Since there is some sort of forum bug popping up when threads get to page 50, here is part two of the 2017 discussion. I will merge these threads after a fix is found.
I was wondering if it going to page 50 was an issue....some type of limit...
Figured it was that or my last post was so dumb it crashed the
Well... this thread kinda died a quick death. lol Anything new?
Because this related to the 2017 project....
The new access road to the EH stage is now visible from EH (as in they've thinned the tree line THAT much). Been told that the new entrance to EH for the GP will be around Hi-Striker. A new restroom will be built over there somewhere in the off season.
Oh and take lots of photos of the entrance plaza before the season ends.
Will this also be the exit?
As usual, when SDC opened this year the Echo Hollow show started at park closing. Right now it is not Moonlight Madness yet, but I see they are starting the EH show 1 hour before park closing. Because of this and since Swoosh says the new EH entrance will be near the Hi Striker next year, it looks like EH wont be moved for a long time. I guess they are starting it early to end it early so we can get out of EH and leave when all the riders leave. On Saturdays during SSS they were starting it 2 hours before park closing, probably to let kids keep riding afterward. To me, this seems like it might help a little, since they dont have an exit that leads from EH straight to the exit gates/tram drop off, but it is also worse because it makes more traffic. I still wish they could move EH or make another exit, but after looking at the satellite view on my GPS, they probably wont have room for either unless they take out TNT.
Yes. 1 way in. 1 way out.
In another thread the talk is about the old WAterboggen tower. Myself, I just wish it would come down and be done with it.
If as speculated the food stands are coming out to make way for the new coaster I think this would make a excellent area for a new food court. Tear down the structure and move the skillets into this area. Serves 2 purposes. It keeps the potato, chicken , succotash skillets operating and moves the lines out of the main paths eliminating a lot of the congestion.
An update on the 2017 projects... the foundation for the new Echo Hollow restrooms has been dug out and is now awaiting concrete for the foundation. You can see it pretty plain as day. I would imagine it would even be visible from the back porch of the Culinary School. Regarding the entrance to the EH, it will be rerouted but will still enter from the same location.
Yup, I was actually there today and you can see a lot from the porch, but its still behind the trees so it is hard to photograph. TNT is certainly exposed, but it really shows off how much land is back there. I hope they dont take many more trees though...
Quote from: shavethewhales on August 09, 2016, 10:28:24 PM
TNT is certainly exposed, but it really shows off how much land is back there. I hope they dont take many more trees though...
Yeah I agree. I was really surprised by how they did a clean sweep of all the trees just as they did around WF when it was built. I was hoping it wouldn't be that bad but whats done is done I guess. There is definitely a lot of land to work with now so this could be a VERY big coaster.
Oh and here is the general idea of how much land has currently been cleared. (marked in red)
The isolated area is where the hillside was slightly dug out for the construction trailer.
I'm not sure I understand how this could potentially be a very big coaster. The area speculated in red to have been cleared wouldn't even be big enough to cover the footprint of TNT as it stands, and TNT isn't a big coaster.
This is the only the cleared area. You have to remember that the course of the ride will cross TNT twice and the load station is where the current EH restrooms are.
Yeah I'm thinking an announcement is imminent. Been monitoring the SDC FB group and basically any posts/comments about future coasters or questions (including the survey images) about the construction is quickly getting deleted and I also noticed my photo speculating about the future of the Waterboggan Tower got deleted as well. and on SDC's official page itself somebody left a note complaining about them clearing the trees behind ThuNderaTion and it got deleted shortly after. That's not like them to delete posts. I just don't see how they can keep a lid on it much longer.
SDCfan88 I just now noticed how close 2 spots of the red area are to the road. Then I noticed there is a big clearing on the other side of the road. This makes me come to the conclusion, Are they going to build the track over the road to make a U turn? All the cleared spots seems like they might....
Quote from: Laroy on August 13, 2016, 10:09:12 PM
SDCfan88 I just now noticed how close 2 spots of the red area are to the road. Then I noticed there is a big clearing on the other side of the road. This makes me come to the conclusion, Are they going to build the track over the road to make a U turn? All the cleared spots seems like they might....
For the last time. It's NOT going over the road. LET IT DIE ALREADY
Calm your buns! I just saw his pic and thought it was possible.
FYI, the clearing on the othe side is for an access road to the treatment plant. I seriously doubt anyone would enjoy smelling that sweetness, lol
lol.....any crossing of the state hwy (over or under) would take a ton of paperwork and time to get approved by the powers to be (goverment(s)) if it was in the plans....I'm sure we would have heard about it by now.
Yeah....lets kill those rumors....
Quote from: tinmann620 on August 14, 2016, 10:06:57 AM
FYI, the clearing on the othe side is for an access road to the treatment plant. I seriously doubt anyone would enjoy smelling that sweetness, lol
Ah yes the sweet smell of the turd farm. Guess it could be themed to the all the Bat crap they mined ? ;) You know pump in the smells like disney does. ;D
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on August 14, 2016, 02:33:31 PM
lol.....any crossing of the state hwy (over or under) would take a ton of paperwork and time to get approved by the powers to be (goverment(s)) if it was in the plans....I'm sure we would have heard about it by now.
Yeah....lets kill those rumors....
Humphrey Hawk - you need to listen to Laroy and...
Quote from: Laroy on August 14, 2016, 07:37:05 AM
Calm your buns!
::) :o ;D
I like my buns nutty.... :o ::)
Any entrance work going to be done for 2017? Or is that all for 2018?
I'm starting to belief next year's big marketing strategy will have to be "New for 2017!!!!....Come see what we are building for 2018!!!!!"
Quote from: Runner1960 on August 14, 2016, 02:39:37 PM
Quote from: tinmann620 on August 14, 2016, 10:06:57 AM
FYI, the clearing on the othe side is for an access road to the treatment plant. I seriously doubt anyone would enjoy smelling that sweetness, lol
Ah yes the sweet smell of the turd farm. Guess it could be themed to the all the Bat crap they mined ? ;) You know pump in the smells like disney does. ;D
Technically SDC pumps in smells skillets and grills are very strategically located. Plus you can't forget the smell of hot asphalt on a hot I've seriously had flashbacks to my one summer working construction laying asphalt before while walking around SDC. Hot tar in the afternoon.
Dollywood made their announcement for 2017 today, so should we be seeing an announcement for anything soon?
Not sure they'll be announcing anything major. Do places announce major infrastructure upgrades because that's what's coming for 2017
So your saying this will be the first two-year period with nothing major (something that will bring people in) coming to SDC or WW in a long time.
If the main project for 2017 is infrastructure upgrades, do you think their "selling point" for 2017 will be whatever they've come up with to replace World Fest? 'Cause they still haven't told us what's replacing it.
I think they still have time to build something for next year.....idk
Unless they pull out a surprise announcement team is going to have a challenging job for next year. You are probably right Joy....they are going to have to focus on the shows and festivals as what is new :-\
Still plenty of time left this year....but I'm already thinking about shifting SDC pass money next year over to a FL trip or family cruise.
Quote from: Tmboote on August 16, 2016, 02:51:07 PM
So your saying this will be the first two-year period with nothing major (something that will bring people in) coming to SDC or WW in a long time.
But we don't know if WW is/isn't getting anything
Quote from: Swoosh on August 17, 2016, 12:34:44 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on August 16, 2016, 02:51:07 PM
So your saying this will be the first two-year period with nothing major (something that will bring people in) coming to SDC or WW in a long time.
But we don't know if WW is/isn't getting anything
Where do they have room for something major?
Quote from: Swoosh on August 17, 2016, 12:34:44 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on August 16, 2016, 02:51:07 PM
So your saying this will be the first two-year period with nothing major (something that will bring people in) coming to SDC or WW in a long time.
But we don't know if WW is/isn't getting anything
Maybe a record breaking German made slide ::) Sorry....couldn't resist
Quote from: Tmboote on August 17, 2016, 12:40:32 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 17, 2016, 12:34:44 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on August 16, 2016, 02:51:07 PM
So your saying this will be the first two-year period with nothing major (something that will bring people in) coming to SDC or WW in a long time.
But we don't know if WW is/isn't getting anything
Where do they have room for something major?
No idea. The last time I went there was when the lazy river was new. I honestly never go into Branson. I go to SDC via the bypass and leave the same way.
^ Us too for the most part. We did go to Moses last month then stopped by the Burger Shack- good place to eat.
My family is thinking of making a long weekend in December where we would go in and see Moses and do a few other things. Our biggest excuse is that we can zoom down from Jeff City for the day and come on back home without much trouble - so why bother staying/going into town. We only really go to "Branson" because of SDC.
Back on topic. I think who(m)ever brought up the replacement for World Fest as the "draw" for 2017 probably hit the nail on the head.
Thanks, Swoosh; that was me. It was all I could think of, 'cause they've done that before during an "off" year - focused on new shows/fests/etc. And they've gotta come up with something REALLY good to replace World Fest, because I'm very, very unhappy with that going away (and I know many others are, too, based on vids from Youtube and comments on FB).
In all honesty my hunch is that the "replacement" festival will simply be a reshuffling or expansion of the existing ones. Probably either the Southern Gospel or Bluegrass and BBQ festival. But more than likely the latter since it has gotten very popular considering they expanded it to cover the whole month of May instead of just a couple weeks like in years past.
So, Six Flags St. Louis is starting its Christmas festival this year. And now Worlds of Fun has announced its two new flat rides for next year as well as its own Christmas festival and a renovated front gate.
It'll be interesting to see what SDC has to offer for 2017.
I would not be satisfied with an expansion of an existing fest to replace World Fest. Getting rid of World Fest is the first thing SDC has done that has actually made me angry.
Jheez....Nothing feels more like Christmas than a trip six flags :-\
You know the end of the world is near if those parks also start having 2 week Bluegrass
It's nuts that nearly every major park has a Christmas event now. SDC and DW used to be stand-outs in these events, and now there is serious competition.
coasterbill on TPR pointed out that SF actually has a bigger, better tree than SDC:
This is exactly what we all pointed out when the "new" tree debuted. They could have done so much better, even back then. They are getting rapid passed up on this front, so perhaps some of the infrastructure improvements will help them with electrical capacity and new displays.
And I still wouldn't mind a longer Bluegrass and BBQ festival.
It would be cool if they could carry the bluegrass festival into June.
If you seriously think that SDC is worried about the Christmas Festival being "passed up" your crazy. Have you seen those crowds the last few years?!?
Quote from: getoffmytrain on August 23, 2016, 12:14:20 PM
If you seriously think that SDC is worried about the Christmas Festival being "passed up" your crazy. Have you seen those crowds the last few years?!?
Nothing crazy about it, it's business. You always have to be on the watch for the big new thing. How much of that crowd is going to be diverted to WOF and SFStL as their events really start to get off the ground?
SDC will always have the best Christmas event hands down, but that doesn't mean they can ignore competition.
Quote from: shavethewhales on August 23, 2016, 06:49:25 PM
Quote from: getoffmytrain on August 23, 2016, 12:14:20 PM
If you seriously think that SDC is worried about the Christmas Festival being "passed up" your crazy. Have you seen those crowds the last few years?!?
Nothing crazy about it, it's business. You always have to be on the watch for the big new thing. How much of that crowd is going to be diverted to WOF and SFStL as their events really start to get off the ground?
SDC will always have the best Christmas event hands down, but that doesn't mean they can ignore competition.
Agree with Shave. I have already heard some of my friends say they are skipping this year and going to try out SFSL. SDC has rested on its laurels the last few years now with Christmas and maybe this will lite a fire to upgrade some of the attractions.
I can't speak for locals to KC or Stl would have longer travels to SDC....but I know there still is a lot of families closer to Branson and from NWA, Tulsa who would never pass SDC christmas for a trip to either of those parks.
Plus....I just have a hard time seeing either of those parks being able to match the 'Christmas Spirit' that SDC creates. This may be a great thing for us SDC fans to help trim down some of massive crowds they usually have nightly during the season. It should be interesting to see if there is any impact on attendance.
I still often wonder why SDC doesn't focus on new indoor attractions to help with capacity during weather and something to possible turn into a seasonal attraction for Christmas.
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on August 24, 2016, 09:12:01 AM
I still often wonder why SDC doesn't focus on new indoor attractions to help with capacity during weather and something to possible turn into a seasonal attraction for Christmas.
Most all of wonder about that, there is no reason their can't be a couple of enclosed flats or a new new compact coaster of some kind.
I've been to the Six Flags Over Texas Holiday in the Park many times. My family loves going, but not for the same reasons they like to go to SDC.
The Holiday shows at Six Flags do not compare to the ones at SDC. The lights at Six Flags are not on the same level as SDC. Six Flags will have some very nice areas, and has the snow hill, but the park on a whole is no where close to the production SDC puts on. I do like all the holiday food booths that Six Flags sets up, but SDC's food is already good.....The difference is Six Flags brings out a lot of holiday favorites and specialties that are really good.
The area where I think Six Flags totally fails is with their shops. I love to shop SDC at Christmas time. I've spent several hundreds at SDC during Christmas, but have yet to buy much of anything at Six Flags.
Also, during Holiday in the Park at Six Flags not all the park is open......
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on August 24, 2016, 09:12:01 AM
I still often wonder why SDC doesn't focus on new indoor attractions to help with capacity during weather and something to possible turn into a seasonal attraction for Christmas.
Same here. No reason not to. If it is too cold or lightning is in the area, I want more things to do than just ball pit, GM, FITH, and FM.
Quote from: Laroy on August 25, 2016, 10:16:29 AM
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on August 24, 2016, 09:12:01 AM
I still often wonder why SDC doesn't focus on new indoor attractions to help with capacity during weather and something to possible turn into a seasonal attraction for Christmas.
Same here. No reason not to. If it is too cold or lightning is in the area, I want more things to do than just ball pit, GM, FITH, and FM.
Shops, food, shows. SDC may not have the most indoor rides as other parks, but they still have more than many parks do. Isn't Cyclone Sam's the only indoor ride at WoF? And they don't have the shows like we do. I can't think of a park I've been to with more indoor rides than SDC.
Quote from: Tmboote on August 25, 2016, 09:01:25 PM
Quote from: Laroy on August 25, 2016, 10:16:29 AM
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on August 24, 2016, 09:12:01 AM
I still often wonder why SDC doesn't focus on new indoor attractions to help with capacity during weather and something to possible turn into a seasonal attraction for Christmas.
Same here. No reason not to. If it is too cold or lightning is in the area, I want more things to do than just ball pit, GM, FITH, and FM.
Shops, food, shows. SDC may not have the most indoor rides as other parks, but they still have more than many parks do. Isn't Cyclone Sam's the only indoor ride at WoF? And they don't have the shows like we do. I can't think of a park I've been to with more indoor rides than SDC.
Nickelodeon Universe ;)
Quote from: Tmboote on August 25, 2016, 09:01:25 PM
Quote from: Laroy on August 25, 2016, 10:16:29 AM
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on August 24, 2016, 09:12:01 AM
I still often wonder why SDC doesn't focus on new indoor attractions to help with capacity during weather and something to possible turn into a seasonal attraction for Christmas.
Same here. No reason not to. If it is too cold or lightning is in the area, I want more things to do than just ball pit, GM, FITH, and FM.
Shops, food, shows. SDC may not have the most indoor rides as other parks, but they still have more than many parks do. Isn't Cyclone Sam's the only indoor ride at WoF? And they don't have the shows like we do. I can't think of a park I've been to with more indoor rides than SDC.
You are right....SDC might have more indoor activities compared to the babysitter summer parks. But they don't have nearly as many as the big year around Disney and Universal parks.....they seem to have a majority of their attractions inside. Not saying SDC is on that level but they are at least somewhere between a Six Flags and Universal.
The most troublesome problem with indoor attractions are probably the costs of them and the cost to maintain. Not cheap to keep a big building cool/warm all year.
When you take things indoors you can set things up to provide a whole new level of quality and uniqueness to guests, not to mention reliability and something weather proof. It certainly does come down to costs though, because nothing is cheaper than simply slapping a machine down on a concrete pad outside and not giving rain checks. I used to like to think that SDC was trying to transition into being a next level theme park where they'd have more big-park style attractions and eventually a resort. Unfortunately though all signs point to them going in the opposite direction... (but at least a resort is still possible).
When I went on Opening Day there was an announcement about new stuff happening. But stay tuned to this fall as more would be disclosed at that time. Now I will be there the opening of the FHF and I wonder if they will make some announcement then?
Quote from: Swoosh on August 25, 2016, 09:55:26 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on August 25, 2016, 09:01:25 PM
Quote from: Laroy on August 25, 2016, 10:16:29 AM
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on August 24, 2016, 09:12:01 AM
I still often wonder why SDC doesn't focus on new indoor attractions to help with capacity during weather and something to possible turn into a seasonal attraction for Christmas.
Same here. No reason not to. If it is too cold or lightning is in the area, I want more things to do than just ball pit, GM, FITH, and FM.
Shops, food, shows. SDC may not have the most indoor rides as other parks, but they still have more than many parks do. Isn't Cyclone Sam's the only indoor ride at WoF? And they don't have the shows like we do. I can't think of a park I've been to with more indoor rides than SDC.
Nickelodeon Universe ;)
How did you know I've been to Nickelodeon Universe? ;)
Quote from: Tmboote on August 26, 2016, 03:58:44 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on August 25, 2016, 09:55:26 PM
Quote from: Tmboote on August 25, 2016, 09:01:25 PM
Quote from: Laroy on August 25, 2016, 10:16:29 AM
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on August 24, 2016, 09:12:01 AM
I still often wonder why SDC doesn't focus on new indoor attractions to help with capacity during weather and something to possible turn into a seasonal attraction for Christmas.
Same here. No reason not to. If it is too cold or lightning is in the area, I want more things to do than just ball pit, GM, FITH, and FM.
Shops, food, shows. SDC may not have the most indoor rides as other parks, but they still have more than many parks do. Isn't Cyclone Sam's the only indoor ride at WoF? And they don't have the shows like we do. I can't think of a park I've been to with more indoor rides than SDC.
Nickelodeon Universe ;)
How did you know I've been to Nickelodeon Universe? ;)
Because we've talked shop extensively numerous times on Facebook messenger. lol
They should say something by fall. They must put something in place of world fest. If they dont announce it, they might not get all the business that loved World fest. They cant wait too long to say it or not say it at all. Now is the right time to announce a new festival. I think the sooner they say it, the better. It should be coming soon.
They're pretty busy gearing up for Christmas. I'd think a good time to announce an upcoming event would be after Christmas during the off season. It keeps their name and logo out there.
I'd bet money that they will announce next years festivals and events during early November when next year's passes go on sale - like they always do. They only do August announcements when something big is coming for the next year.
Quote from: shavethewhales on August 27, 2016, 06:38:53 PM
I'd bet money that they will announce next years festivals and events during early November when next year's passes go on sale - like they always do. They only do August announcements when something big is coming for the next year.
I forgot about the season passes, Shave. You're probably right.
Quote from: shavethewhales on August 27, 2016, 06:38:53 PM
I'd bet money that they will announce next years festivals and events during early November when next year's passes go on sale - like they always do. They only do August announcements when something big is coming for the next year.
I hope they're wrong but I was told today that World Fest won't really be replaced. The plan sounds like they're going to just expand the dates for the other festivals - mainly Bluegrass and Southern Gospel
^I suspected as much too. And I too heard chatter from people at the park a while back that supports this.
Sounds good to me. A new festival could have been interesting, but the Bluegrass and Gospel festivals bring the city back closer to its roots so I enjoy them. Especially the BBQ festival. Hopefully if they extend it they can also work on expanding the offerings. Right now the BBQ portion of the festival just means theres extra BBQ being served in Red Gold and some accessories for sale in the Frisco barn. Awhile back they were bringing in more outside vendors, which was really cool. I know it's tough for some of the smaller shops to send people to SDC for a month though. At least they could try introducing some more variety in the in-house offerings for the festival.
I think it would be cool if one weekend they actually had a BBQ competition.....
I doubt they'd go for it, but a BBQ, Bluegrass & Brews festival would pack them in. Have area microbreweries come in and sell beer to pair with the BBQ in the RGHH. The beer would have to consumed in there. I know WOF has been very successful with their BBQ & Brews festival and it has been expanded to almost every park in the chain now.
Quote from: Swoosh on August 28, 2016, 10:16:15 AM
I doubt they'd go for it, but a BBQ, Bluegrass & Brews festival would back them in. Have area microbreweries come in and sell beer to pair with the BBQ in the RGHH. The beer would have to consumed in there. I know WOF has been very successful with their BBQ & Brews festival and it has been expanded to almost every park in the chain now.
I agree 100%. But it is doubtful we will ever see beer at SDC. The Micro breweries that have popped up in the last few years produce some amazing beers.
Heck, just have Octoberfest with a Bier Garten. Bring in some classic German fair curcuit rides including a one time Olympia Looping engagements.
I don't think a park that promotes a Southern Gospel Picnic is going to approve a beer fest. I'd be surprised if they didn't stick a new festival in somewhere because after announcing World Fest's last seaon I got to do a survey online where they asked for survey ideas. I told them a native american festival (with dancing, crafts, demos, etc) or a Mark Twain festival would be appealing to me.
QuoteHave area microbreweries come in and sell beer to pair with the BBQ in the RGHH.
Swoosh you are right about this idea and If anyone considers the cost of beer at a park and the amount of foam you get in the cup I think intoxication would be cost prohibitive.
I do think it would be a smart idea. As far as the PTB having issue with drinking I can tell you that I am aware that they have consumed beverages and I believe still do. I am not going to get into it and I am not insinuating anyone drinks to excess but they are not tea totelers. Its am image thing. I would not want beer because of the adult element but shoot at $12 a beer not much chance.
Here are some photos of the current conditions for Project 2017 (Echo Hollow Upgrades). There is also a photo of the land clearing for Project 2018 in there for good measure.
It is alarming that you can see Indian Point Road from the back porch now. (granted you have to know where to look - but it's there)
Quote from: Duelist on August 28, 2016, 06:05:44 PM
I don't think a park that promotes a Southern Gospel Picnic is going to approve a beer fest. I'd be surprised if they didn't stick a new festival in somewhere because after announcing World Fest's last seaon I got to do a survey online where they asked for survey ideas. I told them a native american festival (with dancing, crafts, demos, etc) or a Mark Twain festival would be appealing to me.
I would LOVE a Native American festival; as much as I LOVE Mark Twain, if I had to choose between those two ideas, I'd go with Native American. But it'd need to be like World Fest in that more than one nation is represented and in an authentic manner. Can you imagine getting to meet people from all over the country representing their Nation and getting to see the crafts and try the foods that are unique to each one? Oh man, I love that you suggested that a NA fest to TPTB!
I think a Chili festival/Chili cook off would be nice. Hearing "Come try my chili, its the best around!" "No, come try my chili. Its 7 alarm goodness!" would be nice. Or it could be a hot sauce festival.
Quote from: Joy on August 28, 2016, 08:26:43 PM
Quote from: Duelist on August 28, 2016, 06:05:44 PM
I don't think a park that promotes a Southern Gospel Picnic is going to approve a beer fest. I'd be surprised if they didn't stick a new festival in somewhere because after announcing World Fest's last seaon I got to do a survey online where they asked for survey ideas. I told them a native american festival (with dancing, crafts, demos, etc) or a Mark Twain festival would be appealing to me.
I would LOVE a Native American festival; as much as I LOVE Mark Twain, if I had to choose between those two ideas, I'd go with Native American. But it'd need to be like World Fest in that more than one nation is represented and in an authentic manner. Can you imagine getting to meet people from all over the country representing their Nation and getting to see the crafts and try the foods that are unique to each one? Oh man, I love that you suggested that a NA fest to TPTB!
It could really be great, but it is difficult to book native groups. They really want to be well-compensated for their time.
Boy, you got that right Buff! Even right here in Oklahoma with a reservation in our back door, they charge a TON of money to come in and dance. It's crazy.
I'd advice to stay away from the Native American festival. As respectful as I'm sure HFE would make it....I doubt they could pull it off without firing off some type of political correctness agenda from one or more social justice warrior groups. It's sad that my mind goes to that but it seems to be the world we live in.
They get tied in with the Salute to Cowboys during Harvest Fest anyway.
Construction Update from this past Sunday
So have we heard what and when this is going to happen?
Quote from: t-n-t on September 26, 2016, 09:20:01 PM
So have we heard what and when this is going to happen?
I imagine we won't know anything "officially" until the annual citizens' town hall meeting where they tell all of the workers what is new for next season. Pretty sure that usually happens in October before the season passes go on sale
I am gonna try to get up there and get some photo updates Sunday.
Was unable to get up there but I will likely try again within the next week or two.
I'll be there the 23rd. This weekend is WOF
I can't believe there hasn't been more action. I know there's been a lot of tree clearing and work on the new bathroom, but with all the things supposedly in the works you'd expect to see more actual equipment on the coaster site, work starting on the entrance and parking lot, etc. I haven't been by to see for myself, but no one seems to be seeing anything obvious lately. Surely they aren't planning on waiting till January...
They should be done using EH for the season now, right? If that's the case then I imagine things will ramp up in there. Obviously nothing can be done in the entrance area until after the park closes. The parking lot project never really stopped.
Quote from: Swoosh on October 03, 2016, 11:05:33 PM
They should be done using EH for the season now, right? If that's the case then I imagine things will ramp up in there. Obviously nothing can be done in the entrance area until after the park closes. The parking lot project never really stopped.
I show that EH will run through the 23rd,,, then done for season,,, then I would agree with you, lots of stuff going on after that...
We are a few days removed from the Town Hall Meeting so it is safe to release some of this information now.
1. The big "push" for next year will be an emphasis on FOOD and CRAFTS
2. NEW Festival of Wonder will take place in Spring. (from what I have gathered, there will be a Cirque inspired show and some other acrobatic stuff). Wonder as in "WOW"
3. Expect Late Spring/Summer Festivals to expanded in number of days
4. Harvest Festival is changing its name to Crafts and Cowboy Festival (more straight to the point)
5. 2017 will be the last year for Globetrotters during Summer Festival
6. IN 2017 Park will be open New Year's Even and New Year's Day with special events planned
7. IN 2017 NEW "Christmas in Midtown" with lots of seasonal food offerings and lighting special effects.
So that was the official stuff - here's some of the rumblings I have heard...
1. Coaster is still for 2018. August announcement with teaser campaign to start in July.
2. Gate area will be for the most part untouched this off season - too many OTHER changes happening (some of which I need to sit on the info for right now).
3. Parking lots are being expanded again. Look for that "hill" at the back of the gravel lot at Stop 4? (can't remember the number) to be completely gone.
4. BIG NAME ACTS will be coming to Echo Hollow next season. YCW has just started announcing who is coming. Country Music Weekends is supposedly going to be amazing.
^Thanks for the info, Swoosh. All of the new things for next season really intrigue me.
1. I like hearing how the emphasis will be on food and crafts. Two things that are vital for the uniqueness of the park but have been lacking in certain areas the past several seasons.
2. Festival of Wonder...interesting. I'm not sure what to think yet. I'm wondering if certain aspects of the World Fest could be retained and tied in to this. Experiencing new cultures can give a person a sense of wonder.
6. This is pretty cool news! I might have to try to get down there to bring in the New Year at SDC!
7. Christmas in Midtown sounds really neat! It may help with some of the congestion being strictly on the square around the tree. I'm excited to hear more updates on this as the year goes on.
I am very surprised the gate is being left untouched this offseason when that has been expected and we have been talking about for so long. Also interested to hear more about the big name acts for Echo Hollow next season. It seems to be an exciting time to be an SDCFan!
#6- that will be interesting.. see how they promote it..
I checked next years schedule... as of today the schedule shows closed those 2 days..
Thanks for the info Swoosh!
Emphasis on food and crafts?
Are those "crafts" as in booths brought in from outside or craft demonstrations and lost arts?
Quote from: sanddunerider on October 22, 2016, 10:05:42 AM
#6- that will be interesting.. see how they promote it..
I checked next years schedule... as of today the schedule shows closed those 2 days..
None of 2017 additions have been made "public" yet - only been announced to the citizens.
I have some other interesting news but I was told I had to sit on it for now.
Will it be open this new years eve and day? 2016 pass holders get 2 bonus days?
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on October 24, 2016, 01:41:25 PM
Will it be open this new years eve and day? 2016 pass holders get 2 bonus days?
No. 2017
Interesting to see changes in emphasis once again.
Christmas in Midtown seems like it could mean the decmation/revitalization of midtown again (depending on how you want to look at it.) There's a lot of dead weight there that hasn't changed with the park, for better or worse. Obviously the tree house has just been waiting for a better use for that real estate, but what about the paint studio, old sandwich shop, and the other shop that I can't remember off the top of my head? It's kind of an awkward area, so I'm wondering if they're planning on opening it up and re-doing the landscaping from scratch. That's another thing we've been talking about since RiverBlast.
I just hope they keep/add to the interactive details of the area. If they take out the tree house, they'll probably get rid of the old ghost trap as well, but there's still the diorama and the "Don't look in this hole!" gag at least.
The Christmas in Midtown was always going to happen. Sounds like (at bare minimum) there will be changes to the pavement there so they can put in the foundations for the Christmas decor that'll grace the area.
Here's an update on 2017 projects (marquee, access road, EH restrooms)
I just saw SDC's official facebook page about 2017. I paused it on the "Christmas in Midtown" image...looks like they purchased/acquired the Jennings Osborne light's from Disney's Hollywood Studios!!! These were the lights originally on the Jennings Osborne home in Little Rock, Arkansas. SDC never actually said this, but it is VERY obvious by the renderings that they are indeed the Osborne light displays!
Quote from: DollarCityBoy on October 28, 2016, 04:23:36 PM
I just saw SDC's official facebook page about 2017. I paused it on the "Christmas in Midtown" image...looks like they purchased/acquired the Jennings Osborne light's from Disney's Hollywood Studios!!! These were the lights originally on the Jennings Osborne home in Little Rock, Arkansas. SDC never actually said this, but it is VERY obvious by the renderings that they are indeed the Osborne light displays!
Can this be confirmed by anyone? That would be amazing!! I liked pretty much everything I read on SDC's website for 2017. I am honestly kind of happy we aren't getting a huge new ride in 2017...sometimes it is good to focus on those small things that make the park special.
So are they expanding their Christmas Festival to make sure that they stay ahead of the new Christmas events in the area (especially Worlds of Fun)? Not that Worlds of Fun will be better than Silver Dollar City, but it is smart for them to advertise upgrades to their Christmas festival so people don't just think "oh, we went to SDC Christmas last season, lets go to Worlds of Fun this year"
Not sure how I feel about the Christmas in Midtown lights... I never saw the Osborne lights in person, but I've seen plenty pictures/videos from Disney World, and... I dunno. It just feels too gaudy to me. I mean, I know SDC is full of lights for Christmas anyway, but they've tended to follow the lines of the buildings and the trees. The biggest "display" outside of the tree has been the "Rejoice" sign on Lake Silver. But the CiM display looks like it's gonna look exactly like the Osborne lights, and it just feels like TOO much.... *shrugs*
Yikes, Joy! I had to youtube the Osborne Lights to see what you were talking about. Not sure how I feel about it either....could be a bit much.
Quote from: Joy on October 28, 2016, 11:50:30 PM
Not sure how I feel about the Christmas in Midtown lights... I never saw the Osborne lights in person, but I've seen plenty pictures/videos from Disney World, and... I dunno. It just feels too gaudy to me. I mean, I know SDC is full of lights for Christmas anyway, but they've tended to follow the lines of the buildings and the trees. The biggest "display" outside of the tree has been the "Rejoice" sign on Lake Silver. But the CiM display looks like it's gonna look exactly like the Osborne lights, and it just feels like TOO much.... *shrugs*
It's going to look like it ... because it IS it.
They will be contained to Midtown so if you don't like them just avoid that area.
On the bright side, (pun intended) if they do not remove the tree house they could do some neat things with it with this setup.
I've seen the Osborne lights in person twice. It would be awesome if this is true. Note the sections from Osborne are the structures the lights are on not everything you see in the videos. The actual lights them selves were cut down after the last year. So don't judge it too harshly. When I was at hollywood studios this was the only display that felt more like Christmas than silver dollar city to me. If SDC animated them the way Disney did it would be cool. But the Osborne lights did not start out being synced to music that came later.
I have seen the osborne lights in person. They are no more gaudy and intrusive than that obnoxious tree we have now. I say bring it on.
Former Disney castmember in me, and the skeptic... is there a confirmation of this somewhere or just a rumor? From what I heard from my friends when they took down the Osborne lights this last time many of them were scrapped. I'm also skeptical that the contract that Disney had with the family would allow them to be sold/ moved to a non-Disney park.
Met the family a couple of times while I worked there, and they were very proud of the exclusives and the packages that were done with that contract with Disney.
Edit- let me just add, if you are basing it on the video and the brief glimpse there, that may not be a safe bet. While those lights are similar, that is absolutely a photoshopped image and it not a photo of the lights from Hollywood Studios or their home. I have seen similar light displays to those in a couple of different places.
It's not been confirmed by the PTB but so far most of my sources are saying that the hardware is from Osborne's. Realize that the hardware was just the metal parts. Disney added the lights and yes they were cut down after last season.
Unless my Disney sources are wrong, the contract with Osbornes was terminated after last season making it a free agent
Well, the Christmas in Midtown lights are only adding 1.5mil, and I believe the Osborne lights were over 5mil. So maybe SDC got what was left over from the scrapped stuff?
I guess for me, I wasn't sure if it was the Osborne lights because I figured SDC would advertise them since it could bring a lot of Disney fans in who fell in love with the lights at WDW.
We have an entire year before they debut. They have plenty of time to reveal that fact.
Looking at the concept artwork they have all of the hardware there - the globe, Angels, Angel go round, Santa and Sleigh, tree
If there was any doubt how big of a deal this will be - they trademarked "Christmas in Midtown"
The Osborne lights sound cool to me, not knowing anything about them other than that they are Disney quality.
The concept art seems to show some new buildings in Midtown though? I'm still wondering if they are planning on reconstructing the area, and this seems to be a hint... Looks good though, I like the look of the buildings they've built recently so it could really help bring back the city feel.
Quote from: shavethewhales on November 01, 2016, 04:07:04 PM
The Osborne lights sound cool to me, not knowing anything about them other than that they are Disney quality.
The concept art seems to show some new buildings in Midtown though? I'm still wondering if they are planning on reconstructing the area, and this seems to be a hint... Looks good though, I like the look of the buildings they've built recently so it could really help bring back the city feel.
The concept art looks like it takes a couple of photos from the Osborne lights at Disney MGM Studios, adds in a couple of other light displays from something else, and adds in a couple of trees as well. It's a few different photos and images shopped together.
Here's a couple angles from it at Disney to show you what it looked like there (mine from when I worked there- not great though as I was using a lame camera and no tripod to take them)
I'm from Little Rock, I know the backstory.
Jennings Osborne was a philanthropist who owned a large estate on a main thoroughfare in Little Rock. During the 80's and 90's he had large Christmas displays in which to honor his daughter Breezy. The displays grew every year, and brought in thousands of people to drive by. The angels were some of his most recognizable displays and most loved. The neighbors eventually complained, and an order was brought against the family to remove the lights, due to the large volume of cars. The next year he simply put up one large angel, with tear-drops falling from her face. It made quite a statement, and I still vividly remember the 'Crying Angel.'
The lights were then distributed to the Arkansas State Capitol and Hot Springs National Park. The displays were in these 2 locations for many years before the Walt Disney company acquired them and put them at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
Jennings Osborne passed away several years ago, and unfortunately the estate went up for auction.
Wow, that was interesting! Thanks for sharing that story.
I noticed today that the EH bathrooms have been stripped down of the façade on the walls.
Edit: It looks like they are framing up concrete platforms all around for the supports
Yeah we speculate that the entire building will be gone before next weekend. The inside has been completely gutted already.
The new Christmas lights everywhere sure are cool at night. It wasn't too overwhelming, but there were a lot. I didn't want to do any of the festivities in the park until after Thanksgiving, but the people I was with wanted to see the parade and tree when they did that.
Quote from: dawsonrt on November 06, 2016, 09:52:02 PM
The new Christmas lights everywhere sure are cool at night. It wasn't too overwhelming, but there were a lot. I didn't want to do any of the festivities in the park until after Thanksgiving, but the people I was with wanted to see the parade and tree when they did that.
"Christmas in Midtown" will not premiere until 2017.
I'm sure he's referring to the fact that they have switched to led lights on most trees and many buildings. The "blurring" effect to your eyes make the led's look "fuller", even in bare spots~
Quote from: tinmann620 on November 07, 2016, 03:42:27 PM
I'm sure he's referring to the fact that they have switched to led lights on most trees and many buildings. The "blurring" effect to your eyes make the led's look "fuller", even in bare spots~
Especially during the parade. All the floats and costumes had the LEDs and it sure did light the place up. It does look fuller the most on the buildings therefore making it look "new". Can't wait for the overload next year.
I think it's the location for the Osborne lights that I question. I walked through Midtown this weekend, and the Hubs and I both commented how we liked the simplicity of it - lots of greenery, white lights on the buildings outlined with strands of solid colors. It's beautiful! And not crowded... I wonder if a better place for that light exhibition would be Fireman's Landing.
I heard they might be putting up false facades around the buildings that will be in place just for Christmas, but they will have to have massive steel columns that will be permanent... We'll see how that will work out I guess.
I'm getting pretty excited about the emphasis on food and crafts next year. That's something we the fans have wanted for a long time. You gotta notice that the park has been really good over the last few years about seemingly responding to some of the thing fans and long-time visitors have been asking for.
No signs of anything happening near or around the entrance area from what I could see.
Quote from: shavethewhales on November 15, 2016, 01:28:23 PM
I heard they might be putting up false facades around the buildings that will be in place just for Christmas, but they will have to have massive steel columns that will be permanent... We'll see how that will work out I guess.
I'm getting pretty excited about the emphasis on food and crafts next year. That's something we the fans have wanted for a long time. You gotta notice that the park has been really good over the last few years about seemingly responding to some of the thing fans and long-time visitors have been asking for.
No signs of anything happening near or around the entrance area from what I could see.
The columns won't be permanent, but the footers for them columns WILL be permanent. This is causing them to have to tear up most of the pavement in the area and redo some areas. I would imagine that a few things might have to be removed/tweaked to make room for everything that they are planning on doing.
Those that went to Coaster Christmas, was there any news on a new sit down restaurant concept coming for next year? I just have a strong hunch that Springhouse might not be "Springhouse" next year. Nothing to base the hunch on, just a gut feeling.
FYI: the EH restrooms are finally gone and the new restrooms finally have a roof
^ Thanks for the update Swoosh.
I don't have pictures, but the foundation for the old EH restrooms is gone now.
I'll do my best to get photos on Wednesday
I wonder if you can see the footers from TNT's queue now that the bathroom foundation is gone. It was impossible to get a good photo during Coaster Christmas, but you could see a whole bunch of concrete in place where we have been presuming the station will go.
I almost forgot to mention, but among the food stuff we got to sample for next year:
- Blueberry and cream cheese cinnamon rolls
- Pumpkin spiced coffee
- New openfaced fry bread with avocado and other good stuff
- Chicken fingers with bacon-infused dipping sauce
- CHICKEN FRIED BACON (with the same dipping sauce)
- Dessert cups with brownies and this odd sort of confectionery paste that was somewhere between ice cream and cream cheese
All of it was really good, but the chicken fried bacon was the most popular thing by far from what I could see.
West marquee sign is now complete
Update on EH Restrooms
More progress on the EH restrooms
well it is placed back in the corner very nicely.. will be nice to see after signage is in place
Well on our tram ride back, the conductor kept talking about the "new attractions coming in 2017" and how there will be a lot of new things in 2017. He also made a ploy to check their website and Facebook page for up coming attraction announcements soon that relate to the 2017 season.
Grain of salt on the announcement stuff.
I guess with the close of the season there should be some movement on the new entrance/exit soon. Unless those plans have been scrubbed. I have not heard any talk of it one way or another in a while.
There were no signs of work being done around the entrance this Christmas. If they were going to completely rebuild it as we were speculating, there would have to have been some sort of work already begun. You'd think with the new coaster coming they would have started on that, but who knows what they have planned.
All I know is that the current setup has been outdated and outgrown for a decade or more, so I'll continue to expect them to finally re-do it somehow every year until it finally happens.
I believe Swoosh said the project was pushed back.
Yeah the front gate isn't going to be touched.
Lots of things being removed this off season though.
Quote from: Swoosh on January 01, 2017, 11:33:46 PM
Yeah the front gate isn't going to be touched.
Lots of things being removed this off season though.
What should we be on the lookout for?
As we discussed earlier, the old treehouse is coming down. I think that's the most significant change that will be made to the park from now to season opening. They glossed over it when they made the new midtown lights announcement for next year, but it sounded like one of the big new displays is going in that spot.
Sad to see it go, but at the same time I'm ready for some useful development in that area. The treehouse is one old attraction that could not be saved, nor was is it really worth saving by the time they made the first "gutting" of the original play room. I'd love to see a new shop building added there.
When they take down an old attraction like this, does it all go in a dumpster, or could there be opportunities for fans like us to get our hands on some nostalgic pieces? I bought an old Frisco Silver Dollar Line sign that was salvaged from a train car in an antique store a few years ago. I would love to get my hands on an original Andy Miller piece somewhere if I could.
I remember reading on this forum a few years ago that SDC wasn't real nostalgic about stuff like this. However, I think there would be a small market for "SDC Chic" nostalgic pieces.
I rember watching salvage dogs I think they did 2 episodes when geyser gulch was removed and they had a lot of those pieces for sale
Quote from: Pudgy Jones on January 04, 2017, 10:57:22 AM
When they take down an old attraction like this, does it all go in a dumpster, or could there be opportunities for fans like us to get our hands on some nostalgic pieces? I bought an old Frisco Silver Dollar Line sign that was salvaged from a train car in an antique store a few years ago. I would love to get my hands on an original Andy Miller piece somewhere if I could.
I remember reading on this forum a few years ago that SDC wasn't real nostalgic about stuff like this. However, I think there would be a small market for "SDC Chic" nostalgic pieces.
Look for it to go to the dumpster,, The PTB wont mess with it the trouble of trying to market the items..
If they can get the publicity of a TV show out of it, that's one thing, but SDC isn't worried about a potential $2,000 worth of "collectible memorabilia" that pretty much only us weird fans would enjoy. You wouldn't believe what they throw away. The Geyser Gulch thing was a rare opportunity that probably won't come around again.
Quote from: shavethewhales on January 04, 2017, 05:53:36 PM
"collectible memorabilia" that pretty much only us weird fans would enjoy.
LOL! I think I take offense to that!! :o :o :o
Ha ha...some people want a Picasso, I want an Andy Miller! :)
WHATEVER happened to my cave anyway? Or was it just a dream?
Quote from: Pudgy Jones on January 05, 2017, 09:40:05 AM
Ha ha...some people want a Picasso, I want an Andy Miller! :)
That would be great though I'd also settle for a Russell or a Remington!
So... this is the first I've heard of this. Anyone know more?
have not heard anything yet, hard to believe this is all new to us.... ??? ???
I got an email earlier about this. It was almost like they were revisiting my seasons pass purchase asking me to spend a little more. I dont go to WW ever, the lack of shade is bad for my old skin.
I went to DW Water Park a cpl years back and it was very nice, but again no shade unless you wanted to buy a cabana for $350 a day not including admission. Come on guys...........
Try the White Water near Atlanta. They've got more shade than you'd believe. Its been a quarter century since I visited and nearly as long since I've donned trunks, but it looks about the same on satellite maps. It's like the extreme opposite of Branson's in the shade department. Ive heard the original Sclitterbahn is pretty shaded too. I think Hurricane Harbor has a nice mix from what I remember. I visited there with family and just lounged under a nice sunscreen they had up by the wave pool. What Branson White needs is a mascot. I nominate. ..([/URL]
Quote from: mhguy77 on January 09, 2017, 09:27:30 PM
I got an email earlier about this. It was almost like they were revisiting my seasons pass purchase asking me to spend a little more. I dont go to WW ever, the lack of shade is bad for my old skin.
I went to DW Water Park a cpl years back and it was very nice, but again no shade unless you wanted to buy a cabana for $350 a day not including admission. Come on guys...........
I buy the dual park pass, just so i can get additional discounts on the Showboat,,, LOL,, Have never been to WW, no inclination to go..
Quote from: Madtwins on January 04, 2017, 01:15:41 PM
I rember watching salvage dogs I think they did 2 episodes when geyser gulch was removed and they had a lot of those pieces for sale
Still have stuff for sale
Hmm..?? i think i see why that stuff is still for sale.... ::)
I got the times less than a week ago and I dont know how I completely overlooked that.
They dont have much shade, so if you dont want to burn, you have to wear a shirt. I always wear a long sleeve compression shirt because they dont allow lose fitting shirts on body slides. If you want shade, you have to find a chair under a free cabana or buy your own cabana for $100+. They have very few trees and I understand why. They want you to buy something or come prepaired. This makes more room for fun. To avoid crowding this thread with WW, I will post the rest over there. I had to post this here since others were posting about WW. Admin, feel free to move these.
Quote from: Injun Joe on January 09, 2017, 11:42:01 PM
Try the White Water near Atlanta. They've got more shade than you'd believe. Its been a quarter century since I visited and nearly as long since I've donned trunks, but it looks about the same on satellite maps. It's like the extreme opposite of Branson's in the shade department. Ive heard the original Sclitterbahn is pretty shaded too. I think Hurricane Harbor has a nice mix from what I remember. I visited there with family and just lounged under a nice sunscreen they had up by the wave pool. What Branson White needs is a mascot. I nominate. ..([/URL]
It's still basically San Antonio in the summer even with shade.
The Aquatica at Seaworld in SA had lots of shaded areas as well, especially around the aviary pool part.
Posted on their Instagram today
Quote from: Swoosh on January 21, 2017, 09:29:12 PM
Quote from: mhguy77 on January 21, 2017, 09:03:44 AM
QuoteStill looks like SDC. Trees. Buildings. Rides. :p
You noted Trees!! Midtown is getting the Osborn lights and changes would or are being made to support this during the off season. If you look at the art work you will note that there are many large things up in the air, this brings me pause. In order to have these things up you need clearence so you can instal it in the first place and for any animated movement. My suspision is trees and growth has been "adjusted" or removed for this as they probably would not do this mid season. What will this do to the shade and the character of mid town? Thats what I am interested in, this is a old area of the park that really captured the SDC feel. From Marys Spring house down to the woodcarvers (old toy shop) is sensetive and hopefully they have maintained its integrity and character.
This is probably more of a discussion for the 2017 thread, but I hope you weren't too attached to the Springhouse. I'll admit, I never ate there in all the years of its existence. Guess I never will.
We really spent more time in Midtown than mainstreet. We enjoyed eating at Mary's Spring House, candle making, fresh cinnamon bread, etc. But this area never seemed to be too busy. It will be interesting to see how much this area gets changed and what all changes are made. It will be nice if Big Al's becomes something again and do they replace the treehouse with a new shop or just remove it and leave the area open? Looking forward to March and getting back to SDC.
I've probably only eaten at the Springhouse once. What I'm curious to know - is it the menu that's changing or is the building itself getting changed? My main attachment to the Springhouse was the architecture/the running water/etc rather than the restaurant/menu itself.
Quote from: Joy on January 22, 2017, 11:16:53 AM
I've probably only eaten at the Springhouse once. What I'm curious to know - is it the menu that's changing or is the building itself getting changed? My main attachment to the Springhouse was the architecture/the running water/etc rather than the restaurant/menu itself.
From what I can gather ... both. It sounded like the place had been gutted. The main issue on why the restaurants in Midtown do not get the foot traffic is all of the main attractions and shows are further in the 'City. Nothing really draws people back to the square after the rope drop. AND if you ARE headed back up to eat you're headed to the buffets. Still think we need another flex theatre or coaster right up on the square to spread the crowds out.
Quote from: Joy on January 22, 2017, 11:16:53 AM
I've probably only eaten at the Springhouse once. What I'm curious to know - is it the menu that's changing or is the building itself getting changed? My main attachment to the Springhouse was the architecture/the running water/etc rather than the restaurant/menu itself.
they used to sell a heck of a salad there,,, big serving,,,
We eat at the Springhouse at least a few times we are at The City. The food is good and prices are reasonable. The Mill and Mine buffets are not worth the price anymore. Their food is onlyujust so-so.
We've always enjoyed the Springhouse and its cozy atmosphere. Ate there many times over the past 30 years.
We've eaten at the Springhouse multiple times, especially since it's one of the few places with vegetarian options. Hopefully whatever replaces it has some variety.
It really was kind of a hidden treasure. They had great stuff like Spaghetti in bread bowls. Unfortunately I was yet another person who forgot it was there because it wasn't advertised well and was tucked away behind things. When they put those wind breakers over the window you couldn't even tell if it was open for guests or not.
I wonder if the rumor about it becoming a mexican restaurant will come true. It wasn't mentioned at Coaster Christmas when they were discussing food, but they did say there would be dozens of new food options around the park. Could be a place for those flat bread things.
It would be nice if the new restaurant kept 'Mary' in the name somehow.
QuoteI wonder if the rumor about it becoming a mexican restaurant will come true.
fastest growing restaurant by type in the US
Quote from: shavethewhales on January 23, 2017, 07:02:54 PM
It would be nice if the new restaurant kept 'Mary' in the name somehow.
Maria's Casa de Primavera?
Quote from: shavethewhales on January 23, 2017, 07:02:54 PM
I wonder if the rumor about it becoming a mexican restaurant will come true.
It would be nice if the new restaurant kept 'Mary' in the name somehow.
That would be interesting option. ;D
The Grandfathers Mansion, Carries Candles, Historic Sullivans Mill anda Taco Truck.......fits like a glove
Quote from: mhguy77 on January 24, 2017, 08:48:58 AM
The Grandfathers Mansion, Carries Candles, Historic Sullivans Mill anda Taco Truck.......fits like a glove
LMAO!!! Taco truck?!!!!.
Dude, i am sure they will reuse the building, NO truck needed!!
I know it will not happen, but Mary's Springhouse would be a excellent place for the Upscale Coffee/tea house and roastery. I have wished for this for years.
Quote from: Runner1960 on January 24, 2017, 04:49:49 PM
I know it will not happen, but Mary's Springhouse would be a excellent place for the Upscale Coffee/tea house and roastery. I have wished for this for years.
It would be an even better place for a Mexican Subway (like Chipotle). Don't be shocked if that's what they put there
Quote from: Swoosh on January 24, 2017, 04:54:59 PM
It would be an even better place for a Mexican Subway (like Chipotle). Don't be shocked if that's what they put there
Oh, I hope not. That is one type of food that SDC does NOT do a good job at. Their attempt at Mexican food during World Fest was really sad. I love Mexican food, but would rather they stayed away from it. Especially since they do so well at so many other foods.
Marias World Famous Buritos "Hand Rolled"tm
Quote from: sirwillow on January 24, 2017, 08:35:17 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 24, 2017, 04:54:59 PM
It would be an even better place for a Mexican Subway (like Chipotle). Don't be shocked if that's what they put there
Oh, I hope not. That is one type of food that SDC does NOT do a good job at. Their attempt at Mexican food during World Fest was really sad. I love Mexican food, but would rather they stayed away from it. Especially since they do so well at so many other foods.
Do you honestly think it's fair to compare a small kitchen's output vs a dedicated kitchen's output? Asking for a friend.
Quote from: sirwillow on January 24, 2017, 08:35:17 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 24, 2017, 04:54:59 PM
It would be an even better place for a Mexican Subway (like Chipotle). Don't be shocked if that's what they put there
Oh, I hope not. That is one type of food that SDC does NOT do a good job at. Their attempt at Mexican food during World Fest was really sad. I love Mexican food, but would rather they stayed away from it. Especially since they do so well at so many other foods.
Swoosh is right, mexican food out of a crock pot, served during worlfest at the frisco barn, would be NOTHIN like food in a restaraunt.. AND you will have your favorites, and you will have some that you will never touch again.
I would also have to add, should they do a "Chipotle", I for one will not be eating there, They (Chipotle) have advocated for Gun Control, and They do not support The Boy Scout organization. I am enough of a redneck, those 2 reasons, keep me away from any of their stores.... Of course I dont do Starbucks either, for basically the same reason. Something the PTB, may or may not want to think about. :-\
QuoteDo you honestly think it's fair to compare a small kitchen's output vs a dedicated kitchen's output? Asking for a friend.
When The fall craft festival used to have different foods from across the coutry in the red gold they had southwest. I used to go specifically for this although the food was ok, they would give you a plate then send you over to a little salad bar that had olives, roasted corn salads and salsas. Now I am not saying SDC serves great mexican food but with the addition of good toppings you can really improve a dish. I would put this up against the cheap foot long hot dog with a yukon gold wrapped around then tossed in a deep fryer and not handed over till you pony up 9.50 with tax.
This condement bar really made the meal. Then they cut back after a few years and the condoment bar went away. I did as well. Then the next year all the food went away. So SDC CAN pull off a repetable mexican dining experience, but will they? SDC makes some funny choices when it comes to food, I have much experience in the food industry, mostly feeding large amounts of people quickly at special events so my views are not baseless. SDC used to have a Chef and maybe that wasnt so bad, it seems they need a fresh injection of ideas. Not only on what to serve but how and the pricing needs work. I still have yet to try crosscrads pizza, why? because they dont do it for one, reasonably. Missing the boat here. 1 large pizza 8 slices 16.00, cut that pizza into 6 slices and charge 4.50 a slice = 27.00. Under this plan I would have tried Crossroads the day it opened and SDC would almost dbl the income per pizza if sold by the slice. SDC misses the boat sometimes. So SDC CAN serve a good mexican lunch even out of a temp booth in the red gold hall, lets see what they do with a full restaurant. They CAN, but WILL they?
Next time your in the mood to "try" something different, go to Crossroads and try one of the Calzones, big portion, fair money, also their salads arent too bad either,
Quotetry one of the Calzones, big portion, fair money, also their salads arent too bad either,
I will check it out, you know I would lean to the calzome if they really made it unlike the ones they served at worldfest. The prefab thing makes me run away. I have the attitude that if institutional is my choice I will wait till I get to Branson and get a institutional burger for a dollar. However I will check their salads, I like a good italian or greek salad.
Nothin' says 1880's Ozark Mountain village like a chile relleno or a calzone!
Quote from: Swoosh on January 24, 2017, 09:11:39 PM
Quote from: sirwillow on January 24, 2017, 08:35:17 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 24, 2017, 04:54:59 PM
It would be an even better place for a Mexican Subway (like Chipotle). Don't be shocked if that's what they put there
Oh, I hope not. That is one type of food that SDC does NOT do a good job at. Their attempt at Mexican food during World Fest was really sad. I love Mexican food, but would rather they stayed away from it. Especially since they do so well at so many other foods.
Do you honestly think it's fair to compare a small kitchen's output vs a dedicated kitchen's output? Asking for a friend.
yes, I do. SDC is known for it's excellent food, and in general that is true. But there are exceptions. Most of the food sold at the Frisco Barn during World Fest was at least pretty good. The attempt at Mexican certainly was not. It wasn't just how it was cooked (btw- it was cooked in the kitchens then moved in the heating trays, not cooked in crock pots), it was also the seasonings and flavorings.
It was true also when they tried similar dishes in the employee cafe, where the food was also usually very good. (which according to your definition I guess would be a regular kitchen)
It's been very rare for me to find something to eat at SDC that I haven't liked, as the food is almost always excellent. But in various locations and times, they've struck out every time on their attempts at Mexican. Which is all the worse seeing as I love Mexican food.
Quote from: mhguy77 on January 25, 2017, 08:14:20 AM
I still have yet to try crosscrads pizza, why? because they dont do it for one, reasonably. Missing the boat here. 1 large pizza 8 slices 16.00, cut that pizza into 6 slices and charge 4.50 a slice = 27.00. Under this plan I would have tried Crossroads the day it opened and SDC would almost dbl the income per pizza if sold by the slice.
Crossroads is actually a pretty good deal when you have 2-3 other people with you to split a pizza. And it is all fresh made on the spot. Nothing frozen or preprepped/ prefabbed. They make most of them fresh to order, though they will make a few up in advance for orders coming in. It's one reason the lines are a little slow there, but it's worth it. The pizzas in general there are excellent, and we always enjoyed when we got calzones delivered to the train.
I do agree with you on selling by the slice though. Still not really sure why they don't, but as busy as it is, it's not hurting them much not to do it.
Actually miss when my son worked at Crossroads as we'd get "leftovers" sometimes. Very nice at the end of a long day. :)
Quote from: mhguy77 on January 24, 2017, 08:56:22 PM
Marias World Famous Buritos "Hand Rolled"tm
That sounds like a phrase that would be stolen from Taco Bueno.
QuoteThat sounds like a phrase that would be stolen from Taco Bueno
That might be the case if it was a place I had eaten or I watched TV and had seen a commercial but I do neither. That sarcasm is straight from my twisted mind.
Well since the Park released a photo I guess it's fair game to spill the beans now.
Much of Midtown area will receive faux building flats made of lights to make the area feel taller at night. The park posted a test section today on Facebook showing how this will work.
Interesting. They are really advertising this heavily far in advance. I'm excited for something new during the Christmas festival.
Well it looks good at night... Kinda strange when you notice the actual roof line, but that's not an issue in the dark.
I guess the real issue will be whether this will be ugly as hell in the daytime, especially since they'll probably be up for 3 months out of the year. Might have been a better idea just to rebuild the facades.
I dont understand the point. Maybe I was expecting something else. I dont understand why they are trying to make their structures look bigger. Maybe they need the tunnel effect for this to work night. Taller buildings with animation mounted on the real roofs?
If I were them, I wouldn't have posted that pic. It looks terrible (IMO), and I was looking forward to this addition. The way it is being executed has me worried; it looks cheep.
Maybe once the "bigger picture" comes into play it will look better, but that pic alone makes it look horrible.
I agree with you. It just seems like the wrong spot, why they didnt do around the lake with a show confuses me.
You could say there is not a lot of standing room down there but I would argue the same point with midtown.
Quote from: Swoosh on January 24, 2017, 04:54:59 PM
Quote from: Runner1960 on January 24, 2017, 04:49:49 PM
I know it will not happen, but Mary's Springhouse would be a excellent place for the Upscale Coffee/tea house and roastery. I have wished for this for years.
It would be an even better place for a Mexican Subway (like Chipotle). Don't be shocked if that's what they put there
Well......looky here:
Percy's Southwest Grill - Sounds like a Chipotle, Qdoba type place to me - I'm looking forward to this.
I'm more curious on how they're going to twist a backstory to explain why it is in the park.
Quote from: Swoosh on February 22, 2017, 04:56:33 PM
I'm more curious on how they're going to twist a backstory to explain why it is in the park.
Um. I'm guessing it's there because it will make a profit - not so much because it fits in theme, but a back story would be welcome. Make it so, SDC!
Well, as I recall it being told from his great great great grandmammy Marie, old Percy set out in 1862 to seek gold in the Arizona territories and beyond but came back to the Ozarks sometime later penniless and with a taste for more than just dusky mestizo ladies. So he set out to recreate from his likely hazy memory his favorite dishes from some of the many cantinas he visited during his time away. He's hoping the locals enjoy his tales from the trail of hunting gold and more, just as much as they enjoy his take on the great King Montezuma's preferred cuisine.
Sucks that Mary's Springhouse is gone, but this was something the park needed - in-theme or not. Very positive reaction on FB. I am in the same crowd that was wanting something that could be a little more healthy for lunch. Would have been nice to have just added it to a deadzone like GE.
Quote from: shavethewhales on February 22, 2017, 06:00:01 PM
Sucks that Mary's Springhouse is gone, but this was something the park needed - in-theme or not. Very positive reaction on FB. I am in the same crowd that was wanting something that could be a little more healthy for lunch. Would have been nice to have just added it to a deadzone like GE.
I still don't understand why there are no real food sales in that area outside of Liberty.
And I still have hopes for a "three-alarm" funnel cake at FL.
This is a very welcome addition!! My only problem with it is that it had to replace a restaurant. In my opinion, you can never have too many food options. Why did this have to replace another restaurant, instead of just opening this in a new location? Either way, I'm excited to try this!
Quote from: History Buff on February 22, 2017, 07:28:26 PM
Quote from: shavethewhales on February 22, 2017, 06:00:01 PM
Sucks that Mary's Springhouse is gone, but this was something the park needed - in-theme or not. Very positive reaction on FB. I am in the same crowd that was wanting something that could be a little more healthy for lunch. Would have been nice to have just added it to a deadzone like GE.
I still don't understand why there are no real food sales in that area outside of Liberty.
And I still have hopes for a "three-alarm" funnel cake at FL.
Are you talking about Lady Liberty? Look for changes there too. Heard they're no longer serving burgers at that location
Being autistic, I am an EXTREMELY picky eater. So looking at the menu for the new restaurant has me REALLY excited because of the level of customization available for your meal. It might end up becoming my favorite place to eat at the park.
Will miss the was good....better than the Buffets....too bad they eliminated a restaurant.
Hopefully its better Mexican/Southwestern food than the stuff they had at Worldfest.
Looks like a good addition. Fresh made to order food,instead of some buffet warmed over stuff. If they can reproduce the Qdoba or Chipolte experience it should be a big hit. It is just the location that is off the beaten path.
Quote from: sdcfan88 on February 24, 2017, 01:05:54 PM
Hopefully its better Mexican/Southwestern food than the stuff they had at Worldfest.
that's my big hope as well, as the "Mexican" food at Worldfest wasn't good- so untypical of food at SDC.
However, in looking over their promos and what they've released, this looks like a massive improvement over that in just about every way. I'm actually looking forward to trying this.
As long as they are fair with portions. My brother and I went to moe's when it opened in Branson and the amount of protein (meat) was so pathetic we decided not to go back. I look forward to checking value for the money. You dont make friends with salad as they say.......
I received confirmation that the TNT entrance has been moved. Instead of the switchbacks down the hill there is now a direct entrance just to the left of the exit path that has stair down to the bottom of the hill and then you enter the building like normal. They have put up what looks like a temporary entrance arch over the new path and the old TNT entrance arch is still standing, but no longer has the TNT name on it. Honestly it sounds like they just took the name board off the old arch and put it on the new poles holding up the sign.
The construction fence is now all the way behind Cannery Row and goes behind the old arch and then hugs the new TNT entrance path all the way down. You should still be able to get good photos from the TNT stairs leading into the station (for now) as they have not put up a covering there to hide the construction yet. (I would imagine it is coming).
Some conflicting reports on what they are going to do about the pathway down into Echo Hollow. As of now it looks like they are just going to use the "other" path down for wheelchairs. I imagine they are still trying to work out the logistics - which will need to be figured out soon as YCW is coming up quickly.
When you visit Midtown next week you will notice there are a lot of support "components" already in place to handle the massive facades and large structures needed for the Osbourne Lights. I was told it looks very empty where the tree house used to be. No word on if the Ghost Trap is still there, but I fear the worst.
I know I mentioned it before, but Liberty will not be serving burgers this year. I find this move strange, but it seems like they are streamlining things at the park with regards to where each type of food is offered. Lots of shuffling around of menu options to handle this new "year of food" that they are doing.
Sounds like the Saloon Show is the same show this year, but with a few tweaks. It of course will not open until "Not World Fest" begins. In fact live entertainment will be pretty scarce during Spring Ride Days. Doesn't sound like Sons of Silver Dollar will start until "Not World Fest" if not after. My source there said that it was still up in the air.
Regarding that thing that is happening over by TNT but no one seems to know anything about it. (wink wink) Don't expect the park to actually say anything about it until the summer months and then a very long and drawn out teaser campaign. The actual announcement date seems fluid at this time but plan for August.
Oh and even though this is Flooded Mine's Big 5-0, don't expect any hoopla about it or official celebration. HOWEVER, do enjoy a lot of the upgrades it has received this off season. The crew have been working very hard to make the old girl look the best she has in a long time. Lots of paint. Lots of new/clean uniforms. I don't want to ruin all of the surprises but I highly suggest a ride and do yourself a favor and just ride it without shooting your gun so you can appreciate how good it looks this year.
I think that's all for now. Looking forward to a great season
Thanks for the updates, Swoosh! Hopefully the Ghost Trap will make an appearance somewhere (maybe near the Mill since I've heard there are ghosts in there- LOL)
I've been told that the ghost trap is still there.
The new TNT entrance is something people have been asking for to get rid of the switchbacks, but the implementation leaves something to be desired...
Obviously the update was made out of necessity based on the construction of its new neighbor. I just hope they've thoroughly thought through updating that entire area with respect to accommodating a soon-to-be surge of patrons. That main path (running perpendicular to TNT, EH and culinary school, etc.) is already very tight in there. While I'm sure the new attraction will include an appropriate queue, you know TNT is going to see an immediate return to relevance just given its proximity to SDC's newest addition. When the lines for the new attraction are too long, TNT will be the default. When a group heads to the new attraction and realizes some or all cannot, or don't wish to take on the new ride, TNT will be the default.
If they are not accounting for that, this area is going to be an absolute nightmare in terms of congestion. I'm so thankful this side of the park is finally getting a major attraction, which will undoubtedly help with balancing overall park flow. I just hope they're thinking about the sudden influx of traffic this area is going to see and how best to update the area to compensate for it.
Quote from: BackInTime9 on March 08, 2017, 11:42:44 AM
Obviously the update was made out of necessity based on the construction of its new neighbor. I just hope they've thoroughly thought through updating that entire area with respect to accommodating a soon-to-be surge of patrons. That main path (running perpendicular to TNT, EH and culinary school, etc.) is already very tight in there. While I'm sure the new attraction will include an appropriate queue, you know TNT is going to see an immediate return to relevance just given its proximity to SDC's newest addition. When the lines for the new attraction are too long, TNT will be the default. When a group heads to the new attraction and realizes some or all cannot, or don't wish to take on the new ride, TNT will be the default.
If they are not accounting for that, this area is going to be an absolute nightmare in terms of congestion. I'm so thankful this side of the park if finally getting a major attraction, which will undoubtedly help with balancing overall park flow. I just hope they're thinking about the sudden influx of traffic this area is going to see and how best to update the area to compensate for it.
So much this. Spot on assessment.
Is that why there was talk of a "hub" area there? We formerly discussed food stands, etc., being removed from the area to open up a large area.
Quote from: History Buff on March 08, 2017, 04:33:06 PM
Is that why there was talk of a "hub" area there? We formerly discussed food stands, etc., being removed from the area to open up a large area.
Apparently that's still happening but the food stands are not being removed until later. I doubt they last the entire season though
Ok small update on the Tree House. They've removed the fake tree, bridge and the actual tree house. BUT they're leaving the structure that supported the hideaway portion of the attraction and have made a "porch".
If you go by the concept art for Christmas in Midtown, I would wager this is where the big Christmas tree of lights will go - but I don't have any proof that that is what they're planning to do with the remaining structure.
I'm told there's been a lot of little and big changes. We'll have a ton of photos to take next weekend. The new TNT entrance still sounds weird to me... They are going to have to open that area up one way or another eventually though. I wonder if the magic box is more in danger than the food stalls. I can imagine which one brings more revenue. They could move the magic box to GE.
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 09, 2017, 08:38:39 AM
I'm told there's been a lot of little and big changes. We'll have a ton of photos to take next weekend. The new TNT entrance still sounds weird to me... They are going to have to open that area up one way or another eventually though. I wonder if the magic box is more in danger than the food stalls. I can imagine which one brings more revenue. They could move the magic box to GE.
Even without the new ride....the Magic box is the biggest roadblock in that area. I'd image it's days as is are numbered. I'm sure if the new plaza area is true....they will have to remove it and/or relocated it. If the rumored theming of the ride is true it would make sense to keep that magic theme around the new ride. Maybe the goods it currently sells can be apart of the rides gift shop?
Be interesting to see if the TNT que change is just temporary this year. The plaza could change whatever was done this year next year.
The other concern I had about the plans was losing all the green picnic tables in the area. One of the few places in the park we could sit down as a family together (usually at least 6 of us) outside of a restaurant and the only place on that side of the park. We usually bring a cooler with lunch and it's tough sometimes to find a place to really take a break together and eat.
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 09, 2017, 08:38:39 AM
I'm told there's been a lot of little and big changes. We'll have a ton of photos to take next weekend. The new TNT entrance still sounds weird to me... They are going to have to open that area up one way or another eventually though. I wonder if the magic box is more in danger than the food stalls. I can imagine which one brings more revenue. They could move the magic box to GE.
It sounded to me like the only food place staying was the replaced big skillet and everything else (including the Magic shop) was being removed.
Quote from: Swoosh on March 09, 2017, 10:42:25 AM
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 09, 2017, 08:38:39 AM
I'm told there's been a lot of little and big changes. We'll have a ton of photos to take next weekend. The new TNT entrance still sounds weird to me... They are going to have to open that area up one way or another eventually though. I wonder if the magic box is more in danger than the food stalls. I can imagine which one brings more revenue. They could move the magic box to GE.
It sounded to me like the only food place staying was the replaced big skillet and everything else (including the Magic shop) was being removed.
The one and only salad stand at the park is around there too. Better hurry before it
I never even noticed it until my parent seeked it out last year when I took them. They were really impressed.
I can confirm the ghost trap is still in place. Also the green picnic tables are still present by the TNT entrance.
^ Yeehaw on the Ghost Trap info! Thanks
There's a photo of what's left of the tree house and the new ride station coming up on Facebook:
Quote from: sirwillow on March 11, 2017, 03:06:45 PM
There's a photo of what's left of the tree house and the new ride station coming up on Facebook:
I can't find the post with the tree house...
Quote from: tiffanylynnt on March 12, 2017, 12:01:16 PM
Quote from: sirwillow on March 11, 2017, 03:06:45 PM
There's a photo of what's left of the tree house and the new ride station coming up on Facebook:
I can't find the post with the tree house...
me either?
It was there yesterday. I did save the pic to show my girls.
I think they sniped it from the FB since the PTB don't necessarily want people to see what's being worked on in the park when they can help it. Doesn't really matter at this point though.
Doesn't look like any access to get up there
Quote from: tiffanylynnt on March 12, 2017, 12:01:16 PM
Quote from: sirwillow on March 11, 2017, 03:06:45 PM
There's a photo of what's left of the tree house and the new ride station coming up on Facebook:
I can't find the post with the tree house...
yeah, looks like it was taken down. I'm guessing that it was because it was posted a couple of days before the park opened? After Wednesday it won't matter since there will be lots of photos of it I'm sure. But I guess the PTB don't want it known any earlier than they have to admit it.
Quote from: mhguy77 on March 12, 2017, 05:50:36 PM
Doesn't look like any access to get up there
The old exit stairs are still there on the back. The platform will be used to hold the metal Christmas tree of lights structure
Oh man... right in the childhood :'( :'( :'( 💔
I am very anxious to see the midtown area next week.. and of course the new coaster area from a different view ::) ::)
QuoteI am very anxious to see the midtown area next week..
I am as well. I may try to sneak out next weekend to look around.
@MH, when are you going? i will be there sunday morning the 26th.. I will be at classic on thursday afternoon..
So, I have to ask...Is the Hospitality House entrance still the same? There was talk that the entrance was going to change to help with the bottleneck of people going in and exiting at the same time.
Quote from: Clint F on March 13, 2017, 05:58:30 PM
So, I have to ask...Is the Hospitality House entrance still the same? There was talk that the entrance was going to change to help with the bottleneck of people going in and exiting at the same time.
Yes it is still the same. Other projects took precedence over the front being changed.
Quote@MH, when are you going?
Either Saturday or Sunday. Just for a walk around and visit the mine.
I will let you know as we get closer
Quote from: Swoosh on March 13, 2017, 07:47:40 PM
Quote from: Clint F on March 13, 2017, 05:58:30 PM
So, I have to ask...Is the Hospitality House entrance still the same? There was talk that the entrance was going to change to help with the bottleneck of people going in and exiting at the same time.
Yes it is still the same. Other projects took precedence over the front being changed.
Thank you, Swoosh! I'm glad to hear that!
I'm not sure how many of you are friends with Brad Thomas on Facebook but he just posted an awesome photo of a new topiary of a crossed fork and spoon that's near the HH promoting their Year of Food. Very Epcot Food and Wine like
Just saw that on his Twitter. I like it a lot. Also looks like there may be some new signage around the park advertising the crafts and craftsmen.
It's the small updates and details such as these that really help to build a park up and make it what it truly is. Looking forward to 2017!
Yeah at least one new one by Riverfront Playhouse
The wooden fence behind the iconic SDC logo at the main entrance has been removed (by looking at some photo's people have posted on facebook). The rock wall is still there with the small arch opening, but the fence is defiantly gone. Seems odd that you can see thru, makes me think all of that will be removed at some point.
^Some of the theming is gone too... there used to be some mine track and a little mine cart that hung over the walkway as you passed through the stone archway. A lot of little things are gone - a continuation of the "cleaning" that has been going on for a few years now.
I'd speculate that it'll all be gone and completely changed in a couple years anyway when they inevitably re-do the entrance. Gotta be one of these years now.
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 15, 2017, 10:28:10 AM
^Some of the theming is gone too... there used to be some mine track and a little mine cart that hung over the walkway as you passed through the stone archway. A lot of little things are gone - a continuation of the "cleaning" that has been going on for a few years now.
I'd speculate that it'll all be gone and completely changed in a couple years anyway when they inevitably re-do the entrance. Gotta be one of these years now.
I was going to ask about the track and mine cart.. i think i got picture of that last year.. gone now? was hoping they would leave that since it was in the are 10-12 feet high. Not in the way.. too bad..
Quote from: sanddunerider on March 15, 2017, 11:49:21 AM
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 15, 2017, 10:28:10 AM
^Some of the theming is gone too... there used to be some mine track and a little mine cart that hung over the walkway as you passed through the stone archway. A lot of little things are gone - a continuation of the "cleaning" that has been going on for a few years now.
I'd speculate that it'll all be gone and completely changed in a couple years anyway when they inevitably re-do the entrance. Gotta be one of these years now.
I was going to ask about the track and mine cart.. i think i got picture of that last year.. gone now? was hoping they would leave that since it was in the are 10-12 feet high. Not in the way.. too bad..
Here's a good shot I found on Instagram of it:
That opens up the area quite a bit. Sad to hear about the mine cart theming...although I'm not surprised.
I'm usually against the removal of thematic elements but in this case I feel the removal of the ore cart is not s loss. I think this looks much better and I think they need to take it a step farther and remove the stone arch and wall. That would really help with guest flow.
Are the little tree's on either side new?
I like the openess of the fence being gone, but yes the arch needs to go,, really restrict flow of people.. Hope this year the little walk over bridge is open, or something new there to help with traffic too.; no need to walk to the east and then come all the way back around... just get in the same flow as people coming through the ticket stands..
Quote from: DollarCityBoy on March 15, 2017, 02:21:42 PM
Are the little tree's on either side new?
They were there in September last year; not sure about before that.
Quote from: sanddunerider on March 15, 2017, 03:49:24 PM
I like the openess of the fence being gone, but yes the arch needs to go,, really restrict flow of people.. Hope this year the little walk over bridge is open, or something new there to help with traffic too.; no need to walk to the east and then come all the way back around... just get in the same flow as people coming through the ticket stands..
See I think otherwise. I feel they should take the bridge out and make the water feature more prevalent.
It certainly looks better for photos - which I'm sure is why they did it. I agree that there's no real loss, but as always it's hard to ignore the trend. It would have been great if they had taken the track and mine cart and put it somewhere else, but I'm sure it was falling apart.
The stone walls need to go.
I actually think it looked better having the wall behind the logo. I agree that they need to remove the rest of the brick wall. I wonder why they decided to only remove that much of the wall? I would think it would've been easier just to remove it all. What is the reason that they removed the wall? Removing it doesn't help with flow or other congestion issues.
Quote from: shavethewhales on March 15, 2017, 06:46:38 PM
It certainly looks better for photos
I would disagree. Without the wall isn't there the possibility of having people in the background of the photo behind the logo? When the wall was there people didn't have to worry about anything in the background.
Kinda bizarre how they kept the archways, if they are knocking down the wall why not go all out and remove the whole thing?
Quote from: Swoosh on March 15, 2017, 08:49:48 PM
The stone walls need to go.
YEP! Looks "wrong"
Here's a picture of the tree house area. The hollow tree and bridge are gone, but he tree house platform just sitting there doesn't look very good.
2018 Ride / Echo Hollow Update
Treehouse Removal Update
Swoosh, those are some great pics of the super structure.. the close up of the different angle really bring it to life.
Looks very different from park side, rather than roadside.. I will also get some pics when I am there on the 25th.
Swoosh, thank you for the pics. Although, I think your link for the plaza is a link to the 2018 project.
I'm happy to see the Ghost Trap is still there. Not all things of the past have to be faded out!
Front Plaza Changes (Correct Link)
Thats better LOL,,,!! thanks swoosh.. Hope they "pretty" up the backside a little bit.. Looks bad for now, sorry to see the orecart gone.. was good touch to have one there , and then one inside at the restaruant too..
Restaurant changes update
nice update pics... signs in park look good, i was able to make a round the park between rains.. area looks nice...
Finally seeing midtown in person now and all our fears seem to have been for naught. Or at least they took our worries into account. No obvious supports or cheap false facades, but they did replace a roof and do a number of building improvements. The stuff for the christmas displays is well hidden under boxes and such for the time being.
The tree house being gone looks weird, but the ghost trap really stands out now and it is fixed up and working well.
^Would we not think that the facades are removable for the rest of the season and only installed for OTC?
Quote from: shavethewhales on April 08, 2017, 01:08:24 PM
Finally seeing midtown in person now and all our fears seem to have been for naught. Or at least they took our worries into account. No obvious supports or cheap false facades, but they did replace a roof and do a number of building improvements. The stuff for the christmas displays is well hidden under boxes and such for the time being.
The tree house being gone looks weird, but the ghost trap really stands out now and it is fixed up and working well.
Yeehaw! That gives me hope that the PTB do treasure the small things that make it SDC!
Quote from: History Buff on April 08, 2017, 03:41:29 PM
^Would we not think that the facades are removable for the rest of the season and only installed for OTC?
That was my thought as well when I read that above.
Quote from: History Buff on April 08, 2017, 03:41:29 PM
^Would we not think that the facades are removable for the rest of the season and only installed for OTC?
I was concerned that even if the facades were temporary, the supports and modifications to hold them would be garrish. That turned out not to be the case.
I thought it all looked nice my first trip through.. want to look it over again, with a little more time my next trip...
Off topic from the current discussion, but I read somewhere on TPR that they redone some track and replaced the steel wheels on Outlaw Run with the traditional polyurethane wheels? Apparently its providing a much quieter and smoother ride experience now. I will have to check this out when I go up on Wednesday hopefully.
OR was definitely quieter when we rode it during spring ride days
I really would appreciate it if someone would post photos of the old treehouse area. I would like to see how it looks with the treehouse gone. I am sad it was many fond memories of it from my youth and when I was assigned to work there in the early 1980s. It was a great attraction. Thanks in advance.
Quote from: Junior, too! on July 11, 2017, 10:54:56 PM
I really would appreciate it if someone would post photos of the old treehouse area. I would like to see how it looks with the treehouse gone. I am sad it was many fond memories of it from my youth and when I was assigned to work there in the early 1980s. It was a great attraction. Thanks in advance.
Here you go, Junior. I posted this in the 2018 thread a few weeks back.
Park Update:
-New location of the New Magic Box
-Engine No. 6 by the Frisco Train Station
-Repainted Flooded Mine sign
The train engine looks great. They have been promising to put one back on display for a long time.
Photos of the installation of the Christmas in Midtown
They have added a lot of framework since I was there a couple of weeks ago..
Swoosh you were busy this weekend, great pics.
I'm excited to see the pay off. Sure does gum up midtown with all this hardware all over the place, but I don't know of any other way to do it. I've been thinking a lot about the way they put up Christmas lights and how I wish there were a simpler way, but I haven't come up with it yet. I'm sure they spend a LOT of time thinking and talking about it.
FTR when it was at DHS, the hardware during the day was just as ugly. The payoff at night was definitely worth it though
Quote from: shavethewhales on September 27, 2017, 07:54:48 PM
I'm excited to see the pay off. Sure does gum up midtown with all this hardware all over the place, but I don't know of any other way to do it. I've been thinking a lot about the way they put up Christmas lights and how I wish there were a simpler way, but I haven't come up with it yet. I'm sure they spend a LOT of time thinking and talking about it.
No doubt the "payoff" will be awesome.. I hope the response by the public is what the PTB expect it to be.
Quote from: shavethewhales on September 27, 2017, 07:54:48 PM
I'm excited to see the pay off. Sure does gum up midtown with all this hardware all over the place, but I don't know of any other way to do it. I've been thinking a lot about the way they put up Christmas lights and how I wish there were a simpler way, but I haven't come up with it yet. I'm sure they spend a LOT of time thinking and talking about it.
Maybe next year, they could review the man hours it took them to set up midtown this year and instead of working at night or on days when the park is closed, they could just wall off that section for a couple of weeks and work around the clock to get that area done. That way people can enjoy that section as normal as possible up until the last minute. I haven't seen it in person to see how it looks, but fall is one of my favorite times at the City and I always thought the park was at it's best then.
Maybe next year, they could review the man hours it took them to set up midtown this year and instead of working at night or on days when the park is closed, they could just wall off that section for a couple of weeks and work around the clock to get that area done. That way people can enjoy that section as normal as possible up until the last minute. I haven't seen it in person to see how it looks, but fall is one of my favorite times at the City and I always thought the park was at it's best then.
I dont think it looks that bad, considering the end result.
Boarding off the area and closing it off, would look much worse.. IMHO.. :)
That would block off the wood carvers shop, Sullivans Mill, the candle shop...the hubs would protest blocked access to the wood carvers. It is IMO one of the prettiest areas of the park.
Quote from: sanddunerider on September 28, 2017, 11:00:15 AM
Quote from: cowboy on September 28, 2017, 09:36:36 AM
Quote from: shavethewhales on September 27, 2017, 07:54:48 PM
I'm excited to see the pay off. Sure does gum up midtown with all this hardware all over the place, but I don't know of any other way to do it. I've been thinking a lot about the way they put up Christmas lights and how I wish there were a simpler way, but I haven't come up with it yet. I'm sure they spend a LOT of time thinking and talking about it.
Maybe next year, they could review the man hours it took them to set up midtown this year and instead of working at night or on days when the park is closed, they could just wall off that section for a couple of weeks and work around the clock to get that area done. That way people can enjoy that section as normal as possible up until the last minute. I haven't seen it in person to see how it looks, but fall is one of my favorite times at the City and I always thought the park was at it's best then.
I dont think it looks that bad, considering the end result.
Boarding off the area and closing it off, would look much worse.. IMHO.. :)
Cool, I was under the impression that it really made that part of the park look bad.
Guys I love you - but for crying out loud stop screwing up the quote feature.
You have to have a "[ quote]" and a "[/ quote]" tag otherwise you screw it up. I get the want to only quote a certain part of the text but if you can't figure out the script thing you probably need to just leave the whole thing.
Here's a good idea - hit preview before you post, if you don't have the quoted part in a quote box, start over and continue to do so until you have that quote box. A good rule of thumb is DON'T DELETE THE LINE THAT SAYS WHO SAID IT ORIGINALLY.
So keep this line
[ quote author=cowboy link=topic=3538.msg72847#msg72847 date=1506629609]
[ /quote]
and you need one of these too.
Some additional installation photos of Christmas in Midtown
Quote from: Swoosh on October 27, 2017, 02:50:10 PM
Some additional installation photos of Christmas in Midtown
There's no excuse for people who "can't" find Midtown during Christmas. We may have to wear shades to walk through there.
I just about think those entrance trusses could stay and be decorated for other times of the year, as well. They may be the secret to getting people into that area.
Quote from: History Buff on October 27, 2017, 03:26:54 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on October 27, 2017, 02:50:10 PM
Some additional installation photos of Christmas in Midtown
There's no excuse for people who "can't" find Midtown during Christmas. We may have to wear shades to walk through there.
I just about think those entrance trusses could stay and be decorated for other times of the year, as well. They may be the secret to getting people into that area.
Shhh! That's the nice, old fashioned, quiet area of the park! Keep it a secret!
Quote from: Gilligan on October 27, 2017, 05:07:24 PM
Quote from: History Buff on October 27, 2017, 03:26:54 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on October 27, 2017, 02:50:10 PM
Some additional installation photos of Christmas in Midtown
There's no excuse for people who "can't" find Midtown during Christmas. We may have to wear shades to walk through there.
I just about think those entrance trusses could stay and be decorated for other times of the year, as well. They may be the secret to getting people into that area.
Shhh! That's the nice, old fashioned, quiet area of the park! Keep it a secret!
Not any more - at least not in November and December.
Quote from: History Buff on October 27, 2017, 05:25:04 PM
Quote from: Gilligan on October 27, 2017, 05:07:24 PM
Quote from: History Buff on October 27, 2017, 03:26:54 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on October 27, 2017, 02:50:10 PM
Some additional installation photos of Christmas in Midtown
There's no excuse for people who "can't" find Midtown during Christmas. We may have to wear shades to walk through there.
I just about think those entrance trusses could stay and be decorated for other times of the year, as well. They may be the secret to getting people into that area.
Shhh! That's the nice, old fashioned, quiet area of the park! Keep it a secret!
Not any more - at least not in November and December.
^^^^And for the record, that's how to use the quote feature.
Quote from: Gilligan on October 27, 2017, 05:07:24 PM
Quote from: History Buff on October 27, 2017, 03:26:54 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on October 27, 2017, 02:50:10 PM
Some additional installation photos of Christmas in Midtown
There's no excuse for people who "can't" find Midtown during Christmas. We may have to wear shades to walk through there.
I just about think those entrance trusses could stay and be decorated for other times of the year, as well. They may be the secret to getting people into that area.
Shhh! That's the nice, old fashioned, quiet area of the park! Keep it a secret!
Unless you want a thrill ride plopped down in there you better hope the foot traffic increases the rest of the year. JS
Some preview photos of the area all light up. I cannot wait to see this in person.
WOW!!. and thats just a taste of what we will see.
Very cool. This is exactly what they needed to kick the lights up a notch to stay on top of all the new competition. Photos never do lights justice, but this looks great already!
Now they need to upgrade the main tree again.
Can't wait to see it in person. We're going on the 11th where we'll probably be lucky just to find parking!! :)
Quote from: Swoosh on October 31, 2017, 07:51:08 PM
Now they need to upgrade the main tree again.
:D :D. Absolutely... new songs, new lights, new patterns...
Quote from: Swoosh on October 31, 2017, 07:51:08 PM
Now they need to upgrade the main tree again.
I really think Six Flags did a pretty awesome job with their tree.
Like that tree, thanks. The patterns are nice..
SDC redid the tree at the wrong time. The technology they rebuilt it with was kinda old then and wasn't all that impressive, and just a few years later it we were already calling for them to re-do it again. Didn't help that they slashed the budget for it at the last minute, or so the rumors at the time said.
It's just completely outclassed now, and the Christmas competition is fierce, so I'm sure it is on the schedule somewhere - maybe even next year...
They just need to call Michael Haygood and let him "handle" it.. His work with LED lights and programming is 1st class.. and is World Class..
He already has done and maintains the Ferris Wheel, The mountain coaster on 165, And Bigfoot on the strip.
He did this version of the tree too, if I recall correctly. He's literally done everything with lights in Branson. I'm not sure if there's even anyone else to call. ;D
Quote from: shavethewhales on November 01, 2017, 08:26:12 PM
He did this version of the tree too, if I recall correctly. He's literally done everything with lights in Branson. I'm not sure if there's even anyone else to call. ;D
LOL> Theres not.
Some more preview photos -- check out the entrances to the area. WOW
This is absolutely stunning, and I can't wait to see it in person Nov 9-12!
One question, sorry if it has already been answered....but will Christmas in Midtown be choreographed to music or is it a stagnant display? Even if it is stagnant, it will still be absolutely breathtaking, but i couldn't remember if we discussed it being choreographed or not. Thanks!
Quote from: Swoosh on November 02, 2017, 02:16:05 PM
Some more preview photos -- check out the entrances to the area. WOW
Just in case anyone might have missed these brand new photos on the previous page
Definitely looking very impressive. Can't wait to see it and film it this Saturday. Excited about what they've got. I have a feeling it will be a bit of a late night. :-)
the pictures don't do it justice. It was absolutely incredible. Possibly the best lights display I've seen.
If anyone would like to get a look at the finished product, there's a brief video on the SDC Fans Facebook page I shot on Saturday. I've also got a ton of photos on my photo site. You can see them at:
(start about page 7)
I'll have a full video preview posted to my youtube channel Tuesday or Wednesday. :-)
Got the video posted! it's "unlisted" until tomorrow afternoon, but since there has been interest here, I figured I'd post a link here for everyone. Several minutes of video footage and a few photos are at the end. It's not the best video I've done by any means, but hope you enjoy it and a look at the rest of SDC around Christmas as well.
Thanks so much for the video sirwillow! My wife and I likely won't be able to visit during Old Time Christmas this year so we really enjoyed what you shared with us here. Thanks again for taking the time and making the effort with this and sharing it with everyone.
The lights are as good as promised. So many people standing around taking photos and selfies, which I guess is the modern sign that they've done a good job. Grandfather's mansion and the bakery are very popular again. Only thing that stood out as odd was some of the music, which I think has been mentioned before. Not sure why they are going with modern Christmas music in the middle of the 1880's old time Christmas, but whatever. It's kind of weird when you go between areas and the classic stuff clashes with the more modern Michael Buble, but maybe that's just because I'm so used to the old stuff.
I think it would be better to do without the music. There's enough going on with people talking, the big tree on Main Street going off...we heard both at the same time Sunday.
Quote from: Swoosh on October 28, 2017, 12:07:05 AM
Quote from: Gilligan on October 27, 2017, 05:07:24 PM
Quote from: History Buff on October 27, 2017, 03:26:54 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on October 27, 2017, 02:50:10 PM
Some additional installation photos of Christmas in Midtown
There's no excuse for people who "can't" find Midtown during Christmas. We may have to wear shades to walk through there.
I just about think those entrance trusses could stay and be decorated for other times of the year, as well. They may be the secret to getting people into that area.
Shhh! That's the nice, old fashioned, quiet area of the park! Keep it a secret!
Unless you want a thrill ride plopped down in there you better hope the foot traffic increases the rest of the year. JS
Because you can never have enough photos of Christmas in Midtown
Great pictures... the lights are amazing..
Did anyone ever get a shot of the expanded lot 3? I finally noticed the construction is pretty much complete on my last visit. I'm sure it was finished early in the summer and flew under the radar. It is now mostly asphalt with painted spaces and stretches farther to the south. Still a drop in the bucket compared to the # of spaces they need and will need soon.
^ We don't have a picture but we did park in the newly paved Lot 3 during our July visit. a lot nicer without all the dust
That's my new favorite lot.
I got a chance to visit Christmas in Midtown this weekend. The lights are amazing. You could hear people audibly gasp as they walked in.
I have to agree with those who mentioned the music. While I love the lights, the modern, pop Christmas music 1) doesn't fit in with SDC, and 2) is way too loud. The music is so loud that it distracts from the lights. Plus, if you stand in the right places, you hear the music from the square and the music in Midtown at the same time...sensory overload!! That being said, it's a great addition and adds new life to the Midtown area.
Speaking of Midtown, Sullivan's Mill has basically been converted to a Cinnamon Bread store. A lot of the inventory is gone.
Quote from: Pudgy Jones on November 27, 2017, 08:44:05 AM
Speaking of Midtown, Sullivan's Mill has basically been converted to a Cinnamon Bread store. A lot of the inventory is gone.
We noticed that when we visited in the late summer. It's very disappointing, but I see how they chased the money in that decision. I'm not as disappointed in the inventory as I am in that we never see the actual working part of the mill any more.
The place is absolutely packed at night though - there's not much they can do. My friends waited 20+ minutes in line for some Cinnamon bread during Coaster Christmas. Just like with the rest of the park, there comes a time when they can no longer physically uphold the quaint tight quarters anymore because there are just too many dang people.
If Universal can figure it out with Potter World SDC can too
No more cutting through Midtown as a shortcut during Christmas season.
I'm ok with the Mill focusing on the Bread :) That stuff is amazing and I was fine with it not getting the foot traffic before as long as it stayed open. Afternoon and evening was a great time to stop by for a loaf but was always a crap-shoot on if it would be fresh (warm out of the oven) or even available. Hope they are keeping up with the increase traffic/demand.
"Good Weather" Saturdays during Christmas seasons have always been packed at night. Between the shows, parade, food stands, rides....crowds and wait times get ridiculous. Those few night hours on Saturdays have to be the craziest busy times of the year. The hordes of humanity that leave the park after the evening parade is insane. SDC at Christmas is magical, we love to go, but I've had a couple visits where the crowds really overwhelmed the fun..for example 30min wait to get overpriced hot chocolate while fighting for position to see the parade...then 45 min cattle herd walk to a car with tired kiddos isn't fun. If all possible go on Thursday or Sunday nights...or don't be scare to brave some of the colder (bad weather) nights to enjoy the park and hopefully missed some of the crowds.
I know this is a major nitpick and a bit off topic but I found the hot chocolate to be quite disappointing compared to years past. It used to be quite rich and creamy and it was a drink that you definitely got a good value for what you paid for. The two batches I got from two different vendors at Coaster Christmas was basically brown water with little flavor so it seems like they have cheeped out and decided to stretch their ingredients by watering down the batches as they probably think the average person (non regulars) won't notice. One major thing I loved SDC at Christmas was for the quality of their hot chocolate and sadly that was a miss this year. But Christmas in Midtown is impressive and is a must see in person type of thing to appreciate. Oh and on the flip side, the Wassail was as good as always.
Quote from: sdcfan88 on November 28, 2017, 08:09:32 PM
I know this is a major nitpick and a bit off topic but I found the hot chocolate to be quite disappointing compared to years past. It used to be quite rich and creamy and it was a drink that you definitely got a good value for what you paid for. The two batches I got from two different vendors at Coaster Christmas was basically brown water with little flavor so it seems like they have cheeped out and decided to stretch their ingredients by watering down the batches as they probably think the average person (non regulars) won't notice. One major thing I loved SDC at Christmas was for the quality of their hot chocolate and sadly that was a miss this year. But Christmas in Midtown is impressive and is a must see in person type of thing to appreciate. Oh and on the flip side, the Wassail was as good as always.
Cant be as bad as the Hot Chocolate that they serve at the Inspiration Tower after the drive thru lights...... (or maybe it could be)...LOL
Quote from: sdcfan88 on November 28, 2017, 08:09:32 PM
I know this is a major nitpick and a bit off topic but I found the hot chocolate to be quite disappointing compared to years past. It used to be quite rich and creamy and it was a drink that you definitely got a good value for what you paid for. The two batches I got from two different vendors at Coaster Christmas was basically brown water with little flavor so it seems like they have cheeped out and decided to stretch their ingredients by watering down the batches as they probably think the average person (non regulars) won't notice. One major thing I loved SDC at Christmas was for the quality of their hot chocolate and sadly that was a miss this year. But Christmas in Midtown is impressive and is a must see in person type of thing to appreciate. Oh and on the flip side, the Wassail was as good as always.
I haven't been this year but the hot chocolate I've had has always been pretty good. As for the Wassail....a recent youtuber reviewed SDC last week and mentioned that the Wassial tasted like hot kool-aid.....which I thought was a pretty good description. I thought it was like a hot Hawaiian punch and didn't care for it. Not sure if SDC's would be considered good Wassail or not but one was enough for me.
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on November 29, 2017, 10:13:05 AM
Quote from: sdcfan88 on November 28, 2017, 08:09:32 PM
I know this is a major nitpick and a bit off topic but I found the hot chocolate to be quite disappointing compared to years past. It used to be quite rich and creamy and it was a drink that you definitely got a good value for what you paid for. The two batches I got from two different vendors at Coaster Christmas was basically brown water with little flavor so it seems like they have cheeped out and decided to stretch their ingredients by watering down the batches as they probably think the average person (non regulars) won't notice. One major thing I loved SDC at Christmas was for the quality of their hot chocolate and sadly that was a miss this year. But Christmas in Midtown is impressive and is a must see in person type of thing to appreciate. Oh and on the flip side, the Wassail was as good as always.
I haven't been this year but the hot chocolate I've had has always been pretty good. As for the Wassail....a recent youtuber reviewed SDC last week and mentioned that the Wassial tasted like hot kool-aid.....which I thought was a pretty good description. I thought it was like a hot Hawaiian punch and didn't care for it. Not sure if SDC's would be considered good Wassail or not but one was enough for me.
I have had both year before last and that was enough for me. If it has gone downhill since then it must be terribly bad now.
Interesting to see folks having different experiences, maybe the concessions do have different methods for prepping their drinks? Where all did you get your drinks? Mine were both on the square.
Usually on the square for us. I can tell you there will be a complaint voiced if The Works isn't as good this week. We'll be there, Thursday night, so we shall see.
Quote from: History Buff on November 29, 2017, 04:51:55 PM
Usually on the square for us. I can tell you there will be a complaint voiced if The Works isn't as good this week. We'll be there, Thursday night, so we shall see.
Make that Friday.
I think it's all prepared somewhere else. I have seen them hauling the huge thermos dispensers on wagons before to the different stands.
Oh, yes.. it and the Wassal is made somewhere else in a central kitchen and dispensed throughout the park as needed..
Personally, I love the wassail. Last Christmas I bought the hot chocolate and it was very watered down and disappointing, I did not buy it this year, however.
I haven't reviewed Christmas in Midtown yet because I haven't had time. We were at the park the weekend before Thanksgiving, and wow. I was very very impressed. I didn't notice pop music because the area was so crowded and so many people were talking and oohing/ahhing so the music kind of got drowned out. I think SDC really did a top notch job with this new addition. When you exit Midtown onto the square now though, all lights there really feel kind of dull, even the ones on the tree. I think fixing up the square with a new tree for next year's festival should be a new priority for SDC.
Quote from: Coaster on November 30, 2017, 09:39:25 AM
Personally, I love the wassail. Last Christmas I bought the hot chocolate and it was very watered down and disappointing, I did not buy it this year, however.
I haven't reviewed Christmas in Midtown yet because I haven't had time. We were at the park the weekend before Thanksgiving, and wow. I was very very impressed. I didn't notice pop music because the area was so crowded and so many people were talking and oohing/ahhing so the music kind of got drowned out. I think SDC really did a top notch job with this new addition. When you exit Midtown onto the square now though, all lights there really feel kind of dull, even the ones on the tree. I think fixing up the square with a new tree for next year's festival should be a new priority for SDC.
They have needed to upgrade the tree for years now. They are using ancient technology. I actually avoid it if at all possible. Lots of better lighting and effects all over the park.
Quote from: Runner1960 on November 29, 2017, 03:48:59 PM
Quote from: HumphreyHawk on November 29, 2017, 10:13:05 AM
Quote from: sdcfan88 on November 28, 2017, 08:09:32 PM
I know this is a major nitpick and a bit off topic but I found the hot chocolate to be quite disappointing compared to years past. It used to be quite rich and creamy and it was a drink that you definitely got a good value for what you paid for. The two batches I got from two different vendors at Coaster Christmas was basically brown water with little flavor so it seems like they have cheeped out and decided to stretch their ingredients by watering down the batches as they probably think the average person (non regulars) won't notice. One major thing I loved SDC at Christmas was for the quality of their hot chocolate and sadly that was a miss this year. But Christmas in Midtown is impressive and is a must see in person type of thing to appreciate. Oh and on the flip side, the Wassail was as good as always.
I haven't been this year but the hot chocolate I've had has always been pretty good. As for the Wassail....a recent youtuber reviewed SDC last week and mentioned that the Wassial tasted like hot kool-aid.....which I thought was a pretty good description. I thought it was like a hot Hawaiian punch and didn't care for it. Not sure if SDC's would be considered good Wassail or not but one was enough for me.
I have had both year before last and that was enough for me. If it has gone downhill since then it must be terribly bad now.
Agree on both drinks - no longer good!. I think the wassail tastes like red hots in water and hot chocolate is watery, but it beats $6.44 a cup at the Showboat's loading platform. :o
Quote from: sdcfan88 on November 28, 2017, 08:09:32 PM
I know this is a major nitpick and a bit off topic but I found the hot chocolate to be quite disappointing compared to years past. It used to be quite rich and creamy and it was a drink that you definitely got a good value for what you paid for. The two batches I got from two different vendors at Coaster Christmas was basically brown water with little flavor so it seems like they have cheeped out and decided to stretch their ingredients by watering down the batches as they probably think the average person (non regulars) won't notice. One major thing I loved SDC at Christmas was for the quality of their hot chocolate and sadly that was a miss this year. But Christmas in Midtown is impressive and is a must see in person type of thing to appreciate. Oh and on the flip side, the Wassail was as good as always.
I whole heartedly agree! The one cup I got was gritty and so sweet it made me sick. I ended up giving it to my Kids who loves it because...Kids. But I guarantee I won't be buying any more when we go on the 16th.
Hmm? Maybe mix the Wassail with a little Fireball? :o :o
Quote from: sanddunerider on December 01, 2017, 11:49:28 AM
Hmm? Maybe mix the Wassail with a little Fireball? :o :o
Quote from: Gilligan on December 01, 2017, 02:33:41 PM
Quote from: sanddunerider on December 01, 2017, 11:49:28 AM
Hmm? Maybe mix the Wassail with a little Fireball? :o :o
My wife has actually found mixing the wassail with the cinnamon moonshine from Smith Creek on the Landing to be the better choice.
My wife has actually found mixing the wassail with the cinnamon moonshine from Smith Creek on the Landing to be the better choice.
I have some of that in the freezer also.... LOL
Quote from: Gilligan on December 01, 2017, 02:33:41 PM
Quote from: sanddunerider on December 01, 2017, 11:49:28 AM
Hmm? Maybe mix the Wassail with a little Fireball? :o :o
Ill JUst take the Fireball please. No need to dilute it :P :P
Quote from: Runner1960 on December 04, 2017, 12:53:07 PM
Quote from: Gilligan on December 01, 2017, 02:33:41 PM
Quote from: sanddunerider on December 01, 2017, 11:49:28 AM
Hmm? Maybe mix the Wassail with a little Fireball? :o :o
Ill JUst take the Fireball please. No need to dilute it :P :P
lol....the day that SDC starts selling fireball at the park is the day either the traditional SDC dies....or maybe an argument could be made that would actually be a more realistic view of the
lol....the day that SDC starts selling fireball at the park is the day either the traditional SDC dies....or maybe an argument could be made that would actually be a more realistic view of the
Maybe they should rethink the inventory at the saloon :o :o