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SDC's 2011 Project

Started by shavethewhales, November 03, 2009, 09:45:40 PM

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I understand your frustration. But despite SDC's huge profitability, major renovations have only been coming every other year. No surprise here.. and yet what SDC already has is totally worth it to me...then again, I have weekends off and live close. Maybe I get more bang for my buck :)
"I'm not an extraordinary man. But when I put my mind to it,
I'm like Hercules meets Michael Bolton. I can go the distance"



^^^Don't be such a downer. Yes, it's a smaller addition than what they've added in some years - that just leaves more for next year. This isn't the official announcement, we've repeatedly been told that the big announcement will come Nov. 6 when the passes go on sale. I'm suer there will be plenty of enthusiasm on both SDC's and the GP's part.

Obviously, SDC saw that they had a gap in their offerings, and this addition is going to meet that. Not a lot of parks offer a whole lot for small kids. I don't know about you, but I'm extremely happy to see them bring back these concepts - it sounds like it's going to be extremely fun for these kids.


I'm betting the webmaster jumped the gun a bit in updating the website. I imagine there'll probably be a nice news release, a couple good concept art images, and heck, maybe they'll have a separate site to advertise, like they did with the Giant Barn Swing.

And I am EXCITED about this. Sure, I ain't 7, but I have a 2 1/2 year old niece and I am THRILLED with the idea of taking her next year to experience the new area! Especially since she never got to experience Huck Finn's Hideaway or the ropes/etc at Tom Sawyer's Landing. My 7-year-old nephew got to experience both back when he was my niece's age, and I'm sure he'll be uber-excited about Half Dollar Holler, too.

I find great enjoyment in living vicariously through my niece and nephews. It fills me with joy to see THEM filled with joy as they run about, not a care in the world.


Quote from: mhguy77 on October 28, 2010, 10:14:08 PM
Complete 100% letdown.

Perhaps, but I think it was a pretty obvious addition.
It's not as if the park didn't give enough clues this off season that it was coming.

I don't get the "shock" of some of you posters.

Ozark Outlaw

So basically we have a perfectly good (albeit closed down) tree, and tree house just around the bend, and yet they are going to build another small tree house? Eh, I'm luke warm at the moment about the attraction. I will have to see it after it is built before I completely disown it. ;)


Although this new addition won't do anything for me, I'm not bothered by it at all. The park was lacking an area for small kids ever since the treehouse was closed down and I like that SDC noticed.

You say a big announcement will be coming on November 6th? Do you think it will just be concept art and a press release like Joy said, or do you think SDC has more up their sleeves?
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City..."

Ozark Outlaw

Quote from: Nate65807 on October 29, 2010, 01:08:07 AM
Quote from: Ozark BBQ on October 29, 2010, 12:22:46 AM
So basically we have a perfectly good (albeit closed down) tree, and tree house just around the bend, and yet they are going to build another small tree house?

I thought they were gonna restore the exsiting tree. Why Hollow out another perfectly good tree, or clear out real trees to make room for a fiberglass tree wanna be? Epic Fail!

Well to be fair, the tree trunk at the original tree house was also not made from a real tree. Instead it was made out concrete I believe? I cannot remember precisely. However, I do understand where you are coming from about how this appears to be another cheap cookie cutter style attraction. :)


Yeah, Ozark BBQ you're right...the original one wasn't a real tree either...it would be dead by now if it was, lol :)
"I'm not an extraordinary man. But when I put my mind to it,
I'm like Hercules meets Michael Bolton. I can go the distance"


Quote from: Ozark BBQ on October 29, 2010, 12:22:46 AM
So basically we have a perfectly good (albeit closed down) tree, and tree house just around the bend, and yet they are going to build another small tree house? Eh, I'm luke warm at the moment about the attraction. I will have to see it after it is built before I completely disown it. ;)

What's perfectly good about it? It's dilapidated, non-ADA accessible, had very low capacity, and is structurally unsound (apparently). We all have good memories of it from back in the good ole' days, but there's no way they could fix that thing to meet the demands of their current customers. This project gives the kids of today a chance to have the same SDC experiences we all cherish from our childhood.

There's no 'Epic Fail' about it. There's no way this is cheap or a cookie cutter attraction. What other parks have things like this? Just wait till you see it in person.


Quote from: shavethewhales on October 29, 2010, 09:29:13 AM
What's perfectly good about it? It's dilapidated, non-ADA accessible, had very low capacity, and is structurally unsound (apparently). We all have good memories of it from back in the good ole' days, but there's no way they could fix that thing to meet the demands of their current customers. This project gives the kids of today a chance to have the same SDC experiences we all cherish from our childhood.

There's no 'Epic Fail' about it. There's no way this is cheap or a cookie cutter attraction. What other parks have things like this? Just wait till you see it in person.

Sadly we live in a disposable society where we would rather build something new than repair/restore what is already there.

I'm not saying that the new attraction won't be good, I can't judge something that isn't built yet. If it is made of plastic or fiberglass with fake looking colors, I may be disappointed. I have faith that SDC is better than all of that and it looks really cool from the website you posted though :)

However, if something new must be built, why not at least clear out defunct attractions so that something new can be put there instead of having a defunct attraction graveyard?
"I'm not an extraordinary man. But when I put my mind to it,
I'm like Hercules meets Michael Bolton. I can go the distance"


Guys and Gals...

I am an old man. I don't do rides much anymore. I still ride my old favorites FITH, AP, the train, FM and LRoTO. The last real roller coaster I rode at SDC was Buzzsaw Falls in 2002. This was my first year back, and I just didn't feel like waiting in line. I last rode TNT in 1995.

I have 3 kids, 14, 13, and 7. My little girl will love this area.

Some of you are getting all wound up about the fact that there is no major ride this year.

When I was little, there was hardly ever a new ride. I remember when AP (81) , LRoTO (84) and the wilderness watterboggans (87) opened. Back then it was one addition every 3 years, so why get so uptight about them only making a small investment this year?


Half Dollar Holler sounds OK to me! My grandkids will love it. Sounds like they are not going to hack down too many trees, and it will be a relatively small area of development. A million dollar investment is pretty small, too. I just hope and pray the old treehouse does not get torn down. I hope it will eventually be restored and reopened. I would think that would be a million dollar or less fix. (By the way the tree at the old treehouse is made of concrete.)
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


I am excited for this. No its not a big fancy ride geared yet again towards the older crowd, my kiddo has a hard time on the RB due to him being little, but he still has fun. This will be somethin for those who cant ride any rides or very little rides due to height. Its not what we wanted at the moment. I think we all sat around building up in our minds this grand and fabulous ride and got let down. Its not that bad an idea. Its kinda a Treehouse compromise. No its not OUR treehouse but its an all new fantastic updated memory for a new set of kids. I cant wait to climb with my kid and have a hoot'n good time with him.

Oh and notice in the ad that it said ONE entry way. Hmmmmm hope the one entry way doesnt become too congested with all the in and out traffic. And if it is ADA approved (which is fantasic) and kids pushing around and shoving thru when another child is trying to wheel chair it..........I guess we will see.
The smell of asphalt and butane says home!


Well I'm sure  Half-Dollar Holler will be great in its own right.  Like Ozark BBQ, I am lukewarm about it.  I'll have to wait and see after it is built.  If Half-Dollar Holler is all we get for 2011, then I wish they kept the  waterboggin for one more season so we could still enjoy it a little bit longer.  :-\