As some might know Dollywood decided to retrack and overhaul parts of Mystery Mine along with Lightning Rod over the off season. Unfortunately, its looking like they actually neutered the ride on the first outdoor segment. The big 90 degree drop off the trestle and the vertical horseshoe turn appears to be removed and replaced with a left turn drop and partial helix with trims into the next indoor segment of the ride. This also appears to shorten the ride experience a bit too.
New Layout:
Old (original):
It was one of my favorite rides at the park. I didn't think the element was that bad unless there was some structural stress that caused a potential issue with insurance/OSHA that forced them to change it.
Very interesting how DW has been so focused on fixing up their coasters this year. Blazing Fury also got some attention apparently.
I'm pretty meh on this. I don't think this looks like an improvement to the ride experience, but I understand they likely did it for maintenance reasons such as stress on the trains. It was also a point of complaint for some, since it could cause headbanging. I personally liked it well enough, but the best parts of this ride are still the beginning and end by far. This section has always been filler.
Must be nice