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Messages - SDC-BMW

Branson Talk / Re: Branson Strip 2020
July 07, 2020, 08:40:05 PM
veterans memorial museum is vastly underrated....agreed. I could spend hours in there with my dad. Great place to go. And the Mountain Coaster on 165 is good to go. Hit Dana’s down the road after for some pork bbq nachos or a bbq baked stuffed potato. There is a lot to do if you plan stuff out. We are a couple in our 50’s.
Love these videos guys. Keep it up. Visiting with family Saturday!
Easy fix, Have the PTB take turns riding in the last car on each train. Bottom of Helix. That will fix the “accelorometer talking point” . Just fix that section. I love this ride and will ride again as is but dang it hurts.
Last car ride on Saturday. It was bad but I won't stop riding. The bruise on my right side will heal, right?
Agree with above. Rode it yesterday and we were all quite pleased. Everything worked and sounded nice. One of the rides that everyone that gets off of seems super happy. Laughter and smiles every time since I've been riding, 1976.
Quote from: sanddunerider on March 26, 2019, 08:56:22 PM
Quote from: mhguy77 on March 26, 2019, 06:30:19 PM
QuoteLots of changes around the park.  The first happens even before you enter the front gates.  Large sections of pavement have been replaced with concrete around the water clock plaza.

Appreciate the post Swoosh!

I am not a fan of the concrete look.  I know replacing this is a money issue and probably a safety issue to some extent but I really like the look of the blacktop.  Maybe because its always fresh looking.  It sets the photos off and the look of the older part of the park,  I hate to see it go.  What do you guys think?  Is it me ?

I sell concrete. It's my living but I don't like the look either. Takes away from 1880, the dark pavement looked less standoutish.

They could have at least "stamped" the concrete and maybe added color...  make it look like bricks, or sand stone or something other than a slab of concrete....
Quote from: sirwillow on March 14, 2019, 06:25:28 PM
Photos from today are all posted.  I just did a real quick passthrough on them- a few crops and that's about it.  You can see everything- lots of construction, but also a good number around the park as well- on my photo site at:https://sirwillow.smugmug.com/Amusement-Parks-Roller/Silver-Dollar-City/14-March-2019-Opening-Week/
I'm in the process of rendering the video now, so I'm actually optimisted that I may have it posted and live in about an hour and a half to 2 hours.  Depending on how fast my computer decides to work.  :-)

Great pictures!
Magazine subs went bye bye. I called an asked. They are no more.
Branson Talk / Re: Starlite Theatre - No more
December 16, 2018, 09:58:36 PM
The Veterans museum is a must see also. My dad was blown away.
Make this a 'sticky" post please so we remember to vote daily.
Testy moderators and posters(one comes to mind) can damper this board. Food for thought. Not so welcoming to post.
Quote from: Pintrader on August 26, 2018, 08:52:05 PM
Here is a slide/picture from 1968 of The Volunteer Fire Station at SDC.  Can anyone tell me what is located there today and using the same building with a few modifications.

Knife Shop?
General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: TNT
August 15, 2018, 12:20:10 AM
Suck it up. It's a thrill ride.  8)
General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: Train robbery
June 29, 2018, 09:56:06 PM
Yep. Talked to a long time worker yesterday and they replaced the guns with slingshots on mainstreet .Probably old news here.
Thank you. I know right we're that is