redo for the end of FIFH starting at the bridge and Swoosh has put out his ideas

Watch it here,

The drop with the lights on

I'm thinking that if rebuilt from scratch using the multiple drops and turn tables like the Chiapas Flume at Phantasialand and I get my wish for a coaster to share the same footprint and shared theming along with briefly mingling with each other that this type of coaster could use the tunnel that currently part of AP.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 15, 2015, 11:05:07 PM
Verbolten is actually a superior ride to Th13ten. (show lights)

Here you can get a better look at the actual drop track

Behind the scenes tour footage of the "events building" of Verbolten
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 15, 2015, 11:07:06 PM
and for the record, I'm not a huge fan of having AP and a rollercoaster sharing the same land -- I really think that would be jarring for each experience to see another ride.  We're trying to be different from other parks.  If you want to see another ride while riding a different ride, go to an amusement park.  If you want experiences that transport you into an experience you can't get anywhere else - then go to SDC.  Personal opinion though.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 15, 2015, 11:11:17 PM
^ Agreed, Swoosh.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 16, 2015, 12:20:19 AM
I agree, Swoosh.  SDC is unique in that you almost have to seek out those rides.  They are tucked in off of any "midway" (except GE and FL of course).  However, I could see two attractions "kiss" each other, or "salute" each other just briefly at some point.  I don't think they need to weave in and out of each other, unless their storylines are clear and they are paired with that in their purpose.  Combining rides with food and shows, on the other hand, is really how they can save space and create atmosphere.

Thanks for the picture, by the way, as I can see a great deal of space for that dark ride about which we keep dreaming.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: oldsdcer on June 16, 2015, 01:33:18 AM
Why not take out the courthouse theater and put a dark ride there? They hardly seem to use that theater anymore.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 16, 2015, 07:13:37 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 15, 2015, 11:07:06 PM
and for the record, I'm not a huge fan of having AP and a rollercoaster sharing the same land -- I really think that would be jarring for each experience to see another ride.  We're trying to be different from other parks.  If you want to see another ride while riding a different ride, go to an amusement park.  If you want experiences that transport you into an experience you can't get anywhere else - then go to SDC.  Personal opinion though.
I can see another ride on just about anything at SDC now .  Any coaster not named Thunderation. I'm a bit confused how a themed up track crossing a themed up stream  at a splash zone and a small side by side section, you know like what you would have seen in many instances in the Ozarks in the late 1880s. I don' see how rock tress led bride crossing a flume stream is ruining anything. If anything it makes it more unique if done right.




It's right up there with my belief that a real, authentic looking train round house complete with a turntable for the train would allow more authenticness to the park while allowing a backstage area to be in plain sight. Should they use that area for expansion.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 16, 2015, 08:56:02 AM
It's more of a "there is plenty of room in the park, we don't need to double up" and being able to see and interacting are two different things.

The courthouse theater, now called the riverfront pantyhose is used extensively during world fest and Christmas and is where the music festival competitions fit high school groups are held
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 17, 2015, 08:40:51 AM
Layout of this Mack Spinner for China is interesting

Would it fit in a Mountain,  is that a small footprint, what could it be themed to in SDC? Just hypotheticals.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 17, 2015, 10:25:30 AM
We don't need another low PPH ride at the park
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 17, 2015, 12:31:55 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 17, 2015, 10:25:30 AM
We don't need another low PPH ride at the park

What rides do we have that you count as having a low PPH?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 17, 2015, 12:47:02 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 17, 2015, 10:25:30 AM
We don't need another low PPH ride at the park

I'm sure Mack could come up with something that hit at least 900 an hour if they were asked to considering EuroMir supposedly can handle 1600.

Anyhoo, that looks like a fun one, love that drop into the high banked curve. Can tell it's likely going to be enclosed for the most part as you can see the steel rebar sticking up  from the floor around the ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 17, 2015, 03:05:14 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on June 17, 2015, 12:31:55 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 17, 2015, 10:25:30 AM
We don't need another low PPH ride at the park

What rides do we have that you count as having a low PPH?

PowderKeg and it could be argued Outlaw Run with its slow ops
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Tmboote on June 17, 2015, 04:52:02 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 17, 2015, 03:05:14 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on June 17, 2015, 12:31:55 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on June 17, 2015, 10:25:30 AM
We don't need another low PPH ride at the park

What rides do we have that you count as having a low PPH?

PowderKeg and it could be argued Outlaw Run with its slow ops

PK moves fast on the rare occasion it is working perfectly. It was working well for us in March and it actually made a difference to have three cars going instead of two because usually when three are going, two are always waiting out of the station.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: biscuitcreek on June 18, 2015, 08:15:14 AM
Quote from: oldsdcer on June 16, 2015, 01:33:18 AM
Why not take out the courthouse theater and put a dark ride there? They hardly seem to use that theater anymore.

Riverfront Playhouse is used during World Fest, Bluegrass and BBQ, Southern Gospel Picnic, the Harvest Festival, and Christmas. About the only time it is dark is during the summer.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 18, 2015, 08:39:32 AM
And even then, there is usually something in it.  This year has just been very thin entertainment wise
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on June 18, 2015, 10:30:40 AM
Riverfront Playhouse is used during World Fest, Bluegrass and BBQ, Southern Gospel Picnic, the Harvest Festival, and Christmas. About the only time it is dark is during the summer.

The "Wacky Science" is in Riverfront This summer...,  
I forget what was in it last summer, the summer before was some kind of a "Bubble" display..
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on June 18, 2015, 03:24:55 PM
In reference to the spinner above. I just have never been on a spinning coaster anywhere that I want to ride again. I think SDC is better than that and can become more creative in what they do. I agree with shave that its not the uniqueness of something its the layout. I still love the old Screaming Eagle at SFSL. Its old and no where near the height or speed of modern day coasters but the layout and ride still gives me grins. Same with the Beast in Cincinnati. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: biscuitcreek on June 18, 2015, 08:33:48 PM
Quote from: sanddunerider on June 18, 2015, 10:30:40 AM
Riverfront Playhouse is used during World Fest, Bluegrass and BBQ, Southern Gospel Picnic, the Harvest Festival, and Christmas. About the only time it is dark is during the summer.

The "Wacky Science" is in Riverfront This summer...,  
I forget what was in it last summer, the summer before was some kind of a "Bubble" display..

I haven't been yet this year for the summer festival. Some summers the Opera House is open while Riverfront is dark, and in other summers Riverfront is open while the Opera House is dark.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on June 19, 2015, 09:00:52 AM
Whatever we get next, let's hope they step it up to some of the theming the Euro parks are pulling off these days. The new Eftling dive coaster is about done and wow at the effects to sell the ride.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on June 19, 2015, 07:43:20 PM
Quoteand it could be argued Outlaw Run with its slow op
THat wouldnt be much of a argument.  I am always astounded it takes them longer to load a car than it does for one to complete the entire circuit.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on June 19, 2015, 08:44:47 PM
...Although the slowest reload must be the Waveglider!
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on June 19, 2015, 11:11:20 PM
Quote from: mhguy77 on June 19, 2015, 07:43:20 PM
Quoteand it could be argued Outlaw Run with its slow op
THat wouldnt be much of a argument.  I am always astounded it takes them longer to load a car than it does for one to complete the entire circuit.

The process could be sped up if they had installed retractable seatbelts as opposed to ones that constantly get tangled in the buckle making it next to impossible for some guests to lengthen or shorten.  I get that we want to do "safety theater" due to the New Texas Giant accident, but the belts are really ridiculous. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on June 20, 2015, 08:02:49 AM
QuoteI get that we want to do "safety theater" due to the New Texas Giant accident, but the belts are really ridiculous.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on July 07, 2015, 11:19:24 PM
its amazing how this thing just exploded with replies all of a sudden.

1. HB, Wow! *clap clap clap clap clap clap clap*

2. Shave is right, as always. But I think we should stay on topic. If Shave wants drama, fighting, and arguing on here he can create a page for that, but i dont know. I will leave that up to him if he wants to. I try to keep all that off of here.

3. Swoosh, we all submitted our own ideas of a 5 year plan. But we never heard about an official SDC 5 year plan from an employee. You sound like you know what it is, so please Swoosh, I want to know what it is and how you found out.

4. Who is the Dippin Dots guy?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on July 07, 2015, 11:35:40 PM
I'm going to work a little harder to make sure these topics stay on track. I split that whole tangent off into a new thread so everyone can discuss what they think the "5-year" plan is there.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on September 08, 2015, 05:29:28 PM
What about a hole in the middle of the AM pool so a coaster can go thru it and under ground? That would be a very different experience you rarely get to have, plus you have the possibility of getting wet when a log comes down the hill. This way, you dont just look at, or are scared by the coaster, but another ride too. This would be a very different, great, enjoyable, family experience. Heres a pic to show you what I mean:
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on September 08, 2015, 06:24:34 PM
Ever since "undercover boss" I wondered about a tube going down through lake silver........
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: tinmann620 on September 09, 2015, 05:34:34 AM
This could not happen in Lake Silver, it's a natural feature to a degree. (meaning, it has been reinforced with concrete, but has always held some water and sustained aquatic life) The picture of the coaster going into the tunnel is thru a man made pool of water. Now that could be built pretty much anywhere above ground. This area is mostly bedrock riddled with sinkholes and caves.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on September 09, 2015, 06:38:59 AM
Quote from: tinmann620 on September 09, 2015, 05:34:34 AM
This could not happen in Lake Silver, it's a natural feature to a degree. (meaning, it has been reinforced with concrete, but has always held some water and sustained aquatic life) The picture of the coaster going into the tunnel is thru a man made pool of water. Now that could be built pretty much anywhere above ground. This area is mostly bedrock riddled with sinkholes and caves.
I wouldn't call very karst limestone  bedrock.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on September 09, 2015, 07:34:50 AM
Quote from: tinmann620 on September 09, 2015, 05:34:34 AM
This could not happen in Lake Silver, it's a natural feature to a degree. (meaning, it has been reinforced with concrete, but has always held some water and sustained aquatic life) The picture of the coaster going into the tunnel is thru a man made pool of water. Now that could be built pretty much anywhere above ground. This area is mostly bedrock riddled with sinkholes and caves.

Tinman, I knew that, just threw it out there to see what kind of "comment" I would receive ;)...

I know they wont rebuilt it, But you know that would be cool. Come down over the FL area into the pool of water then back out and over the Boatworks/dockside area.

LOL..  plus the lake would look nicer if it were rebuilt..
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on January 19, 2016, 07:43:11 PM
One day, I was getting on PK and found another single rider to ride with. As we were talking he said, I wonder why SDC doesnt make any Single Rider Only lines on any ride like they do at Six Flags. This brings up a good point. I usually see 2 or more empty single seats in random spots on every train on every ride. Why doesnt SDC make a Single Riders Only line to help fill in these spots so they can get a few more people on every train and fill every train up full?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Joy on January 19, 2016, 07:49:06 PM
Wildfire used to have a Single Rider Only line. Not sure why they got rid of it.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on January 19, 2016, 07:52:00 PM
They've done single rider lines in the past, especially at Wildfire. There are a few reasons why they probably don't do it anymore:

A lot of the old single rider lines at other parks disappeared when the skip the line passes got popular. There are still a few on some of the smaller capacity rides and coasters, but not many.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on January 19, 2016, 08:01:03 PM
•They want to encourage Trailblazer Pass sales
•They want to encourage Trailblazer Pass sales
•They want to encourage Trailblazer Pass sales

etc. etc.. etc.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on January 20, 2016, 07:54:46 PM
Pardon my cynicism.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on January 20, 2016, 08:14:33 PM
I am not a fan of the TBP. Just a bit meh over it.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on January 21, 2016, 05:24:27 AM
I think Shave and MHguy have the right idea..   

They may want to increase Trailblazer passes..!!

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: MissinTheGreenTrams on January 21, 2016, 08:15:40 AM
I rolled my eyes so hard I saw my brain.  :D I do see the good in the TBP. Not only does it bring a great income for the city but for those who have one day, the cash to do it, it provides a means to get everything done. Happy visitors, happy park. And if I want the city to thrive I have to be able to appriciate the TBP. Even if I dont like it.
Title: to merge
Post by: Dewayne on March 11, 2016, 04:19:19 PM
We all know SDC is getting a B&M coaster. No question about that. People are saying on YouTube that they think the next coaster will be a Dive Coaster. I think a Suspended coaster will fit in best and add more variety and it would go great with the terrain because not many coasters are like Suspended coasters. I would also like a flying coaster. It would fit in nicely too. Wing and floorless coasters are much like Wildfire. The only difference is on a Wing, you ride on the side of the track. Hyper would be great because Hypers are all about the air time because they mainly have hills. The only coasters that have a little bit of air time or are closest to this is Powder Keg and Outlaw Run. So a Hyper would be pretty different. Dive coaster would be nice, but it might be too much like Wildfire since Dive coasters do loops, but on the plus side, they all have a tunnel and it can go thru water. Ive always said SDC needs more rides with a tunnel. Thats all the B&M coasters I can think of right now. Here are some things I hope future SDC coasters will have. I dont expect a coaster to have all of these qualities. I just want at least 1 in every coaster coming up, if possible:
1. A suspended or flying coaster. These are alot different than other coasters for 1 main reason, the track is over you head. SDC really needs one. Theyll go perfectly with the terrain. Not a suspended family coaster. We already have the kiddie ride and Thunderation, both of which are like Family Coasters.
2. A backwards coaster. I dont care what kind. I just want a coaster that goes backwards, was built to go backwards, and they wont change the cars foreward. I love not seeing where I am going. That way I can expect the unexpected.
3. A spinning coaster. One that spins the thru the entire ride so gravity can take hold of the heaviest side and make it more fun.
4. A preview/show type thing. A ride that tells you more of the story on a tv, projector, or thru an animatronic either while you are in a certain room on the ride, or before the ride as you walk into a room. I want to FEEL like Im actually in the story.
5. A ride like Mystery Mine.
6. More indoor rides. That way, nor rain, sleet, snow, or heat could close the ride. Except if there is a tornado or the electricity goes off. An indoor ride can stay open during almost anything. Plus, it would be another dark ride. We need more rides where its really dark in spots.
7. A water roller coaster. Fire in the hole has the pool it goes into and they took it out of PK. I miss Buss-saw falls. We need another water coaster. Something that can go from water to dry time quickly with a great story.
8. A coaster with a maintenance platform in the middle of the ride, not including the hill or brake run. This type of ride usually means it is longer and better.
9. A ride with a tunnel. A tunnel makes any ride more fun.
Title: Re: to merge
Post by: Duelist on March 11, 2016, 08:16:48 PM
the rest of your ideas sound acceptable but definitely NOT A MOTORCYCLE RIDE!
Title: Re: SDC's 2017 Project(s) and Park Developments
Post by: chittlins on March 11, 2016, 08:19:58 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 11, 2016, 04:19:19 PM
Anyway, back on topic. We all know SDC is getting a B&M coaster. No question about that. People are saying on YouTube that they think the next coaster will be a Dive Coaster. I think a Suspended coaster will fit in best and add more variety and it would go great with the terrain because not many coasters are like Suspended coasters. I would also like a flying coaster. It would fit in nicely too. Wing and floorless coasters are much like Wildfire. The only difference is on a Wing, you ride on the side of the track. Hyper would be great because Hypers are all about the air time because they mainly have hills. The only coasters that have a little bit of air time or are closest to this is Powder Keg and Outlaw Run. So a Hyper would be pretty different. Dive coaster would be nice, but it might be too much like Wildfire since Dive coasters do loops, but on the plus side, they all have a tunnel and it can go thru water. Ive always said SDC needs more rides with a tunnel. Thats all the B&M coasters I can think of right now. Here are some things I hope future SDC coasters will have. I dont expect a coaster to have all of these qualities. I just want at least 1 in every coaster coming up, if possible:
1. A suspended or flying coaster. Something with the track over your head. These are alot different than other coasters for 1 main reason and SDC really needs one. Theyll go perfectly with the terrain. Not a suspended family coaster. We already have the kiddie ride and Thunderation, both of which are like Family Coasters.
2. A backwards coaster. I dont care what kind. I just want a coaster that goes backwards, was built to go backwards, and they wont change the cars foreward. I love not seeing where I am going. That way I can expect the unexpected.
3. A spinning coaster. One that spins the thru the entire ride so gravity can take hold of the heaviest side and make it more fun.
4. A preview/show type thing. A ride that tells you more of the story on a tv, projector, or thru an animatronic either while you are in a certain room on the ride, or before the ride as you walk into a room. I want to FEEL like Im actually in the story.
5. A ride like Mystery Mine.
6. More indoor rides. That way, nor rain, sleet, snow, heat, or heat could close the ride. Except if there is a tornado or the electricity goes off. An indoor ride can stay open during almost anything. Plus, it would be another dark ride. We need more rides where its really dark in spots.
7. A water roller coaster. Fire in the hole has the pool it goes into and they took it out of PK. I miss Buss-saw falls. We need another water coaster. Something that can go from water to dry time quickly with a great story.
8. A coaster with a maintenance platform in the middle of the ride, not including the hill or brake run. This type of ride usually means it is longer and better.
9. A motorcycle ride.
10. A ride with a tunnel. A tunnel makes any ride more fun.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Sheriff on March 11, 2016, 08:52:32 PM
A motorcycle ride?? I bet Swoosh would help you with that idea.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 11, 2016, 08:56:49 PM
Do I need to even open his post? (He's on my ignore list so it doesn't show unless I open it).
I'm guessing it's a real doozy like normal. 

Maybe I'll go pop some popcorn first?
Title: Re: to merge
Post by: Dewayne on March 11, 2016, 08:59:45 PM
Quote from: Duelist on March 11, 2016, 08:16:48 PM
the rest of your ideas sound acceptable but definitely NOT A MOTORCYCLE RIDE!
I just threw it in there because I never rode 1. I think SDC might build a nice 1 someday. But I think some people here might wish for it to be a horse riding coaster, which is why I hope they dont get 1.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 11, 2016, 09:04:23 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on March 11, 2016, 08:56:49 PM
Do I need to even open his post? (He's on my ignore list so it doesn't show unless I open it).
I'm guessing it's a real doozy like normal.
Maybe I'll go pop some popcorn first?
Really? Theres no reason to block me. My posts are just like everyone elses. What about your posts? Oh, thats right I can say whatever I want and you cant understand me!  ;D
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on March 12, 2016, 08:28:41 AM
Laroy I agree that the Indoor/Dark ride is not just a little important its really important. WHy? because you can dress up a coaster and call it Caitlyn if you want you want but the indoor ride has to be something original to SDC and would help shore up the theme. I also agree that the preview Movie would be a  good idea, it is more immersive.  We are straddling the fence on theme these days.   BTW maybe you want a horseback ride instead of a motorcycle ride, same ride, different theme.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 12, 2016, 09:22:26 AM
Themepark in Japan is opening an indoor Gerstlauer spinning coaster coated soon, themed to a clothing factory. Now the natural thinking would be Ice House or an old woolen mill for SDC. Indoo ride, weather proof, ect,ect, ect.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on March 12, 2016, 11:57:19 AM
Quoteyou can dress up a coaster and call it Caitlyn if you want

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on March 12, 2016, 12:10:26 PM
Quote from: mhguy77 on March 12, 2016, 08:28:41 AM
Laroy I agree that the Indoor/Dark ride is not just a little important its really important. WHy? because you can dress up a coaster and call it Caitlyn if you want you want but the indoor ride has to be something original to SDC and would help shore up the theme. I also agree that the preview Movie would be a  good idea, it is more immersive.  We are straddling the fence on theme these days.   BTW maybe you want a horseback ride instead of a motorcycle ride, same ride, different theme.
I agree everything needs a good theme. I dont want a ride that just goes back and forth. I want to see a story along the way. Something to look at or hear. No I dont want a horse ride. I hate horses and we already have Outlaw Run which is bad enough as it is to me.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: HumphreyHawk on April 18, 2016, 01:36:56 PM
Not sure if this is the right place to put this idea....but here it goes....

SDC needs a short-term pet boarding facility.

As I shelled out $60 to board my dog for 2 nights over the weekend....I thought about how many SDC regulars probably are in the same situation.  I'm sure there are a lot of pet owners among the SDC crowd and it made me wonder how many specifically don't go or don't go as often because of pet care.  The trip before this one I used a neighbor boy who forget to let her out so we came home to a mess.

I'd imagine some kind of shed/kennel to be built near one of the train stops and just have every one wanting to use it go to that stop.  It would have have to be I assume same day drop off and pick up overnights.  Would probably take an extra couple of employees to run and I'm guessing most people who use it wouldn't mind a small fee for the service.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 18, 2016, 11:53:38 PM
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on April 18, 2016, 01:36:56 PM
Not sure if this is the right place to put this idea....but here it goes....

SDC needs a short-term pet boarding facility.

As I shelled out $60 to board my dog for 2 nights over the weekend....I thought about how many SDC regulars probably are in the same situation.  I'm sure there are a lot of pet owners among the SDC crowd and it made me wonder how many specifically don't go or don't go as often because of pet care.  The trip before this one I used a neighbor boy who forget to let her out so we came home to a mess.

I'd imagine some kind of shed/kennel to be built near one of the train stops and just have every one wanting to use it go to that stop.  It would have have to be I assume same day drop off and pick up overnights.  Would probably take an extra couple of employees to run and I'm guessing most people who use it wouldn't mind a small fee for the service.

My vet charges 10 bucks a day , I know they are walked several times a day and loved on too! I got it good. On long trips, the fuzz ball goes to Grandma's house. We'll often fly out of Memphis just for that reason oh and Southwest.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on April 19, 2016, 08:31:45 AM
There are 2 or 3 "doggy day cares" in and around Branson..  we have used the one north of town, but has been a few years and I don't remember the name..
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: HumphreyHawk on April 19, 2016, 09:07:10 AM
^^^^ Why did you sue

After I posted I thought about looking to see if West Branson had one (since I come in that way).  I know I'm not going back to the boarder I just used....they do a great job and kept her on a farm.....she got to run free multiple times a day and fond of chasing the chickens.....but I can't afford that every SDC trip.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: biscuitcreek on April 19, 2016, 11:36:06 AM
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on April 18, 2016, 01:36:56 PM
Not sure if this is the right place to put this idea....but here it goes....

SDC needs a short-term pet boarding facility.

As I shelled out $60 to board my dog for 2 nights over the weekend....I thought about how many SDC regulars probably are in the same situation.  I'm sure there are a lot of pet owners among the SDC crowd and it made me wonder how many specifically don't go or don't go as often because of pet care.  The trip before this one I used a neighbor boy who forget to let her out so we came home to a mess.

I'd imagine some kind of shed/kennel to be built near one of the train stops and just have every one wanting to use it go to that stop.  It would have have to be I assume same day drop off and pick up overnights.  Would probably take an extra couple of employees to run and I'm guessing most people who use it wouldn't mind a small fee for the service.

Dollywood has Doggywood. So it is possible that HFE could put one at SDC.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on April 19, 2016, 02:10:46 PM
here is a list of dog kennels listed on SDC site..

Adam's Animal Inn - 417-581-8946 - Ozark, Missouri
Allphin Veterinary Clinic - 417-272-8000 - Branson West, Missouri
Barking Palace Pet Salon - 417-739-4191 - Reeds Spring, Missouri
Branson Pet Resort - 417-335-6045 - Branson, Missouri
Camp Little Paws - 417-335-6800 - Branson, Missouri
Happy Hollow Pet Lodge - 417-581-7983 - Ozark, Missouri
Ozark Crest Kennels - 417-725-2121 - Nixa, Missouri
Paw Prints Day Care for Dogs - 417-858-6555 - Located between Branson and Eureka Springs
Wag-N-Tails - 417-858-2775 - Shell Knob, Missouri

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on April 19, 2016, 03:22:27 PM
Silver Doggy City?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on April 19, 2016, 04:00:13 PM
Quote from: History Buff on April 19, 2016, 03:22:27 PM
Silver Doggy City?

Silver Collar Kitty
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: mhguy77 on April 19, 2016, 05:44:35 PM

I am also in the "dog" club.  I prefer to take my girl with me on trips and this is why I choose the Classic Motor Inn ( Unofficial hotel of many of the SDCFans forum members.)  I would pay to have someone keep her even if it was in a kennel atmosphere.  I wonder why now one has opened up something like this in the area.  If you charged 20 a day and could keep 30 dogs you would be making some money. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sanddunerider on April 19, 2016, 09:43:26 PM
we used "camp little paws", north of branson, they did a great job, very reasonable as I remember and did day care, or overnight visits..
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 19, 2016, 10:26:51 PM
New Mack shuttle with a splash.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 20, 2016, 11:37:59 AM
I'll put this here, in an attempt to keep the 2017 thread clear for actual construction or rumors.

The new cave/bat ride could be this:
They would construct a pseudocavern above ground.  The queue could be packed with interactive/educational kiosks and decoration.  Spelling lighting and sound, along with dripping water and speleothems are a must.  This indoor portion of the queue would be kept, of course, mostly dark.

Once secured into the vehicle, the wing coaster tunnels and climbs, still in the dark, and somewhere during the first drop, it exits the cave, bursting into the sunlight (or starlight) with the bat colony, along with some nice sound effects for unsuspecting people walking by off-ride.

Name possibilities:  Batburst, Escape, Nightwing, The Echo, Microchiroptera Mahem
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on May 20, 2016, 11:47:16 AM
Quote from: History Buff on May 20, 2016, 11:37:59 AM
I'll put this here, in an attempt to keep the 2017 thread clear for actual construction or rumors.

The new cave/bat ride could be this:
They would construct a pseudocavern above ground.  The queue could be packed with interactive/educational kiosks and decoration.  Spelling lighting and sound, along with dripping water and speleothems are a must.  This indoor portion of the queue would be kept, of course, mostly dark.

Once secured into the vehicle, the wing coaster tunnels and climbs, still in the dark, and somewhere during the first drop, it exits the cave, bursting into the sunlight (or starlight) with the bat colony, along with some nice sound effects for unsuspecting people walking by off-ride.

Name possibilities:  Batburst, Escape, Nightwing, The Echo, Microchiroptera Mayhem

Nightwing is already being used by Six Flags America
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on May 20, 2016, 01:33:34 PM
Thought it sounded familiar
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on May 20, 2016, 01:43:31 PM
I proposed something like this a while back except it was a now flume ride based on breaking out of the flooded mine.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 20, 2016, 09:26:34 AM
We have bemoaned the theming, or lack thereof, of the Grand Exposition. This video show what can be done to a disk'o
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on July 20, 2016, 11:05:55 AM
I like the covered track, and I like the idea of retheming the area to wild west show.  Turn it into a wagon wheel and build a giant wagon facade to go around it.

I just had a thought to turn the area into a Tall Tale area, with Pecos Bill, John Henry, and Paul Bunyan.  The giant wagon could be Paul Bunyan's.  Bust out some larger-than-life characters from western folklore, and make this into a Gateway to the West.  Add some western wildlife. for people to see, including a bird show.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 20, 2016, 12:00:13 PM
History Buff, while an interesting idea, I don't think that is the answer for GE.  When we think of SDC, we think of a "glorified 1880s" - something that never really existed but we wish it had.  (This is sort of like the Golden Era of Hollywood themed parks)

I personally feel that Grand Expo is fine as is for the time being.  Can it be improved upon?  Sure.  However I do not feel that its theme is so pressing that it ruins the entire park.  When an appropriate retheme presents itself, it will compliment a new addition to the area.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sdcfan88 on July 20, 2016, 03:59:17 PM
I still think the Waterboggan area could be re purposed and the tower gutted and reused as a structure for a small footprint coaster like Mystery Mine to pass thru.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sirwillow on July 20, 2016, 05:07:45 PM
Quote from: sdcfan88 on July 20, 2016, 03:59:17 PM
I still think the Waterboggan area could be re purposed and the tower gutted and reused as a structure for a small footprint coaster like Mystery Mine to pass thru.

Don't know that's actually possible in that location.  You've got the train running right under it- and those tracks aren't going to be able to be moved because of how they line the train up to enter the station. And you've got the barn right next to the tower and tracks in the same place.  While there is a small clearing there, it would mean completely scrapping the whole barn to make anything work, and could cause a lot of conflicts with the train. Trying to go out at an angle to squeeze it in then runs you into Red Gold.  I think it's far more likely that they would use the small space for a flat ride then try to do the pretty much impossible and put a coaster in there.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: joshblakebran on July 20, 2016, 10:28:04 PM
But it would be sweet to have a Mystery Mine type of ride in the park (of course just my opinion I have never actually ridden such a ride so I don't know how it would be but it looks cool).
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 20, 2016, 10:51:05 PM
It's beyond rough.  Great theme.  Horrible execution. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 06:28:13 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 20, 2016, 10:51:05 PM
It's beyond rough.  Great theme.  Horrible execution.

I agree with that bit i've been on an euro fighter that offered a good ride. Wonder how Adentureland's new euro rides.

Sir willow, sorry, i've seenn too many coasters get squeezed into tight spots, especially coaster without long trains.

With a vertical lift and custom layout a number of companies can fit something there. But, there are other locations that hanging on the tree much lower to harvest first.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: HumphreyHawk on July 21, 2016, 07:53:31 AM
When the slide was removed I'd had imagined the tower to be reused as a base for a zipline type of attraction.  With rope course and stuff with a few other added towers.  Probably an upcharge ride.

That seems kind of silly now with all the places around Branson that does that a lot bigger and better than they could do in the park.   

Put a ferris wheel on top of
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: on July 21, 2016, 07:56:50 AM
QuoteIt's beyond rough.  Great theme.  Horrible execution. 
This is sad but true and I don't think its something they can fix.  When the 12 year old ride lovers started to complain I knew it was not just me.  They did a great job with theming but the ride itself it painful.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 09:35:49 AM
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on July 21, 2016, 07:53:31 AM
When the slide was removed I'd had imagined the tower to be reused as a base for a zipline type of attraction.  With rope course and stuff with a few other added towers.  Probably an upcharge ride.

That seems kind of silly now with all the places around Branson that does that a lot bigger and better than they could do in the park.   

Put a ferris wheel on top of

And we saw what Dollywood did with a great ropes course.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sirwillow on July 21, 2016, 12:41:49 PM
Quote from: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 06:28:13 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 20, 2016, 10:51:05 PM
It's beyond rough.  Great theme.  Horrible execution.

I agree with that bit i've been on an euro fighter that offered a good ride. Wonder how Adentureland's new euro rides.

Sir willow, sorry, i've seenn too many coasters get squeezed into tight spots, especially coaster without long trains.

With a vertical lift and custom layout a number of companies can fit something there. But, there are other locations that hanging on the tree much lower to harvest first.

I have as well, but that spot is a lot tighter than most of those tight spots, and not as big as some might think it is.  Along with the fact that the space around that tower really isn't available except on one side.  The other space around and underneath it is already occupied.  I also don't know that the tower could support the weight and motion of a coaster.  Combine all that with SDC's past showing they don't like to build on top of itself... and then there is the theater that they aren't going to want to enclose, but would be made pretty much useless if they put a coaster in there.

That's why I said it's far more likely that they would put a flat ride in there.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 21, 2016, 12:52:11 PM
Quote from: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 06:28:13 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 20, 2016, 10:51:05 PM
It's beyond rough.  Great theme.  Horrible execution.

I agree with that bit i've been on an euro fighter that offered a good ride. Wonder how Adentureland's new euro rides.

Sir willow, sorry, i've seenn too many coasters get squeezed into tight spots, especially coaster without long trains.

With a vertical lift and custom layout a number of companies can fit something there. But, there are other locations that hanging on the tree much lower to harvest first.

Adventureland's Monster is an Infinity Coaster and not a Euro Fighter.  I think rides much better and it does not suffer from OTSR. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 02:01:20 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 21, 2016, 12:52:11 PM
Quote from: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 06:28:13 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 20, 2016, 10:51:05 PM
It's beyond rough.  Great theme.  Horrible execution.

I agree with that bit i've been on an euro fighter that offered a good ride. Wonder how Adentureland's new euro rides.

Sir willow, sorry, i've seenn too many coasters get squeezed into tight spots, especially coaster without long trains.

With a vertical lift and custom layout a number of companies can fit something there. But, there are other locations that hanging on the tree much lower to harvest first.

Adventureland's Monster is an Infinity Coaster and not a Euro Fighter.  I think rides much better and it does not suffer from OTSR.

Let's be honest, a Gerstlauer Infinity is just new improved upon  model of the euro fighter. We have both been on Iron Shark at GPP and that's lap bar only as well.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 21, 2016, 02:25:57 PM
There's more to it than that but sure. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 02:40:47 PM
Quote from: sirwillow on July 21, 2016, 12:41:49 PM
Quote from: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 06:28:13 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 20, 2016, 10:51:05 PM
It's beyond rough.  Great theme.  Horrible execution.

I agree with that bit i've been on an euro fighter that offered a good ride. Wonder how Adentureland's new euro rides.

Sir willow, sorry, i've seenn too many coasters get squeezed into tight spots, especially coaster without long trains.

With a vertical lift and custom layout a number of companies can fit something there. But, there are other locations that hanging on the tree much lower to harvest first.

I have as well, but that spot is a lot tighter than most of those tight spots, and not as big as some might think it is.  Along with the fact that the space around that tower really isn't available except on one side.  The other space around and underneath it is already occupied.  I also don't know that the tower could support the weight and motion of a coaster.  Combine all that with SDC's past showing they don't like to build on top of itself... and then there is the theater that they aren't going to want to enclose, but would be made pretty much useless if they put a coaster in there.

That's why I said it's far more likely that they would put a flat ride in there.

Correct me if I'm wrong. It would be great reuse the existing tower. The tower tower is steel I-beam with wood cladding for the theming effect right? If the train prohibits it's use as a liftx it could still be used for turns and curves passing through above the train easement. Most on this site that have speculated on coaster ideas for that usually include the small area north of the depot and east of River Blast with either adaptive reuse of the theater or removal for the load station/Queue. The coaster would cross the pathway that goes down to the lake from Flooded Mine about where the Pottery shop is. Or the dreaded Flooded Mine removal or gutting for it. I'd rather both be untouched and the track squeezed in between the two.

Tight spaces:
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 21, 2016, 03:36:48 PM
Do we need another extreme woodie?   If anything after Project 2018, I'd like a FireChaser style coaster to bridge the gap between TNT and the big 3 (soon to be 4)
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on July 21, 2016, 04:32:59 PM
The simplest thing to do with the WB tower is to make it into a fire watch tower.  Unfortunately, that would take a couple of employees.  I wouldn't even mind if they put a zip line toward FL as an upcharge.  I just think it would be cool to be able to climb up there again.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 21, 2016, 06:25:03 PM
Personally, I think it is an eyesore and needs to be torn down. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 11:12:53 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 21, 2016, 03:36:48 PM
Do we need another extreme woodie?   If anything after Project 2018, I'd like a FireChaser style coaster to bridge the gap between TNT and the big 3 (soon to be 4)

Just used as an example of tight space fitting , but that's a fun ride that addresses some complaints written here and heard elsewhere,  Woodie with no inversions and it goes backwards like the cars on Thunderation once did. Yes, we know you hate GG but they have several quality smaller woodies under their belt now.

Anyhoo, since this the ideas thread, pretend to not hear Alvey and hears another example of my idea to redo Fire in the Hole while keeping the show aspect updatw with new tech but true to the original up to the bridge where you get this and a new coaster portion with a new splash effect at the end.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 11:16:39 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 21, 2016, 06:25:03 PM
Personally, I think it is an eyesore and needs to be torn down.

likely the best option but the cost of bringing in a crane and crew to do just that is bottom line busting and will imply wait till they can wrap it into an addition budget.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 21, 2016, 11:21:38 PM
Quote from: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 11:16:39 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on July 21, 2016, 06:25:03 PM
Personally, I think it is an eyesore and needs to be torn down.

likely the best option but the cost of bringing in a crane and crew to do just that is bottom line busting and will imply wait till they can wrap it into an addition budget.

So do it in conjunction with the plaza redo this offseason or with Project2018 as both will require cranes
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on July 21, 2016, 11:26:22 PM
Quote from: chittlins on July 21, 2016, 11:12:53 PM
Yes, we know you hate GG

Actually that's not completely true.  I rode Ravine Flyer II recently and enjoyed it immensely.  I however am not a fan of most of their projects as they do not age well.  Case in point Voyage and Hades360.  I want to try Wooden Warrior in the near future and I imagine I'll get to Switchback in a year or so. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Okiebenz on July 22, 2016, 03:10:54 PM
When did they remove the WB?  Why did they remove it?  The first time I was there in the early to mid 80's we rode that thing over and over.  I was not back until about 06 or so and it was gone then. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on July 22, 2016, 03:54:29 PM
I was told they removed it because it broke down alot but it was always open when I went, just had 1 hour or longer line with rarely both lanes ever open. They took it to the Dollywood water park. I wonder if it is breaking down for them as much??? I forgot how long ago it was taken out.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Okiebenz on July 22, 2016, 04:27:26 PM
Hmm, might have to do to Dollywood sometime.  Way back when we rode it they had both lines going and I do not recall the line being that long as we road it over and over again, but that was back in the 80's
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Hollwood on July 22, 2016, 04:35:56 PM
Quote from: Laroy on July 22, 2016, 03:54:29 PM
They took it to the Dollywood water park.

I will chime in before Swoosh hands it to you... This is false. The slides were scrapped.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on July 22, 2016, 05:47:21 PM
Yes Dollywood had its own version before Sdc's was scrapped.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: pintrader on July 22, 2016, 05:48:30 PM
Quote from: Okiebenz on July 22, 2016, 03:10:54 PM
When did they remove the WB?  Why did they remove it?  The first time I was there in the early to mid 80's we rode that thing over and over.  I was not back until about 06 or so and it was gone then.

I believe the WB was removed after the 2009 season so if you were there in 2006 it would have been there.   I heard there was more and more injuries being reported was why it was shut down.  When you rode it in the 80's it was a smoother ride.  They added things to the ride later on to get you wetter and bounce you around more.  It was really a wonderful ride when it first opened.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: shavethewhales on July 22, 2016, 06:00:29 PM
To be clear: DW and SDC both had nearly identical waterboggin rides installed in the 80's. SDC's version received an "upgrade" around 2003 or so to make it wilder and wetter. This apparently caused a lot of problems and led to its removal. DW's is still the original concept.

It's kind of frustrating to see the tower sit there in limbo since it kind of hurts the ambiance without any purpose, but it's another one of those things that's not worth messing with until they need to.

I don't think the tower will be used per-se for a new attraction, but I could see a family coaster winding around it at some point. Sort of like how the old Adventure Mountain towers are now part of the Firechaser Express theming.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on July 22, 2016, 06:11:10 PM
QuoteIt's kind of frustrating to see the tower sit there in limbo since it kind of hurts the ambiance without any purpose, but it's another one of those things that's not worth messing with until they need to.

No purpose?  They hang all those red and white lights on it for Christmas.  I know that's seasonal, but it was seasonal in the first place, albeit the opposite season.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: joshblakebran on July 22, 2016, 09:42:54 PM
It would be nice if they would put the WB back in and restore it to the original. I know the space is now FL but surely they could find another direction to reroute the slides. The WB was one of our favorite rides at SDC.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: biscuitcreek on July 23, 2016, 11:52:59 AM
Quote from: joshblakebran on July 22, 2016, 09:42:54 PM
It would be nice if they would put the WB back in and restore it to the original. I know the space is now FL but surely they could find another direction to reroute the slides. The WB was one of our favorite rides at SDC.

WB was one of our favorite rides, too, before the "improvements". One of my favorite memories includes my then 80 year old father in law riding it with my husband and me while my mother in law watched in horror. He thought it was great.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on October 24, 2016, 06:49:10 PM
Too bad Intamin and HFE never do bidness together

Between this and Taron at Phantasialand, they are putting out some good stuff
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 12:40:15 PM
Would anyone be opposed to an Escape from Pompeii themed Shoot'd Chutes coming to the park?   It could be themed to a sawmill instead. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: runner1960 on August 01, 2017, 01:15:57 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 12:40:15 PM
Would anyone be opposed to an Escape from Pompeii themed Shoot'd Chutes coming to the park?   It could be themed to a sawmill instead.

Not at all,But I will refer to a thread I started here a few years ago that I called Escape from the flooded mine. If FM and AP are both on the block I would propose combining them into a single attraction that is a log flume. The theme would be the inmates trying to escape from the mine. Obviously, the splash down would be the culmination of the escape attempt plunging into darkness like Splash Mountain at DW. Ill try to search for the original thread.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 03:21:40 PM
Well here's my entire plan. 
American Plunge - removed
Falls at Lumber Camp - removed
Lumber Camp Lake - removed

The new show building will be built into the current hill at the back of the Lumber Camp Lake.  The building will more than likely stick above the current height.  The building will be disguised as a hill with faux rock work.  The ride entrance and queue building will be located pretty much where the Wildfire arch is located.  The splash down will be on the north side of the new Lake (I say new because the current one needs work as it is losing water).


As far as what to do for a new log ride?  I have a few possible new locations. 
1. Where kiddie rides are in Grand Expo (that area could then be closed off in Winter)
2. Where Waterboggan was located - themed to Firemans Landing
3. Somewhere in the Homestead Region
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Preachin_Bill on August 01, 2017, 04:12:58 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 03:21:40 PM
Well here's my entire plan. 
American Plunge - removed
Falls at Lumber Camp - removed
Lumber Camp Lake - removed

The new show building will be built into the current hill at the back of the Lumber Camp Lake.  The building will more than likely stick above the current height.  The building will be disguised as a hill with faux rock work.  The ride entrance and queue building will be located pretty much where the Wildfire arch is located.  The splash down will be on the north side of the new Lake (I say new because the current one needs work as it is losing water).


As far as what to do for a new log ride?  I have a few possible new locations. 
1. Where kiddie rides are in Grand Expo (that area could then be closed off in Winter)
2. Where Waterboggan was located - themed to Firemans Landing
3. Somewhere in the Homestead Region
So the log ride would be entirely different than the flume style ride? Would the flume ride be all indoors untill the final drop?
If they are different, couldnt you just do the log ride where AP now is?
Perhaps Im misunderstanding what youre getting at.
I do think that if they are to revamp a current area the place you are suggesting would be my choice if its within the park. Nothing in the area is iconic, especially with the waterfall being off limits. Would lose a tranquil lunch spot but oh well, burgers are better at wagonworks anyway.
My first choice would be doing things in Grand Expo, as it doesnt feel like SDC and something different could get more traffic there or help it out a little so to speak.
I think the Homestead region needs to be off limits to these types of things. Old waterboggin area jas to be used eventually for somethin.
Id be more interested in the theme.
I also think AP is such a great theme if done right for a ride like that. Would it be impossible to redo the entire ride, keep the theme (but with different elements, etc of course) or do they feel like they have to re brand it?
Runners idea is great, but it cant be one ride. That would mean re doing the current FM, and thats a no no for me, and probably for the park logistics too as they need all indoor rides and whole family rides.
No reason you cant have two rides with central theme though.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 04:25:13 PM
The ride I'm proposing would not be a log flume.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sdcfan88 on August 01, 2017, 04:53:37 PM
^Obviously another CC ride relocation, lol makes sense based on the parks current history. Probably in a new area in or around Fireman's Landing as I don't see that fitting where AP is.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 05:06:17 PM
Nope. This would be new.  Roaring Falls was sold when CC closed and has since been removed. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on August 01, 2017, 07:00:54 PM
What about a Mack Power Surge?  Coaster and water ride.

Theme up and enclose the station and the side of the ride that doesn't splash with one of the spikes in the dark.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 07:26:54 PM
I'd much rather have it blend into the park - not stand out like a sore thumb.  My suggestion can tell a story.  I'm not sure how a power surge can do that.  Sorry that seems like a Six Flags addition and not a destination park addition
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on August 01, 2017, 07:48:47 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 07:26:54 PM
I'd much rather have it blend into the park - not stand out like a sore thumb.  My suggestion can tell a story.  I'm not sure how a power surge can do that.  Sorry that seems like a Six Flags addition and not a destination park addition

That's a fair point but even a disk'o can be jazzed up

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 08:30:45 PM
Yes but what works for parks like that doesn't really work for parks like SDC.  The park has a long history of hiding its attractions from the main midways.  Do you think that's going to change anytime soon?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sdcfan88 on August 01, 2017, 09:35:32 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 05:06:17 PM
Nope. This would be new.  Roaring Falls was sold when CC closed and has since been removed. 
Huh didn't realize it finally got sold. I thought it was the last thing remaining in the old park. When did it sell?
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on August 01, 2017, 09:51:51 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 04:25:13 PM
The ride I'm proposing would not be a log flume.

I like the idea of increasing the sawmill/lumber portion of the city, but I think it should still be a log (albeit a double-wide log) to stick with floating the logs down the river.  I would also want to have a longer ride time.  The theming and storyline could be really great though.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 10:51:27 PM
All right.  How about an Ice House themed ride like Pompeii.  Put it where the current station and queue building for American Plunge is located.  New American Plunge can be like Daredevil Falls at Dollywood but themed more to a saw mill (instead of just the final lift hill like it is at DW). 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sdcfan88 on August 02, 2017, 12:59:42 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 10:51:27 PM
All right.  How about an Ice House themed ride like Pompeii.  Put it where the current station and queue building for American Plunge is located.  New American Plunge can be like Daredevil Falls at Dollywood but themed more to a saw mill (instead of just the final lift hill like it is at DW). 

This I wouldn't mind. I liked the theme behind Buzzsaw Falls and would love to see a revival in another form.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on August 02, 2017, 02:29:59 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 10:51:27 PM
All right.  How about an Ice House themed ride like Pompeii.  Put it where the current station and queue building for American Plunge is located.  New American Plunge can be like Daredevil Falls at Dollywood but themed more to a saw mill (instead of just the final lift hill like it is at DW).

Now you're talking.  Both are river themed, and they could fit together well - even interact.  At the same time, as long as we're doing some long-range planning, I would love to see a full-service, sit-down restaurant inside one of the rides (like a Pirates of the Caribbean type thing).
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on August 02, 2017, 05:08:17 PM
Here is my vision...

The new Ice House Splash would be located near the Mountain Outfitters Knife Shop - the splash down will be aimed towards where the current American Plunge is located.  The show building will go behind the Knife Shop and the facade for the show building will match the other buildings in the area.

Inside you will get a "tour" of a ice block cutting factory.  The first thing you will notice is an extreme change in temperature upon entering the show portion.  As you meander the river in the show building, you'll have a few close calls with falling ice blocks and a falling ice cutter blade.  To end the ride you will exit the show building going through the "delivery door" to a giant splash down below.

This new log flume will take guests through a working saw mill and lumber gathering company.  Guests will float past many scenes of the different stages of logging - even some of the wildlife is helping (eager beavers gnawing on the trees).  The flume will feature 2 drops, including one in the dark. 


Now for the final touch.  There will be a new lake constructed that both rides will dump into.  The back of the lake will feature new rockwork that will also house much of the show buildings for the new log flume.  Wildfire will now only accessed by a new pathway that goes past PowderKeg.  This will also set up the new plaza for the coaster that will go in between the two current coasters that are there (more on that in a future post). 

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: IASTClone on August 02, 2017, 05:38:14 PM
Quote from: sdcfan88 on August 01, 2017, 09:35:32 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 05:06:17 PM
Nope. This would be new.  Roaring Falls was sold when CC closed and has since been removed. 
Huh didn't realize it finally got sold. I thought it was the last thing remaining in the old park. When did it sell?

Granted, I have not paid attention for awhile while passing CC, but the last that I knew, this was still standing. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on August 02, 2017, 08:15:39 PM
Quote from: IASTClone on August 02, 2017, 05:38:14 PM
Quote from: sdcfan88 on August 01, 2017, 09:35:32 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 01, 2017, 05:06:17 PM
Nope. This would be new.  Roaring Falls was sold when CC closed and has since been removed. 
Huh didn't realize it finally got sold. I thought it was the last thing remaining in the old park. When did it sell?

Granted, I have not paid attention for awhile while passing CC, but the last that I knew, this was still standing.

I guess it was recently removed (as in last month).  I have not had time to verify it myself. 
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Dewayne on August 03, 2017, 08:42:32 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 02, 2017, 05:08:17 PM
Here is my vision...

The new Ice House Splash would be located near the Mountain Outfitters Knife Shop - the splash down will be aimed towards where the current American Plunge is located.  The show building will go behind the Knife Shop and the facade for the show building will match the other buildings in the area.

Inside you will get a "tour" of a ice block cutting factory.  The first thing you will notice is an extreme change in temperature upon entering the show portion.  As you meander the river in the show building, you'll have a few close calls with falling ice blocks and a falling ice cutter blade.  To end the ride you will exit the show building going through the "delivery door" to a giant splash down below.

This new log flume will take guests through a working saw mill and lumber gathering company.  Guests will float past many scenes of the different stages of logging - even some of the wildlife is helping (eager beavers gnawing on the trees).  The flume will feature 2 drops, including one in the dark. 


Now for the final touch.  There will be a new lake constructed that both rides will dump into.  The back of the lake will feature new rockwork that will also house much of the show buildings for the new log flume.  Wildfire will now only accessed by a new pathway that goes past PowderKeg.  This will also set up the new plaza for the coaster that will go in between the two current coasters that are there (more on that in a future post). 

Sounds perfect, but 2 things that sound wrong.

1. If you take out the WF road and make us go past PK, that will make traffic by OH, Saloon, FITH, PK, and PK viewing area even more congested. We need less traffic around OH and Saloon, not more.

2. If PK road is turned into a Various Coasters road, then there will be no reason to keep the normal PK signs leading up to it (which I think is neccessary in helping people find it and the anticipation). I dont want just 1 small sign on the line entrance you can walk past while going to another ride (that dont seem right). If they make it a 3 way fork or find another way to keep coaster traffic flow separate somehow, (like how most rides and their roads are in different areas of the park) it may not be bad.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on August 03, 2017, 12:34:30 PM
This is just phase one of my plan.  The arches will have to removed with my plan anyway
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: sdcfan88 on August 06, 2017, 12:48:18 AM
Once the new coaster from Mack gets finished perhaps SDC could get them to refurb AP or build its replacement? I was browsing their water ride video catalog and got these ideas, maybe use the Waterboggan tower and have a flume pass behind or in front of Firemans Landing into Lake Silver to some degree. See here:
And here:

And even though its a bit redundant to Riverblast, they could also utilize the lake (or make a new one like Swoosh mentioned) for something like this:
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on August 06, 2017, 11:25:16 AM
Every time I see River Blast, I can't help but envision it as a ride at a new park in Memphis themed to Iron Clads and a Civil War theme

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on October 29, 2022, 11:53:56 AM
It's getting harder to find this thread.  I know it has been five years, but I still like to drift into the dreams during the cooler weather.  Besides, all we have to talk about these days is train wrecks and delayed new attractions.

So how about an escape room?  Do any theme parks have them?  It would be something new that season pass holders might enjoy.

Someone has kidnapped Grandmother!  Grandfather has been keeping watch for her return for a long time, but now his grandchildren, John and Mary have enlisted your help to solve the mystery and return her to the mansion.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Jesus4me on October 29, 2022, 04:46:09 PM
The Flooded mine rethemed and completely redone into a new dark ride.
Branson Bears in Music Mountain

This would be a cross between It's a Small World and Country Bear Jamboree. In this family friendly indoor attraction, visitors ride through the legendary Music Mountain of the Ozarks. As you explore the Caves where the Branson Bears live. The caves ring with sounds of the Branson Bears singing as the smell of sweet honey fills the air. The cave is filled with numerous animatronic bears singing, dancing, and eating barrels of honey while humorous buzzing bees fill the air.

The Branson Bear could be a park mascot and the merchandise would sell like hotcakes.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KevinLong on October 29, 2022, 11:35:03 PM
I get that rides and festivals are the big draw these days, but I would like to see a more directed effort to make the entire Park much more of the period themed location it started as. It would be difficult as the craftsman are getting harder and harder to find.

I just feel the craftsman are still there but only as theming for the overall park. There used to be much more of a focus on the life and feeling of the time period in the park. Now it seems more like a novelty rather than the purpose. I may  not be making any sense. sorry--- There are so many crafts that are from that period that are no longer in the park. Basket Making, corn brooms, cooperage. the old shingle saw engine has been moved off and is now a decoration in the farm area. Quilting, printing, stained glass - all are gone.

In fact I would be willing to bet that if you polled everyone leaving the park you would be interested to find how few even know there is a homestead area with animals in the park. Even on the busiest days it would be hard find more than a handful of people in the area at any given time.

I know that these days the money and the big crowd draws are not the blacksmith shop or the duplicating lathe, but with the loss of the furniture shop and its equipment, a huge blow to the overall period atmosphere has occurred.  The park began with simple ideas and over time it has slowly become less so. 

I just feel if all the attention is on the newest and greatest ride system, eventually the thing that we all love about the park - its ability to transport you to a simpler time, that will be a distant memory. Its already happening , but its not too late. thanks for letting me rant.

my two cents.

Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: History Buff on October 31, 2022, 10:50:29 AM
Quote from: KevinLong on October 29, 2022, 11:35:03 PM
I get that rides and festivals are the big draw these days, but I would like to see a more directed effort to make the entire Park much more of the period themed location it started as. It would be difficult as the craftsman are getting harder and harder to find.

I just feel the craftsman are still there but only as theming for the overall park. There used to be much more of a focus on the life and feeling of the time period in the park. Now it seems more like a novelty rather than the purpose. I may  not be making any sense. sorry--- There are so many crafts that are from that period that are no longer in the park. Basket Making, corn brooms, cooperage. the old shingle saw engine has been moved off and is now a decoration in the farm area. Quilting, printing, stained glass - all are gone.

In fact I would be willing to bet that if you polled everyone leaving the park you would be interested to find how few even know there is a homestead area with animals in the park. Even on the busiest days it would be hard find more than a handful of people in the area at any given time.

I know that these days the money and the big crowd draws are not the blacksmith shop or the duplicating lathe, but with the loss of the furniture shop and its equipment, a huge blow to the overall period atmosphere has occurred.  The park began with simple ideas and over time it has slowly become less so. 

I just feel if all the attention is on the newest and greatest ride system, eventually the thing that we all love about the park - its ability to transport you to a simpler time, that will be a distant memory. Its already happening , but its not too late. thanks for letting me rant.

my two cents.


I think you're talking to the choir here.  Most of us would love to see the old crafts revived in the park.  Part of what used to make SDC unique was the presence of older folks.  They were there for the ambience and the old styles of doing things.  The crafts were scattered throughout the park and not on a schedule.  Guests could just walk up at any time and see things being done.

While the coasters can draw people deeper down the hill, crafts can still have a place in the park.  Still, how do they do this successfully.  The older generation isn't going to pay the price of admission to a full-fledged theme park, but could they pay a fee that gets them limited access?  I'm not sure how this would be done with fidelity.  Could Main Street - along with revamped, high-quality, sit-down restaurants at the Mill and Mine, and the homestead area with craftsmen galore - somehow be opened to the general public for free, with gates to the rest of the park for ticket bearers?

It will be interesting to see how the entry is changed for 2023, but I doubt these things will be considered.  They've focused so much on young families that the rest of us are being priced out and turned off.  After the kids are out of the house, we will probably rarely visit.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Lampie on November 13, 2022, 05:00:32 PM
I know bats have been mentioned before in this thread and there are lots of bat coasters out there.... But I'd love to see an indoor wild mouse. I think themeing it to the flight of a bat coming out of Marvel cave and flying through the trees could be really fun.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on March 01, 2023, 12:59:33 PM
Here's a new B&M launched shuttle coaster opening in 2023 at Chessington in the UK. Interesting concept that I could see fitting in at SDC
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Swoosh on March 01, 2023, 06:29:37 PM
Horrible PPH with that shuttle.  When we get our "Wild Eagle" it will be full circuit
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Jesus4me on March 03, 2023, 08:54:47 AM
The park could use a few more indoor, weatherproof rides for the extended season like a Flying Theater with two shows. A regular show and a Christmas show would be great. Place it where FITH was. Also update the Flooded mine with a new theme a trackless ride system and updated animatronics. Other smaller items I would recommend would be a themed bumper car ride and Larsson Flying Scooters.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 18, 2023, 07:07:28 AM
Intamin continues to hit it out of park it seems. Here's their new coaster at Park Astrix outside of Paris

I can see that in the SDC woods.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: chittlins on April 18, 2023, 07:09:48 AM
The first thing that popped up in my mind was Diving Bell 2.0
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: KBCraig on April 18, 2023, 08:13:24 PM
Quote from: chittlins on April 18, 2023, 07:09:48 AM
The first thing that popped up in my mind was Diving Bell 2.0

The human and physical elements were a huge part of the Diving Bell.

That system looks impressive, but if it's just motion inside a big video screen, it wouldn't be the same as spraying water, boards blowing in, etc.
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: Lampie on April 19, 2023, 08:24:48 PM
it seems like it could be combined with some practical effects like wind and mist at least maybe more.... that would certainly be a fun way to bring back the diving bell
Title: Re: Your Attraction Ideas
Post by: blatym on May 19, 2023, 01:33:03 PM
Quote from: chittlins on April 18, 2023, 07:09:48 AM
The first thing that popped up in my mind was Diving Bell 2.0
Would absolutely love to see something like this!!!