Well, I guess I'm the new kid on the block I've been going to SDC every year literally my entire life! Try to make it at least twice a year when possible. Anyway, I love following all the news and discussions on this great site! As far as the subject of SDC property goes, I may be able to shed a little light on the subject. I work in real estate in Louisiana and sometimes my job takes me out of state and I have to say the Stone County Assessor's office has one of the best GIS systems in use. It's completely free and open to the public. Just go to http://www.stonecomogis.com/stone/ This should pull up a map of Stone county. From there you can zoom, pan and identify tracts of land within the county with property lines very well defined.
Taney County also has a very intuitive GIS mapping service open to the public. Go to http://beacon.schneidercorp.com/?site=TaneyCountyMO Follow the prompts and you're on you way!
Taney County also has a very intuitive GIS mapping service open to the public. Go to http://beacon.schneidercorp.com/?site=TaneyCountyMO Follow the prompts and you're on you way!