Happy one year SDCFans! ;D
I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank Steve for all that he has done for the site and everything that is continuing to happen. We've grown to 66 members, two of them adminstrators, and three moderators. Also we're on the sixth version of the main site.
I can't speak for all of you, but, I've learned so much about SDC here on these forums, and in my trips to the park since I've joined the site, the trips have been exciting looking at all the history and theming that I didn't really look at before SDCFans. Much of this is contribute to the fact that there are so many SDC employees here on the forums. It seems like each day there is something new on the site that catches my eye or something new that I learn about SDC. Here is the thread where we can talk about what we've learned here or thank Steve for all he's done.
Celebrate good times, come on!
I've only been a member since April, but I really appreciate this site! Steve, you've done a great job! I've been going to SDC for over two decades, and I've learned a lot about the history of the park on these forums, and from the site. The first thing I did when I visited SDCFans was go to the park history section and read all about lost rides and lost concepts. Very interesting stuff. I had no idea that Jim Owen's Float Trip or Rube Dugan's Diving Bell even existed before reading about the lost rides.
Keep up the good work, Steve! Pretty soon we'll have to add the attractions from the Landing to the lost rides section. The park is constantly changing, and this is a great site to chronicle those changes and try our best to guess the direction those changes will take.
^I think I joined ten days after the site was made. I was the fourth member. Steve, Joy, someone that doesn't visit anymore, and me. For a long time there was only seven or eight of us that actually came on here but it is awesome to see how the site has grown to what it is now. It has gotten better with each new member that contributes something.
Plus, this forums doesn't get crappy with annoying spammers or anything like that which is great.
I must say that I appreciate that the language in the forums is respectful and not profane. The members generally refrain from jumping on each other and calling names. Thanks, Steve, and keep up the good work, SDCFans!
Great job Steve and everyone else involved. I have monitored boards before and you are correct. Everyone here is civil and cordial (as you would expect of course).
I too have learned tons, had a lot of questions answered in a very short amount of time, and pretty much just found my new "happy place" after a long day at work.
Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more!
Wow. I can't believe it's already been a year! And what a great year it has been! Here's to many, many, many more anniversaries!
~ "Becky" Joy ~
Thanks guys, but I'm certainly not the one to thank for all of this. As most of you have witnessed, if this site relied on my skills alone, it would never have gotten this far or been this successful. You guys have made this a centre of information, and a welcoming place for the friendly sharing of something we all love.
Thanks for all the help, guidance, and for just being here - it's been a lot of fun so far.
Stick around, the site isn't done growing and changing yet.