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SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments

Started by Swoosh, June 17, 2016, 12:24:35 PM

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We have actually said that abbreviation alot on this site.


I had the day off and decided to take a drive to Branson.  At the end of my mess around day I drove out to SDC to see what I could see.  My Jaw dropped, I took pics with my iphone but it was not focusing at all.  Basically where the had built a little road and curved it around to the right they have now taken that entire hill out. You look from the gates on indian point directly ( allarmingly closly) to the back of the CCS.  The huge footers are being dug right behind echo hollow stage.  I  was really taken back by what I was looking at.  I am the local SDC tree hugger and it really bothered me. It looks clear cut ot me.  I would encourage you if you are out to drive by, Its not pretty at all


Thanks, MH!  That's not encouraging at all, is it?


QuoteThanks, MH!  That's not encouraging at all, is it?
I am sorry to sound so negative but they are doing something that I am afraid will be too big for the area.  THe intimacy is gone.  Maybe this is an old thing that nobody cares about but the clear cutting bothers me and they dont seem to be motivated ( Wildfire) to try to replace what they lost.  Maybe they will put up a great building and nobody will notice that SDC is not in the woods anymore.


Are you talking about this little hill? https://www.google.com/maps/@36.6687914,-93.3357991,3a,75y,318.51h,80.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syHP2154DK9eulZYyrEcKXQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Surprising that they would be leveling back there, but they have been moving dirt back and forth and maybe they are taking from the hill to fill in where they need to.

I doubt they will fill much in with trees. Just like Wildfire, its' too much of a liability to have trees anywhere close to a train going 50+ MPH. Plus you have to consider the birds and other wildlife that come closer when there is tree cover. Ideally they would get more creative with the designs and keep the track higher off the ground, but that is a lot of extra cost.


Quote from: mhguy77 on January 07, 2017, 07:52:00 PM
QuoteThanks, MH!  That's not encouraging at all, is it?
I am sorry to sound so negative but they are doing something that I am afraid will be too big for the area.  THe intimacy is gone.  Maybe this is an old thing that nobody cares about but the clear cutting bothers me and they dont seem to be motivated ( Wildfire) to try to replace what they lost.  Maybe they will put up a great building and nobody will notice that SDC is not in the woods anymore.

I agree with you.  That is truly a shame.  I don't want to see the park until I'm in it.  The intimacy is what makes it special.


Quote from: mhguy77 on January 07, 2017, 06:51:10 PM
I had the day off and decided to take a drive to Branson.  At the end of my mess around day I drove out to SDC to see what I could see.  My Jaw dropped, I took pics with my iphone but it was not focusing at all.  Basically where the had built a little road and curved it around to the right they have now taken that entire hill out. You look from the gates on indian point directly ( allarmingly closly) to the back of the CCS.  The huge footers are being dug right behind echo hollow stage.  I  was really taken back by what I was looking at.  I am the local SDC tree hugger and it really bothered me. It looks clear cut ot me.  I would encourage you if you are out to drive by, Its not pretty at all

MH,  i saw on FB you were in the area..  did you enjoy TOTR? (top of the rock).   
I  also drove past that work area a couple of time at SDC..  amazing how much you can see. I was actually surprised that EH. is "right there"..  I knw it was close to hiway, but just didnt realize..?   Lots of demo and rebuild going on there for sure//


QuoteAre you talking about this little hill?
Yes shave thats "part" of the hill.  Having been to WDW and DL you begin to realize just how important a small hill can be to sightlines SDC does not seem to be concerned with this, at least for now.   That entire area is gone, not just the hill, its hollowed out flat.  To say that you can plainly see the back of Echo Hollow Stage from the road is an understatement.  I bet EH sits less that 200 ft from Indian point and I am being generous .   Its one thing to see the back of a grey building when you are driving by but as far as I can tell the view from the porch is destroyed, unless you want to look at a roller coaster and the traffic lined up for parking.  How do I put up pics on here? I would load up a cpl really out of focus pics so you could see but I am not sure how.  I purchased my pass for this year with pause because I am not excited about the changes to the spring festival, it does not sound like an upgrade to me (Maybe I am wrong, the crowds and responce will tell)  Hopefully this is not another gas light square, I was there for that one........Firemans landing was a one sided structure blocking the outside world, this addition seems to bring it    So is it easy to post pics?
I wish my camera was working properly yesterday.


Quote from: shavethewhales on January 07, 2017, 09:23:34 PM
Are you talking about this little hill?

Thats the right area,yes.  But with the leaves gone, and the additional work being done,  that area looks TOTALLY different.., 

I may be in town next weekend, will try to get pics and figure out how to post them..


QuoteMH,  i saw on FB you were in the area..  did you enjoy TOTR? (top of the rock).   
I  also drove past that work area a couple of time at SDC..  amazing how much you can see. I was actually surprised that EH. is "right there"..  I knw it was close to hiway, but just didnt realize..?   Lots of demo and rebuild going on there for sure//
Had a good time messing around Sandune, needed to get out of town and the afternoon in Branson helped.  I am glad you saw that I was actually going to message you to encourage you to go on one of your trips.   Yes Echo Hollow is right there, I mean I could not believe how close.  The small hill Shave refered to was a damn important hill!  If that was the only block between indian point and EH it sure did a great job.  I am going to go up in a cpl weeks and take the camera and get pics. the sheet they are using does nothing to cover what they are doing and I dont think with the angle they can effectivly block it out.   I dont know about the lot of you but I would much rather watch a show with a forrest as the backdrop to the stage than a coaster.  Whatever those footers are for is going to be big and consume the view.  Once again I am not trying to be negative Nancy here but I dont see the trade off.   I am for expansion but why did Disney buy land in Florida? because the outside world moved in on Disney Land.  SDC looks to be inviting this and working twords it.  SDC would be wise to release some artwork showing what they are going to end up with.   There is not a roller coaster that will replace the serinity and peace of those trees.  They could have placed a coaster elseware to maintain the integrity of SDC.  I think the disconect is that SDC will be open to the outside world, there will be no transition.  The theme will be blown, gone, automobiles lined up while you are looking out the back porch of the  Culinary School.  You can view the oncoming crowd of trafic through the new coaster geared tword teens.  Interesting to think that they would do all of this for a ride that appeals to so few customers, SDC is open 10 months a year.  3 of those months are open to kids because school is out.  I would not request another carosel but there are plenty of rides that adults enjoy with and without their kids.  A rumored launched spinner is sure a small audience.  I would predict 7 months worth of low ridership, if this is the territory that SDC wants to move to I also would predict negative feedback and loss of seasons pass holders and visitors, Memories worth repeting?  I am afraid that slogan may go by the wayside.


QuoteI doubt they will fill much in with trees. Just like Wildfire, its' too much of a liability to have trees anywhere close to a train going 50+ MPH.
I agree shave, there are also other alternatives to this problem of barron land with a steel coaster sitting in it.


This is the level of theme I expect from SDC.  Add a few trees and some greenery and you couldnt beat it.  Kind of looks to me like a mine as it is.....


Quote from: mhguy77 on January 08, 2017, 11:00:43 AM
QuoteInteresting to think that they would do all of this for a ride that appeals to so few customers, SDC is open 10 months a year.  3 of those months are open to kids because school is out.  I would not request another carosel but there are plenty of rides that adults enjoy with and without their kids. 

Kids/Teens = complete family participation, more season tickets, more food, more souvenirs, more overall moneys spent on park.. ;D ;D


Quote from: mhguy77 on January 08, 2017, 11:00:43 AM
The theme will be blown, gone, automobiles lined up while you are looking out the back porch of the  Culinary School.  You can view the oncoming crowd of trafic through the new coaster geared tword teens.

I'm guessing most people who visit SDC don't even go on the culinary porch, or even in Echo Hollow for that matter. I have been to SDC close to ten times and even I have never been in EH or the Culinary School. So the only view change that I'll probably notice is the drive into the park. Tearing out the trees won't hurt SDC. Visitors aren't going to decide not to go to a park because they cut down the trees in one section of the park. And considering this coaster is supposed to be another "first of its kind", that will bring in more people, trees or no trees.


I think what MHGuy is implying, and I agree, is that it's hard to keep the illusion of the theme (1880s) when you can clearly see cars travelling up 76.  Of course non of us really think we're in the 1880s but it is part of the fun to imagine you are (roller coasters and other modern rides aside).  :D

I'm Your Huckleberry


QuoteOf course non of us really think we're in the 1880s but it is part of the fun to imagine you are (roller coasters and other modern rides aside).  :D
Very true and suspending belief for just a few moments is something people will pay big bucks for and will go again and again if its quality.  This is a company move, I suggest that this year we will see many changes to the theme and spirit of the park.  I  have my pass, I am ready to see what they have done to improve my experience.  I predict changes and surprises, we will wait to see if they are positive changes.