Google Maps has updated their imagery for Wild Adventures. You can clearly see the new slides that were added this year, as well as the old CC rides the park received in 2010. Also note the additional foliage and the spruced up walk ways. It goes to show that HFEC takes good care of the parks they own outright at least. Here's the link:,-83.321879&ll=30.721064,-83.32701&spn=0.000538,0.001832&t=h&z=20&vpsrc=6
I notice they've got a lot more slide pieces sitting in the backlot behind the water park, even though the new slides have already been completed. Might be further leftovers from the other Georgia water park that HFEC scrapped a few years ago. Maybe they'll have another new water park addition for 2012.
and here's something else interesting: (
Looks like old track from Cheetah that's being crunched up. There's actually a lot of stuff in the big main park backlot that I couldn't make out, but I thought I saw some trough pieces as well. I know they took out some of the old rides when they bought the place, so there's probably several rides there being scrapped.
Great shot!, thanks shave..
I am looking forward to the day when they turn us loose with live satelite feeds. i know it is being done, But just not readily to the public ;)