Even though we are still on the heels of the Firemen's Landing announcement, I wanted to go ahead and open the floor to speculation about 2016 since I know we are all thinking about it. ;)
My thoughts are that I don't really expect to see much, just based on how I see the chain working right now. Over the past decade SDC has often taken "off" years between major additions (OR, RiverBlast, TGS, etc.). I'm hoping as always they'll use this to strengthen other aspects of the park such as crafts, shopping, festivals and shows.
I think it's time to revitalize the show lineups again. The Christmas shows are still great, but what happened to other productions like "Into the West" or whatever it was called that were once such a big deal. When SDC puts on a good production, the lines stretch halfway across the park. Is it just too much to pay professional actors across multiple seasons? I feel like they're just focusing on cliche magic and trick shows because they think they're what's expected and are easier to sell.
A new ride in 2016 isn't outside the scope of possibility either. I'm not expecting it, but I wouldn't be overly surprised to see them sneak in a thrilling flat ride such as the Frisbee that was once suggested for the Grand Expo.
I'd still be thrilled if they brought like shows such as the Courthouse show, "Hoedown", and Timothy Turnbuckles Time Machine. Those shows used a lot of the "street performers" from the City just like "The Pinkerton Man" does. Come on, PTB, give these shows a chance!
Now that you mention it, the 150th anniversary of the Civil War would have been the perfect time to bring back For the Glory. I didn't get to see it when I was working the NPS/Wilson's Creek information table at the park back in 2001, but I had to give TPB at that time major props for working with NPS and attempting to educate SDC visitors about area historic sites.
Its funny you started this thread Shave...
I don't see it now, but isn't this the last year for pinkerton man?
I thought I saw advertising last year.. that 2014 would be the last of pinkerton man....
Shave is right about "Headin West". Lines were agonizingly long for that show. I do hope they bring it back sometime.
Funny you say that they would take an "off year" -- the 2015 addition really is a low cap year. Most of the rides are transplants that the company already had. The overall price tag for FL is really not that much.
All cookie cutter shows and typical amusement park entertainers need to stay in the amusement parks. SDC is a theme park, set apart from all others, and needs to have enough pride in itself to keep offering its quality, one-of-a-kind shows. We've lost the shows in the Courthouse/Riverfront Playhouse, and now we seem to have lost the Opera House shows. I know the Globetrotters aren't anywhere else, but other than their red, white, and blue uniforms, this is the wrong venue. I'm not saying I won't go see them, but it will be an interruption to our SDC experience. The Pinkerton show is in its last year, as well, so I guess they are banking on the GTs bringing in enough of a crowd - another example of the wallet leading the way instead of the heart. Harlem visiting the Ozarks is kind of like when they went to Gilligan's Island; it just sounds silly.
^Agreed, Buff. I think 2016 should be a year of improving what is already at the park. Put in some great shows at the various venues around the park and revamp the American Plunge!!
I split the "classics" discussion off from this thread so we can focus on actual predictions and speculation in this one.
That said, I still think it's worth speculating that AP will be rebuilt/replaced/removed soon. I think it's a possibility for 2016, but not necessarily the strongest one. I expect it will be done by 2020 though. Between the low capacity, insurance issues, and the fact that most of the special aspects of it have already been removed, you know they've already got a plan in place for it.
Until I see further evidence though, I really don't want to get too excited for 2016 yet. It's certainly up for debate, but I still consider $8 million to be a fairly large expenditure for them, and with all the other spending going on in the chain, I'm just not sure how much capital they really want to spend immediately. There's lots of rumbling about HFEC picking up Darien Lake and even BGW...
You have to consider the fact that the $8 million price tag is a value of the area. There is NO way this area is costing $8 million. 4 of the rides are already paid for, two of them were already on property. Is almost like antique roadshow "this area is valued at $8 million, but in reality if you take it to a pawn shop, they will give you $2.5 million. It's a low capital year.
Honestly, $8 Million is nothing for an addition. The park spends that and more every year on upkeep and entertainment.
Since Herschend bought the Harlem Globetrotters the may be a mainstay now.
Quote from: History Buff on August 19, 2014, 07:47:54 PM
All cookie cutter shows and typical amusement park entertainers need to stay in the amusement parks. SDC is a theme park, set apart from all others, and needs to have enough pride in itself to keep offering its quality, one-of-a-kind shows. We've lost the shows in the Courthouse/Riverfront Playhouse, and now we seem to have lost the Opera House shows. I know the Globetrotters aren't anywhere else, but other than their red, white, and blue uniforms, this is the wrong venue. I'm not saying I won't go see them, but it will be an interruption to our SDC experience. The Pinkerton show is in its last year, as well, so I guess they are banking on the GTs bringing in enough of a crowd - another example of the wallet leading the way instead of the heart. Harlem visiting the Ozarks is kind of like when they went to Gilligan's Island; it just sounds silly.
Efteling just released the concept artwork on their new B&M dive machine. This is exactly how I want SDC's next major coaster to look.
Quote from: shavethewhales on October 15, 2014, 09:32:08 AM
Efteling just released the concept artwork on their new B&M dive machine. This is exactly how I want SDC's next major coaster to look.
I can certainly see this at SDC. Dive coaster is a two in one, it's a drop tower and coaster. I'll limely neve ride it because B&Ms restraints and I don't get along in the upper chest area. SDC is three coadters away from having an elite lineup where not one coaster sucks.
How do plans at Dollywood for 2016 affect plans for SDC? Does HFE alternate years for big projects at the two parks? Just wondering as I saw this quote from Craig Ross at Dollywood. He said their 2016 attraction will be "one of the biggest single attraction additions in our 30-year history..."
^Yeah, we're talking about that one in the Dollywood board (listed under "Other Parks").
SDC and DW seemed to swap big attractions for awhile, especially throughout the 2000's, but now DW has been set apart for it's own course. HFEC has decided it will be the flagship property and will invest a staggering $300 million into it within a decade (with a large chunk of that going into a resort).
So that does seem to limit what they're going to do at SDC for a little while. I mean, obviously we're still getting some fairly decent investments at the moment, but we're definitely not on the same growth trajectory anymore. I don't know if they'll build two large coasters in the same year... I don't think they've ever done that, but then again they're building Fireman's Landing at the same time as the massive DW resort, so who knows.
I wouldn't hold my breath though. If the numbers from this year are really good, then we can start expecting something good, but if they're so-so then I think we'll probably be stuck in the usual trajectory, ie: a decent sized investment every other year. Since SDC isn't the focus of the chain anymore, attendance numbers will have to speak for themselves.
I found something interesting that you all might want to take a look at. I have an idea of what might be built in 2016. Its going to be an underground railroad coaster with more twists and turns than any other coaster out there. I don't know where it will be. Here is is a pic and the link to the page.
Link to page:
Worthless satire site.
That,. and the "article" is almost 2 years old.... :-\
Sorry about that last post guys. :-[ I didn't think to look at the date. I didn't even see it.
Now lets get back on topic. Fireman's Landing is opening in less than a week and nobody is more excited than me! This is the biggest upgrade in history, I think, especially because of the Accelerator, which the park desperately needed. With that being said, I think whatever ride is coming next, will be even bigger and better of an upgrade. It might break the record for best park upgrade. I feel it in my gut and I want to know if anybody knows what it might be? Is it coming in 2016 or 2017? I always get excited when i see construction going on. Has anybody heard anything about the next ride or rides? Please, do tell!
I wouldn't get too excited about 2016 until we start seeing clues or hearing rumors.
I still think the underground railroad ride is politically incorrect and da*n funny.
Nothing's changed from the indications already discussed in this thread. DW is definitely getting a big investment in 2016, and SDC needs to see how Fireman's Landing turns out.
I was thinking they could do a midtown renovation though. It could be a good year to get rid of the treehouse.
What would really be nice is if they would renovate GE based on some of our commentary. Simply adding more area theming, putting a glass "expo hall" pavilion over the center area, and swapping out the games for themed shopping and novelties. Right now it's very quickly becoming a place to stash all the stuff that doesn't fit in the "real park", like that tacky hammer game. I fear an expansion to GE is on the way by 2020, and it'll just make it worse unless they take hold of the area and decide to make it feel like it's actually part of SDC.
Yeah, I don't see much coming for 2016 other than something small or work to existing rides. I think 2017 will be something major. While Fireman's Landing is nice, it's mainly a redo/retheming using mostly refurbed rides. I've resigned myself into expecting another lackadaisical effort for Whitewater.
I guess we'll see. ;)
Are you "winking" for SDC, White Water or both? :)
That sounds like potentially exciting news!
Quote from: Swoosh on March 08, 2015, 09:35:24 PM
I guess we'll see. ;)
Great, now we have something else to think about.
A lot of parks are getting a ride like the Brain Drain ride this year. Elitch Gardens, Frontier City, and Darien Lake. Maybe more parks too. Here is Brain Drain:
NEW Brain Drain at Frontier City: https://youtu.be/sQqbUzzfKhI
I think SDC should either get this ride or the Boomerang coaster that a lot of parks have. Either one would be a BIG addition and they both take little space.
Boomerangs are a disaster in my opinion.
^^Ha ha, noooo... I try to be as positive a critic as I can be, but I can't see how anyone who follows this park would want either of those attractions.
If we're talking about things we want again, then I want to see the G-fighter concept come back again, but this time with better trains and transitions. Either that, or a dive machine themed in similar fashion to Baron 1898. Basically I want a coaster that will continue the trend of fitting into the city while satisfying the thirst for quality modern rides.
I keep wondering if a refurb/rebuild will come soon instead though... American Plunge, Fire-in-the-hole, and Thunderation all seem like they have a finite amount of time left before they are forced to deal with them somehow.
Quote from: Laroy on March 11, 2015, 07:35:26 PM
A lot of parks are getting a ride like the Brain Drain ride this year. Elitch Gardens, Frontier City, and Darien Lake. Maybe more parks too. Here is Brain Drain:
NEW Brain Drain at Frontier City: https://youtu.be/sQqbUzzfKhI
I think SDC should either get this ride or the Boomerang coaster that a lot of parks have. Either one would be a BIG addition and they both take little space.
Quote from: Laroy on March 11, 2015, 07:35:26 PM
A lot of parks are getting a ride like the Brain Drain ride this year. Elitch Gardens, Frontier City, and Darien Lake. Maybe more parks too. Here is Brain Drain:
NEW Brain Drain at Frontier City: https://youtu.be/sQqbUzzfKhI
I think SDC should either get this ride or the Boomerang coaster that a lot of parks have. Either one would be a BIG addition and they both take little space.
No No No might as well make the place a traveling carnival.
Quote from: Swoosh on March 11, 2015, 10:24:17 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 11, 2015, 07:35:26 PM
A lot of parks are getting a ride like the Brain Drain ride this year. Elitch Gardens, Frontier City, and Darien Lake. Maybe more parks too. Here is Brain Drain:
NEW Brain Drain at Frontier City: https://youtu.be/sQqbUzzfKhI
I think SDC should either get this ride or the Boomerang coaster that a lot of parks have. Either one would be a BIG addition and they both take little space.
We agree on the super loop, and if you mean a Vekoma boomerang I'm with you there as well. But if he means something else, it depends on what it is.
To be fair, Gerstauler (sp?) and Vekoma are both making new spins on the "boomerang"/shuttle concept. Those could be interesting... but I think after seeing Firechaser Express we are right to expect something at least as big at SDC.
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 12, 2015, 09:25:53 AM
To be fair, Gerstauler (sp?) and Vekoma are both making new spins on the "boomerang"/shuttle concept. Those could be interesting... but I think after seeing Firechaser Express we are right to expect something at least as big at SDC.
I've posted some of those and that's what I was getting at on singling out the Vekoma Boomerang that infects many parks. If its one of those shuttle coasters designed for basically all ages like the one at OK Corral in France but with much better theming, I can see that. I could have seen that with the latest addition.
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 12, 2015, 09:25:53 AM
... but I think after seeing Firechaser Express we are right to expect something at least as big at SDC.
agreed.. Just seems to be the next "logical" step............
Quote from: sanddunerider on March 12, 2015, 11:38:41 AM
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 12, 2015, 09:25:53 AM
... but I think after seeing Firechaser Express we are right to expect something at least as big at SDC.
agreed.. Just seems to be the next "logical" step............
Well, that's a gerstlauer. It basically a tricked up version of what Shave and I are talking about. They added a tame launch instead of a backward lift and included a trick track to help with capacity .
This is the simple Gerstlauer shuttle at OK Corral
I can't see a Boomerang coaster fitting in well at SDC. I don't know how you could theme one well enough to follow the parks theme. Also, I hate how long it takes to load the Boomerangs and that they are low capacity rides.
Personally, I would love to see another B&M coaster come to the park. However, I don't want just another inverted coaster that are all over the place.
Quote from: Tmboote on March 12, 2015, 05:46:22 PM
I can't see a Boomerang coaster fitting in well at SDC. I don't know how you could theme one well enough to follow the parks theme. Also, I hate how long it takes to load the Boomerangs and that they are low capacity rides.
Personally, I would love to see another B&M coaster come to the park. However, I don't want just another inverted coaster that are all over the place.
You can theme up anything. I think B&M are fine coasters sans their OTSRs.
Quote from: chittlins on March 12, 2015, 05:51:21 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on March 12, 2015, 05:46:22 PM
I can't see a Boomerang coaster fitting in well at SDC. I don't know how you could theme one well enough to follow the parks theme. Also, I hate how long it takes to load the Boomerangs and that they are low capacity rides.
Personally, I would love to see another B&M coaster come to the park. However, I don't want just another inverted coaster that are all over the place.
You can theme up anything. I think B&M are fine coasters sans their OTSRs.
I just don't want SDC to have a ride that you can ride at many different amusement parks and get the exact same experience. The park needs to get rides that will continue to bring in the younger people that don't care about the shows and how the park is better themed than almost any other park in the world.
But I do agree that SDC could find a way to theme any type of ride or attraction. Any type of theming will be better than Geyser Gulch was.
The next coaster will NOT be a shuttle coaster or a Super Loop so there's no need to continue the conversation. Remember B&M and Gerstlauer coasters takes time to plan and design so your next coaster is already in later stages of the design process. Am I saying it is coming in 2016? No, but I'm also not denying that the park has a very large project that will arrive very soon (maybe 2016, maybe later).
Quote from: Shavethewhales
I keep wondering if a refurb/rebuild will come soon instead though... American Plunge, Fire-in-the-hole, and Thunderation all seem like they have a finite amount of time left before they are forced to deal with them somehow.
Agreed! Flooded Mine may need some rebuilding or upgrading too. If not, those rides will start rusting, rotting, or going bad in some way, people will stop riding them because they will start getting really boring, and start becoming unsafe. Fire In The Hole is not far from the whole building falling, if they dont do something soon...And they cant take it out! REBUILD IT ASAP!!! I also want all the old track, that used to be part of the ride, back and I want to hear a voice on speakers, telling the whole story!
Quote from: Tmboote on March 12, 2015, 05:59:06 PM
Quote from: chittlins on March 12, 2015, 05:51:21 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on March 12, 2015, 05:46:22 PM
I can't see a Boomerang coaster fitting in well at SDC. I don't know how you could theme one well enough to follow the parks theme. Also, I hate how long it takes to load the Boomerangs and that they are low capacity rides.
Personally, I would love to see another B&M coaster come to the park. However, I don't want just another inverted coaster that are all over the place.
You can theme up anything. I think B&M are fine coasters sans their OTSRs.
I just don't want SDC to have a ride that you can ride at many different amusement parks and get the exact same experience. The park needs to get rides that will continue to bring in the younger people that don't care about the shows and how the park is better themed than almost any other park in the world.
But I do agree that SDC could find a way to theme any type of ride or attraction. Any type of theming will be better than Geyser Gulch was.
Absolutely disagree with you! SDC does need to care about shows and theming. Shows are part of the overall experience for all park visitors, and theming? That's what makes them stand out above the rest. Without those two important assets, SDC will become just another roller coaster park.
I have been wanting an inverted coaster North of Lake Silver for a while. Maybe it can be a backwards/forwards coaster too. I dont want another wooden coaster unless it will be like Wildcat. We dont have an inverted coaster or a ride that goes in reverse, ever since they switched the Thunderation cars. im not sure if i want another looping coaster either. Other kinds sound good, like wild mouse or a motocoaster, for example. I know that you all wouldnt want a motocoaster though. The suspended coaster could tell a story of the first explorers exploring Marvel Cave, or some kind of hanging theme. We should also have bumper cars that look like bulls and a ferris wheel, just because they are family rides, even though most of you would reject them too. But to that I say, we got the GE swings that all other parks have, so...ya!
Well Gillgan, that would be a good thing for people like me, who cant travel far just to go to a regular "just another roller coaster park". SDC is the closest thing I have and I want to ride all of those rides at other parks, but closer to me. Besides, without FITH and Marvel Cave, there wouldnt be any themeing or shows at all! So we need it to be rebuilt so we can keep the theme and shows going. FITH and Marvel Cave are SDC, and the other way around.
Quote from: Gilligan on March 12, 2015, 08:00:02 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on March 12, 2015, 05:59:06 PM
Quote from: chittlins on March 12, 2015, 05:51:21 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on March 12, 2015, 05:46:22 PM
I can't see a Boomerang coaster fitting in well at SDC. I don't know how you could theme one well enough to follow the parks theme. Also, I hate how long it takes to load the Boomerangs and that they are low capacity rides.
Personally, I would love to see another B&M coaster come to the park. However, I don't want just another inverted coaster that are all over the place.
You can theme up anything. I think B&M are fine coasters sans their OTSRs.
I just don't want SDC to have a ride that you can ride at many different amusement parks and get the exact same experience. The park needs to get rides that will continue to bring in the younger people that don't care about the shows and how the park is better themed than almost any other park in the world.
But I do agree that SDC could find a way to theme any type of ride or attraction. Any type of theming will be better than Geyser Gulch was.
Absolutely disagree with you! SDC does need to care about shows and theming. Shows are part of the overall experience for all park visitors, and theming? That's what makes them stand out above the rest. Without those two important assets, SDC will become just another roller coaster park.
That's not what I meant. I meant to say that the park needs to have great rides and shows while keeping to the parks original theme. The great thing about SDC is that it appeals to every age group. For the younger generation the park has great rides and other attractions. For the older generation, the park has great shows and they choose to come to SDC over other parks because of the beauty and theming the park offers over other amusement parks.
If one of these park aspects is lost, we will lose one of these age groups which will cause the park to experience major changes.
Quote from: Laroy on March 12, 2015, 07:48:00 PM
Quote from: Shavethewhales
I keep wondering if a refurb/rebuild will come soon instead though... American Plunge, Fire-in-the-hole, and Thunderation all seem like they have a finite amount of time left before they are forced to deal with them somehow.
Agreed! Flooded Mine may need some rebuilding or upgrading too. If not, those rides will start rusting, rotting, or going bad in some way, people will stop riding them because they will start getting really boring, and start becoming unsafe. Fire In The Hole is not far from the whole building falling, if they dont do something soon...And they cant take it out! REBUILD IT ASAP!!! I also want all the old track, that used to be part of the ride, back and I want to hear a voice on speakers, telling the whole story!
Rebuild Fire In The Hole in a way that they built the Mummy at universal. You could still have lots of theming and a backward launch.
Thank you Runner! At least someone agrees. Because i am tired of telling the story myself!
Quote from: Tmboote on March 12, 2015, 09:18:00 PM
If one of these park aspects is lost, we will lose one of these age groups which will cause the park to experience major changes.
Yup, I've said many times that what makes SDC special, when you really boil down to it, is that I can seriously bring 4 generations of my family to it and we will all genuinely have a good time doing things we all enjoy - and I don't mean just watching my nephew's on the kids rides. Here's to continued investments for all the major demographics. They haven't invested in as many new crafts and shows as some of us would like, but there's certainly been some effort here and there. The economics have certainly shifted though.
Anyway, getting back to the topic of ride refurbishments, I keep hearing people just absolutely knocking FITH and Flooded Mine. The rides are certainly old, no doubt, and we've discussed various improvements and upkeep issues here and there, but the rides are simply not in as bad a shape as some people seem to believe. They have been kept up, and TLC is obviously applied every year if you are really looking. I think what's really changing is people's perspectives. Even though the rides are basically staying the same, people think they are getting run down because they are comparing them to increasingly bigger and better rides at WDW or wherever.
I know there are certain issues with the FITH building that will have to be addressed in the relatively near future, and the track system is certainly bumpy, but it's pretty close to the way it's always been (or at least has been for a long time). We're just used to "better" now. It's funny how we sometimes go back and forth between harping for preservation of the "special" things, and wanting to see everything be modernized to keep up with the Disney's and Universal's.
I think they could do a new custom track system inside FITH that would solve a lot of the issues people have with it, that would be a great middle ground solution.
But Shave, they took out the voice telling the story! So, they everybody who rides for the first time doesnt know what it talks about! So without the telling of the story, they mainly took out the whole story because people cant interpret whats going on if no voice is telling them. It may not be in terrible shape, even though the water is making those boards so wet that I do think they will fall soon, they need the story back now more than anything! People need to hear that story at least once or more in the park because newbies need to know how it was started! After that, I want the old track back, then it to be rebuilt. They also need some kind of scary, dark ride. I feel like none of the rides are scary enough for me during Halloween. They need a scary festival or some kind of Haunted House. Not many parks do that!
Quote from: Runner1960 on March 12, 2015, 10:21:26 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 12, 2015, 07:48:00 PM
Quote from: Shavethewhales
I keep wondering if a refurb/rebuild will come soon instead though... American Plunge, Fire-in-the-hole, and Thunderation all seem like they have a finite amount of time left before they are forced to deal with them somehow.
Agreed! Flooded Mine may need some rebuilding or upgrading too. If not, those rides will start rusting, rotting, or going bad in some way, people will stop riding them because they will start getting really boring, and start becoming unsafe. Fire In The Hole is not far from the whole building falling, if they dont do something soon...And they cant take it out! REBUILD IT ASAP!!! I also want all the old track, that used to be part of the ride, back and I want to hear a voice on speakers, telling the whole story!
Rebuild Fire In The Hole in a way that they built the Mummy at universal. You could still have lots of theming and a backward launch.
We've Had this discussion numerous times ;D
Drop track at the bridge and then a launch, up to that point no change to the story just new tech for effects.
Flooded Mine, keep it a shoot and score but add 3 or 4D elements to it with new ride system and up to date effects. Rushing water in 3D could be cool with a mist to sell it, projection faces like disney attractions and add picture taking. Been to Disney, think Buzz Lightyear/Toy Story without the cartoon element.
Quote from: Laroy on March 13, 2015, 09:06:09 AM
They also need some kind of scary, dark ride. I feel like none of the rides are scary enough for me during Halloween. They need a scary festival or some kind of Haunted House. Not many parks do that!
Silver Dollar City would have to lose one of its current festivals to add a Halloween festival. I feel that people would much rather have the National Harvest Fesitval than any "scary" festival. If people really want a Haunt attraction they can just go to any of the CF parks. I think we would lose guests at the park if we changed any of the festivals to a Halloween one because they aren't unique.
Quote from: Tmboote on March 13, 2015, 12:16:33 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 13, 2015, 09:06:09 AM
They also need some kind of scary, dark ride. I feel like none of the rides are scary enough for me during Halloween. They need a scary festival or some kind of Haunted House. Not many parks do that!
Silver Dollar City would have to lose one of its current festivals to add a Halloween festival. I feel that people would much rather have the National Harvest Fesitval than any "scary" festival. If people really want a Haunt attraction they can just go to any of the CF parks. I think we would lose guests at the park if we changed any of the festivals to a Halloween one because they aren't unique.
Again, nothing to do with 2016, but a revamped CC into and entertainment district with several buildings for haunts or Christmas-themed walk through would solve that.
Quote from: Tmboote on March 13, 2015, 12:16:33 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 13, 2015, 09:06:09 AM
They also need some kind of scary, dark ride. I feel like none of the rides are scary enough for me during Halloween. They need a scary festival or some kind of Haunted House. Not many parks do that!
Silver Dollar City would have to lose one of its current festivals to add a Halloween festival. I feel that people would much rather have the National Harvest Fesitval than any "scary" festival. If people really want a Haunt attraction they can just go to any of the CF parks. I think we would lose guests at the park if we changed any of the festivals to a Halloween one because they aren't unique.
I'm not familiar with really any haunts around Branson that time of year, it seemed like everything is tied into crafts and the fall foliage. Are haunts popular around that area? Didn't there used to be a haunted house attraction in West Branson - is it still there? Has anyone been to the Castle of Chaos?
Maybe Silver Dollar City could develop a show for that time of year - kind of like they do at Christmas, or maybe even make it a full year long production. One of my favorite shows I have seen is "Forever Plaid" - it's about a singing quartet that dies on their way to a show. I wouldn't think they would pay for the royalties for a show like that.......but SDC could build an old funeral parlor and have a show that features singers that are "trapped in time" and can't pass into the next life until they perfect their show. I think that would go great with the musical comedy that Branson is known for. And maybe if you did it during the fall, a creepiness could be added to it to play off the Halloween season.
Anyway, here' a trailer for "Forever Plaid" if you're not familiar with the production: http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=forever+plaid&FORM=VIRE1#view=detail&mid=51BAB6325878F49AFB5E51BAB6325878F49AFB5E
Quote from: cowboy on March 13, 2015, 01:17:34 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on March 13, 2015, 12:16:33 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 13, 2015, 09:06:09 AM
They also need some kind of scary, dark ride. I feel like none of the rides are scary enough for me during Halloween. They need a scary festival or some kind of Haunted House. Not many parks do that!
Silver Dollar City would have to lose one of its current festivals to add a Halloween festival. I feel that people would much rather have the National Harvest Fesitval than any "scary" festival. If people really want a Haunt attraction they can just go to any of the CF parks. I think we would lose guests at the park if we changed any of the festivals to a Halloween one because they aren't unique.
I'm not familiar with really any haunts around Branson that time of year, it seemed like everything is tied into crafts and the fall foliage. Are haunts popular around that area? Didn't there used to be a haunted house attraction in West Branson - is it still there? Has anyone been to the Castle of Chaos?
Maybe Silver Dollar City could develop a show for that time of year - kind of like they do at Christmas, or maybe even make it a full year long production. One of my favorite shows I have seen is "Forever Plaid" - it's about a singing quartet that dies on their way to a show. I wouldn't think they would pay for the royalties for a show like that.......but SDC could build an old funeral parlor and have a show that features singers that are "trapped in time" and can't pass into the next life until they perfect their show. I think that would go great with the musical comedy that Branson is known for. And maybe if you did it during the fall, a creepiness could be added to it to play off the Halloween season.
Anyway, here' a trailer for "Forever Plaid" if you're not familiar with the production: http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=forever+plaid&FORM=VIRE1#view=detail&mid=51BAB6325878F49AFB5E51BAB6325878F49AFB5E
Whatever rating the Castle of Chaos has earned, it is way - and I mean WAY overrated. I don't like haunted things, but this thing was impossibly not haunted, not scary, and (dare I say) STUPID. I wish the Wax Museum success, but come on! Especially for the price. I only did it because it was free to teachers a couple of years ago.
There is (or was) a ghost walk tour along Taneycomo for awhile. I used to see them around dusk walking around with lanterns along the lakeshore. ;D That's about as Halloween as I've ever seen in Branson.
So... this thread has nothing to do with 2016... Instead, a personal wants thread and a what needs to be done thread... ???
Quote from: tinmann620 on March 13, 2015, 02:16:08 PM
So... this thread has nothing to do with 2016... Instead, a personal wants thread and a what needs to be done thread... ???
Well, I don't think anyone except Swoosh has an idea of next years project. So, we're all giving our ideas on what we want to see done in 2016. However, I'm pretty sure there won't be anything related to Halloween added next year.
Wow! These are really good ideas! I dont know how i didnt think of them! Thanks! Also, i just googled Dive Coaster. I think that would be a GREAT idea! Its really weird that no coaster track is ever anywhere near any roads or walkways. They are all on the other side from us. Not at our level. I think a dive coaster would be great because we could stand about 7 feet from the track as it goes underground, and it would be a coaster with a tunnel. Out of 5 coasters, only 1 has a tunnel.....What is up with that? This park is about Marvel Cave, which is underground! Why dont we have more coasters with tunnels that go underground??? Also I think one of you love Steampunk. We need a Steampunk museum. Its like what the future would look like if we never left 1890, and they invented more stuff back then. Plus a building with animals that live around the woods in Branson. Like another small zoo.
Quote from: Tmboote on March 13, 2015, 02:25:12 PM
Quote from: tinmann620 on March 13, 2015, 02:16:08 PM
So... this thread has nothing to do with 2016... Instead, a personal wants thread and a what needs to be done thread... ???
Well, I don't think anyone except Swoosh has an idea of next years project. So, we're all giving our ideas on what we want to see done in 2016. However, I'm pretty sure there won't be anything related to Halloweem added next year.
Heck no. But... if Disney can pull off a Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween thingy where universal goes full on so could SDC.
Doing halloween is a terrible idea. Number one, part of the allure of SDC is the Christian atmosphere and emphasis. Halloween does not fit in to this at all. Many Christians do not celebrate Halloween and this will certainly hurt them. Number two, look at the customer they target. While it is always a family park, you see so many older people there during the fall. You take away the fall fest, you take away all of that money. And those people spend money and lots of it. How would you market a Halloween festival to a bus full of seventy year olds?
So...ahem...about this 2016 project...
Ok, ok, I agree that we should probably be a little more focused with these threads, so let's try to stay on 2016 speculation in this thread, and use the other appropriate threads for Halloween event discussion or your personal wants/ideas for the park. Use the search bar at the top to find the appropriate thread.
That being said, my current leanings of our chances for 2016 are as thus: high probability of a new show/festival improvement + park improvements, medium-low probability of a single new ride (thinking in terms of a large flat ride), low probability of a ride refurbishment/replacement (thinking AP, mainly), and practically no chance of a new coaster. Then again, I'm usually wrong. ;)
Can't you imagine 50 years ago 2 frequent SDC visitors sitting around and saying "About this 1967 project you mean they're turning Slantin Sams into something called Grandfathers Mansion?!!!" :D
Getting back to the topic I just watched the video for Dollywood's Firechaser Express and that really does look like it would fit in great at SDC (given an 1880s Ozark Theme). I do like the thought of a family coaster with no conversions even if i'm not a fan of going backwards.
It occurs to me that I might need to differentiate between what the yearly project threads are vs. the ideas thread, especially when they are in their early stages and we don't know what's coming yet. These threads, until their respective official announcements, are for more targeted speculation based on persistent rumors, survey marker sightings, etc. There's kind of a grey area where it comes to reasonable speculation here, but it typically is understood that we'll discuss things we truly think have a reasonably high likeihood of happening.
I know I haven't stuck to this either, but we'll try to clean it up a bit going forward so it's easier to follow along.
Wow. Fireman's Landing is awesome. I did hear some of the music and jokes, but they didnt sound like jokes, and I heard a commercial for Crossroads Pizza. I was planning on getting a picture in front of Firefall but it broke down 3 times in 2 hours, so i didnt. Anyway, the reason im saying this on 2016 Project is because I was riding Fire Wagon and I noticed there wasnt any employee cars where the employee parking was, behind Red Gold Heritage Hall. I just saw gravel, a dump truck, and a construction machine. Could this possibly be where our next ride will be? Right past Grand Exposition, next to the train tracks.
Nope. The parking lot was still full of FL construction stuff until a week ago. We just cleaned it up for re-surfacing, so we can park there, again~
Quote from: Laroy on March 22, 2015, 06:01:55 PM
Anyway, the reason im saying this on 2016 Project is because I was riding Fire Wagon and I noticed there wasnt any employee cars where the employee parking was, behind Red Gold Heritage Hall. I just saw gravel, a dump truck, and a construction machine. Could this possibly be where our next ride will be? Right past Grand Exposition, next to the train tracks.
I noticed the construction equipment also.
Tinmann, you said the word "we". Do you work in the park right now? Do you know any rides that they plan to build? Any rumors?
Yes, and everybody familiar with this site knows employees can't discuss plans and rumors until the red light goes green upstairs, heh
Other people tell me...
Other people have no idea.
But they work in the park though, and they tell me all rumors
Ok this is big. I think i know what ride we are getting in 2016. It is a coaster and we will probably start seeing construction soon. I have a friend who will be in SDC this Summer. This person's family will be some of the people that will be doing the construction. These people build rides for many parks. They just got done building a coaster in Disneyland in Florida. I will tell you more as soon as i can, when i get the info.
Quote from: Laroy on March 26, 2015, 02:22:35 PM
Disneyland in Florida.
Disneyland is in California, Walt Disney World Resort is in Florida.
...and I assume you are referring to the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train
Laroy, even if you do know something from one of the construction people you should respect SDC and not say anything until they (SDC) officially announce it.
Quote from: Laroy on March 26, 2015, 02:10:21 PM
But they work in the park though, and they tell me all rumors
Hon. They tell you whatever it takes for you to go away. I'm sorry for being so blunt but they don't know and they don't care. They just want to do their jobs in peace.
And if it is going to be a coaster we'll see construction soon enough before the announcement anyway.
Well there are already some markers and there has been some clearing (but not the type you are thinking of). 2017 is looking to be the year now.
Quote from: Laroy on March 26, 2015, 02:22:35 PM
Ok this is big. I think i know what ride we are getting in 2016. It is a coaster and we will probably start seeing construction soon. I have a friend who will be in SDC this Summer. This person's family will be some of the people that will be doing the construction. These people build rides for many parks. They just got done building a coaster in Disneyland in Florida. I will tell you more as soon as i can, when i get the info.
Oh dear lord, we are not getting a Vekoma. Classic case of telling you something to get you excited and get you to go away and leave them alone.
Quote from: Swoosh on March 26, 2015, 04:28:39 PM
Quote from: Laroy on March 26, 2015, 02:10:21 PM
But they work in the park though, and they tell me all rumors
Hon. They tell you whatever it takes for you to go away. I'm sorry for being so blunt but they don't know and they don't care. They just want to do their jobs in peace.
Laroy might be right Swoosh. Have you ever even been to Siver Dollar City? Laroy seems to have a inside source...no one else around here can claim that ;)
The sarcasm is just dripping off this page. 😂
FYI, there are definitely a lot of people around the park these days that will start rumors just to see how far they go and if they end up on here. Of course there are also lots of people who have no idea and think we're going to get whatever Disney/Cedar Point/some-other-popular-park just got.
The season got off to a good start, and things are boding well for the park's numbers this season. That will help move things along. I wonder what the new CEO will want to do though?
^ I would think the new CEO would want a new coaster/thrill ride put in ASAP. It's easy to see what kind of excitement and attendance Outlaw Run created. That's my thought anyway...
Yes DollarCityBoy. I never been to any Disney park. I get them confused. Just let it go. Everybody knows what I meant. This person didnt mention Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, even though I did hear it was the newest coaster. So that is why i didnt mention it. I didnt want to be wrong.
Duelist there is a reason why this topic is called 2016 project and developments. It is because we all want to know what SDC is getting next, and as soon as possible. If I hear SDC is getting something, I will say it because everybody else wants to know so they can come up with their own theory. You have to respect that, even if you dont want to know.
Swoosh, they are my friends. They would never tell me the truth. They tell me what I want to know because I am their friend and they know that I would never let them get in trouble.
Thank you very much cowboy!
Swoosh, what do you mean there is already clearing and flags being placed? Did I miss something? I mean, last Sunday was the only day I went to the park so far this year and I rode the train first so I could see the 360 view of Firemans Landing before I went. But flags are BIG. Flags mean construction. How could i have missed that?
I also saw 4 things different on the train. Whistle sounds new, new show (really like that we have a new show for the first time in a long time), the other engine is disconnected from the other cars and the #1 car is gone, and they took the train photos away.
I cant wait to see what the new CEO does!
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 26, 2015, 07:16:08 PM
The season got off to a good start, and things are boding well for the park's numbers this season. That will help move things along. I wonder what the new CEO will want to do though?
Yes it did, with almost perfect weather, I am sure the total numbers made everyone happy.!
I'm just going to leave these here.
Quote from: Laroy on March 27, 2015, 05:38:47 PM
Swoosh, they are my friends. They would never tell me the truth. They tell me what I want to know.
Quote from: Laroy on March 27, 2015, 05:51:43 PM
Did I miss something?
I meant they would never lie to me.
Swoosh, youre not answering my questions from my last posts.
^^ Swoosh will only answer questions he can answer without giving away the parks plans.
If I see anymore potshots between people on these threads and some of you will be taking a break. If you're annoyed by something someone says, be an adult and ignore it. Last warning.
Also, FYI: I finally remembered to write out the rule about not posting confidential information: http://sdcfans.com/forums/index.php?topic=3.msg3#msg3
Not that it matters, because no one on this board has any insider info, even if they think they do.
If you see any of this clearing or construction flags though, post some photos. I keep hearing about them, but half the time they turn out to not exist or are left over from some utilities project.
Where are the flags? What do they look like?
Quote from: Laroy on March 29, 2015, 08:28:26 PM
Where are the flags? What do they look like?
I don't know where they are, but they usually look like this but vary in color for utilities.
I found the flags!
I meant where are the construction flags that people are seeing in SDC. What color are they? I know theyre the same as those flags but what color are the ones in SDC?
Quote from: Laroy on March 31, 2015, 09:53:16 AM
I meant where are the construction flags that people are seeing in SDC. What color are they? I know theyre the same as those flags but what color are the ones in SDC?
I'm kind of surprised I didn't see them, also. I was looking through some of the fences and riding everything and never saw anything other then the construction equipment between FL and GE that has already been mentioned.
I'm not sure Shave is saying there are any flags out- just post if you do see some of them. Could always mean an area they're getting ready to clear to begin construction :)
such excitement brewing...
Quote from: Duelist on March 31, 2015, 05:46:34 PM
I'm not sure Shave is saying there are any flags out- just post if you do see some of them. Could always mean an area they're getting ready to clear to begin construction :)
Quote from: Swoosh on March 26, 2015, 06:39:29 PM
Well there are already some markers and there has been some clearing (but not the type you are thinking of). 2017 is looking to be the year now.
Swoosh has said that there has been some markers and clearing, but apparently not for what we are thinking of.......
Maybe with the good attendance so far and the new CEO, 2016 can be the year!
^ Gotcha- I forgot about Swoosh posting that. I wonder where they are? My guess would be near the Waterboggan tower but I've been wrong before! :D
Just keep an eye on the main expansion points. It's very possible some dirt could be moving by the summer if something is in store for next season. The waterboggin site seems like it would be a likely candidate to be developed next, but a lot of the past surveys have talked about adding onto GE. They could theoretically do something on the other side near the waterfall as well, but for some reason I don't think that's as likely at the moment.
Waterboggan Tower and Lake Silver are the 2 most possible places. AP is the 1 ride that will definately be coming down in the next 5 years.
Even if there is a space that is about to be cleared, I want to know about it ASAP.
I do hope that 2016 is the year.
This is the only place that I have heard that they might add onto GE. I never expected that.
Quote from: Laroy on March 31, 2015, 09:44:23 PM
Waterboggan Tower and Lake Silver are the 2 most possible places. AP is the 1 ride that will definately be coming down in the next 5 years.
Even if there is a space that is about to be cleared, I want to know about it ASAP.
I do hope that 2016 is the year.
This is the only place that I have heard that they might add onto GE. I never expected that.
In my opinion, it would be a shame to take down the American Plunge. They simply need to re-do it and just add to it. It's still a great idea. It still draws great lines and attractions. The park has to have a flume, and there is no better theme that fits SDC than the American Plunge. It's a great idea and story...all these teams going out to "win", and falling short in interesting and humorous fashion. I also love the sign outside with the log rollers, etc. They just need to add to the float part of it and keep the AP theme and story. It's a shame what has become of it, but I feel it would be even more of a shame if it were removed. It can be a win-win for both parties if they keep the theme but simply re-do it.
The best thing about AP is how tall it is. I've gone on the flume ride at Worlds of Fun, and it's just... such a lame ending. It's such a tiny fall that it has no real impact. (and the water stinks, but that's a different problem altogether)
So, yeah, definitely keep AP, but refurbish it. I miss the theming of the ride. As a kid, I loved all the "over the waterfall daredevils" stuff that themed it; they need to bring that back. The worst part of the ride right now is that long concrete tunnel. Do something with it. Carve some dioramas or something; just make it not so boring. Add theming to the sides of the canal again; I miss all the animatronics that used to be on it.
I meant to either take it out and build a brand new one or rebuild/upgrade it. I am glad that we are all on the same page. After the downgrade, they took out pretty much the whole story and I was not happy when I found out they took out the best parts. It also does need to be longer or have another hill. Take Frontier City's for example, they got a really great log flume. Creepy skeletons to look at and 2 hills. Make an SDC version of that, but with the animatronics.
Quote from: Laroy on April 02, 2015, 08:26:07 AM
After the downgrade, they took out pretty much the whole story [...]
Basically the common sentiment here. AP used to be a signature ride. It's still a good flume, but it's tough to see it exist as a shell of itself. The Ozarkan Daredevilry Society theme used to be expressed a little more, but it's getting more and more forgotten about.
It really would not be difficult to "re-build" AP with a new tunnel and a Hopkins ride system with the big 16 or so passenger boats. Or a version similar to DW's, with I think 8-passenger boats with individual seats. Certainly the current version's days are numbered as insurance, ADA, and other issues catch up to it. I do enjoy old-style log flume systems though.
Do you mean like Daredevil Falls? Thats the only water ride I can think of that is the closest to a log ride that they have in Dollywood, which is also the old Buss-Saw Falls ride.
I must admit, Frontier City's actually is pretty good...and I really don't like Frontier City.
What?? How could you not like it??? Its like another Celebration City, which is what we all want.
I didn't really like Celebration City, but I really don't like Frontier City. They were more havens for rascally, unsupervised teenagers and teenyboppers. I didn't like Frontier City even when I was that age and it was in my back yard. The stunt show and log flume were good, and I enjoyed the Silver Bullet. Some of the storefronts were well done, but the contents were junk. This is what I want SDC to avoid in 2016 and beyond, but I see it failing to avoid them. Frontier City is the example of what's happening, with an area themed junk souvenir shop at every turn, selling the same stuff just with another ride name on it. Give me the Huff Gallery, or the glassblowers, or the pottery shop, et al, every time. If I want an SDC souvenir, it had better be something I can't by from Oriental Trading Post.
New CEO, make a trip to Frontier City to see an alternative timeline that you can still avoid; it's not too late!
:o ??? I cant believe you said that! All 3 were alot alike. I mean, Frontier Citys coasters may not be as good as SDC, but I still think Frontier City and CC should definately be in the top 10 for the best theme parks. They are 2 of the best parks in the world! I love Frontier City in almost every way, except the fact the coasters are way too small. CC was the exact definition of a perfect park in every way. So what it Frontier City has all teens for employees, the managers are hard to find because theyre always walking around, and some of the rides keep breaking down! Its still a really great park! I think theyre doing everything else awesomely! Not everything is perfect, but theyre trying. Plus their shows are the best! No question! So what if they got stuff that you can buy almost anywhere else! SDC pretty much does too.
Huge difference here, and I think this speaks to the subtle and subconscious ambience that shave spoke about in another thread: Silver Dollar City is a destination park that draws visitors of all flavors from many miles, while Frontier City is a local hangout and place to hook up with like-minded teens. The one thing that Frontier City, Worlds of Fun, and others have that SDC seems to reject is a sizable picnicking area or central location for corporate get-togethers. Those large business groups probably account for a great deal of their income every summer. Look closely with a distinguishing eye. SDC is vastly different in feel, look, and culture. If we are truly fans of SDC, we will urge it to lead others, and not follow the likes of the rejected third cousin wannabe of Six Flags.
My vote will always be to take a year or two off of the big expansions and completely overhaul the three classics: completely replace AP with APII, upgrade FitH with real audio and articulated characters and story elements and not cheap mannequins and fluorescent paint (as well as reinstate the inside queue so as to prologue the story), and take the shooting technology back out of FM (As the first "amusement" rides, FM and FitH should live as long as the City itself.). These overhauls, including the amazing replacement of AP would still look good in advertising and would still be marketed well to intended audiences.
At the same time, they really should look to expanding and improving craft demonstrations. These are, and should always be, entertaining little "shows" in themselves, unscheduled and surprising to people walking by. They are the nuggets that make SDC unlike any other park in existence, contributing greatly to the culture that has kept them alive for over 50 years.
My vote will always be to take a year or two off of the big expansions and completely overhaul the three classics: completely replace AP with APII, upgrade FitH with real audio and articulated characters and story elements and not cheap mannequins and fluorescent paint (as well as reinstate the inside queue so as to prologue the story), and take the shooting technology back out of FM (As the first "amusement" rides, FM and FitH should live as long as the City itself.). These overhauls, including the amazing replacement of AP would still look good in advertising and would still be marketed well to intended audiences.
At the same time, they really should look to expanding and improving craft demonstrations. These are, and should always be, entertaining little "shows" in themselves, unscheduled and surprising to people walking by. They are the nuggets that make SDC unlike any other park in existence, contributing greatly to the culture that has kept them alive for over 50 years.
True History Buff. I know that people want FM to be more like POTC and Im fine with that. POTC is a very nice ride and a really great movie. The reason why they added the guns was because they wanted a ride where everybody could shoot targets. Now that we have Riverblast, that pretty much covers it, except the fact that not many people ride it and you will have to get wet just to shoot targets on a ride. Then there is also the FL ball pit, even though its not a ride. So I am fine with taking out the guns, but until then, I will ride it and do what youre suppost to do, "Pick up your gun and shoot". If they do take out the guns, I will still ride as long as they fix it up or upgrade it. Everything else is spot on there. But I do like how Frontier City and CC do/did things. The environment and all the people just seem/seemed a lot nicer to everybody because its a happier atmosphere. I mean come on FITH! SDC is a park that has a lot of money. Surely they could afford mannequins for you that dont look like they came from the 99¢ store.
With a name like American Plunge, it fits with the current patriotic theme.
Quote from: History Buff on April 03, 2015, 01:15:41 PM
With a name like American Plunge, it fits with the current patriotic theme.
The problem with that is that the late 1880s Ozarks wasn't some patriotic paradise. Lots of folks still felt the ill will from the Fight against Northern Aggression. Granny wasn't over it in the 1960s.
Plus, I dont feel very American when i ride the American Plunge. Its boring and story-less. Not even an American Flag. Not very American of a Plunge to me.
Quote from: chittlins on April 03, 2015, 01:20:35 PM
Quote from: History Buff on April 03, 2015, 01:15:41 PM
With a name like American Plunge, it fits with the current patriotic theme.
The problem with that is that the late 1880s Ozarks wasn't some patriotic paradise. Lots of folks still felt the ill will from the Fight against Northern Aggression. Granny wasn't over it in the 1960s.
That's why I believe SDC has already evolved into a multi-theme park, with patriotism as one of the themes.
Those fighting Northern aggression, by the way, were not the Bald Knobbers.
To add to several post on here.
1. I never liked Celebration City. If it was not for Oz Cat it might as well have been a traveling carnival with a laser light show. After about 3 circuits on Oz Cat We were ready to leave.
2. The patriotic theme at SDC really turns me the wrong way also. The bunting distracts from the theme and almost looks cartoonish. But that just might be me because i am not a big wave the flag god bless the military person.
3. Ap, Fm, and FITH need some love. If it requires destruction and rebuilding to their former glory so be it. I would love to see what they could do with modern 3D/4D technology.
4. Never thought about HB's thought on a multi themed park. It does look like they are heading in that direction though. The question is. Is it intentional?
The themes:
Christian Values
Anything else? I know I put a list together somewhere on the forum, and it was better than this one. More and more the theme might just be, "Hey! We found this old 1880s town; now what can we do with it?"
What do you mean by HB? Who is that?
Yes. Back in the 1880s, neither the Ozarks nor America was a very "patriotic" place. There were brutal battles going on and most people were not happy. Adding the American theme to an 1880s park makes me feel like theyre just going along with a fictional story that they wrote. Im sure Marmaros and the Ozarks were not a very patriotic place back then. I think we need to step back and get back to the real Non-Fictional 1880s theme.
Clearly, history is portrayed as a romanticized theme. You wouldn't want to stay very long if the theme was real. Life in the hills was not easy...
...but we would enjoy the prices!
Quote from: Runner1960 on April 03, 2015, 09:50:53 PM
2. The patriotic theme at SDC really turns me the wrong way also. The bunting distracts from the theme and almost looks cartoonish. But that just might be me because i am not a big wave the flag god bless the military person.
3. Ap, Fm, and FITH need some love. If it requires destruction and rebuilding to their former glory so be it. I would love to see what they could do with modern 3D/4D technology.
4. Never thought about HB's thought on a multi themed park. It does look like they are heading in that direction though. The question is. Is it intentional?
RE: #2 -- Oh man, you have no idea how happy I am to see you say that; I thought I was the only one!
RE: #3 -- Agreed on all counts.
RE: #4 -- I do agree that it looks like it's trying to be multi-theme (and has been for a while: Geyser Gulch was kind of its own "land", as is Grand Exposition, and the Wilson's Farm area, and now Fireman's Landing); I wouldn't mind the patriotic stuff if maybe they just kept it to the Main Street Square and just basically made it into "Main Street America" or something, as its own unique "land".
I was talking with some other posters yesterday at the park and while don't read too much into this - this is "our take" on what is happening with the park.
When the park originally opened it was a craft demonstration park. The 1880's theme was just a by product of what they were trying to accomplish - demonstrating lost craft skills of a bygone era.
Eventually, the park started adding rides to "plus" the original mission. The original mission still existed but the rides were just icing.
The park realized after awhile, that in order for it to remain relevant, a mission change would have to occur. The focus shifted from craft demonstrations to activities and rides that the whole family could do together. The two existed in harmony during this golden era.
Now we are in the next evolution of the park. The park is no longer having craft demonstrations as the main focus. We have moved from a park that had an 1880's theme as a happy coincidence due to the time frame they were wanting to show with the crafts to a theme park that has an 1880s theme. There is nothing wrong with this, but I do feel that some posters need to come to terms with this.
Now the good part about this, is that the park is leaving the square are areas up to Midtown Road/Bridges practically untouched to the main mission. I refer to this area as the "Legacy area" -- we still have numerous craft demonstrations in this area and honestly I would love for their presence to be beefed up a little more. As in all of the boutiques be required to have a resident artist in them (even if for show). The homestead is still there, Shad's shack is still there and honestly the area still looks very nice.
Now to the whole "it don't fit" argument about the new areas. I think the park has started to realize that while the 1880s theme is a fun theme, at times it can prove to be shackles when expanding. I personally find all of the new sections to work with the 1880s theme, Grand Expo excluded (and I'll get to that here in a bit). There were farms in the 1880s and I think the Wilson's Farm area is well done. The Outlaw Run area is also well done. I find its placement a little weird by the farm, but in order to fit a large coaster in the area they had to do what they had to do. I just find the transition from the farm to the depot very jarring. Fireman's Landing fits in just fine. All of those areas I mentioned are well done.
Now let's get to Grand Expo. Believe it or not, that area is quickly coming up on 10 years. Now I am not sure how many of you have noticed things, I have mainly because I have been well acquainted with the area since the beginning. But the theme to the area has slowly but surely started to disappear. You'll notice that the main marquee for the area is gone. A lot of the signs for the different sections have disappeared (shoot a whole section that used to be by the RGHH is gone now). I have a theory on this -- I think this is our next area to get made over... just going off the signs that I am seeing.
Now the next part is complete speculation, but this is what I would do. I would remove the elephants completely (send them to Wild Adventures). I would move Ladybugs, Flight of Fantasy and Happy Frogs to Half Dollar Holler. -- let's touch on that now before I go into other details on Grand Expo. I would put Flight where Lil Swings was and then the other two rides where the story time and sand place is currently in HDH. That area could become the half pint ride area of the park and I think would really benefit from that move.
Now back to GE. Remove the elephants, move the kiddie rides, now retheme the remaining rides to the new theme of the area that goes with this redo. Oh and all carny games go away with this retheme. I want actual food stands and not the ODV carts that are currently in there. Probably need a shop as there is (surprisingly) not one in this area.
Ok so you are probably wondering what will go where the kiddie rides were.... this is where the station for the next coaster will go. I will just leave it at that. You can choose your own breed of coaster, but I think that's what will happen.
Wow, long post, but yeah....
Oh and don't look for anything major in 2016 at SDC... and maybe not even 2017
^ Why wait so long for something new? Sure some of us buy season passes every year and go anyway but they're not going to generate a lot of new customers with the same old stuff. I'm not even sure if the redo of some of the classic rides will accomplish that. As much as I'd like to see it "Come ride the American Plunge with the cave brought back to it's themed glory!" is not going to create general excitement.
I'm just going off conversations that I have had with people. Things change (and do quite a lot at SDC). I don't remember who said it but it's pretty telling that (counting next year) Dollywood has received 3 coasters in the same amount of time that SDC has received one. I think you can tell where the priority is with the chain right now.
I see 2016 being an infrastructure year. There are some thing that need to be taken care of -- and then WW should get something.
Right swoosh. I have been seeing places empty like the old lil swings area. Something needs to go here. Im tired of seeing bare spots. Something has to be done. We cant just waste space.
It's going to be hard to wait that long.....
The elephant vehicles will have to be completely replaced. The fiberglass is peeling and they have been patched up too many times. They do not meet park standards. I haven't looked at the frogs lately, but they are more in the shade. The dalmatians will face the same weathering issues in time.
I like putting those three rides in HDH, Swoosh, and I'm OK with the fair theme in the area, but I wish they could focus more on innovations. With creative thinking the area could immerse visitors with the fair, rather than just sit there as a collection of disjointed attractions. As I said, the Music Man feel would be awesome to experience, with entertainment and not just rides. Make the whole GE area like this. Hang lights like they did with FL, and constantly be in city park festival/fair mode. Traveling salesmen, brass bands, and comical barbershop quartets throughout the summer.
^^ I like that. Maybe RainMaker/medicine man show could be the traveling salesman. I dont like that the rides are starting to look old. They need to do something with that. They shouldve put something on them to make them not peel. Like maybe that polish stuff, I think its called MinWax. They did that on the Wooden Handrails 2-3 years ago at Powder Keg.
^^^^^ I guess i shouldn't complain so much and be grateful that there is a park as wonderful and close by to me as SDC! And like you said, things change at SDC and usually for the better. Isn't it great that we are so in love with this place that we can get very passionate about it?
I really cannot comment on GE since I have not been inside in years. But a total retheme of the area and relocation of some rides to make room for the next big thing sound appropriate.
I really hate it that SDC has become the second class citizen to Dollywood, but the bigger revenue generators will get the most attention. We have not bought season passes the last 2 years because of lack of new investments that interest us. Hopefully the tide will turn and HFE will put more love into the park.
Swoosh has some good ideas in his post. Maybe the infrastructure improvements will include some love for older attractions.
Quote from: Swoosh on April 12, 2015, 02:00:29 PM
I'm just going off conversations that I have had with people. Things change (and do quite a lot at SDC). I don't remember who said it but it's pretty telling that (counting next year) Dollywood has received 3 coasters in the same amount of time that SDC has received one. I think you can tell where the priority is with the chain right now.
I see 2016 being an infrastructure year. There are some thing that need to be taken care of -- and then WW should get something.
Notice that not only are they getting another coaster but look at those coasters budgets. I get it, the area is getting more tourists than Branson and it's closer to the mess that is Atlanta and truth be told there is more comp in the area. Carowinds seem to be getting serious these days.
They can retheme GE is they want and move the rides around. The half dollar idea isn't bad at all.
As for major rides, they'll need one by 2018 or they will see lack of interest build for repeaters. They still need two more coasters in my book. Well themed, butthey don't have to be massive footprint ones. They don't even need to be 20 million dollar jobs.
Back to the Dollywood thing, while they got new coasters, kinda catch up to SDC in way. A B&M, the wing riders were the latest thing they were pushing to even out Wildfire and this new one to even out powder keg. Thunderhead was there Oz Cat but we got Oulaw Run for a woodie. That leaves Tornado but we had a solid mine train coaster i'd just as soon have as an Arrow looper. The only thing I really feel cheated over is Mystery Mine. That's why I pine for another solid non inverting coaster.
Quote from: chittlins on April 12, 2015, 05:47:14 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on April 12, 2015, 02:00:29 PM
I'm just going off conversations that I have had with people. Things change (and do quite a lot at SDC). I don't remember who said it but it's pretty telling that (counting next year) Dollywood has received 3 coasters in the same amount of time that SDC has received one. I think you can tell where the priority is with the chain right now.
I see 2016 being an infrastructure year. There are some thing that need to be taken care of -- and then WW should get something.
The only thing I really feel cheated over is Mystery Mine. That's why I pine for another solid non inverting coaster.
You want a non-inverting coaster to balance out Mystery Mine?
Yeah I was confused by that statement too. Um, MM goes upside down
Silver Dollar City is a victim of misfortune When it comes to coaster additions
Let's compare SDC and DW
You got the clones FIFH and BF added in 72 and 78.
DW added a mine train caled Thunder Express that most of know as the other track of River King that was removed from SFStL. It was removed in 98
SDC added a Thunderation in 93
In 99 SDC got Buzz saw Falls a water coaster and DW got an Arrow Looper.
So we are neck and neck at this point.
SDC adds Wildfire in 2001
Now here's where it get tricky as Celebration City comes along down the Branson road. It switches one erector set for a new one, keeps another erector set and gets Oz Cat in 03. At SDC, the transformation of Buzz saw to Powder Keg happens.
DW gains Thunderhead in 04 so that's two GCIs between the two parks
In 05 and 06 each park gets a new kiddie coaster as part of a larger section of the dredged carnival rides. SDC's is a replacement of sorts for the removed Ore carts kiddie coaster.
In 07, on the dawn of the great recession DW gets Mystery Mine. That basically evens it up with SDC as it had a leg up with Wildfire. But, as legend goes, SDC was supposed to get its own version of the euro fighter. As the country tumbled into recession this never happened and from my time at this board it was due to performance issues with MM at DW and the economy. It was so bad folklore has that that even though there a deposit for the SDC version it didn't happen. Celebration City closes down thus ending SDC patrons access to it's sister parks GCI. This is where things swing DW's way coaster wise.
DW gets Wild Eagle in 2012 giving each park a B&M
SDC land Outlaw Run in 2013
In 2014 DW gets Firechaser Express. A mild launcher with a reverse section and a trick track. A part of me thinks that if there was a deposit for an SDC version of Mystery Mine along with settlement money from Huss for the Topple debacle , The money actually went to this. DW got an itermediate coaster like Thunderation that it lacked.
That brings us to today And how SDC fell behind. I point to two things. SDC lost a potential coaster with a redo of Buzzsaw. It also lost a major coaster in a way when CC closed down along with two decent erector set coasters . I view SDC and CC as one on this as HFEC clearly though they were joined at the hip. CC was to be the flexibility of themjng like DW had gained under Dolly where keeping SDC much more close to home. The parks each had a coulee of failures, BuzzSaw Falls at SDC and the Topple Tower at DW. SDC's was more costly as replaced one type of coaster with another thus preventing an actual gain as where when DW lost Adventure Mountain it gained a coaster instead. I don't consider AM a failure as it was popular with guests.
Each park has recieved clones like the giant swing and the river battle rides. SDC GET a remake of its riverfront with Fireman's Landing. I'm sure in a corporate office in Atlanta this was seen asan apples to apples project with DW's taking out AM for Firechaser as where we are coaster counting Instead. I think SDC has gotten more In extent in the show side of things. I could be wrong On that, if so clear it up for me. I think you are seeing DW get another coaster so soon is because of the resort and a push to make sure it's booked at rack rates in its first full season next year. Since the beginning of the recession. Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg has separated itself from Branson as a place for families In o really tourism. It being ideal for weekend getaways from the Atlanta area helps. I think the added emphasis on DW's Waterpark is due to the competition from Wilderness at the Smokies.
Wow Chittlins thanks for the post...that is a very nice and informative side by side comparison. Very interesting! Do you think White Water figures in to why SDC would be behind the 8 ball as well?
8 ball what?
Well the main issue with White Water is how land locked it is. I still say that if it was out by SDC it would be much bigger and better visited. I wonder if WW will buy out Mickey Gilly's theater for expansion land once he is done performing after this season.
Quote from: joshblakebran on April 13, 2015, 05:56:44 PM
Wow Chittlins thanks for the post...that is a very nice and informative side by side comparison. Very interesting! Do you think White Water figures in to why SDC would be behind the 8 ball as well?
I have no clue as to why HFEC has let Whitewater slip. It's well maintained but has fallen behind so far in ride tech it almost makes more sense to me to just start completely over.like Swoosh suggests. The last addition completely underwhemed. There's intense comp coming from muni aquatic centers. Ft. Smith opens theirs this May. I believe one just up the road from Branson has a flowrider. Wild River Country in NLR is adding three new slides this year. Nothing special but on part with a recent addition at WW
I had a great conversation with a young man that worked at WRC for years from being a life guard to basically running daily ops just the other day. He's finishing up his Masters in Accounting and will interview with Universal for a position at their new water park under construction in the next few days as he is wrapping up at the UofA.. He openly advocated for them to keep the old school rapid style tube slides at WRC like the old ones at Whitewater but they are goners. Kid has a bright future. We shared a few ideas for something locally.
Anyway back to SDC. I thint when it comes to shared additions, SDC has come out on top. I think the styling and end product of GE looks better than County Fair. The rides are not identical but County Fair is much closer to carnival than GE in look and feel. DW seems like it's missing a Zipper and tilt a whirl. In all, I think SDC trumps them in overall flats. DW has several kids play areas that seem straight out of an old school mall where as Half Dollar is much more finished as well as the new Fireman's Landing, I'd look for DW to get a similar play structure. Don't forget there is no Flooded Mine at DW. I still think SDC is the better overall park but right now it's location, location, location.
Quote from: Swoosh on April 12, 2015, 01:38:38 PM
I was talking with some other posters yesterday at the park and while don't read too much into this - this is "our take" on what is happening with the park.
When the park originally opened it was a craft demonstration park. The 1880's theme was just a by product of what they were trying to accomplish - demonstrating lost craft skills of a bygone era.
Eventually, the park started adding rides to "plus" the original mission. The original mission still existed but the rides were just icing.
The park realized after awhile, that in order for it to remain relevant, a mission change would have to occur. The focus shifted from craft demonstrations to activities and rides that the whole family could do together. The two existed in harmony during this golden era.
Now we are in the next evolution of the park. The park is no longer having craft demonstrations as the main focus. We have moved from a park that had an 1880's theme as a happy coincidence due to the time frame they were wanting to show with the crafts to a theme park that has an 1880s theme. There is nothing wrong with this, but I do feel that some posters need to come to terms with this.
Now the good part about this, is that the park is leaving the square are areas up to Midtown Road/Bridges practically untouched to the main mission. I refer to this area as the "Legacy area" -- we still have numerous craft demonstrations in this area and honestly I would love for their presence to be beefed up a little more. As in all of the boutiques be required to have a resident artist in them (even if for show). The homestead is still there, Shad's shack is still there and honestly the area still looks very nice.
Now to the whole "it don't fit" argument about the new areas. I think the park has started to realize that while the 1880s theme is a fun theme, at times it can prove to be shackles when expanding. I personally find all of the new sections to work with the 1880s theme, Grand Expo excluded (and I'll get to that here in a bit). There were farms in the 1880s and I think the Wilson's Farm area is well done. The Outlaw Run area is also well done. I find its placement a little weird by the farm, but in order to fit a large coaster in the area they had to do what they had to do. I just find the transition from the farm to the depot very jarring. Fireman's Landing fits in just fine. All of those areas I mentioned are well done.
Now let's get to Grand Expo. Believe it or not, that area is quickly coming up on 10 years. Now I am not sure how many of you have noticed things, I have mainly because I have been well acquainted with the area since the beginning. But the theme to the area has slowly but surely started to disappear. You'll notice that the main marquee for the area is gone. A lot of the signs for the different sections have disappeared (shoot a whole section that used to be by the RGHH is gone now). I have a theory on this -- I think this is our next area to get made over... just going off the signs that I am seeing.
Now the next part is complete speculation, but this is what I would do. I would remove the elephants completely (send them to Wild Adventures). I would move Ladybugs, Flight of Fantasy and Happy Frogs to Half Dollar Holler. -- let's touch on that now before I go into other details on Grand Expo. I would put Flight where Lil Swings was and then the other two rides where the story time and sand place is currently in HDH. That area could become the half pint ride area of the park and I think would really benefit from that move.
Now back to GE. Remove the elephants, move the kiddie rides, now retheme the remaining rides to the new theme of the area that goes with this redo. Oh and all carny games go away with this retheme. I want actual food stands and not the ODV carts that are currently in there. Probably need a shop as there is (surprisingly) not one in this area.
Ok so you are probably wondering what will go where the kiddie rides were.... this is where the station for the next coaster will go. I will just leave it at that. You can choose your own breed of coaster, but I think that's what will happen.
Wow, long post, but yeah....
Oh and don't look for anything major in 2016 at SDC... and maybe not even 2017
I had to drag Swoosh's post back up because I really like it. I agree that the park is on the backside of the inevitable transition into being a theme park instead of the wildly unique Ozarkan attraction of it's own making, and that's something I keep having to remind people that we have to simply deal with or move on. On the same note though, I think it's fair to critique, ask for more than the bare minimum, and to keep pushing them to be ahead of the rest in more than just rides, rides, rides - but that's a discussion for another thread.
I really, really hope you are right about the GE make-over. That's also been growing at the back of my mind over the past couple of seasons. It's hard to tell if they simply don't care about that section of the park at this point or if they really are just planning on completely re-inventing it soon. Without the meager signage it's gotten incredibly bland, but most of us have ignored it because it's simply never felt like a real part of the park anyway. It's just an improved employee parking lot. ;D
Chittlins, I get what you're saying about how SDC's coaster collection has evolved vs. DW's, but of course that's very much an enthusiast perspective. What it really comes down to is $$$ and the potential the head honcho's see for making more $$$ in the future. If SDC's attendance wasn't so flat, we'd definitely have had another coaster or two at this point. It's not really misfortune, it's just how the market is responding.
Same thing with White Water. If they felt like it, it wouldn't be hard to completely re-do White Water as it stands - even with the relatively small land area - and make it ten times the park that it is now. I'm sure we both know of water parks with less land area that have so much more stuff. There's just not enough trust in the Branson market, but maybe we'll see another good continuation of the gradual redevelopment of the park this year.
What we really need to watch is whether or not HFEC scoops up that theatre behind WW that is going up for sale.
Quote from: shavethewhales on April 13, 2015, 08:32:16 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on April 12, 2015, 01:38:38 PM
I was talking with some other posters yesterday at the park and while don't read too much into this - this is "our take" on what is happening with the park.
When the park originally opened it was a craft demonstration park. The 1880's theme was just a by product of what they were trying to accomplish - demonstrating lost craft skills of a bygone era.
Eventually, the park started adding rides to "plus" the original mission. The original mission still existed but the rides were just icing.
The park realized after awhile, that in order for it to remain relevant, a mission change would have to occur. The focus shifted from craft demonstrations to activities and rides that the whole family could do together. The two existed in harmony during this golden era.
Now we are in the next evolution of the park. The park is no longer having craft demonstrations as the main focus. We have moved from a park that had an 1880's theme as a happy coincidence due to the time frame they were wanting to show with the crafts to a theme park that has an 1880s theme. There is nothing wrong with this, but I do feel that some posters need to come to terms with this.
Now the good part about this, is that the park is leaving the square are areas up to Midtown Road/Bridges practically untouched to the main mission. I refer to this area as the "Legacy area" -- we still have numerous craft demonstrations in this area and honestly I would love for their presence to be beefed up a little more. As in all of the boutiques be required to have a resident artist in them (even if for show). The homestead is still there, Shad's shack is still there and honestly the area still looks very nice.
Now to the whole "it don't fit" argument about the new areas. I think the park has started to realize that while the 1880s theme is a fun theme, at times it can prove to be shackles when expanding. I personally find all of the new sections to work with the 1880s theme, Grand Expo excluded (and I'll get to that here in a bit). There were farms in the 1880s and I think the Wilson's Farm area is well done. The Outlaw Run area is also well done. I find its placement a little weird by the farm, but in order to fit a large coaster in the area they had to do what they had to do. I just find the transition from the farm to the depot very jarring. Fireman's Landing fits in just fine. All of those areas I mentioned are well done.
Now let's get to Grand Expo. Believe it or not, that area is quickly coming up on 10 years. Now I am not sure how many of you have noticed things, I have mainly because I have been well acquainted with the area since the beginning. But the theme to the area has slowly but surely started to disappear. You'll notice that the main marquee for the area is gone. A lot of the signs for the different sections have disappeared (shoot a whole section that used to be by the RGHH is gone now). I have a theory on this -- I think this is our next area to get made over... just going off the signs that I am seeing.
Now the next part is complete speculation, but this is what I would do. I would remove the elephants completely (send them to Wild Adventures). I would move Ladybugs, Flight of Fantasy and Happy Frogs to Half Dollar Holler. -- let's touch on that now before I go into other details on Grand Expo. I would put Flight where Lil Swings was and then the other two rides where the story time and sand place is currently in HDH. That area could become the half pint ride area of the park and I think would really benefit from that move.
Now back to GE. Remove the elephants, move the kiddie rides, now retheme the remaining rides to the new theme of the area that goes with this redo. Oh and all carny games go away with this retheme. I want actual food stands and not the ODV carts that are currently in there. Probably need a shop as there is (surprisingly) not one in this area.
Ok so you are probably wondering what will go where the kiddie rides were.... this is where the station for the next coaster will go. I will just leave it at that. You can choose your own breed of coaster, but I think that's what will happen.
Wow, long post, but yeah....
Oh and don't look for anything major in 2016 at SDC... and maybe not even 2017
I had to drag Swoosh's post back up because I really like it. I agree that the park is on the backside of the inevitable transition into being a theme park instead of the wildly unique Ozarkan attraction of it's own making, and that's something I keep having to remind people that we have to simply deal with or move on. On the same note though, I think it's fair to critique, ask for more than the bare minimum, and to keep pushing them to be ahead of the rest in more than just rides, rides, rides - but that's a discussion for another thread.
I really, really hope you are right about the GE make-over. That's also been growing at the back of my mind over the past couple of seasons. It's hard to tell if they simply don't care about that section of the park at this point or if they really are just planning on completely re-inventing it soon. Without the meager signage it's gotten incredibly bland, but most of us have ignored it because it's simply never felt like a real part of the park anyway. It's just an improved employee parking lot. ;D
Chittlins, I get what you're saying about how SDC's coaster collection has evolved vs. DW's, but of course that's very much an enthusiast perspective. What it really comes down to is $$$ and the potential the head honcho's see for making more $$$ in the future. If SDC's attendance wasn't so flat, we'd definitely have had another coaster or two at this point. It's not really misfortune, it's just how the market is responding.
Same thing with White Water. If they felt like it, it wouldn't be hard to completely re-do White Water as it stands - even with the relatively small land area - and make it ten times the park that it is now. I'm sure we both know of water parks with less land area that have so much more stuff. There's just not enough trust in the Branson market, but maybe we'll see another good continuation of the gradual redevelopment of the park this year.
What we really need to watch is whether or not HFEC scoops up that theatre behind WW that is going up for sale.
I mentioned the explosion of quality muni facilities but look around SDC. You have StLSF, WoF, Magic Springs all offering a water park as part of general admission to the dry ride part. Even Frontier City has a decent water play structure. If you are going to have a stand alone park it has to be value added and stand out from the crowd. Shlitterbahn has it's wildly popular wave and rapid rivers.
^^^ Yes! I dont get why they have WW separate and you have to pay for another ticket/pay more on your Season Pass just to get in. They should have it closer to SDC and/or let you in with your SDC ticket/pass.
Maybe even offer a free shuttle between the 2.
WW is Missouri's 1st water park. Opened in 1980 on the old Branson airport property. Locals joked it was the only flat land on the strip, why did Herschends build hills on it, lol. I was a first season guest, and then it was a thrill to be there. I had never experienced anything like it. I do wish they would give it a big revamping. I like the idea of tearing out Gilley's and adding to the park. There is still room to develop or redevelop the existing property.
I know I'm in the minority here, but our family enjoys White Water as it is. It is a great park for families with young kids.
As for Half Dollar Hollar, it could go away and it wouldn't be a big loss for us. It is a pain. My three year old can't go through the ropes herself so I end up having to go. Kids run wild and last time I was there, there was more than one child bloodied up after being in with the big kids. If the moved the kiddie rides down there like has been suggested on this thread, I would be much happier with the area. Have they ever even done a story time like they advertise they do?
As for a shuttle between the two parks, I'm not sure how that would ever work. The strip traffic is bad enough as it is. You would have some major issues making decent time between the two and you would have a lot of people that would just park at White Water or walk there from the hotel just to use the shuttle. SDC just wasn't meant to have a waterpark on site. I think that would majorly take away from the park even more than things already are.
Quote from: Laroy on April 15, 2015, 07:24:15 PM
^^^ Yes! I dont get why they have WW separate and you have to pay for another ticket/pay more on your Season Pass just to get in. They should have it closer to SDC and/or let you in with your SDC ticket/pass.
Maybe even offer a free shuttle between the 2.
That is a rather recent phenomenon. Six Flags Atlanta and the the Six Flags wager park are separate like Arlington. So what did Six as do? They added a water park section to the dry park.
"What we really need to watch is whether or not HFEC scoops up that theatre behind WW that is going up for sale. "
Just a question but would it be wise for them to buy adjacent ground when they do not own the ground Whitewater sits on ? It is just leased I had always heard.
Also to add to my post above. All corporations have long term plans and then even longer term plans. And this is a question not a opinion.
Do you all think the fact that HFEC does not own the ground SDC sits on will figure in expansion plans for the future. They have a 99 year lease that started in 1951 according to Wikipedia. That puts them 61 years into it. Still a long time to go, but Corporations always look long term. Will that fact effect future endeavors?
First of all, Mickey Gilley Theatre is next to WW, along the strip, not behind it. Behind WW is the Red Roof Mall. Both of those have closed and they can expand the park into Mickey Gilley and/or expand the parking lot into Red Roof Mall, then expand the park into the parking lot.
Secondly, what is this theater that people keep saying is "behind White Water"? There is no theater behind WW.
Thirdly, yes I would like a water structure tree house like Frontier City did, but in a different SDC sort of way.
Quote from: Laroy on April 16, 2015, 04:19:37 PM
First of all, Mickey Gilley Theatre is next to WW, along the strip, not behind it. Behind WW is the Red Roof Mall. Both of those have closed and they can expand the park into Mickey Gilley and/or expand the parking lot into Red Roof Mall, then expand the park into the parking lot.
Secondly, what is this theater that people keep saying is "behind White Water"? There is no theater behind WW.
Thirdly, yes I would like a water structure tree house like Frontier City did, but in a different SDC sort of way.
The entire red roof mall complex is already being developed into a sports complex. No room for expansion there.
Oh, I didnt know that. Ever since it closed down, I heard it was blocked off.
Well, at least all those sports fans that complain about there being, "No fun sporting events", will have something for them, even though Branson is about shows, not sports.
I found some kind of small building being constructed with 2 pathways leading to it, behind Cokes and Cones in GE. This is a picture from the back of the Culinary Craft School. This is the only construction related thing I could find. I didnt see any construction flags. What are they doing here? Could this be the site of our next ride?
^^ That doesn't look like a very new building.
Quote from: Laroy on April 17, 2015, 09:53:42 PM
I found some kind of small building being constructed with 2 pathways leading to it, behind Cokes and Cones in GE. This is a picture from the back of the Culinary Craft School. This is the only construction related thing I could find. I didnt see any construction flags. What are they doing here? Could this be the site of our next ride?
Probably just a covering for a electrical sub or hiding some kind of support equipment. The paths look like backstage delivery and supportaths.
Maybe...who knows...
Thinking about my Cosmo class, we had to learn the history of Cosmo for the first week. Back around 1850 to 1880 is when the barber pole was made to represent the veins of patients. Back then, Barbers were also Dentists and Surgeons. Barber/Dentists/Surgeons all in one. They would squeeze the arms of the patients until they saw their veins. Then, somehow, for some reason, this led to wrapping the veins and arteries around a white pole. I dont know how it led to that, or why, I forget. I dont know what proceedure these patients were coming for either. Im sure they had barber/dentists/surgeons back then. Why dont SDC have one? Most people might not want to see it, but if they had them back then, they should get one. People dont have to go in if they dont want to...
^^ I think it represented bandages and blood because barbers used to perform some medical procedures. And what has that to do with the 2016 project???
If I had to guess, he posted in the wrong thread
^ Gotcha. we really need something solid to talk about for 2016 to keep us on track :D
Its not in the wrong thread. Maybe we can get this next year. No other thread to put it in.
That definitely looks like a suggestion, but I don't feel like moving it. FYI about barber poles though: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barber%27s_pole
Getting back on topic...
Now that summer is on the verge of starting up, if something very large is coming for next year we could see some level of clearing work start within the next couple of months.
At the moment I feel like WW will probably get focused on more than SDC though, which could be a good thing. A good slide tower like what Darien Lake got a few years ago would make the place shine again.
I'm curious if they'll use this year to put something in the abandoned pad in HDH. Another kiddie ride would be cheap and help extend their current push towards young families. Plus I just hate that big empty concrete space under the bridge.
^^^Chittlins, you should see how hard I'm laughing right now. That image is perfect. PERFECT.
^^Shave, I agree that they should put something on that empty ride pad in HDH. I rather liked Swoosh's idea to move all the "itty bitty kiddie" rides over to HDH.
They should remove the rocks and the story time circle ect and restore the woods and natural look. The tree house on the end and the carousel are ok but the other areas are not used at all and a blight to the wooded feel the bridge area used to have. I think this was a misstep for SDC> Remove the alterations or put in a large water feature under the bridge. SDC are masters of water, they could make something really nice and there is water there now. Just expand
Your right there MH. Something should be done with that "dead" area.. It looks bad with nothing in it...
Hmm.... Make a good place for a pond and fountain...???
As a mom who has kids that need the itty bitty kiddie rides and the bigger kid rides, I would hate to have all of the itty bitty stuff placed together. My twins are finally old enough to do rides on their own, but my three year old needs those itty bitty rides. If you separate them in two areas, at least one child will always be left out. The planners have done a great job making sure there is a decent variety of rides for different ages in the park.
True, I have always thought that HDH was a bad idea, except the carousel. I like that the carousel is back, but they took the lil swings out and took them to FL and stopped doing story time. Thats like half of the stuff GONE. Thats not how that part of the park should be treated. Come up with an idea for stuff/rides there and keep them there. Make the place look good, without moving it.
I think they should move 1 or 2 of the Itty Bitty Kiddie rides from GE to HDH because I have a hunch that we might just be getting a coaster near GE soon. So, they might be moving those 3 rides somewhere. Ever since they took out lil swings, i wasnt happy because i wanted HDH took be popular because I was glad they made that spot look better than it used to look. Something needs to go under the bridge. I dont care what! But, I do looooove anything that has moving water or a waterfall. Its so peaceful. I vote for a nice, peaceful garden with a waterfall, creek, and bridge, like CC had.
QuoteSomething needs to go under the bridge. I dont care what! But, I do looooove anything that has moving water or a waterfall. Its so peaceful. I vote for a nice, peaceful garden with a waterfall, creek, and bridge, like CC had.
I agree Laroy!
I also agree Laroy...excellent ideas
I like the peaceful area idea, but I also like putting the "nature" rides (ladybugs, butterflies, frogs) in there. After all the money they spent on the area, it is disappointing.
The walking bridge is right there and with a little work they could incorporate a water fall from under the bridge into a larger body of water that the mill can also empty into.
It would look natural and would go with the area. I think this would help restore some peace to the area for those waiting for the kids on the tree house. Give the area a purpose don't just let it sit unused.
Quote from: mhguy77 on May 11, 2015, 09:51:20 PM
The walking bridge is right there and with a little work they could incorporate a water fall from under the bridge into a larger body of water that the mill can also empty into.
It would look natural and would go with the area. I think this would help restore some peace to the area for those waiting for the kids on the tree house. Give the area a purpose don't just let it sit unused.
Is the construction equipment in the blue area still from Fireman's Landing, or is it future construction?
Old picture is old
Quote from: Tmboote on May 12, 2015, 09:39:56 PM
Is the construction equipment in the blue area still from Fireman's Landing, or is it future construction?
I asked the same question not long ago. They were just clearing the employee parking lot. No new ride construction there.
Since DW seems to be getting a new coaster for 2016, does that mean we should be expecting less for SDC next year? DW is just going to stay on a streak of getting a coaster every other year while SDC gets one every five if we're lucky.
^That's the general thought. DW's still got a lot of that $300 million to spend. There's no reason to expect a coaster for next year in any case, but IMO anything is possible from 2017 onward.
I know the rains must have put a dent into attendance for this year, and it looks like there's more around the corner. That's really unfortunate for them, but it sounded like they had a strong spring and if there's plenty of time left in the season to have a banner year. If we're going to see much more investment soon, we really need some strong numbers from Fireman's Landing. I really want to see the park prosper from all the good effort they put into it - we don't want GE to go down as one of the most financially successful additions in park history.
I'm still not looking for too much for 2016, but I would think if the summer ends strong and they have a decent flat ride addition in the pipeline, that could happen.
Hopefully they'll have an "end-of-season" attendance push like last season so they can have good attendance figures this season.
Quote from: shavethewhales on June 10, 2015, 10:32:01 PM
I'm still not looking for too much for 2016, but I would think if the summer ends strong and they have a decent flat ride addition in the pipeline, that could happen.
Is there any guesstimate to the summer attendance yet? Good? Bad? Average?
One would assume that nothing new at all will come in 2016 since we are in mid July with no signs of anything?
Just from the occasional glimpses we get, it seems like attendance has been up and down. I suspect the weather really killed them in May and June, but Spring was strong, and there's still a good chunk of summer left that looks like it will be good, especially with Moonlight Madness.
Mid July is still pretty early to see signs of anything, unless we were expecting a new coaster or something huge. If they're going to do something smaller like add a new flat ride then they could wait until Fall.
I'm not sure what I'd expect at this point, but I think they'll work on improving some vistas at the very least. Fixing up the back side of the theatre across from Fireman's Landing would be a good start.
Shave your right about the backside of theatre.. looks bad, also in that area the east side of riverfront looks bad, all boarded up and rotten deck/steps.. noticed the other day the little spring/waterfall east of riverfront not working either..... HMM?
Maybe they are ignoring that area, because something is going to happen there?
Riverfront, Boatworks and the pottery shop, with the land in between and west of there?
That would be big enough for a "project"?? Wouldn't it? ::) ::)
That's kind of what I think. The Playhouse water feature has been defunct for a while now, and the Playhouse is probably riddled with rot and isn't long for this world. That why I can envision a new waterfront on that side of the lake, as well.
Sanddunerunner, i was thinking the same thing. I hate how we cant go around back at Riverfront playhouse anymore and that waterfall hasnt been on in forever. I think there is a good chance of something going there, but I was thinking they might shorten Riverfront road by making it go thru there, then the Riverfront Road to the east of Boatworks could be torn out, and they could use that area plus Waterboggan Tower for one huge project. Because i dont see a reason to make that road so long, it just takes up space.
I don't see Flooded Mine going next....
Probably way off base, but I don't see them going into the middle of the park to do something next.. I look for an "addition" to the FL area. Whether it incorporates the WB area, or goes across the street to the Riverfront Playhouse/Boatworks Theatre area. Seems to be so much repair/maint needed, its almost as if they are ignoring that area for now?
Quote from: sanddunerider on August 02, 2015, 11:00:27 AM
Probably way off base, but I don't see them going into the middle of the park to do something next.
Who knows what they'll do next.
Well as always, someone is right, and someone is wrong. I cant wait to see who is and what will be built/upgraded.
Quote from: sanddunerider on August 02, 2015, 11:00:27 AM
Riverfront Playhouse/Boatworks Theatre area. Seems to be so much repair/maint needed, its almost as if they are ignoring that area for now?
Well Riverfront Playhouse has been condemned. The rumor is both it and Boatworks will be removed for the next project. We'll see, right?
Quote from: phantomposter32 on August 02, 2015, 01:25:52 PM
Quote from: sanddunerider on August 02, 2015, 11:00:27 AM
Riverfront Playhouse/Boatworks Theatre area. Seems to be so much repair/maint needed, its almost as if they are ignoring that area for now?
Well Riverfront Playhouse has been condemned. The rumor is both it and Boatworks will be removed for the next project. We'll see, right?
I thought I heard that would probably be for 2017?
Well Riverfront Playhouse has been condemned. The rumor is both it and Boatworks will be removed for the next project. We'll see, right?
So? the RP is closed/condemned? nothing going to be in there the rest of the year?. when did this happen....?
I do not have full specs on what all is wrong with the building, so sorry cannot elaborate.
With regards to the other part of your question, it will be used during Christmas
Quote from: phantomposter32 on August 02, 2015, 07:35:26 PM
I do not have full specs on what all is wrong with the building, so sorry cannot elaborate.
With regards to the other part of your question, it will be used during Christmas
How can they used a condemned building?
So it is closed, yet they will still be using it? That doesnt make any sense. Is it closed for good and coming down or not? What is going in? I havent had time to go since 2 months ago because I got a job 2 weeks ago. I will be going soon though, on my days off. I plan on looking closely at what is happening.
I suspect the Riverfront will be a project that we see sooner than later. As I've said, RP is old (but I love it). Whatever they replace it with would probably transform the lakefront, much like FL did. This may be part of a larger plan to manage the lake.
That doesn't mean FM couldn't be part of the same overarching plan, though. An attraction that spans the railroad could be in their thoughts. I haven't looked at the map to see how that all could go together, though.
Now something like that would be HUGE. i dont know how huge, like biggest attraction yet huge, but it would still be huge and I think it would be really great.
So, lets get down to it. What all is permanently closed as of now? what is suppose to go in there? What do you want to be there? How big does it look like it will be? Any info would be great so we can start putting the pieces of this puzzle together.
It may be just me, but Ive noticed a pattern here.
2012: Wilsons Farm and the barn swing (a big, family area)
2013: Outlaw Run (Coaster)
2014: no rides. just new shows like the parade.
2015: Firemans Landing (another big family area)
2016: ??? I think this is the year of the coaster. I havent heard any rumors of new shows at all. If there were, we would have heard them by now. I think its a coaster and I think they will announce it around the time they start building, probably in August, just like when they announced Firemans Landing.
I'm not looking for a coaster in '16. I think you'd be better off expecting something during the following year.
I'd like to clear up the timeline from above (I'm omitting shows as those are not attractions)
2015 - Fireman's Landing
2014 -
2013 - Outlaw Run
2012 - Crossroads Pizza / Coke Corner
2011 - Half Dollar Holler
2010 - River Blast
2009 - Parking lot / road reroute
2008 - Culinary Arts School
2007 - Wilson's Farm / Giant Barn Swing
2006 - Grand Exposition
2005 - PowderKeg
You omitted shows, but included pizza and Coke? I see where your interests lie! :D
Quote from: History Buff on August 02, 2015, 09:52:39 PM
I'm not looking for a coaster in '16. I think you'd be better off expecting something during the following year.
We'll see. You never know until we find out.
Quote from: Laroy on August 02, 2015, 11:46:13 PM
Quote from: History Buff on August 02, 2015, 09:52:39 PM
I'm not looking for a coaster in '16. I think you'd be better off expecting something during the following year.
We'll see. You never know until we find out.
As much as I hope for a new coaster next year, Iagree with with HB saying it would be more likely in 2017.
The properties rarely spend huge amounts of capital dollars in the same year. 2015-2016 is defiantly Dollywood's year to shine.... Again... But anything HFE does is celebrated in a huge way. It just depends on what you consider a draw to the park, and that is going to be different for everyone. Keep in mind that Mom has to be happy first. If Mom wants to come to the park then the rest of the family will follow. My 2 cents is that 2016 will be quiet with park referb, new shows with the same festivals, and probably another extension of Moonlight Madness. 2017 will be resort announcement and all of 2017 will be spend highlighting the progress of the 2018 opening. And 2019 will be the "next big thing" to help fill the rooms.
Quote from: Swoosh on August 02, 2015, 10:24:34 PM
I'd like to clear up the timeline from above (I'm omitting shows as those are not attractions)
2015 - Fireman's Landing
2014 -
2013 - Outlaw Run
2012 - Crossroads Pizza / Coke Corner
2011 - Half Dollar Holler
2010 - River Blast
2009 - Parking lot / road reroute
2008 - Culinary Arts School
2007 - Wilson's Farm / Giant Barn Swing
2006 - Grand Exposition
2005 - PowderKeg
Obviously Swoosh listing is for large money investments over the last 10 years. Yes Pizza and coke is included, but that was a pricey, very extensive modification/addition.
The only thing I would have added was the big frontage and building expansions they did at EH, I know not everyone goes down there. But that area was modified quite a bit 2 or 3 years ago..(yes I know it is show related)
Quote from: sanddunerider on August 03, 2015, 07:48:41 AM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 02, 2015, 10:24:34 PM
I'd like to clear up the timeline from above (I'm omitting shows as those are not attractions)
2015 - Fireman's Landing
2014 -
2013 - Outlaw Run
2012 - Crossroads Pizza / Coke Corner
2011 - Half Dollar Holler
2010 - River Blast
2009 - Parking lot / road reroute
2008 - Culinary Arts School
2007 - Wilson's Farm / Giant Barn Swing
2006 - Grand Exposition
2005 - PowderKeg
Obviously Swoosh listing is for large money investments over the last 10 years. Yes Pizza and coke is included, but that was a pricey, very extensive modification/addition.
The only thing I would have added was the big frontage and building expansions they did at EH, I know not everyone goes down there. But that area was modified quite a bit 2 or 3 years ago..(yes I know it is show related)
Don't forget at the front of that timeline was expenditures at Celebration City as well. As I've said in the past, when you include ride additions there and think of SDC and CC as one the adds where pretty much tit for tat. If you had combo season passes you had way more in Branson as far as HFE was concerned. Since that time Whitewater is pretty much stuck in the past, CC closed shop.and we watch a solid twisty woody rot. They only thing I regret them selling was that Super Splash. Let's be honest the flume wasn't themed worth a hoot, but it did have to drops compared to AP's one.
The mack water battles, S&S Giant Swings, and the The GCI coasters. SDC technically fell behind with the closure of CC. To the naked eye and without delving too deep, it feels like SDC has more small rides.
Dollywood's County Fair needs a Zipper
Quote2017 will be resort announcement and all of 2017 will be spend highlighting the progress of the 2018 opening. And 2019 will be the "next big thing" to help fill the rooms.
I don't look to SDC opening a resort at this time. I may be wrong but hotels like to stay around 90-95% capacity and with the shorter season in Branson that's just not in the numbers. It also seems that Branson is still overbuilt in the hotel area. If you juxtapose DW and SDC you would notice on a map that #1 DW is closer to the rest of Pigeon Forge than SDC is to Branson proper or just other attractions.
#2 DW SC is in the same parking lot so the resort can be centrally located between these offering a convenience that is tangible. SDC and WW are not close to each other and even with a tram to move guests to WW it would not be considered convenient. As far as SDC is from town there must be more to draw you to the resort to stay the night. I used to stay at the BW in Branson West right behind the city and it was convenient but if you needed to go to Branson it was inconvenient, ultimately the Classic won out not only for price but for quick access to the malls, restaurants in Branson. I don't see a resort as a good investment. If WW was at the same location I could see the possibility but otherwise they don't have any convenience to sell with a resort.
Quote from: Swoosh on August 02, 2015, 10:24:34 PM
I'd like to clear up the timeline from above (I'm omitting shows as those are not attractions)
2015 - Fireman's Landing
2014 -
2013 - Outlaw Run
2012 - Crossroads Pizza / Coke Corner
2011 - Half Dollar Holler
2010 - River Blast
2009 - Parking lot / road reroute
2008 - Culinary Arts School
2007 - Wilson's Farm / Giant Barn Swing
2006 - Grand Exposition
2005 - PowderKeg
I didn't realize that SDC rarely goes a year without a new ride.
Quote from: History Buff on August 02, 2015, 10:34:06 PM
You omitted shows, but included pizza and Coke? I see where your interests lie! :D
I also omitted Celebration City and White Water additions.
Quote from: sanddunerider on August 03, 2015, 07:48:41 AM
Obviously Swoosh listing is for large money investments over the last 10 years. Yes Pizza and coke is included, but that was a pricey, very extensive modification/addition.
The only thing I would have added was the big frontage and building expansions they did at EH, I know not everyone goes down there. But that area was modified quite a bit 2 or 3 years ago..(yes I know it is show related)
I don't have the dates for those changes, sorry.
If anything replaces Flooded Mine anytime soon, it'll be another dark ride. A coaster in the middle of the park would totally ruin the feel of that area, and even current management wouldn't do that.
Quote from: mhguy77 on August 03, 2015, 10:18:51 AM
Quote2017 will be resort announcement and all of 2017 will be spend highlighting the progress of the 2018 opening. And 2019 will be the "next big thing" to help fill the rooms.
I don't look to SDC opening a resort at this time. I may be wrong but hotels like to stay around 90-95% capacity and with the shorter season in Branson that's just not in the numbers. It also seems that Branson is still overbuilt in the hotel area. If you juxtapose DW and SDC you would notice on a map that #1 DW is closer to the rest of Pigeon Forge than SDC is to Branson proper or just other attractions.
#2 DW SC is in the same parking lot so the resort can be centrally located between these offering a convenience that is tangible. SDC and WW are not close to each other and even with a tram to move guests to WW it would not be considered convenient. As far as SDC is from town there must be more to draw you to the resort to stay the night. I used to stay at the BW in Branson West right behind the city and it was convenient but if you needed to go to Branson it was inconvenient, ultimately the Classic won out not only for price but for quick access to the malls, restaurants in Branson. I don't see a resort as a good investment. If WW was at the same location I could see the possibility but otherwise they don't have any convenience to sell with a resort.
I also don't see a resort in the "near" future.
There is already another resort being build on IP. that would be direct competition. Would make more sense for the PTB to work with new resort and make "deals/packages" for their customers.
As MH said, HFE just does not own enough "attractions" in 1 area to justify that expense.... IF WW was relocated AND partially enclosed, IF SDC had a longer season? Maybe..
With Branosn basically shutting down for 3 almost 4 months every year.. No, I don't see it..
Just a clarification. SDC closes the last week of December and opens Mid-March.
At most this is 8 weeks. 8 weeks would not make or break a resort and it would allow for major cleaning and renovations that normal hotels wouldn't be able to do elsewhere.
If Hotel Breakers at Cedar Point can make it with an even shorter season, I don't see the issue here.
If they did build a resort, they could build an indoor water park or maybe even a smaller indoor amusement park to draw people in during the off-season. But, I don't think it is necessary for SDC to invest that much money into a resort when there are so many hotels and resorts at Indian Point for people who don't want to stay in Branson. The money is better spent elsewhere.
Quote from: Swoosh on August 05, 2015, 10:58:19 AM
Just a clarification. SDC closes the last week of December and opens Mid-March.
At most this is 8 weeks. 8 weeks would not make or break a resort and it would allow for major cleaning and renovations that normal hotels wouldn't be able to do elsewhere.
If Hotel Breakers at Cedar Point can make it with an even shorter season, I don't see the issue here.
Add an indoor waterpark and it's a moot point.
Quote from: sanddunerider on August 05, 2015, 05:54:42 AM
Quote from: mhguy77 on August 03, 2015, 10:18:51 AM
Quote2017 will be resort announcement and all of 2017 will be spend highlighting the progress of the 2018 opening. And 2019 will be the "next big thing" to help fill the rooms.
I don't look to SDC opening a resort at this time. I may be wrong but hotels like to stay around 90-95% capacity and with the shorter season in Branson that's just not in the numbers. It also seems that Branson is still overbuilt in the hotel area. If you juxtapose DW and SDC you would notice on a map that #1 DW is closer to the rest of Pigeon Forge than SDC is to Branson proper or just other attractions.
#2 DW SC is in the same parking lot so the resort can be centrally located between these offering a convenience that is tangible. SDC and WW are not close to each other and even with a tram to move guests to WW it would not be considered convenient. As far as SDC is from town there must be more to draw you to the resort to stay the night. I used to stay at the BW in Branson West right behind the city and it was convenient but if you needed to go to Branson it was inconvenient, ultimately the Classic won out not only for price but for quick access to the malls, restaurants in Branson. I don't see a resort as a good investment. If WW was at the same location I could see the possibility but otherwise they don't have any convenience to sell with a resort.
I also don't see a resort in the "near" future.
There is already another resort being build on IP. that would be direct competition. Would make more sense for the PTB to work with new resort and make "deals/packages" for their customers.
As MH said, HFE just does not own enough "attractions" in 1 area to justify that expense.... IF WW was relocated AND partially enclosed, IF SDC had a longer season? Maybe..
With Branosn basically shutting down for 3 almost 4 months every year.. No, I don't see it..
You say Branson shuts down 3 to 4 months, well that's a bit misleading. In fact the few times the past few years we have stayed in Branson proper were in Jan and Feb to break cabin fever with an indoor pool. If places like the Dells, Ohio, Poconos, Smokes can operate year round, that's on Branson.
Give a good discount during the winter months of you have a season pass and put in an indoor water park. It would be fine.
I feel an indoor water park at SDC or really close to it would almost cheapen the experience. The short break is nice for workers. Its great for getting maintenance done. There just is no reason for one. Think about the many weeks they spend putting the Christmas lights up? And all of it must be down within that short period of time! The break is needed!!!
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on August 06, 2015, 07:32:08 AM
I feel an indoor water park at SDC or really close to it would almost cheapen the experience. The short break is nice for workers. Its great for getting maintenance done. There just is no reason for one. Think about the many weeks they spend putting the Christmas lights up? And all of it must be down within that short period of time! The break is needed!!!
What does an indoor waterpark have to do with taking down Christmas lights.
Explain have an indoor waterpark for guests of the hotel cheapens things especially one with the HFE touch. I'll hang up and listen.
They put up Christmas lights with visitors in the park. They could take them down. And during that short break, the employees have to file for unemployment to get through. I'd hope they would rather work than "make do" with unemployment. (Just FYI -- almost the entire town of Branson goes on unemployment in Jan and Feb during that "break" most shows/attractions take.)
And if you think an indoor water park would cheapen the experience, you haven't been to Wisconsin Dells. We stayed at The Wilderness last year and there were 3 indoor water parks. They were amazing and made Great Wolf Lodge in KC and certainly Grand Country look tiny and cheap. Indoor water parks can be done well and keep interest going. Great Wolf in KC seems to do well year round. I'm sure they're slower in Jan/Feb but it probably all balances out.
Quote from: misskim on August 06, 2015, 08:58:32 AM
They put up Christmas lights with visitors in the park. They could take them down. And during that short break, the employees have to file for unemployment to get through. I'd hope they would rather work than "make do" with unemployment. (Just FYI -- almost the entire town of Branson goes on unemployment in Jan and Feb during that "break" most shows/attractions take.)
And if you think an indoor water park would cheapen the experience, you haven't been to Wisconsin Dells. We stayed at The Wilderness last year and there were 3 indoor water parks. They were amazing and made Great Wolf Lodge in KC and certainly Grand Country look tiny and cheap. Indoor water parks can be done well and keep interest going. Great Wolf in KC seems to do well year round. I'm sure they're slower in Jan/Feb but it probably all balances out.
If you consider offering 30% off rooms in slow periods of 200 buck rooms a bad thing.
The Great Wolf in KC is not as impressive as others.and it's way better than anything in Branson. The one in the Metroplex has a smallish wavepool and fetches a 3rd more a night and stupid rates at peak times, try to book a room between Christmas and New Years, 300 plus a night.
Some renderings of other
There are dozens more. How something like those would cheapen anything is a headstratcher
If I'm going somewhere in the winter it sure is not going to be Branson, MO. It will be a warm weather climate. Probably Mexico or somewhere in the Caribbean. I guess these indoor water parks have their fanboys but its not for me. Not much of a fan of the onsite resort idea myself. Try as they might HFE and Branson will never be Disney. I would rather see the capital invested in the park itself.
There was a time, not too long ago, when Branson would shutter up for the winter in November. There was no Old Time Christmas, no Christmas shows in Branson, etc. Branson was essentially closed almost 5 months of the year. As it is now, only January and February are closed and the Christmas season is one of the most busy times of the year. They gave us a reason to come during those months and the people responded.
So, give us something to do in January and February and we'll come. Indoor waterparks, world class aquariums, family fun parks, etc.
Quote from: cowboy on August 06, 2015, 01:49:51 PM
There was a time, not too long ago, when Branson would shutter up for the winter in November. There was no Old Time Christmas, no Christmas shows in Branson, etc. Branson was essentially closed almost 5 months of the year. As it is now, only January and February are closed and the Christmas season is one of the most busy times of the year. They gave us a reason to come during those months and the people responded.
So, give us something to do in January and February and we'll come. Indoor waterparks, world class aquariums, family fun parks, etc.
FEC? Like this?
I spy, go carts, ropes course, mini golf skee ball, ect, ect, ect....
As for Feb...
Case in point, my trip to Orlando this was the second week of Feb. Why? Many of the elementary schools in Fayetteville operate on the alternate, more of a year round schedule with several more breaks/ weeks off in between the shortened summer breaks. That was good news for us cause that's a slow period for Orlando. The on site resort rates were lower as well as the crowds and the weather worked out for a trip to Typhoon Lagoon with the heated water. In the year prior, it was spent in KC at Great Wolf and Lego Discovery/Sealife for an extended weekend.
Fayetteville isn't only district to have schools on this schedule either. Seems more and more are converting to it. This yearr Fayetteville made a Middle School this schudule well due ro complaints from parents that had kid's in both schedules. Sadly, not the one in our attendence zone. We had the option of sending or now middle schooler to the alternate schedule Middle School but it's across town and we are responsible for taking them as there is no bus service for those outside of it's zone.
Wow is this thread off track... maybe Shave / FM could split off posts so that we can get back to the point? Some good stuff here, just don't know how it relates to 2016.
Guys I really don't think we will see much in 2016. If I was a betting man, 2017 will be THE year. But I'll talk about that in the correct thread.
2016. If I had to guess, I would imagine we'll see more changes going on in Midtown and I am going to go out on a limb and predict that we see some changes in Grand Expo. I have nothing to back either up, just gut hunches (and selfish reasons).
Quote from: Swoosh on August 13, 2015, 04:04:30 PM
2016. If I had to guess, I would imagine we'll see more changes going on in Midtown and I am going to go out on a limb and predict that we see some changes in Grand Expo. I have nothing to back either up, just gut hunches (and selfish reasons).
Getting something (anything) in Grand Expo would be a good thing I think. The last few trips we've made to SDC we never went back to that part of the park because there just isn't anything "new" or that "we have to ride" that draws us back there.
I would be tickled if they tried to make the area fit more with the park's theme.
But that probably won't happen... So I'll settle for the elephants leaving and the kiddie frogs/bugs rides moving to HDH.
lol, I've given up trying to keep these project threads focused... as long as they don't get too off base. ::)
I was never expecting much, but I'll hold out hope for a new show and maybe something to spice GE and/or HDH back up. Really just any attention for GE is needed, but I hope a major refurbishment/re-model is on the way soon.
This is about the time that anything major would be announced, but smaller stuff sometimes gets announced later, like in Sept. - Oct., or even early Nov. when passes go on sale.
A Grand Exposition remodel is needed, it would be nice if they would completely re theme the area to match the 1880s theme better and maybe some new rides added to the area. But, I don't know if they would do this project the year after Fireman's Landing.
Why? The two sections really cater to different age groups. Being an "off year" this would be the perfect time to address some of the issues of the area.
They better not take out those Frogs/bug kiddie rides!!!!
That frog ride might as well be the kiddie version of Outlaw Run in my kids world. We go straight to them in the morning and get a few rides in to avoid the 30-45 waits later in the day:) Not kidding.
MOVE not REmove
Would it be possible to connect GE with the FL? expand the loop? close off the path at the RR crossing?
Not sure if I'd like that or not.....but I've wondered the past few years if that was in the long term plans and I haven't been this year to see how FL got laid out.
Possible? Yeah. Practical? No.
They need to leave BOH access to RGHH and if you were to connect the two that would go away. That and the fact both were heralded as one way in one way out for child safety.
Quote from: cowboy on August 13, 2015, 05:02:05 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 13, 2015, 04:04:30 PM
2016. If I had to guess, I would imagine we'll see more changes going on in Midtown and I am going to go out on a limb and predict that we see some changes in Grand Expo. I have nothing to back either up, just gut hunches (and selfish reasons).
Getting something (anything) in Grand Expo would be a good thing I think. The last few trips we've made to SDC we never went back to that part of the park because there just isn't anything "new" or that "we have to ride" that draws us back there.
My kids love the Disk o and wave swing. The Boy loves the Hymalaya-esque ships ride but but has decided it's too.tame after loving the one on the Pleasure Pier.
I'm at Whitewater as I post this they just need to close it, bulldoze it and start over
QuoteI'm at Whitewater as I post this they just need to close it, bulldoze it and start over
We don't go anymore and have no plans. It is behind the times and not doing anything measurable to keep up. I agree, dose it and do something else with the property.
Quote from: mhguy77 on August 14, 2015, 08:15:03 PM
QuoteI'm at Whitewater as I post this they just need to close it, bulldoze it and start over
We don't go anymore and have no plans. It is behind the times and not doing anything measurable to keep up. I agree, dose it and do something else with the property.
First, yes I know this belongs in a Whitewater thread. Second, I can't help myself
As my 13 year old girl summed up rather well when asked why Whitewhiter was better that Wild River Country in NLR was that it was nice,. Nice as in it's overall theme, landscaping, looks.When pressed my son said the sides at Wild River Country were better. This was the third non Disney waterpark of the year, with Magic Springs being their favorite of the three. The kids did love Kapau Plummet, but man did HFE really chicken out on it. It really isn't an aqua loop, after the drop, the slide never really goes upward, it's flat.
Here is the addition at Wild River Counrty, see how after the drop the loop goes up, Kapau is flat.
Wild River went with one drop tube and two other different slides, I'm told one of the non drop tube slides kinda replicate a popular slide at the park because this area See pic, area to the left) is slated for a big change. I'll miss the old school rapids chute and pointed out that Whitewater once had that yesterday.
Like the girl said, WRC offers as much fun, Whitewhiter is better themed and dressed up.
Quote from: Runner1960 on August 06, 2015, 12:52:13 PM
If I'm going somewhere in the winter it sure is not going to be Branson, MO. It will be a warm weather climate. Probably Mexico or somewhere in the Caribbean. I guess these indoor water parks have their fanboys but its not for me. Not much of a fan of the onsite resort idea myself. Try as they might HFE and Branson will never be Disney. I would rather see the capital invested in the park itself.
Yup, me either! I'm going to head to Colorado ski country or save my money for a bigger warm spring vacation location.
Quote from: Gilligan on August 15, 2015, 05:29:28 PM
Quote from: Runner1960 on August 06, 2015, 12:52:13 PM
If I'm going somewhere in the winter it sure is not going to be Branson, MO. It will be a warm weather climate. Probably Mexico or somewhere in the Caribbean. I guess these indoor water parks have their fanboys but its not for me. Not much of a fan of the onsite resort idea myself. Try as they might HFE and Branson will never be Disney. I would rather see the capital invested in the park itself.
Yup, me either! I'm going to head to Colorado ski country or save my money for a bigger warm spring vacation location.
Does Florida count? That's where we are going with the band this December.
First: The Leaping Frogs, are the Dalmatians in FL the same thing but with dogs?
I am seriously not wanting to see anything new in the way of rides/attractions. I would like to see some TLC into the areas that need it. I dont go into GE really so I am not sure what needs done to that area. We do like the Disc-O. That is about it. FM and FitH could use it. I know, they can only do so much before the whole wheelchair accessible law gets brought up. I would like to see new kitschy signs like in the past. The little things to keep up the theme of the place.
I asked the same question to 2 employees. Yes, the dogs are the same as the frogs. I asked, Why would they have 2 of the same ride, in the same park, in different locations? It doesnt make any sense. They both said the dogs are more bouncy. The frogs are less bouncy. No matter how bouncy either one is, I still dont understand why they would do this.
^And they are the most extreme rides in the park! I'm a hater of the frogs already, so I know I won't be getting into a dog. Who rides frogs and dogs anyway? That's just silly. What's next? Logs?
Oh yeah. Never mind.
My guess would be to provide another relatively cost effect ride for the kiddos in line with the fireman's theme. The ride does not take up a lot of space and looks nice in the area. My kids and nephews rode it multiple times and loved it. It didn't seem to bother them that it was basically the same ride as the frogs they had ridden earlier in the day. Remember, FL is intended for families and their younger kids not the teenage/adult, large coaster enthusiasts. To the intended audience, the dogs are another ride in the park which adds to their enjoyment...but that is just my guess.
Lol HB! ;D You are right, nobody can ride dogs or frogs, unless theyre small enough to not hurt a dog, or in a movie where they shrink to ride frogs. After all, other parks have a Space buggy and Bee version of the ride in their parks. Do we ride bees or Space buggies yet? No, but we have to accept it because its a ride and the kids love it. I just thought they could get different rides in there, instead of copying a ride they already have. We want SDC to be different as possible to other parks and also not have a copy of the same ride, in 2 different places in the park.
I am not bothered so much by the sameness. You can only do so much for kiddos in the way of rides before they become too adult. If it makes the kiddos happy, it makes the parents happy. If the parent is happy they are more willing to open the ol pocket book and spend spend spend!! Is it ideal to have the same ride? No. Is the crazy bus ride stupid? You bet! And think, they reused the balloon ride from our collective past and they already have that kind of ride. (Magnificent Wave is same just bigger scale) We are pretty excited. At least I am. Its about the memories made! If frogs, dogs, and logs (oh my) do that......
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on August 20, 2015, 08:31:09 AM
If frogs, dogs, and logs (oh my) do that......
Like that.! ;D ^^
So, if we're going to see something new next year, when should we be hearing an announcement?
Id say pretty soon here. FL announcement was around Aug 15, 2014, and they said 1 or 2 weeks before that, that there would be a big announcement. GG shut down on about Sept 11, 2015. So, the longer we wait, the smaller the ride will be, if we get anything next year, and the less likely that we will get anything...But we could also start seeing construction starting for something really HUGE soon, that would open 2 years from now.
I think i saw the old Train robbery stage being torn down near about July 2012 ish...
Outlaw Run started construction unusually early. They've been tending towards earlier starts across the chain in the last decade though.... they used to go to great efforts to keep construction from being visible to guests, but that hasn't really been possible since the start of the Christmas festival.
We haven't really been expecting much for next year based on the Dollywood coaster expenditure and the recent general pattern of the park's spending, but there still could be something in store for 2016. The latest time an announcement would be made is early November when season passes go on sale.
Guys, I hate buggin' you about this, but I'm pretty confident that nothing major will be added to the park next season. Now things might move around on the park's time schedule but I'm positive that 2017 is our year
[ADMIN EDIT:]The following few posts have been split from a tangent discussion on the swinging bridge and merged with this thread
Looked that area over this weekend... NO indication yet of what is going to happen... No flags, No chalk marks.... But get ready! winter time is coming..!!
I just have a feeling that there will be 3 more kiddie rides in HDH next year. I just don't see how the Swinging Bridge can remain. I sure hope it'll stay. However between the rides and the rumored new expanded entrance to Sullivan's Mill, it doesn't look good.
Quote from: Swoosh on October 13, 2015, 06:56:16 PM
I just have a feeling that there will be 3 more kiddie rides in HDH next year. I just don't see how the Swinging Bridge can remain. I sure hope it'll stay. However between the rides and the rumored new expanded entrance to Sullivan's Mill, it doesn't look good.
I agree, I walked into HDH and there are easily 3 spots for added rides for the kiddies..... I Hope you are wrong about losing bridge with new entrance.. But if it does happen, I hope we don't lose the water wheel also...
This added work will probably change the looks of this whole area.... unfortunately..
I hope that doesn't happen. Most of the time, I need a handicapped entrance, but I can get by without one when using a wheelchair, and I don't want them to change anything!!! Especially, at the expense of changing the look of the park.
Just the tip of changes coming. We'll see how many of these changes come to fruition though. They (Board/PTB) have lots of ideas, only a handful ever see light of day and become a reality.
I'm still holding out hope that the mill rumor isn't something that will come to pass. Like always, it's a question of what is the "red line" that they shouldn't cross when it comes to damaging the old SDC character, and they've busted through that line a few times now, but this feels like kind of a big one.
I'm bad at noticing change. I didn't understand just how much has left the park over the past few years until some of the others on here physically pointed a lot of out to me on previous meetups. It's really surprising how much the guiding philosophy behind it all has morphed over the years. The park has always been constantly changing, but I do miss the little things that weren't a big deal but really made the place a unique city experience. It seems like the new philosophy is that if it can't be put on a brochure as a major attraction, it isn't worth keeping. Plus, like swoosh said, they now prefer to level things and start "fresh" vs. all the recycling and rebuilding that they used to do with old things.
Quote from: sanddunerider on October 13, 2015, 01:17:26 PM
[ADMIN EDIT:]The following few posts have been split from a tangent discussion on the swinging bridge and merged with this thread
Looked that area over this weekend... NO indication yet of what is going to happen... No flags, No chalk marks.... But get ready! winter time is coming..!!
Tangent, tangent? This is no place for Trig! ;D
It is what it is, Half Dollar meets the one way in and one way out philosophy on little kid areas while opening up an area for a ride needing a larger footprint. I still think they'll loop the GE area to the rest of the park one day, moving the kiddiest of the kiddie rides there makes it that much easier.
QuoteGuys, I hate buggin' you about this, but I'm pretty confident that nothing major will be added to the park next season. Now things might move around on the park's time schedule but I'm positive that 2017 is our year
I agree, the publicity machine would have started already. They start the advertising to get people talking and to push sales of seasons passes.
2016 is setting things up for 2017. Gots to do some moving of things and retheming of others.
Are you thinking there will be more done than working on the mill and moving the kiddie rides to HDH?
There is a long laundry list of things the board has discussed that *may* be done. Shave doesn't like rumors (unsubstantiated news) posted on here so I'll refrain from going into that. I know that as soon as the season is over, changes will start immediately on a couple of the projects.
Swoosh, how do you know this? Are you part of the board? Since Shave doesnt want rumors on here, can you please message them to me?
I want to marry this moment...
Town Hall meeting will be Wednesday at 8:30am. Should know more then.
Guys, as of right now - it's hard to say what they are going to do for next year. Stuff that seemed concrete yesterday has changed again.
Quote from: Swoosh on October 17, 2015, 12:16:54 PM
Town Hall meeting will be Wednesday at 8:30am. Should know more then.
Guys, as of right now - it's hard to say what they are going to do for next year. Stuff that seemed concrete yesterday has changed again.
What town hall?? Does SDC have a town hall now? Im sure it isnt the branson town hall. They probably have no idea what SDC is planning. How are you getting all this info and what changes are you talking about? It seems like every time you talk today, you create more questions but you dont answer any because you arent providing any information.
Now, you say you dont know what will happen? By what you said earlier, it sounded like you knew exactly what will happen for the next 3 years or more.
The town hall meeting is for the citizens of SDC. They all gather and information is provided......and usually one must hear it then keep it close to their vest. Its not supposed to be widely known. There is no town hall. Its just a meeting. That is it. Hakuna your tatas Laroy.
Quote from: Laroy on October 17, 2015, 07:45:28 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on October 17, 2015, 12:16:54 PM
Town Hall meeting will be Wednesday at 8:30am. Should know more then.
Guys, as of right now - it's hard to say what they are going to do for next year. Stuff that seemed concrete yesterday has changed again.
What town hall?? Does SDC have a town hall now? Im sure it isnt the branson town hall. They probably have no idea what SDC is planning. How are you getting all this info and what changes are you talking about? It seems like every time you talk today, you create more questions but you dont answer any because you arent providing any information.
Now, you say you dont know what will happen? By what you said earlier, it sounded like you knew exactly what will happen for the next 3 years or more.
Swoosh always knows what the current plans are. But, plans change all the time in the amusement industry and nothing is ever "set" until it is announced and built. Also, Swoosh won't answer questions that would require him to reveal the park's exact plans.
"Speculation" is fun, and rumor is also fun as long as it is not taken too seriously and badgered about by either side.
It's not so much speculation though this season - because everything that has come up and been mentioned (and not just by me) has been on the list of things they'd (board) like to do. The big issue is WHEN. For instance, about a month ago there were talks about building a new ADA friendly EH on the other side of the park which would empty into the parking lot after the show. Now it seems the current EH is going to get improvements (like major) including both GP area and BOH. There was also talk about a new front gate area in the next few years and pretty much everything currently there would be razed.
I'm sure a new EH with exit/entrance would-have/will-be also been utilized for upcharge events and concerts.
Scares me to think of everything in the entrance area being destroyed. Yes, I realize there needs to be improvements. However, there is also a lot of charm as it is now. Hope they can retain some of that charm with improvements that do need to be made. Maybe even utilizing some of the features that are already there.
Well maybe they'll announce something new when season passes go on sale in a few weeks.
QuoteScares me to think of everything in the entrance area being destroyed. Yes, I realize there needs to be improvements. However, there is also a lot of charm as it is now. Hope they can retain some of that charm with improvements that do need to be made......
I agree although it is to narrow from the entrance to the Hospitality house to the Ozark Marketplace. On your side making this larger will lose the greenery, intimacy, theme and charm. I am afraid that what we know as SDC will be very different in a few years.
The way the entrance is now gives one a feeling that they are truly leaving one world/era and entering into another. I certainly hope it stays that way. From what I read on this site, the PTB assume that old=bad. That isn't always the case. There is a reason that SDC has been a successful theme park for 55 years. I don't know how many family pictures we have in front of the water wheel, giant SDC sign, and water clock. I hope they stay.
Quote from: Tmboote on October 17, 2015, 11:45:42 PM
Quote from: Laroy on October 17, 2015, 07:45:28 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on October 17, 2015, 12:16:54 PM
Town Hall meeting will be Wednesday at 8:30am. Should know more then.
Guys, as of right now - it's hard to say what they are going to do for next year. Stuff that seemed concrete yesterday has changed again.
What town hall?? Does SDC have a town hall now? Im sure it isnt the branson town hall. They probably have no idea what SDC is planning. How are you getting all this info and what changes are you talking about? It seems like every time you talk today, you create more questions but you dont answer any because you arent providing any information.
Now, you say you dont know what will happen? By what you said earlier, it sounded like you knew exactly what will happen for the next 3 years or more.
Swoosh always knows what the current plans are. But, plans change all the time in the amusement industry and nothing is ever "set" until it is announced and built. Also, Swoosh won't answer questions that would require him to reveal the park's exact plans.
Now swoosh reveals something....
No, he did not.
Yeah. No he did not.
"Z-Snap" :o
Quote from: Swoosh on October 17, 2015, 12:16:54 PM
Guys, as of right now - it's hard to say what they are going to do for next year. Stuff that seemed concrete yesterday has changed again.
As always. Which is part of how I got tired of forum rumors in the first place. You can't put stock in anything until there are shovels in the ground, and even then they can surprise you.
I will say though that I don't care as much as I used to, and if the current rumors come to pass, I won't really care at all anymore. If it turns into just another theme park this will be just another fan board.
As for the entrance though, we've been speculating about that for about as long as these boards have been around. I think it was just a tendency to keep things as they are that has kept things like the Hospitality House around as long as it has been. It feels like that tendency is slipping faster than ever, so it's just a question of when they'll take it down and open everything up with a much wider path to the entrance. Frankly, although the loss of the mural and the memories of the old entrance would be sad, it really needs to happen. It needed to happen years ago. It's one of the few areas where the old setup actually is getting in the way of progress. Besides, the tram drop off and loading has been an unacceptable mess for too long. It's outrageous how poorly it is setup for how large of an operation it is. At least they have it though.
^ Agree. Anything, like the new Echo Hollow idea, that would empty into the parking lot would be a stroke of genius. you have to keep the guests happy coming and going and if the last memory you have of SDC for the day is a nightmare trying to get back to your vehicle and on to your next destination then they probably have failed. I'm ok with changes as long as the 1880s theme stays. They still do an excellent job with that.
What I hate the most and needs to be fixed is the line to get on the trams. The line is made up of portable, put together fence pieces. :-\ I really wish they would redo this area, fix it, or do something. I like to see fences that are in the cement. It looks much nicer and I know they will be there a while. Its also too confusing for new guests. Too many pathways you can go, and its in the middle of tram stop 1, 2, and 3 line. Its open so people can get out of line and start walking. This isnt right. If they want to walk, they should go back the way they came thru the line and get in the walk way lane. New guests can also get into the same tram line there from the walk way, and they dont know that it doesnt lead to the ticket booths. I like organization. We need organization here! The new parking lots and tram roads, is an upgrade from what used to be there, but its not perfect. I do think it can and should be done better too.
Quote from: shavethewhales on October 19, 2015, 07:47:12 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on October 17, 2015, 12:16:54 PM
Guys, as of right now - it's hard to say what they are going to do for next year. Stuff that seemed concrete yesterday has changed again.
As always. Which is part of how I got tired of forum rumors in the first place. You can't put stock in anything until there are shovels in the ground, and even then they can surprise you.
I will say though that I don't care as much as I used to, and if the current rumors come to pass, I won't really care at all anymore. If it turns into just another theme park this will be just another fan board.
As for the entrance though, we've been speculating about that for about as long as these boards have been around. I think it was just a tendency to keep things as they are that has kept things like the Hospitality House around as long as it has been. It feels like that tendency is slipping faster than ever, so it's just a question of when they'll take it down and open everything up with a much wider path to the entrance. Frankly, although the loss of the mural and the memories of the old entrance would be sad, it really needs to happen. It needed to happen years ago. It's one of the few areas where the old setup actually is getting in the way of progress. Besides, the tram drop off and loading has been an unacceptable mess for too long. It's outrageous how poorly it is setup for how large of an operation it is. At least they have it though.
Quite honestly, the traffic jam inside the HH after the Christmas Parades and folks then bailing is quite unacceptable. I'm sure their "leakage" has skyrocketed. I've seen it first hand. It#s not s9 much the entran e as it is the exiting.
As long as we're talking about things that do not fall under this thread - at least until there is something substantial to talk about - couldn't a connection be made from the existing EH? They filled in a whole beautiful valley ("...paved Paradise and put up a parking lot") to make a parking lot. It just doesn't seem like much of a stretch to circumvent the park at exit time.
The saddest part, to me, is that people used to exit quietly from the concert. We seemed to reflect upon what we had just seen, and we were almost at a library whisper when we left. That allowed us to marvel at the frogs that sang to us every evening. I loved walking through the park at night, with barely any lights along the way. It was so peaceful and serene (which also means peaceful, so I am using extra redundancy there.).
HB,,I am with you on the walk after EH show, quiet, kind of dark,, hear the wildlife.... I have been know to hang out at the EH entrance until everone (or) most everyone has already walked up front... less of a crowd that way.....
Walking through the park at night is enchanting.
Quote from: Gilligan on October 21, 2015, 07:17:50 PM
Walking through the park at night is enchanting.
Both times we were at Disney World last Feb. were during nighttime hours and it's and there's just something extra special about it. SDC is the same way and more late nights outside of Christmas would be welcomed. We did Epcot, AK and Studios during the day outside of catching Famtastic and the Epcot pyro show want to see AK at night.
I think we've mentioned this before, but this year's update of the google maps imagery really shows the progress on the infill project behind the maintenance area. It's been a slow project that they seemingly add to as they have additional fill. It's been an obvious dump site since 2009, but since 2013 they've really amped up, even after Outlaw Run construction was complete.
Seems a little strange to me, since they have room to expand the maintenance area in other places, and it would take an enormous amount of fill to level that valley enough to be useful at that elevation, but of course they have filled in valleys before...
So, seasons passes are on sale now so should we be seeing some sort of announcement for next year or will the changes for next year be so minor that an announcement won't be necessary? Swoosh has said next year would "lead up" to a huge 2017 so I wonder what could lead up.
Quoteor will the changes for next year be so minor that an announcement won't be necessary?
Ahhhem...... that's what it looks like from this vantage point. :-\ :-\ :-\
Basically, it looks like next year is an "upkeep" year. They've added some additional one-day "holidays" (celebrating Mother's and Father's Days) to the Fest calendar. So definitely seems like a "we're getting prepped for 2017" year.
Quote from: Tmboote on November 02, 2015, 04:22:32 PM
So, seasons passes are on sale now so should we be seeing some sort of announcement for next year or will the changes for next year be so minor that an announcement won't be necessary? Swoosh has said next year would "lead up" to a huge 2017 so I wonder what could lead up.
If there was anything else to announce, they would have done so by now.
Quote from: Tmboote on November 02, 2015, 04:22:32 PMSwoosh has said next year would "lead up" to a huge 2017 so I wonder what could lead up.
They decided to do it all in 2017 instead of some of it next year.
Quote from: Tmboote on November 02, 2015, 04:22:32 PM
So, seasons passes are on sale now so should we be seeing some sort of announcement for next year or will the changes for next year be so minor that an announcement won't be necessary? Swoosh has said next year would "lead up" to a huge 2017 so I wonder what could lead up.
Whatever is done this winter will be subtle, and not worthy a "BIG" anouncement, but you will see some changes next spring,
But hold on to your britches......Sounds like Something is coming in 17 and there will be some big changes in the park.
Did anyone else notice the ribbon under the SDC image in the Season Pass page?? It says Americas Celebration of Family???? Is that a clue?
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on November 03, 2015, 07:56:24 AM
Did anyone else notice the ribbon under the SDC image in the Season Pass page?? It says Americas Celebration of Family???? Is that a clue?
NIce catch. No I didn't notice that, checked website, none of the logos there have been changed yet,,
Well, they added the Mother's and Father's Day events, so that might be what that little motto is tying into.
Why do "big changes" make me nervous rather than excited? Anybody else feel this way?
The fear of the unknown is always a big deal
Pudgy-I think with every change that comes a small part of our collective memory history gets tainted somehow. Like it falls away. With each change is a step away from the past. Its a sad thing really, but to keep SDC alive they must grow and evolve. We will always have what was. Here. And to semi relive these memories we need SDC to stay open.
Thanks For Sharing information about Construction.
They do have to grow and evolve, but they don't have to veer so far off theme. I think more people like the original theme than they realize.
QuoteI think more people like the original theme than they realize.
I was sitting next to a guy from St Louis Saturday night on Out Law Run. Like myself he was a single rider and his kids wife were too scared.
He told me that was his first time at SDC, he said he lived close to Six Flags but he noted that he really liked how natural everything looked and the woodsy feel it had.
The family was really enjoying the place. It was good to see and he said they will be back because "it was not a concrete pad with rides on it"
Well guys, its really quiet on this thread. I guess there is nothing notable going on for next year.
Yeah, where is our ole friend Laroy to stir the pot?! :D
There is, but most is BOH. There will be some changes around the park like normal to help streamline things. The restroom upgrades will also continue
Quote from: DollarCityBoy on December 04, 2015, 09:01:32 AM
Yeah, where is our ole friend Laroy to stir the pot?! :D
LOL! I was thinking that a few days ago!
Quote from: Swoosh on December 04, 2015, 10:50:22 AM
There is, but most is BOH. There will be some changes around the park like normal to help streamline things. The restroom upgrades will also continue
I've probably asked this before, but what does BOH stand for?
At this point I think we're just waiting to see if the HDH and mill rumors come true. If that is something they end up pursuing, I'm optimistic that they have a good plan in place. They usually leave me pleasantly surprised with how things turn out. Didn't see any signs of work in the area, but they could be waiting until after the park closes for the season.
I'm also hopeful that we'll get some new theming/decorations to replace all the stuff they've been ripping out lately.
BOH =Back of House, referring to backstage areas.
I have been here this whole time watching and waiting for the right time to chime in. I dont see myself as stirring the pot. I see myself as saying what most people are thinking, finding out whats being built or added, and hearing rumors. I have been coming on here every week when I have time between working and my days off.
Quote from: Tmboote on December 04, 2015, 10:58:37 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on December 04, 2015, 10:50:22 AM
There is, but most is BOH. There will be some changes around the park like normal to help streamline things. The restroom upgrades will also continue
I've probably asked this before, but what does BOH stand for?
Back Of House (off stage)
Heard a couple of things this weekend... Nothing BIG, but a couple of items we have talked about in the past. Of course, nothing may come out of it..
Look for a all new show at Echo Hollow next year, supposedly will not be sponsored by GAC any longer. All new music.... hmm??
Seems as though the PTB are finally looking at updating the tree...... Led's, New program Same tree- Upgraded.. I like that idea..
Was also told "again" to keep an eye on the Riverfront Playhouse. Something going to happen there or in that area.. not sure when, but keep watching..
How long has the tree in the middle of the big walkway area in front of the lumber camp been gone? Maybe it was taken out last year and I only noticed it again during Christmas, but it sure left a gap in the canopy and it doesn't look like they'll replace it.
It's got me wondering again about whether the park will leave much of the canopy in place as they go forward with various redevelopments throughout the park. They did OK with HDH, but didn't make a big effort to do much with FL or the OR area, or even GE of course. They like to keep things more open and simple these days like other parks. With all the natural tree die-offs and damage from storms, the park is getting less wooded all the time. We know that they need to do work on the entrance/HH area soon as well, so I wonder if that area will get a clear cut too...
I know its been gone for over a month. we were there weekend before thanksgiving, and it was gone then, too bad ..... Would like to see them bring in a chainsaw carver and do something with the stump.... But I don't suppose they will...
Quote from: shavethewhales on January 01, 2016, 06:58:06 PM
How long has the tree in the middle of the big walkway area in front of the lumber camp been gone? Maybe it was taken out last year and I only noticed it again during Christmas, but it sure left a gap in the canopy and it doesn't look like they'll replace it.
It's got me wondering again about whether the park will leave much of the canopy in place as they go forward with various redevelopments throughout the park. They did OK with HDH, but didn't make a big effort to do much with FL or the OR area, or even GE of course. They like to keep things more open and simple these days like other parks. With all the natural tree die-offs and damage from storms, the park is getting less wooded all the time. We know that they need to do work on the entrance/HH area soon as well, so I wonder if that area will get a clear cut too...
The trees in FL were mostly removed when GG and WB were built. I don't think much more had to be removed to make room for the new area. Did they put any new trees in FL?
You're being really unfair with OR as it was a hill and did not have foliage to begin with. Revisionist's history, much? FL had very thick foliage and the area doubled in size. Something had to give. The planted trees, so it will be back. GE planted lots of trees and is far from wide open now - and considering it was a parking lot.
The tree in question has been gone since the summer. It was damaged in the ice storm last winter.
Quoteith all the natural tree die-offs and damage from storms, the park is getting less wooded all the time. We know that they need to do work on the entrance/HH area soon as well, so I wonder if that area will get a clear cut too...
We have also had dry summers in the past few years and that kind of damage is very slow to kill a tree but it will and is. Also with progress comes concrete at SDC, they are encroaching on the trees with the walkways (out of necessity?) and when you cut off the water - air supply to the roots the tree dies..... slowly, but dies. A lot of trees around SDC are starved for water. Just walk around and look at the trees near the walkways. You wont find many trees in the walkways anymore unless its a stump thats been ground level with the walkway. Just walk around the general store and look at the ground. They are also not replacing oaks. Oak gives you lots of shade, birch not so much.
The ol gray mare she aint what she used ta be.....
When I mentioned OR and FL, I was meaning that they had the opportunity to plant new trees and extend the canopy like they probably would have in the old days, but chose not to in favor of more modern design and openness. What I'm getting at is that we're at a point where it will take decisive action to keep the canopy, but it's not something I see them doing. It would have to be a distinct goal to keep x% of the pathways covered in foliage. I'm sure they'll keep plenty of trees around, but as with many things, it won't be anything like it used to be. I'm remembering back to when practically everything was completely under the trees.
I totally understand the drought situation and the challenges of replanting good old broad-leafs as well. That just adds another dimension to it that would be hard to overcome if they did want to go back to the old wooded feel.
Still, as with everything else, they do have a few creative options to ease the loss if they ever get the gumption. More tree planters within the walkways, arch canopies, green roofs, etc. It's just a matter of priority.
Quotewe're at a point where it will take decisive action to keep the canopy, but it's not something I see them doing. It would have to be a distinct goal to keep x% of the pathways covered in foliage. I'm sure they'll keep plenty of trees around, but as with many things, it won't be anything like it used to be. I'm remembering back to when practically everything was completely under the trees.
I totally understand the drought situation and the challenges of replanting good old broad-leafs as well. That just adds another dimension to it that would be hard to overcome if they did want to go back to the old wooded feel.
Still, as with everything else, they do have a few creative options to ease the loss if they ever get the gumption. More tree planters within the walkways, arch canopies, green roofs, etc. It's just a matter of priority.
I have been watching and commenting on the handling of this issue for some time. You can really note the changes as time marches. I for one think the canopy adds intimacy and adventure as well as shade. It closes in SDC around you causing you to feel more a part of it. It seems to make it all a little more romantic. It is a great loss. But the fat lady hasent sung yet. Plant shade trees and let them restore the cover. It really makes a difference although probably reduces the sodas consumed.
Well the trees really grew in back in GE so I think a lot of the worrying is unwarranted.
OR has a lot of shade around the queue area. I think you are forgetting that it is basically backstage so the main path has to be kept clear for moving equipment
Weird news/rumor:
Heard ThuNdersTion's icon entrance will be removed for this season. Not sure what that is about unless they are planning to do something different with the queue line
Quote from: Swoosh on January 09, 2016, 12:57:11 PM
Weird news/rumor:
Heard ThuNdersTion's icon entrance will be removed for this season. Not sure what that is about unless they are planning to do something different with the queue line
There's lots of room for them to use if they remove most of the outdoor queue. Remove the signage or move the signage?
I was told remove.
I wonder if they are considering a new entrance to Echo Hollow?
Where did you hear this?
Seriously? ::)
Quote from: Swoosh on January 09, 2016, 03:09:51 PM
I was told remove.
I wonder if they are considering a new entrance to Echo Hollow?
Would a new location in that area allow them to upcharge admission to Echo Hollow? By that, I mean would they consider charging for concerts for people who do not have to pay admission to the park? I hope not, but that's something I would definitely consider if I was the one making the decisions.
Otherwise would this be an additional exit for Echo Hollow or a new single exit? Just thinking...
Interesting. Could this mean bad news for Thunderation....the ride is getting older and doesn't have as many riders as it used to? Or does this just have to do with Echo Hollow?
Quote from: Coaster on January 11, 2016, 01:21:11 PM
Interesting. Could this mean bad news for Thunderation....the ride is getting older and doesn't have as many riders as it used to? Or does this just have to do with Echo Hollow?
I wouldn't think that removing the queue/changing the line would mean bad things. If anything I would think that if they are changing anything it probably means that they are planning on keeping the ride for a while because you're not going to spend time/money on something you plan to get rid of.
I would be okay if they removed that exterior queue area so you wouldn't have to walk a half mile to get to the ride.
I cant remember the line being any longer than the first set of stairs. Or ever being that full rather.
Quote from: mhguy77 on January 11, 2016, 08:01:32 PM
I cant remember the line being any longer than the first set of stairs. Or ever being that full rather.
I've seen it reach the area between the two buildings, but never into the long queue path.
New for 2016: Better crowd flow... everywhere
Just wait until you see what's happening from Skillet to FITH
That sounds like a nice plan. Even in the summer (not even a peak day) that area down Hill Street into the Skillet area is so crowded. The food locations that extend into the paths and people flowing back and forth between WF and PK make that area a nightmare to navigate.
Also, the area around the skillets over by TNT can get nuts when those lines extend into the pathways.
It seems that most of the congested areas are where they have their food stands....maybe just moving those back a little would do wonders (but that's not an easy task).
They've been needing to do something about the congestion for a long time. I'd gripe more about losing bits of the small park charm, but always having to wade through crowds in certain spots has already done that. Just as long as they leave a few trees... ::)
I wonder if they'll do anything on the hill street side of the park? They could open up a bigger path past the Plunge and help people get around the steepest incline since that seems to be such a big deal these days.
As for the TNT sign rumor, I wonder if it's another one of those things that's falling apart with age and the park is deciding to simply get rid of it instead of putting any effort into fixing it. There have been a number of things like that throughout the park. It's definitely getting more barren out there.
They could increase the flow by grading another layer to the walkways hopefully with minimal damage if they were to leave trees and surround the bases making bench spots and rock wall benches. Its a meandering path system that is used in the Animal Kingdom. It assists in breaking up the crowd. I look forward to their solution.
QuoteNew for 2016: Better crowd flow... everywhere
My guess is Strawberrys and Cream will be adjusted in its position. Will it encroach the Fireman's Graveyard? Very well could.
The thing is that they are looking at the traffic flow wrong. They should be using an industrial engineer or someone like that to analyze max flow through an area and then plan things accordingly. And by "things" i mean walkways, stores, showtimes, etc. they have been doing better at not scheduling shows near each other to start when another is letting out but there is still room for improvement.
Of course none of these changes can take into account the selfish people who think the world revolves around them... The ones who say go through the turnstiles and stop. Or the ones completely blocking huge sections of walkway forcing everyone else to funnel around them. You can't fix stupid... Believe me, I've tried. I have been known to pick people up and move them when they do this... It is funny when you see their face when a smaller girl picks them up
What is needed in many areas is a traffic monitor. Someone on site that works to keep traffic moving when they see certain areas back up. They had something like this a couple years ago in the hospitality house. They had 2 lanes and one of the cave guides was making sure traffic kept moving in and out of SDC. This would help immensely in other areas. I do believe some people are just so oblivious to their surroundings that they don't realize they are causing huge traffic flow problems. Someone to gently urge them to keep moving would do wonders
Quote from: mhguy77 on January 15, 2016, 07:47:49 AM
QuoteNew for 2016: Better crowd flow... everywhere
My guess is Strawberrys and Cream will be adjusted in its position. Will it encroach the Fireman's Graveyard? Very well could.
Was told it and the little "island" behind it would be gone.
Also not sure the FITH/PK shop will be back
QuoteWas told it and the little "island" behind it would be gone.
Also not sure the FITH/PK shop will be back
That will take some getting used too. I want to see what they do there. Cookies and cream blocked the view of FITH as well.
I say clear the path out but find a way to keep a few trees.
Unfortunately most of those trees were dead or close to dying. While the islands are nice looking they eventually suffocate the trees and that's what has been happening to a lot of them around the park that were in these islands.
The concrete grows. Its a shame they are losing so many trees.
Last year's ice storm really did a number on them. While they are replacing trees, they are the mature full grown ones that have been removed and it is noticeable.
I heard something will done up by Frisco to deal with lines out in the way of the midway as well for those stands. A simple queue line would suffice I imagine.
Quote from: Swoosh on January 15, 2016, 04:53:57 PM
Quote from: mhguy77 on January 15, 2016, 07:47:49 AM
QuoteNew for 2016: Better crowd flow... everywhere
My guess is Strawberrys and Cream will be adjusted in its position. Will it encroach the Fireman's Graveyard? Very well could.
Was told it and the little "island" behind it would be gone.
Also not sure the FITH/PK shop will be back
That's may help that area, But still leaves a BIG problem at saloon/Lumbercamp area...
QuoteThat's may help that area, But still leaves a BIG problem at saloon/Lumbercamp area...
True enough, and the person that green lighted the chip stand and the positioning of its registers doesnt spend much time in the park during active hours.....we all knew how stupid that was.
But it sounds like they got the message and are making moves in the right direction. This gives us something to look forward to checking out next year. I wish the city would yearly take on one project they could promote and entice us with, improvements on rides and refubs. Why more of this is not done I am not sure.
I wondered if they could move the chip stand to the west and encroach in the seating area of Lumbercamp? Also the area where they have the S'mores could be better utilized. they have that whole fenceline area of Lumbercamp kind of full. Move it all west and Just rework the existing area somehow.. I really haven't paid attention to that area, since I don't eat on that side of town, not sure how much room they have right there...
Whether or not it will happen if not is one thing - but there was talk about making Lumber Camp more of a "cafe court" with the registers and orders being inside the fences for those stands. I hope this becomes the case. C
Quote from: Swoosh on January 16, 2016, 01:33:23 PM
Whether or not it will happen if not is one thing - but there was talk about making Lumber Camp more of a "cafe court" with the registers and orders being inside the fences for those stands. I hope this becomes the case. C
Oh.! that's would be a good idea.. in fact a great idea.!
I like the food court idea..
That would help some.. hard to tell how much, But for sure would help..
QuoteWhether or not it will happen if not is one thing - but there was talk about making Lumber Camp more of a "cafe court" with the registers and orders being inside the fences for those stands. I hope this becomes the case.
This is a good idea ! ( Need a like button)
Kind of random but whatever happened to the lumberjack on the lumber camp sign? Been gone awhile but I never knew why.
Anybody catch this tweet from SDC today?
Hmmm... Is that Fire in the Hole in the background? Is this inside the Lumberjack Camp area? Thanks for pointing this out! I'd missed it!
No problem, it caught my eye and sparked my interest. SDC hasn't responded to what it is or the location yet. It does look similar to FITH in the background though...
We did some "group studying" of the photo and determined that this north of where the former Berries and Cream was located (there used to be a foliage island here). FITH is in the background. Part of the roof cover for the mezzanine stairs for Saloon is on the right.
Also, look at the depth of it. It also looks like it has a pass through door.Might be able to sell out of both sides of it.
It appears from the gravel on the ground they tore up pavement. They moved the Berrys and Cream booth back a few feet although maybe a little closer to the saloon as well. Hope this really opens up the path. There is such gridlock when the parade moves through the city. Its the same at Disney, I would be nice if there were a pathway running along side but it doesnt seem as though there is room. Allowing movement of people in a more efficient fashion would make the park a more pleasant experience at Christmas, it gets so crowded I just leave, it becomes too much.
Check SDC's facebook page for a picture of the new food stand in front of the Saloon. I tried to upload a picture here, but it wouldn't load correctly.
Is the file meant to be a docx? I'm getting errors from it...
New Fry Bread
Thanks, y'all! Looks nice! I LOVE fry bread, so this will definitely be one of my stops when I next get to visit the park (I can't believe it'll have been THREE YEARS since I last visited, IF I get the chance to go this year; if not, it'll be 4 years next year.... *sighs*).
Never tried fry bread before but I for sure will be this season!! Excited for a new addition!
They're also replacing the barrel roll track sections on OR.
So the word is that one of the old towers on FM has been removed. If anyone is going on opening day, I'd like to hear about how much has been removed on the inside. I wonder how much will disappear over the course of the next couple of seasons. Sucks that this strategy actually works. I'm sure we'll all be begging for it to be put out of it's misery in a couple years or so.
This tower for sure was removed
That's too bad, but i understand why. :( Just 1 of many iconic views of SDC.
...and just so it's clear in this thread too, those of us who are unhappy about this aren't upset that the tower was removed (obviously it was necessary), but we are upset that it was allowed to fall into this state, and that it won't be replaced in favor of letting the ride take a long slow fade out of the park. Thematic pieces like these used to be the bread and butter of SDC, but if you are good at paying attention you'll notice they are disappearing in exponentially rapid fashion.
We used to have silly discussion over things like "purism" in regards to how we view the park over the little details like exposed cash registers and other supposedly "immersion-breaking" issues, but these days its all moot as the rides really have taken over everything. I like the rides, but I'm sad they're starting to completely give up on the mindset that made this park so great. I really like how they did Fireman's Landing, but if the little theming that area has simply falls apart and is quietly taken out in a few years then what makes it different than any other cookie cutter park at this point? It all comes down to a cheap mindset in how they want to run the park. All focus is on the current marketing gimmick.
On another note, I was told there was a bit of beautifying done to a steam near the lake. So at least there's that.
well said Shave.
New look at Brown's Candy Factory, posted by Brad Thomas to Twitter.
It's becoming another six flags or worlds of fun and what's sad is it seems many people are ok with that. Just make me go fast for 30 seconds after waiting in line for an hour on a new coaster I'll be sick of in two years and looking elsewhere...that's the mentality being embraced. Memories worth repeating are what built the park.
Yes it's still a great place and different but it's getting less and less unique every year. I can travel less than an hour if I wanna turn upside down at 60 mph at a glorified carnival. I travel hours to sdc for other reasons.
Well said Preachin_Bill and Shave
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on March 04, 2016, 02:24:37 PM
It's becoming another six flags or worlds of fun and what's sad is it seems many people are ok with that. Just make me go fast for 30 seconds after waiting in line for an hour on a new coaster I'll be sick of in two years and looking elsewhere...that's the mentality being embraced. Memories worth repeating are what built the park.
Yes it's still a great place and different but it's getting less and less unique every year. I can travel less than an hour if I wanna turn upside down at 60 mph at a glorified carnival. I travel hours to sdc for other reasons.
No. No it is not and I'll thank you to stop being so negative. There's enough of that crap in tv right now that we don't need it here. A lot of the changes being done at the park are thanks to ADA standards that they must follow. Some buildings are still not up to code and well that's what we have here. I don't know why this photo is causing such a stir. Wait until you see what they've done in the old PowderKeg supply store. If you want to get worked up, I'll support you on that one.
Oh and if you care, they rebuilt the TNT arch. Looks pretty much like the old one, only it's new
I believe Preachin Bill is making the same argument as I did earlier in another post that was shut down, and by all rights probably should have. ;D
Good to know they REPLACED the arch instead of removing it.
Hobo junction, the old antiques and mining equipment, the hillybilly stuff, and any number of other things that have disappeared from the park have nothing to do with ADA. There's nothing wrong with the occasional complaint about how the park has redirected itself. I've always tried to direct people to be reasonable and look for the positives, but sometimes you just need to bitch about some things. At this point I don't see anything wrong with the statement that the park is slowly turning into Six Flags Ozarka. In another decade there'll be much less of the original theming and a lot more roller coasters and rides.
I'll get over it, and I expect everyone else to as well, but in the mean time I'll gladly point out the things I wish they'd do instead of just ripping the old stuff out. I'll complain about the treatment of Flooded Mine long after it's finally been removed from the park because I'll always believe it's an iconic landmark on par with "it's a small world" at Disney. We've talked plenty about the things that have to change because of ADA and basic logistics, but a lot of the stuff I'm getting jaded over is simply them being cheap and lazy on upkeep and traditions. Sentimental value used to be one of this park's biggest assets.
Anyway though, I'm very happy to hear they rebuilt the TNT archway, and the new food stand looks good.
Then let's have a dedicated thread to bitch about that stuff. It has nothing to do with 2016. The photo that sparked the rant was completely ADA related.
So turns out that none of the improvements (that were rumored/talked about this off season) happened down in Echo Hollow - so that leads to the question of "should it stay or should it go"
We talked (somewhere - all these threads run together after awhile) about how it's not ADA... well what if they just build a new one near the front of the park that IS ADA compliant and also exits directly to the parking lots? That would solve a lot of issues and open up a very large plot of land next to an area that is rumored to get a remake (other than new paint)... makes you stop and think doesn't it.
Quote from: Swoosh on March 04, 2016, 06:32:15 PM
Then let's have a dedicated thread to bitch about that stuff. It has nothing to do with 2016. The photo that sparked the rant was completely ADA related.
It wasn't a photo for me. It was my observations and I didn't know coaster chasing and letting classic charming rides and theme die was for Ada compliance.
Yeah, we're the rude ones ::)
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on March 04, 2016, 11:30:51 PM
Yeah, we're the rude ones
Well at least you admit it. That's at least SOME progress.
I just wish they'd take a page out Knott's and refub the oldies to past glory or give thoroughly modern redos using the original storylines. SDC needs a toy story, Buzz lightyear 3d type ride.
^I agree. I wish they'd make a Sally Shooter and put it in the Carousel Barn and expand that building towards Riverfront Playhouse. They could theme it to Tom & Huck (which would strengthen the theme of that area).
^I hope I'm translating your post correctly, but I think you mean "slingshot" in lieu of a gun. If so then I agree. Something along the lines of Toy Story Midway Mania's sling shot gun would be great
I need ADA compliancy. Do I want them to change historical aspects of the park to create it? ABSOLUTELY NOT! It's not a perfect world. There's more than plenty to do that is ADA compliant.
^^That's what I was thinking.
And now, we return you to the 2016 Projects thread...
If you care - HiStriker is gone from GE and there is a new planter there
That is good news- providing it doesn't show up somewhere more prominent.
Yeah hopefully it's gone for good.
Gone for good. Couldn't get parts for it anymore
Looks like it's still there in the picture though, but closed off by a fence?
SDC and Brad's twitter have had some great updates lately - I need to just pull their feeds onto the home page ;)
The new Fry Bread stand looks great. The architecture of the park is carried over in all the details, and I like that they gave it a "company" name to fit the city feel. Only thing an enthusiast could complain about is the Coke logo everywhere, but that is just part of doing business these days.
Quote from: Swoosh on March 10, 2016, 08:12:41 PM
If you care - HiStriker is gone from GE and there is a new planter there
Guess this answers my question in the 2017 thread about all the new rides in GE getting paint. Hard to really discern in the photo, but nothing looks different to me here in terms of a potential theme overhaul that could tie-in to a possible new coaster.
At this time, only new paint on the rides. Theme has not been tweaked
Is America's Celebration of Family a theme for '16?
Quote from: History Buff on March 12, 2016, 11:48:07 AM
Is America's Celebration of Family a theme for '16?
I think it's the main theme for the year.
Quote from: Swoosh on March 11, 2016, 07:28:27 PM
At this time, only new paint on the rides. Theme has not been tweaked
I was just in that area. The rides still seem to have lots of pealing clear coat and they are still faded in the grand expo. At least the elephant March is.
Was also there. I saw the Hi Striker was alive and well. Took FOREVER to load and unload the Racing Regatta. Son was disappointed the Electrospin was not running. Saw some new signage. Oh and if you are celebrating you Birthday or Anniversary you get a button at the general store, a free bag or peanut brittle at Browns Candy Factory, a bag of Kettle Corn, a free mini ice cream cone at Hannahs. And then there are the pop up SURPRISES!!
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on March 12, 2016, 04:59:05 PM
Was also there. I saw the Hi Striker was alive and well. Took FOREVER to load and unload the Racing Regatta. Son was disappointed the Electrospin was not running. Saw some new signage. Oh and if you are celebrating you Birthday or Anniversary you get a button at the general store, a free bag or peanut brittle at Browns Candy Factory, a bag of Kettle Corn, a free mini ice cream cone at Hannahs. And then there are the pop up SURPRISES!!
Birthdays/Anniversary... that is a nice little bonus for them to do...
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on March 12, 2016, 04:59:05 PM
I saw the Hi Striker was alive and well.
Well darn. Sorry for the misinformation. I only reported what I was told.
Dont sweat it Swoosh. :) Just wanted to be the bearer of bad news. lol. Was going to play it, well my son was, but at 5$ a play I just couldnt do it.
:o :o :o :o
QuoteQuote5$ a play
:o :o :o :o :o :o
Quote from: MissinTheGreenTrams on March 12, 2016, 06:06:10 PM
Dont sweat it Swoosh. :) Just wanted to be the bearer of bad news. lol. Was going to play it, well my son was, but at 5$ a play I just couldnt do it.
Was just told it is the biggest money maker of the games as long as they can "Jerry Rig It" it's going to be in the park. (Though apparently the news of parts being hard to find was correct)
Hopefully the bailing wire and chewing gum will give out sooner rather than later. I fear they will just replace it with a new one if it makes 'em some money. Maybe a new unit could be made to fit in better than the salvaged one.
Wow! at 5 bucks a pop top prize should be a season pass or at least a trailblazer pass!
Swoosh, I mean no disrespect, but it seems you're being fed alot of misinformation lately.
Quote from: mammalone on March 13, 2016, 01:28:44 AM
Swoosh, I mean no disrespect, but it seems you're being fed alot of misinformation lately.
No, you totally meant it.
Chatted up the guy running the Hi Striker. He quit his job and sold his home to move to Branson and work at SDC. He loves the environment and HATES working the Hi Striker. He said that people just complain and yell at him about how the game is rigged and unfair ect ect. He didnt want to do paid games long. I guess no one does.
Hello everyone. I figured I would contribute to this discussion.
The new Frybread Stand.
The tree that was cut down near the Saloon has been replaced.
The newer style train cars are all being used. They look like they got a fresh coat of paint.
They are also using a different engine which I was told by the Station Employees that it had been out of service for a long time.
It has a slightly different whistle sound but it looks and sounds great.
I know there is already a similar picture on here but here is some Flooded Mine (Shootout) updates. Take note that they replaced all of the old dummies in the boat and on the inside. Also the lighting has been improved and a lot of the props appear to be working better than I remember in years past. However, I don't like the new guns which I guess have been installed for a few seasons now. They are not as rugged and heavy as the old ones and sound like Star Wars Blasters or something. (Pew Pew) :-\
Oh and some of the signage has been refurbished and they appear to have added all new roller wheels to the sides of the boats.
EDIT: I also chatted with the workers running the ride complementing them on the improvements. They seemed to be surprised and dismissed the idea of the attraction being taken out anytime soon. In fact (while they could have just been messing around with me) I was told to make sure to come back for the Christmas festival as they wanted to do something special to the ride. Could this possibly be the return of the Candy Mine from the early 90's? IMO That would be fantastic if they did do that!
New ThuNderaTion Arch
And finally the Waterfall area.
They got this plaque placed around there as well.
Great pictures! Did you try the Fry Bread?
Interesting to see what they had to say about The Flooded Mine. Thanks for the updates.
Thanks and no problem all. And I did not get around to try the fry bread but I probably will next time.
I added video links to the Train and to the Flooded Mine in the video thread here:
Thanks a ton for the photos sdcfan88! You have a great eye for details. Sometimes it takes me a couple trips to notice what has actually changed.
I'm so glad they rebuilt the TNT tressel instead of just replacing it with something cheap, and I'm glad to here things have actually been fixed a bit on the Flooded Mine, even if the changes may be a little wonky. It gives me hope that it will stick around longer. What would really make me happy is if they would give it a darn entrance sign so people could actually find it.
The plaque of Pete and Jack has actually been there for a few seasons, but it certainly pops out more without all the normal foliage around it.
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 20, 2016, 08:10:27 PM
Thanks a ton for the photos sdcfan88! You have a great eye for details. Sometimes it takes me a couple trips to notice what has actually changed.
I'm so glad they rebuilt the TNT tressel instead of just replacing it with something cheap, and I'm glad to here things have actually been fixed a bit on the Flooded Mine, even if the changes may be a little wonky. It gives me hope that it will stick around longer. What would really make me happy is if they would give it a darn entrance sign so people could actually find it.
The plaque of Pete and Jack has actually been there for a few seasons, but it certainly pops out more without all the normal foliage around it.
Thank you! And I agree about the classic rides getting some much welcomed love by the maintenance crews this season. Flooded Mine is so unique (with or without the shootout feature) and ThuNderaTion is the best Mine Train coaster in the world. It would be highly tragic if they were removed.
I will say Fire in the Hole is really getting rough. My father worked at SDC when it opened and knew it inside-out and he even said there is something definitely wrong when he last rode it. This has me worried that its days are numbered since it was this bad last year and apparently this issue hasn't been addressed.
When I rode it recently I was not terribly happy with the experience. It buzzed through far too fast for my tastes. Then the last drop was HARD. Not smooth at all. Then this chunk, chunck, chunck, chunk feeling at the end. Like it was popping on and off the track? Not sure.
Really enjoyed your photos!
Great Photos, and nice update on flooded Mine.....
Hello everyone! Just in to give a quick update on the expo. Nothing at all was done to the expo in the offseason. The elephants look exactly like they did in December...half of them redone, half faded and peeling. I witnessed no new paint or redos. They didn't even repaint the railings everywhere. They were so dirty.
Quote from: DianaGail on March 26, 2016, 01:47:29 PM
Hello everyone! Just in to give a quick update on the expo. Nothing at all was done to the expo in the offseason. The elephants look exactly like they did in December...half of them redone, half faded and peeling. I witnessed no new paint or redos. They didn't even repaint the railings everywhere. They were so dirty.
Wrong. But since I'm in TN right now I can't upload the photos to show the new paint on the rides. Again the only ride not done was elephants and they are doing one at a time.
^^^^Thank you. I was having a hard time biting my tongue. All signs are new, archways painted, & I was there while some of the painting was done. All the falling apart "gingerbread" on the gazebo was removed and the structure painted. Take into consideration there are only 4-6 guys in the paint shop with HUNDREDS of buildings, railings, etc., and only a couple months to get it done, I think they did a kick ass job! Wilson's farm got a paint job. The new building. Both Dugan's Trading buildings. Brown's candy got a complete make over. That's only some of the work. Hats off to the paint crew!
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that is also incorrect. I was just there Friday and yesterday and can confirm that the Elephants are NOT the only ride in GE that did not receive love over the offseason. Generally speaking, the area looks pretty good, but there were at least a few rides I rode with my 8 and 2 year old that still have faded or chipping paint clearly visible.
I'll be back in MO tomorrow. I'll post the photos then.
Now I wish I had taken photos. You guys know I don't complain. I generally stay out of things and just post reviews and occasionally on a random post. But it was reported more than once by more than one person on this board that everything had new paint, etc and that is far from the truth. The pirate ships were bubbling and peeling. The wave carousel was paint was faded. The metal on many rides was rusting and the railings in the tea cup air were dirty and chipping. I don't think I would necessarily notice these things but since it was touted on this board as "everything got attention" I was looking forward to it.
Quote from: DianaGail on March 27, 2016, 06:14:33 PM
Now I wish I had taken photos. You guys know I don't complain. I generally stay out of things and just post reviews and occasionally on a random post. But it was reported more than once by more than one person on this board that everything had new paint, etc and that is far from the truth. The pirate ships were bubbling and peeling. The wave carousel was paint was faded. The metal on many rides was rusting and the railings in the tea cup air were dirty and chipping. I don't think I would necessarily notice these things but since it was touted on this board as "everything got attention" I was looking forward to it.
You obviously know best.
So it sounds like some specific items were addressed, but the whole area didn't necessarily receive a make-over. Some of it is a work in progress I'm sure. Probably just a head start for what they'll do later this year if they are indeed putting a new ride in this area.
Like tin man said there is a relatively small team that is working on the entire park. They did a lot of work on GE. Now maybe both tinman and myself are too familiar with the area that we noticed the minute changes while others haven't. Idk. But I'll post photos when I get home. We leave TN in the morning
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 27, 2016, 08:08:21 PM
So it sounds like some specific items were addressed, but the whole area didn't necessarily receive a make-over. Some of it is a work in progress I'm sure. Probably just a head start for what they'll do later this year if they are indeed putting a new ride in this area.
What he said..^^
Do you guys think the park would ever expand the train loop or maybe even add more trains to the system?
Quote from: Swoosh on May 19, 2016, 02:10:13 PM
Do you guys think the park would ever expand the train loop or maybe even add more trains to the system?
They may have to reroute it. To expand would mean huge crowds much more often due to capacity needs. they'd have to expanded it long enough to time a three train operation. That would mean a tressel/bridge or two due to topography. I imagine that would be very costly.
I have maintained that SDC should build an authentic style roundhouse and turntable so the whole train operation would be open and that would allow that back stage area to be opened for expansion and connectivity. A row of tall store buildings and a dark ride should be used to block 76 out.
Quote from: chittlins on May 19, 2016, 02:36:31 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on May 19, 2016, 02:10:13 PM
Do you guys think the park would ever expand the train loop or maybe even add more trains to the system?
They may have to reroute it. To expand would mean huge crowds much more often due to capacity needs. they'd have to expanded it long enough to time a three train operation. That would mean a tressel/bridge or two due to topography. I imagine that would be very costly.
I have maintained that SDC should build an authentic style roundhouse and turntable so the whole train operation would be open and that would allow that back stage area to be opened for expansion and connectivity. A row of tall store buildings and a dark ride should be used to block 76 out.
I love the roundhouse idea, even if it were a complete facade. 76 and parking are way too visible from the train in a way they didn't used to be. A "roundhouse" could even be used as an entertainment and retail venue, or at the very least, a new part of the waiting area for the ride, complete with interactive elements.
Quote from: History Buff on May 19, 2016, 02:50:51 PM
Quote from: chittlins on May 19, 2016, 02:36:31 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on May 19, 2016, 02:10:13 PM
Do you guys think the park would ever expand the train loop or maybe even add more trains to the system?
They may have to reroute it. To expand would mean huge crowds much more often due to capacity needs. they'd have to expanded it long enough to time a three train operation. That would mean a tressel/bridge or two due to topography. I imagine that would be very costly.
I have maintained that SDC should build an authentic style roundhouse and turntable so the whole train operation would be open and that would allow that back stage area to be opened for expansion and connectivity. A row of tall store buildings and a dark ride should be used to block 76 out.
I love the roundhouse idea, even if it were a complete facade. 76 and parking are way too visible from the train in a way they didn't used to be. A "roundhouse" could even be used as an entertainment and retail venue, or at the very least, a new part of the waiting area for the ride, complete with interactive elements.
Take away 1/3 of this, but shows a park like setting as it's a museum
While in keeping with the 1880s it could open up the area for a more industrial area like how Outlaw Run opened up the Wild West. Think of the Ice House concept of the past,. You could even do something to meat packing complete with a sitdown steakhouse
Has anyone reported on the new photo booth at the depot, or is it just new? The portable building sits on the other side of the FM entrance and appears to be set for selling photos of people on the train. Are they taking this photo at the holdup, during the holdup, before the ride begins, or what? Does it take time from the presentation?
I'm assuming this is sort of a test, since they could have built something more permanent during the off-season. It's obviously a fork-lifted structure that doesn't belong there.
Also, how long have the vending machines sat center queue at Lost River? They tried to mask two drink machines, but it's too hard to hide the fact that Coke machines do not belong in the 1880s.
Not sure about those. And yes the coke machines are a bit out of place. They could build something to hide them better or something.
Also something else I recently noticed was while at the top of the lift hill on Wildfire is I have noticed several of the log boats from American Plunge sitting off in the dirt in the back lot down the hill a bit. I first noticed them on founders weekend. Since going to the park the other day the number of them has increased and the other ones have been gutted for parts. So they are either sacrificing boats for parts or they are in the early stages of phasing out the ride.
Quote from: History Buff on May 29, 2016, 03:06:54 PM
Has anyone reported on the new photo booth at the depot, or is it just new? The portable building sits on the other side of the FM entrance and appears to be set for selling photos of people on the train. Are they taking this photo at the holdup, during the holdup, before the ride begins, or what? Does it take time from the presentation?
I'm assuming this is sort of a test, since they could have built something more permanent during the off-season. It's obviously a fork-lifted structure that doesn't belong there.
Also, how long have the vending machines sat center queue at Lost River? They tried to mask two drink machines, but it's too hard to hide the fact that Coke machines do not belong in the 1880s.
I think they're just taking train photos "pre ride". That's theonly time I've seen them take pics. And I believe the coke machines have been at the Lost River for years now. I agree they could've themed them up some but i guess they were afraid they'd get missed if they did it too much.
Quote from: History Buff on May 29, 2016, 03:06:54 PM
Has anyone reported on the new photo booth at the depot, or is it just new?
In case you missed it:
Quote from: sdcfan88 on May 29, 2016, 03:14:19 PM
Not sure about those. And yes the coke machines are a bit out of place. They could build something to hide them better or something.
Also something else I recently noticed was while at the top of the lift hill on Wildfire is I have noticed several of the log boats from American Plunge sitting off in the dirt in the back lot down the hill a bit. I first noticed them on founders weekend. Since going to the park the other day the number of them has increased and the other ones have been gutted for parts. So they are either sacrificing boats for parts or they are in the early stages of phasing out the ride.
Who knows about American plunge...it could be nothing.
What is certain is what they've allowed to happen to that ride is a shame. irresponsible shame. It's hard to believe the ptb still give a hoot when you look at what that once great ride has become.
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on May 29, 2016, 06:28:01 PM
Quote from: sdcfan88 on May 29, 2016, 03:14:19 PM
Not sure about those. And yes the coke machines are a bit out of place. They could build something to hide them better or something.
Also something else I recently noticed was while at the top of the lift hill on Wildfire is I have noticed several of the log boats from American Plunge sitting off in the dirt in the back lot down the hill a bit. I first noticed them on founders weekend. Since going to the park the other day the number of them has increased and the other ones have been gutted for parts. So they are either sacrificing boats for parts or they are in the early stages of phasing out the ride.
Who knows about American plunge...it could be nothing.
What is certain is what they've allowed to happen to that ride is a shame. irresponsible shame. It's hard to believe the ptb still give a hoot when you look at what that once great ride has become.
It was my second favorite ride, Fire In The Hole being first, and I'd rather see it go away than decline any further than it's present state. I loved the name of it, the entertainment, the tunnel, and the drop was enough of a thrill to keep me coming back. *sadness*
Quote from: Gilligan on May 29, 2016, 06:34:34 PM
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on May 29, 2016, 06:28:01 PM
Quote from: sdcfan88 on May 29, 2016, 03:14:19 PM
Not sure about those. And yes the coke machines are a bit out of place. They could build something to hide them better or something.
Also something else I recently noticed was while at the top of the lift hill on Wildfire is I have noticed several of the log boats from American Plunge sitting off in the dirt in the back lot down the hill a bit. I first noticed them on founders weekend. Since going to the park the other day the number of them has increased and the other ones have been gutted for parts. So they are either sacrificing boats for parts or they are in the early stages of phasing out the ride.
Who knows about American plunge...it could be nothing.
What is certain is what they've allowed to happen to that ride is a shame. irresponsible shame. It's hard to believe the ptb still give a hoot when you look at what that once great ride has become.
It was my second favorite ride, Fire In The Hole being first, and I'd rather see it go away than decline any further than it's present state. I loved the name of it, the entertainment, the tunnel, and the drop was enough of a thrill to keep me coming back. *sadness*
I refuse to believe it would be that hard to spruce up. it could easily be wonderful again.
Quote from: Gilligan on May 29, 2016, 06:34:34 PM
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on May 29, 2016, 06:28:01 PM
Quote from: sdcfan88 on May 29, 2016, 03:14:19 PM
Not sure about those. And yes the coke machines are a bit out of place. They could build something to hide them better or something.
Also something else I recently noticed was while at the top of the lift hill on Wildfire is I have noticed several of the log boats from American Plunge sitting off in the dirt in the back lot down the hill a bit. I first noticed them on founders weekend. Since going to the park the other day the number of them has increased and the other ones have been gutted for parts. So they are either sacrificing boats for parts or they are in the early stages of phasing out the ride.
Who knows about American plunge...it could be nothing.
What is certain is what they've allowed to happen to that ride is a shame. irresponsible shame. It's hard to believe the ptb still give a hoot when you look at what that once great ride has become.
It was my second favorite ride, Fire In The Hole being first, and I'd rather see it go away than decline any further than it's present state. I loved the name of it, the entertainment, the tunnel, and the drop was enough of a thrill to keep me coming back. *sadness*
They had one of the best log flumes in the business. I don't know what the thinking was in letting it decline. I would gladly sacrifice the new coaster for a million dollars (or whatever it would cost) of improvements to the classic three.
I hope they do scrap the AP. If you have any memories of the Float Trip you would realize what the AP could have been. They took the quick route out when building this.
And as stated they have since dumbed it down till there is nothing left but a six flags quality ride with little if any coherent themeing. Start again and theme it to the Bog Monster or whatever would be fun.
They simply cheaped out when the tunnel needed to be rebuilt. Why spend millions when they only needed to spend a few hundred thousand.
Keeping animatronics going is a drain on the park, but it was sure part of what made them in a league above the rest.
I too hope that they are planning on re-doing the whole thing at some point so they can justify bringing some of it back.
Agreed. Theme it to a yeti, bigfoot, an ozark monster or something along those lines, I dont care. Just give it a theme. At this point, its worse than any Six Flags ride or any water ride Ive ever seen.
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on May 29, 2016, 07:12:32 PM
Quote from: Gilligan on May 29, 2016, 06:34:34 PM
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on May 29, 2016, 06:28:01 PM
Quote from: sdcfan88 on May 29, 2016, 03:14:19 PM
Not sure about those. And yes the coke machines are a bit out of place. They could build something to hide them better or something.
Also something else I recently noticed was while at the top of the lift hill on Wildfire is I have noticed several of the log boats from American Plunge sitting off in the dirt in the back lot down the hill a bit. I first noticed them on founders weekend. Since going to the park the other day the number of them has increased and the other ones have been gutted for parts. So they are either sacrificing boats for parts or they are in the early stages of phasing out the ride.
Who knows about American plunge...it could be nothing.
What is certain is what they've allowed to happen to that ride is a shame. irresponsible shame. It's hard to believe the ptb still give a hoot when you look at what that once great ride has become.
It was my second favorite ride, Fire In The Hole being first, and I'd rather see it go away than decline any further than it's present state. I loved the name of it, the entertainment, the tunnel, and the drop was enough of a thrill to keep me coming back. *sadness*
I refuse to believe it would be that hard to spruce up. it could easily be wonderful again.
Especially after the redo Knott's gave theirs.
You are all probably right but they should just re do the American plunge and do a re opening. It fits with all the America stuff they are doing every summer and it was such a fun and easy thing to theme around. And it was ozark. I even love the signs. Plus the park needs a log flume wet ride and it still eats people up simply because of that. They are really dropping the ball here as I think a re done American plunge would be well received even by those who don't remember the old one. With today's technology and the need for that type of ride plus the moat and cave they already have....why the hell aren't they? I'd certainly take it over a new coaster.
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on May 30, 2016, 03:26:12 PM
You are all probably right but they should just re do the American plunge and do a re opening. It fits with all the America stuff they are doing every summer and it was such a fun and easy thing to theme around. And it was ozark. I even love the signs. Plus the park needs a log flume wet ride and it still eats people up simply because of that. They are really dropping the ball here as I think a re done American plunge would be well received even by those who don't remember the old one. With today's technology and the need for that type of ride plus the moat and cave they already have....why the hell aren't they? I'd certainly take it over a new coaster.
Me too!
QuoteI think a re done American plunge would be well received even by those who don't remember the old one. With today's technology and the need for that type of ride plus the moat and cave they already have....why the hell aren't they? I'd certainly take it over a new coaster.
I would like for this area of the park to remain a back woods section but AP needs love....BIG love. And I think we as customers deserve the new ride.
Lets hope this is the 2020 project or another project sometime soon.
I rode ap today during the seasons pass appreciation, they had accidentally left the lights on in the tunnel. It was sad as I told my kids how awesome it used to be and how neglected it's become :(
Quote from: Laroy on May 31, 2016, 09:29:48 AM
Lets hope this is the 2020 project or another project sometime soon.
Well it's definitely not for 2016.
In case anyone cares - the new signs at the junction of Indian Point Road and 76 have started to be constructed
What new signs? For the project?
No. They are replacing the current signs there with new ones. If I had to guess, they'll probably include an LED screen this time. They've had the current ones for awhile now
I didnt hear anything about new signs but Im glad. They had those old ones for about 6 years and Im starting to get tired of looking at them.
Will the old-style axe and log logo stay, or will they replace it with the new logo? I love the old one and hate to see it being phased out...
Quote from: Pudgy Jones on June 24, 2016, 09:27:28 AM
Will the old-style axe and log logo stay, or will they replace it with the new logo? I love the old one and hate to see it being phased out...
Me too, Pudgy! Me too! If it's not broke, don't fix it. I like the unique style of the older signs.
Not really a "project", but SDC added more rides to the wait times section of the app (Electro Spin, Train, Fire In The Hole (was that there already?), Magnificent Wave Carousel, and Marvel Cave).
I gave up using the app on my android, it locked up about 75% of the time, and the rest of the time it loaded the info real sssllllllllllloooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww...
Quote from: sanddunerider on July 05, 2016, 08:35:50 PM
I gave up using the app on my android, it locked up about 75% of the time, and the rest of the time it loaded the info real sssllllllllllloooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww...
QuoteQuoteI gave up using the app on my android, it locked up about 75% of the time, and the rest of the time it loaded the info real sssllllllllllloooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww
I reloaded the app thinking it would help. It didnt. I also removed the app for the same reasons. Not well designed.
going to buy new phone next week, will try the app on them. but my droid should have worked.. we will see.....
The flooded mine projection face worked well, Friday. In fact, a "real" beard has been added to the blank face upon which the projection is projected. Interesting.
Fixing the face is a great step in the right direction
I rode it on Sunday, and everything looked great! The face was working, the sound was working inside, and it looks like some of the inmates had new uniforms.
Excellent news about the face. Wasn't working when I went in June.
Park update on current projects for 2016.
-New signage at the Indian Point Road/Hwy 76
-Elephant paint refurbishment is complete
-New game in Grand Expo
The new sign doesn't scream 1880's Ozarks to me (not because it is electronic, but just the style of it)...but I digress.
Quote from: Coaster on August 28, 2016, 09:48:56 PM
The new sign doesn't scream 1880's Ozarks to me (not because it is electronic, but just the style of it)...but I digress.
Yeah its kinda off putting. Looks too Euro/Victorian.
It reminds me a lot of the new Dollywood sign
It reminds me a lot of the new Dollywood sign
Goodbye Silver Dollar City.
Quote from: mhguy77 on August 28, 2016, 11:07:49 PM
It reminds me a lot of the new Dollywood sign
Goodbye Silver Dollar City.
Seems rather extreme that you're leaving because of a sign. Bye Felicia
QuoteSeems rather extreme that you're leaving because of a sign. Bye Felicia
I am not going anywhere yet but this seems to be a trend. With the pics you posted of the new game (I think that was your site). The Kettle Corn Booth, Ice Cream Booth in the GE and now the sign out front have that generic Branson Bell sign look that Dollywood uses, it appears they are going in that direction. My issue is they are not the same park and I don't think the formula in DW is magic I think its a combination of things including the area population, ride investments and the Dolly name doesn't hurt them. SDC however is a different park, what was changed to make SDC TN into DW is now showing up in SDC. Look at the building styles. The problem with this style is it belongs in SF, this is not what SDC was built on and I don't know that's what the SDC audience are seeking out. It seems to me that with the loss of SDC style and character it will also lose some fans. Maybe the young ones that don't care will fill in the gaps and I am not thinking broadly enough but going from the 1800s to something patterned almost directly from a Roller Coaster Tycoon game is changing directions. I question the direction and the long term effects.
I know what you're saying mh, I'm not going anywhere either, but I wholeheartedly agree with you.
I'm not going anywhere either. BUT, the PTB clearly seem to want to guide the park in a new direction. If that's the case, then do it. Quit saying you are an 1880's Ozark Mountain village and the "Home of American Craftsmanship" if you really want to be Six Flags Branson.
Agreed. Slowly starting to lose the charm bit by bit.
Guess you're taking the new sign as a sign of a complete park change? lol
To quote Ulysses from "oh brother": "Yessir, the South is gonna change. Everything's gonna be put on electricity and run on a paying basis. Out with old spiritual mumbo-jumbo, the superstition and the backward ways. We're gonna see a brave new world where they run everyone a wire and hook us all up to the grid. Yessir, a veritable age of reason - like they had in France. And not a moment too soon..."
lmao....It's just an updated sign and new paint on the dumbos (which was needed)
What would the reaction be if they announced a hyper that run down that road....lol
To be fair....the old sign was iconic so I get why the change might be emotional.
You guys crack me up. You know if Mary was still alive the park would be completely Art Deco by now. Each decade was another version of the park with Mary in charge. It just so happened to stop at 1880s.
You might as well embrace the fact the theme has changed. The new people they brought into the front office don't get the 1880s theme - shoot most guests don't either. They do get generic mining and cowboy themes and that's what we have now.
Quote from: Swoosh on August 29, 2016, 02:04:40 PM
You guys crack me up. You know if Mary was still alive the park would be completely Art Deco by now. Each decade was another version of the park with Mary in charge. It just so happened to stop at 1880s.
You might as well embrace the fact the theme has changed. The new people they brought into the front office don't get the 1880s theme - shoot most guests don't either. They do get generic mining and cowboy themes and that's what we have now.
To be totally honest did the park ever have a set theme anyway? It always seemed to be a moving target. As a example what 1880's Ozark village ever had a saloon based on something out of Deadwood or Dodge City. Then you have the mining sub theme mixed in too.
Quote from: mhguy77 on August 29, 2016, 09:16:15 AM
SDC however is a different park, what was changed to make SDC TN into DW is now showing up in SDC.
Dolly did say she wanted to open another Dollywood.............
Quote from: cowboy on August 29, 2016, 03:36:01 PM
Quote from: mhguy77 on August 29, 2016, 09:16:15 AM
SDC however is a different park, what was changed to make SDC TN into DW is now showing up in SDC.
Dolly did say she wanted to open another Dollywood.............
^^^ That is a completely different situation. I'd be upset about any type of rebranding SDC by adding Dolly to it. Especially if they would go full on Dollywood-Branson
Dolly just doesn't have the pull around here like she does in her home region. I think that would be a horrible move both short term and long term. Who is going to care about Dolly around here in 50 years anyway. Keep building the SDC name.....Dolly's legacy will only work long-term in TN.
SDC has a rustic Ozark hillbilly brand....only SDC diehards understand the 1880s timeline. Just think about the show that help put SDC on the national map....the Beverly Hillbillies capitalized on the conflict between the old (country/poor) and new (city/rich). My thoughts are that SDC brand should continue with the foundation of creating family memories but to do that with those conflicts in mind to add entertainment value.
Here a dangerous thought (for this board).....I don't believe the past we visit at SDC has to stay static in the 1880s. Just keep spirit of visiting the Ozark past in whatever is done.
Quote from: Runner1960 on August 29, 2016, 02:52:01 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 29, 2016, 02:04:40 PM
You guys crack me up. You know if Mary was still alive the park would be completely Art Deco by now. Each decade was another version of the park with Mary in charge. It just so happened to stop at 1880s.
You might as well embrace the fact the theme has changed. The new people they brought into the front office don't get the 1880s theme - shoot most guests don't either. They do get generic mining and cowboy themes and that's what we have now.
To be totally honest did the park ever have a set theme anyway? It always seemed to be a moving target. As a example what 1880's Ozark village ever had a saloon based on something out of Deadwood or Dodge City. Then you have the mining sub theme mixed in too.
To my knowledge they always targeted the theme of recreating Marmaros. I thought the whole "keep the city exactly 100 years in the past" thing was a brief experiment from the late 80's. Gaslight Square was introduced in 1989... Maybe some ideas are getting crossed here, but I think Mary always wanted to develop the park as a respectful, romanticized example of a historic Ozark mining town.
The sign is not the type of thing that gets me up in arms anymore. Years ago when this site was getting off the ground, we were still pointing out things like inconsistencies in architecture and exposed cash registers, but we knew we were fighting a losing battle. That era has come and gone. It pretty much died with Wildfire (I know we can argue the exact year, but that's not the point).
Swoosh is right that the people in place now simply don't and can't get the "old" park and all it's nuances that made it special and unique not just among theme parks but among special places in the world. Just like with everything else, those memories are literally dying off with the passing into a new generation. Kids growing up now have always know the park as a place full of rides rather than a crazy hidden tree village with various attractions.
Instead of letting myself get hung up over the inevitable changes that come from growing into a multinational corporation, I focus on the big things. As long as they keep going above and beyond with the effort to stand out from among other theme parks, I'll be a fan. There are still many things that will get me up in arms, such as the seemingly inevitable demolition of the Flooded Mine and FITH, but we'll see how that all plays out.
Progress continues on the new signs
Quote from: Swoosh on September 13, 2016, 08:40:12 PM
Progress continues on the new signs
Thanks for the pics! Do you think it'll be totally done by the end of next week? I'm gonna be at SDC on Friday the 23rd and would love to see it finished by then.
The log and axe might be up by then but I imagine there is still quite a bit to do on the sign. The West sign is a long way from being done.
I don't get why it is taking them so long to build some signs.
Probably because it's being done in park and it's not the only project currently being worked on right now
Update on the new marquee signs
Thanks for the update Swoosh.
So they used the Disney-fied version of the logo, but took out the sparks? Kinda looks like they tried to compromise weirdly between old and new. Not that it matters though, just a nit-pick. Are the bottom signs interchangeable or is the "Home of American Craftsmenship" permanent?
I imagine that it'll be changed out for each festival.
The signs?
May I say the theme really does appear to be gone.
Quote from: shavethewhales on September 26, 2016, 07:56:32 PM
So they used the Disney-fied version of the logo, but took out the sparks? Kinda looks like they tried to compromise weirdly between old and new. Not that it matters though, just a nit-pick. Are the bottom signs interchangeable or is the "Home of American Craftsmenship" permanent?
And as someone on here stated before, it definitely has that generic Rollercoaster Tycoon vibe going on with it.
Why in the world did they locate the electrical box right in the front? They should have hidden it behind somewhere.
QuoteWhy in the world did they locate the electrical box right in the front? They should have hidden it behind somewhere
May I say the theme seems to be gone, This is a far cry from the waterfall sign with the Axe on top. Apparently I am on old man, a has been who thinks
that you should let Disney be Disney, Six Flags be themselves and SDC should remain different. They do seem to be conforming to the bland "nice"look that the other parks use. This also further erodes the idea" that is SDC.
Quote from: mhguy77 on September 27, 2016, 07:38:51 AM
QuoteWhy in the world did they locate the electrical box right in the front? They should have hidden it behind somewhere
May I say the theme seems to be gone, This is a far cry from the waterfall sign with the Axe on top. Apparently I am on old man, a has been who thinks
that you should let Disney be Disney, Six Flags be themselves and SDC should remain different. They do seem to be conforming to the bland "nice"look that the other parks use. This also further erodes the idea" that is SDC.
I agree. Awhile back, it was suggested that some of us were overreacting about this sign. But look at this thing!! In what world does this look like it belongs at Silver Dollar City? It looks like it belongs in front of a gated suburban community. With a little bit of thought and creativity, this sign could have easily been built with hewn timbers. They've got an employee who does that for a living! The rustic, primitive look is popular everywhere these days except, it seems, at Silver Dollar City. It baffles me. That's why I worry so much about new projects and expansions at the park. It seems that the PTB either don't understand or no longer care about the park's theme. I know it's just a sign, but it's representative of so much more. This is like buying a cheap fiberglass front door from Lowes and putting on your nice log cabin.
Rant over.
Pudgy, I looked at the photos and thought the very same thing - looks like a sign in front of a gated community - and then read your comment about the same time I was thinking it. LOL! Gave me a good laugh! And, you're right - the rustic look is very in right now, especially with new homes.
I really do not see that much wrong with the sign itself. Things move forward and the old design looked a little 80ish to me. Like I said before though why stick that electrical box right in the middle?
My 2 cents....
Thought the old ones where fine....I agree that the finish looks like the 'fancy' siding from Lowes....lol "No more wood....SDC is making it to the middle class now Ma!!!".....lol
I'm ok with a small budget for new signs....especially if the rides budget is getting bigger ::)
Quote from: Runner1960 on September 27, 2016, 01:27:01 PM
I really do not see that much wrong with the sign itself. Things move forward and the old design looked a little 80ish to me. Like I said before though why stick that electrical box right in the middle?
Isn't the electrical box for the stop lights? That would be county's doing not SDC
Quote from: mhguy77 on September 26, 2016, 11:20:04 PM
The signs?
May I say the theme really does appear to be gone.
They're entrance signs outside of the park and I don't think it really matters if they closely follow the theme. How would you theme a sign to the 1880s Ozarks anyways? ;)
They are horrible. Honestly there is no effort being given here.
Also may I say I hate all the new signs they put up in the park these days. It's so obvious it's a computer animated graphic that's supposed to look old timey that it just looks cheap and generic and so obviously digital.
Anyway, this entrance sucks and it is a big deal. These things happen one after another and it's just another park.
Yeah I have a pretty good feeling that this is a preview of what the new entrance/ticket area will look like that is supposed to come next year.
Quote from: Swoosh on September 27, 2016, 04:27:28 PM
Quote from: Runner1960 on September 27, 2016, 01:27:01 PM
I really do not see that much wrong with the sign itself. Things move forward and the old design looked a little 80ish to me. Like I said before though why stick that electrical box right in the middle?
Isn't the electrical box for the stop lights? That would be county's doing not SDC
I guess the big box could be traffic lights. But I have never seen a meter at traffic lights before. Just looks out of place. The design team could have worked around it somehow either way.
I wish SDC would have taken a cue to Big Cedar Lodge's entrance sign. (https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/02/7a/a7/c6/filename-bc-5109-jpg.jpg)
Quote from: Preachin_Bill on September 27, 2016, 10:23:36 PM
They are horrible. Honestly there is no effort being given here.
Also may I say I hate all the new signs they put up in the park these days. It's so obvious it's a computer animated graphic that's supposed to look old timey that it just looks cheap and generic and so obviously digital.
Anyway, this entrance sucks and it is a big deal. These things happen one after another and it's just another park.
Just wait till the wing coaster track is flying over and around that corner and over the gate.....maybe above the gate they can put up the flags from the 6 states that most visitors are from? :o
I know that Johnny Morris is a controversial figure (for reasons I don't fully understand), but his people know how to design. I guarantee that his people could have designed a sign that fits the theme. I hate to say it, but I would prefer that his designers be in charge of the new entrance area (and resort?) rather than SDC's designers. Don't get me wrong...I love SDC. It's like a second home to my family and me. But it's slowly becoming Dollywood West.
I was at SDC on Friday (23rd). I got to see the new 76/Indian Pt Rd. sign(s). I like them.
I just went through Google's Street View timeline for that intersection. I really feel like the reason they made these signs white is because they stand out more; they catch your attention instead of fading into the background. The older signs were unpainted wood with dark green accents, so they kinda blended in with the forest around them. The white-painted new signs pop against the browns and greens of the trees behind them. Also, the billboards on the back of the sign were there on the older sign, too.
As for the electrical box, that definitely seems to be the street light box. It's the only one on any of the corners at that intersection; if it was for the signs, there'd probably be one on the other side near the other sign. Also, it's been there since at least 2007, which is the oldest time period Google had on Street View of the intersection.
Someone mentioned the old version of the logo with the waterfall. That is still there at the entrance to the preferred parking.
So, personally, I love the new signs. I'm excited to see what they do with them for the Christmas season. Having the logo be the newer version (which has been around for at least SIX years now and nothing bad has happened due to it being updated) so that they can light it up at night is a cool idea. Can't wait to see it at night!
I'm attaching a pic I put together using caps from Google Street View and Swoosh's pic of the new sign (I wasn't able to get a pic myself). I'm also attaching a picture I took back in May 2005 of what the sign looked like then.
Quote from: sdcfan88 on September 27, 2016, 10:44:52 PM
Yeah I have a pretty good feeling that this is a preview of what the new entrance/ticket area will look like that is supposed to come next year.
Probably so... I prefer the rustic look, but think about it this way: SDC has trends just like anywhere else. The PTB are really into this "cleaned-up pop-rustic" look for lack of a better descriptor, rather than the old school rough-hewn look, but in 5-10 years there will be a new CEO again and who knows what will be in style. I think this type of design ages badly so it will probably get updated again before we know it.
But again, the 76 sign isn't exactly an experience-breaking thing. The old sign wasn't anything special either... The lazy design of the "new" logo is the only thing I can be arsed to nit-pick.
QuoteI think this type of design ages badly so it will probably get updated again before we know it.
That was one of the great things about SDC décor, it aged well or maybe you just didn't notice because of the materials and paints used. This "new" look will most certainly take a lot more upkeep considering.
Speaking of modernizing, someone posted on the "You Know You're From" Facebook page saying that there's a rumor going around that SDC is going to do away with the costumes and just go to wearing polo shirts.
I can't possibly see this being true....but maybe that is just my heart talking. This would be an absolute travesty and go against the true spirit of the park moreso than the new entrance sign. I really hope this isn't true and I am just overreacting.
Quote from: Coaster on October 05, 2016, 08:45:26 PM
Speaking of modernizing, someone posted on the "You Know You're From" Facebook page saying that there's a rumor going around that SDC is going to do away with the costumes and just go to wearing polo shirts.
I can't possibly see this being true....but maybe that is just my heart talking. This would be an absolute travesty and go against the true spirit of the park moreso than the new entrance sign. I really hope this isn't true and I am just overreacting.
I saw that, also. Agreed, it would be a travesty! Heart talking or not, I'll admit that would really lower my interest in the park. Hoping it's not true...
Quote from: Gilligan on October 05, 2016, 08:55:25 PM
Quote from: Coaster on October 05, 2016, 08:45:26 PM
Speaking of modernizing, someone posted on the "You Know You're From" Facebook page saying that there's a rumor going around that SDC is going to do away with the costumes and just go to wearing polo shirts.
I can't possibly see this being true....but maybe that is just my heart talking. This would be an absolute travesty and go against the true spirit of the park moreso than the new entrance sign. I really hope this isn't true and I am just overreacting.
I saw that, also. Agreed, it would be a travesty! Heart talking or not, I'll admit that would really lower my interest in the park. Hoping it's not true...
QuoteSpeaking of modernizing, someone posted on the "You Know You're From" Facebook page saying that there's a rumor going around that SDC is going to do away with the costumes and just go to wearing polo shirts.
I can't possibly see this being true....but maybe that is just my heart talking. This would be an absolute travesty and go against the true spirit of the park moreso than the new entrance sign. I really hope this isn't true and I am just overreacting.
Talk about the kiss of death......
Has to be a rumor. That's a main part of the entire theme
The uniform/costume thing is another rumor that's been around for ages and hasn't ever come true... yet. I think a more likely thing to happen is that the old costumes/uniforms will be slowly phased out over time so that eventually only a select few highly visible employees have to bother with it while the rank and file are in typical SDC uniforms. Most of the people who have to be doing rigorous things outside are already like that anyway (and that's pretty much always been the case). Since there are more ride attendants and less craftsmen every year, it's kind of just a pattern that will happen on it's own - I doubt there's much deliberate push behind it.
It was pretty interesting back when there was a real costume department and everyone was decked out in true authentic 1800's wear, but they had a lot less employees to deck out back then, and less of them having to run rides with heat issues and safety standards.
It's posted on the Branson forum that the costume dept. is hiring to help with Fall and Christmas costumes.
Quote from: Gilligan on October 06, 2016, 09:39:38 AM
It's posted on the Branson forum that the costume dept. is hiring to help with Fall and Christmas costumes.
Shhh. Don't let facts get in the way of their pure hysteria.
Quote from: Swoosh on October 06, 2016, 02:29:18 PM
Quote from: Gilligan on October 06, 2016, 09:39:38 AM
It's posted on the Branson forum that the costume dept. is hiring to help with Fall and Christmas costumes.
Shhh. Don't let facts get in the way of their pure hysteria.
Exactly. As noted by some on that Facebook thread (and ignored by a few), they are NOT changing the costumes to polo shirts. Just another stupid rumor that isn't based on reality.
I figured but you never know!! Because I do believe that current management is trying to get slightly more modern.
Quote from: Coaster on October 06, 2016, 09:15:37 PM
I figured but you never know!! Because I do believe that current management is trying to get slightly more modern.
And you're basing this assumption on what?
The new entrance sign and speculation the re-worked entrance may carry a similar theme. It's still a part of the park's image even though the sign is not inside the park.
Quote from: Coaster on October 07, 2016, 12:23:44 PM
The new entrance sign and speculation the re-worked entrance may carry a similar theme. It's still a part of the park's image even though the sign is not inside the park.
So more assumptions and no hard evidence? Got it.
I really, REALLY don't think the 76/Indian Pt Rd signs are a harbinger for what's to come for SDC's re-done entrance. Those signs are there specifically to grab the attention of drivers, hence the white color scheme, the animated LCD screens, and the light-up logo. Back in 2005, the sign at that intersection was a simple dark wood sign with a 2D/simplified logo (you can see it in my previous post that has pics of the signs through the years) that was just black and orange with white around it; not exactly something to catch the eye.
The only rumor/speculation for the re-done entrance that I've seen hinted at something akin to Bass Pro, so kinda like the Ozark Marketplace on steroids. Maybe they're planning to enclose the front area in a building? I'm at least crossing my fingers that they'll be keeping the water clock; it's an icon!
^^ To be fair, we've always worked on assumptions around here. Everything's fair as long as you don't take it too seriously. I can understand the feeling that they will modernize the entrance when it comes time to do that. I think they'll do just fine, but it makes sense to be uneasy about such a big change. Like I said about the costumes, a lot of the changes in style are part of the inevitable march of time and different people with different perspectives. This park was built by people who were trying to relive what their grandparents told them about, and now it's being rebuilt (and visited) by people who only see the 1880's in the occasional movie and are more focused on the business of building up a competitive theme park.
I don't like some of the cleaner, more obviously faux details they have been employing around the parks in things like signage and other things, but try explaining the subtle differences to someone who's got to pump out 1,000 or more random signs a year for each park.
I think they've been doing really well with the recent architecture at SDC though. Everything built in the last decade looks great! Fireman's Landing has tons of detail and theming, not to mention the creative details spread throughout the area. Taking out the water clock is about the only thing that I'd be worried about with the new entrance.
In any case, it will be worth it to get a proper entrance that suits the park's needs. It's been a couple decades or more overdue now...
OH man, I was SO blown away seeing Fireman's Landing in person! I'd been wary of the theme, but the pics that people had posted made me okay with it. And now that I've experienced it in person, I'm in love!
As for the printed versus hand-done signage, it was interesting to note that the sign into the rocking room in Grandfather's Mansion was hand-done; you can even see the pencil marks used as guidelines to make the lettering straight.
The new signage in the park at least replicates authentic appearances, and it will last longer than the old stuff. Like you say, Sharpie-written signs on paper or computer printed signs tacked to the door are really unacceptable. That's just lazy. I would remind people that the past is ahead of you, not in the entrance from the parking lot or the entrance to the road to the parking lot. If they wanted to light up the entrance and make it look like a time machine, for the sake of highlighting the fact that guests are entering the past, I'd be OK with that.
Quote from: shavethewhales on October 09, 2016, 01:11:59 AM
^^ To be fair, we've always worked on assumptions around here. Everything's fair as long as you don't take it too seriously. I can understand the feeling that they will modernize the entrance when it comes time to do that. I think they'll do just fine, but it makes sense to be uneasy about such a big change. Like I said about the costumes, a lot of the changes in style are part of the inevitable march of time and different people with different perspectives. This park was built by people who were trying to relive what their grandparents told them about, and now it's being rebuilt (and visited) by people who only see the 1880's in the occasional movie and are more focused on the business of building up a competitive theme park.
I don't like some of the cleaner, more obviously faux details they have been employing around the parks in things like signage and other things, but try explaining the subtle differences to someone who's got to pump out 1,000 or more random signs a year for each park.
I think they've been doing really well with the recent architecture at SDC though. Everything built in the last decade looks great! Fireman's Landing has tons of detail and theming, not to mention the creative details spread throughout the area. Taking out the water clock is about the only thing that I'd be worried about with the new entrance.
In any case, it will be worth it to get a proper entrance that suits the park's needs. It's been a couple decades or more overdue now...
I would agree that for the most part I have been happy with the additions over the past several years. I've been a big proponent saying that the management does the best they can with the 1880's theme in today's smartphone culture. I also realize the entrance does need to be renovated as will become more painfully obvious during the upcoming Christmas season. I just want it to stay true to SDC and not look too generic. I have confidence I will be happy with the finished product in the end.
Bottom line, speculation is what makes visiting this site fun, overreactions or not. 99% of us on this forum have no internal ties to the park and so it is fun to debate and dream over things. Not sure why speculation is a bad thing on a fan forum and not everything needs concrete facts.
I forgot to mention something from my recent trip to settle any remaining fears about TNT's demise in favor of the new coaster. When I rode it the other day they had installed all new lap bar restraints on the trains. Made the ride a tad more comfortable. They also stay up when you lift so getting in and out of the trains is not as awkward anymore.