Yep....I went there. Seems SOMEthing needs to be done with it. So here are a few ideas! Join in, folks. I KNOW you got a few of your own!
Top 10 Ideas for Dogpatch USA site!
10. Y'all were talkin' sites for NASCAR! So..........
9. Pitch a new stadium idea to the NFL and get that long awaited NFL franchise!
8. Doonesbury USA!
7. The NEW Heritage USA! Teleevangelist Jim Bakker's big comeback!
6. Yet ANOTHER WalMart! (Alright! Alright!....*ducks head*........Ok!.....quit throwing things at me!.....*ducks head again*)
4. Deliverance USA! (Wow! You think THAT would offend a great many folk?!)
3. Hazzard County, USA! (The trams are painted like the General Lee, Roscoe is the sheriff of the park, roller coasters that jump from one track to the other, etc.)
2. Mayberry USA! (A theme park based on The Andy Griffith Show! Ya' know......I bet there's a bunch of you looking up and thinking "Hmmmm?" right now!)
And the number one idea for the Dogpatch USA site...... naturally.....
Bugtussle USA! The world's only amusement park of The Beverly Hillbillies!
andy! all great ideas,, question??
# 3 Hazzard county.?
Who is going to be daisy? ;)
Well, I do believe you'd just have to hire some lookalikes. Maybe have the real ones come in for guest appearances! :D
1. Newton County Museum of Moonshine, Marijuana, and Methamphetamine.
Hmm, that would actually be a better fit...true to life, too. ;)
Quote from: sanddunerider on July 27, 2011, 09:09:04 AM
andy! all great ideas,, question??
# 3 Hazzard county.?
Who is going to be daisy? ;)
My wife's cousin was Daisy Mae at Dogpatch once.
i have been going to branson since the early 70s and had always wanted too go to dog patch but never did. i think simply cause it was to far of a drive and sdc was some much closer. also i think i read somewhere not sure where but was someone killed there by an atv accident or somethink like that?
Once again...SDCfans South Region HQ
im sorry rubeduggan but i dont understand what you meant by your post
Just suggesting as we have other times to turn DogPatch into an SDCfans Headquarters...just a bit South of Brason!