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SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments

Started by Swoosh, June 17, 2016, 12:24:35 PM

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Like we've discussed before, that's just the way things are now. There was a time when there was value in keeping the park an isolated, authentic-ish ozark village with little to break the atmosphere from the moment you stepped in to the moment you hit the parking lot again. The park is so much more than that now and market forces are completely different. People will notice the trees missing and think "how sad", but when it comes time to buy passes they are choosing between SDC, SFStL and WOF and the park with the flashiest new rides wins. I think at least some of the PTB will actually be excited to have a coaster be visible to the roadway coming in.

Being "transported" back to the 1880's is a difficult illusion to keep up, and it has gotten near impossible as the park has grown. A lot of the things that have been lost aren't always lost on purpose, but things have to change eventually as people move on and the old-time craftsmen dwindle.

Obviously there's a lot to build, so I'll hold out judgement until we see the completed product. I'm sure they have a plan for how to interact with the hollow and the rest of the park, hence my questioning whether or not they'll build various walls/tunnels/whatever to conceal it at least partially. This thing could end up being full of theming. The email pitches showed a lot of stuff and were pretty in-depth.

We are almost always pleasantly surprised at what they come up with.

P.S. mhguy77, to add a photo to the post, click the "Attachments and other options" title under the posting box when you are writing a new post. There should be some form options and an area that says "Attach".


Also remember as you drive by this winter and spring.. the leaves are all gone, so we can see into work zone easily..  next spring when leaves come on, wont be as easy to see in,  and see out to the road..   
will we be able to see the hiway?  Yes,  but we can see it already..

Obviously, time will tell


Its telling that we aren't hearing more from the GP (General Public) asking about what is going on.  I think it speaks volumes to HFE that all of that construction was/is going on without any large outcry from the GP about what's going on.  Of course they maybe taking calls and complaints but it doesn't seem to be boiling up to a point where the GP seems to care that deeply.

I think most of the GP doesn't think about this stuff as deeply as we do.  Remember we are fans (short for fanatics)  They are just there to have fun.  They don't expect to spend the whole day feeling like it's really the past.  They aren't there to experience a history lesson....they just want to create memories with each other and enjoy the attractions.

On one of SDCs recent season pass facebook posts I committed a question on if I'd get a early ride on the new coaster if I get passes next year......no response....lol
"If with women don't find you handsome....maybe they'll find you handy"


Quote from: HumphreyHawk on January 09, 2017, 09:54:43 AM
Its telling that we aren't hearing more from the GP (General Public) asking about what is going on.  I think it speaks volumes to HFE that all of that construction was/is going on without any large outcry from the GP about what's going on.  Of course they maybe taking calls and complaints but it doesn't seem to be boiling up to a point where the GP seems to care that deeply.

I think most of the GP doesn't think about this stuff as deeply as we do.  Remember we are fans (short for fanatics)  They are just there to have fun.  They don't expect to spend the whole day feeling like it's really the past.  They aren't there to experience a history lesson....they just want to create memories with each other and enjoy the attractions.

On one of SDCs recent season pass facebook posts I committed a question on if I'd get a early ride on the new coaster if I get passes next year......no response....lol

No doubt.  the "GP" doesnt care.. ::),    we, the fanatics...  LOL,  are the minority..


Why does have it keep growing and changing?  By that, I mean growing and changing to the extent that the older theming may go the way side. They're obviously doing very well based on the record number of crowds they're pulling in.  How big does it have to be?  How big is too big?


^LOL, uh, I guess as big as they can make it? They are in this to make money after all... Eventually they'll add on a resort and things will go into overdrive.

and it's not like the theming is going by the wayside, it's just falling apart, and the new stuff that is added in is made in a studio instead of being pulled out off an old farm or out of an antique store. Such is the march of time.


!------------SPOILER ALERT -------!

Do not continue reading if you do not want to know what the potential name/theme for the ride will be. 

Highlight the ghost text below to see what the trademark filing was.


!------------SPOILER ALERT END -------------!

Injun Joe

Good job with the ghost text.  I'd never seen that technique used before to avoid a spoiler.  I peeked.  Thanks!


Great Job Swoosh, cool option for the reveal.

I am surprised they went with this.  It was actually the one I thought they were just throwing in for filler.
SDC continues to surpise.


Ah the good old trademark site with the spoiler as usual. That's public info though, so it's not a "leak" that anyone could get upset about. I don't think we can hide it from those wanting to be "surprised".

As usual the theme all comes down to implementation, which they have always been stellar at. I worry that this theme will get lost in the details and most visitors won't get it. We'll see though - at least it is a daring, bold, and  interesting choice.

At the same time though, be aware that just because a trademark has been filed doesn't mean this is the exact concept they are going to go with in the end. They've trademarked names before that they've never used, and coaster names are often changed before opening, i.e. "The Outlaw" became "Outlaw Run". They could file another name next week to keep their options open, or just to throw us off  ;)


"Dragon Run"  Really....????  How does that fit into Ozark themes!!!!! just kidding :P

That was the one I was must excited about from the survey.  Has the most potential for some deep theming and story background.  Though I personal still like my idea of having a ride themed around a failed escape attempt gone wrong from the FM guys would be more fun.
"If with women don't find you handsome....maybe they'll find you handy"


Quote from: shavethewhales on January 19, 2017, 09:04:55 AM
Ah the good old trademark site with the spoiler as usual. That's public info though, so it's not a "leak" that anyone could get upset about. I don't think we can hide it from those wanting to be "surprised".

As usual the theme all comes down to implementation, which they have always been stellar at. I worry that this theme will get lost in the details and most visitors won't get it. We'll see though - at least it is a daring, bold, and  interesting choice.

At the same time though, be aware that just because a trademark has been filed doesn't mean this is the exact concept they are going to go with in the end. They've trademarked names before that they've never used, and coaster names are often changed before opening, i.e. "The Outlaw" became "Outlaw Run". They could file another name next week to keep their options open, or just to throw us off  ;)

The issue there is the theme didn't change, just the name.  I guess a certain park in Iowa wasn't fond of sharing the name with their woodie. 


Well, I was hoping for the mining theme but this one has a lot of potential. I just hope they theme the entire ride and not just the queue area.


I guess it's Cedar Fair that usually files the red herring trademarks, but you never know with HFEC either - they like to change their minds all the time in any case. I'd expect this is what they'll go with, but you never know until it's done with them.

The concept artwork for the station in all three pitches was pretty detailed and shows that this thing will have a large thematic station like Wildfire - so that's going to be a plus. The only other thing we know is that it will DEFINITELY have a plunge off a "tower" since they put it on all three pitches, lol. Still not sure why that is such a focus for them unless they are also set on having an elevator lift at one point as well. They show track coming from the other side as well though in all three sketches, so that will probably be an unanswered question until we see more construction photos.
