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SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments

Started by Swoosh, June 17, 2016, 12:24:35 PM

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Great photos.  I've taken your best and added commentary and that update is now online at MiG


Man I can't wait to ride thunderation and see the progress in person.  Great pics


Similar to what's seen on Disney forums, has there been a layout drawn onto a satellite image of the area to get an idea of the scope? 


Quote from: Swoosh on February 12, 2017, 11:32:06 PM
Great photos.  I've taken your best and added commentary and that update is now online at MiG

Swoosh,  checked it out,, good job as always, you are dead on the description....!

Will try to get another set of pics in a couple of weeks.!!


Quote from: jtudor on February 13, 2017, 09:23:21 AM
Similar to what's seen on Disney forums, has there been a layout drawn onto a satellite image of the area to get an idea of the scope?

Look back on the boards...been a few overlays from google earth on where the lot is they are building on.  I don't think there has been any confirmation on the maker and coaster type yet.....just a bunch of speculation based on the survey's SDC sent out and the grapevine. 

So the I assume the layout is isn't known yet.....but.....I'll 2nd this question by asking.....is anyone mapping out the footers and station to try to draw a layout?  Connect the dots without instructions....?

"If with women don't find you handsome....maybe they'll find you handy"


So thinking outside the box here but also looking at how the footers are lining up.  I think there will be a long launch that will go into some type of inversion - I'm guessing a form of an Immelmann loop that connects to that big support that I pointed out in the two updates and then it might loop around towards TNT.  Now the two big footers there by TNT I think are going to be supports for a large vertical loop.  They are too beefy to not be something that will need to distribute force downward.  So, again thinking outside the box - could this be an interlocking inversion?  How cool would that be!

Looking at the footers in the trees, I think there are two different paths here.  Maybe two different curves of track?  The footers over by the exit of the TNT tunnel I am at loss for.  We will need some more footers to be filled in before I can even guess.

Watch me be way off, but that's my educated (? - ok that's questionable) guess on what may be happening.

Shoot we still don't even know what flavor or Mack coaster this will be.


Great photos, although I have a feeling one of these days they are going to come after you if you get any closer sanddunerider.  ;D

The huge footers are really intriguing to me as well. Definitely lends to either inversions or vertical segments.

That's going to be a mess of track before too long.


Quote from: shavethewhales on February 13, 2017, 09:58:18 PM
Great photos, although I have a feeling one of these days they are going to come after you if you get any closer sanddunerider.  ;D

Shave, I know your right. Maybe we should start donations for "Bail" fund, just in case ::)

Actually most of these pics are taken from just inside the construction fence. you can see most of these from outside the gate..  LOL.   The BIG footers, cant be seen from the road, i did have to step inside the gate for them..  the southern view was taken from access road, from the car..
I would like to add that 2 of the construction gates were actually open...... BUT i resisted driving or walking down there, and stayed on the perimeter... LOL..

However I do have a pretty good zoom lense on the camera. That makes a huge difference. 8) 8)


Quote from: Swoosh on February 13, 2017, 08:20:07 PM
So thinking outside the box here but also looking at how the footers are lining up.  I think there will be a long launch that will go into some type of inversion - I'm guessing a form of an Immelmann loop that connects to that big support that I pointed out in the two updates and then it might loop around towards TNT.  Now the two big footers there by TNT I think are going to be supports for a large vertical loop.  They are too beefy to not be something that will need to distribute force downward.  So, again thinking outside the box - could this be an interlocking inversion?  How cool would that be!

Looking at the footers in the trees, I think there are two different paths here.  Maybe two different curves of track?  The footers over by the exit of the TNT tunnel I am at loss for.  We will need some more footers to be filled in before I can even guess.

Watch me be way off, but that's my educated (? - ok that's questionable) guess on what may be happening.

Shoot we still don't even know what flavor or Mack coaster this will be.

So you're saying they are recreating the Orient Express?  Of course I'm joking but I'd be good with that!!!!

Wonder how much more land moving they have to do?  I still can't get over how early they started this project....they could seriously build out a 'basic' coaster to open up for this year at this rate....makes me start to imagine that they need extra time for the theming build.

"If with women don't find you handsome....maybe they'll find you handy"


Isnt Pandemonium at Six Flags similar to the ride you all think SDC is building. Pandemonium is a spinning coaster is it not?


Quote from: npd652 on February 20, 2017, 05:23:13 PM
Isnt Pandemonium at Six Flags similar to the ride you all think SDC is building. Pandemonium is a spinning coaster is it not?

I think it's only similar in the fact that both should have spinning seats.  Other than that there is very little in common with the two


Making an unscheduled trip to Branson tomorrow,

Swoosh I will try to get more pics.. Any specific shots you or anyone else want?  It will have to be from the blacktop or the construction gate.  I am sure they will be working, LOL., So i may not be able to get quite as close...

Any pics in town??/ I heard that BIGFOOT super structure is going up.. I will get pics of that..


Quote from: sanddunerider on February 21, 2017, 08:12:39 AM
Making an unscheduled trip to Branson tomorrow,

Swoosh I will try to get more pics.. Any specific shots you or anyone else want?  It will have to be from the blacktop or the construction gate.  I am sure they will be working, LOL., So i may not be able to get quite as close...

Any pics in town??/ I heard that BIGFOOT super structure is going up.. I will get pics of that..

Just be careful.  I don't want you to get into any trouble.  I would strongly recommend not going into the employee parking area again.  It sounds like they weren't very happy about that and I might need to take those shots down. 

I'm curious about Bigfoot so if you get a chance to do a trip down the Blvd that would be great. 


Here you go, all pics taken from the hiway.. They are working on a new Massive front gate.. I couldnt get very close,had half of the highway blocked off for equipment.  I intended to go back early this morning, but the fog was too dense to see anything.    Check out the Super structure loading and launching, it has doubled in height.. 3 weeks before the new season starts!



lol, I wonder if the gate was planned that way or if it's just them reacting to your drive-bys.

This station is going to tower over everything even though it's halfway down the hill fro the park itself. They definitely wanted to keep the station, maintenance, and everything else contained in a small footprint due to the topography. I'm just hoping there's room for details.