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SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments

Started by Swoosh, June 17, 2016, 12:24:35 PM

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I really like that trees remain in the area. That combined with the possibility of thematic elements being placed along the track give me hope that this won't look like WF did when it first opened.
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City..."


I don't think some of you are being fair.  Even TNT wasn't "in the woods" when it first opened


^Yeah, but compare what TNT and Wildfire looked like after 15 years. Not sure why they let the trees get as close as they are to TNT, but I guess it's less catastrophic if a TNT train hits a branch since it goes a lot slower. It's cool that this corner is going to be more wooded. Having the track off the ground a little more surely helps. Most of the ride is currently an open pit though.

Lots more supports up in that pic. Could be a bunch of track added by this weekend.


Indeed considering WF is 68mph versus TNT's 48mph thats a 20mph difference but really getting bushwhacked at anything over 20-30mph is gonna be painful.

Also there is a large tree island towards the bottom of the pit that remains intact. If you go back and look at the overhead shots from that March article you will see it. I was glad to see it was left alone.


Whose weekend was it to get photos?  Was told there is A LOT of track hung. 


I'm told it doesn't look hugely different than last week, but it probably depends where you are looking. I haven't seen the station in two weeks - I'm sure a lot has been done on that.

Usually someone gets a shot or two every weekend, but I guess we all prefer to go in May lol. I'm going to look at heading back in two weeks.


Please someone get pictures I'm so exited but i just cant wait until the next time I go I need to see it now. :'( :D


Quote from: shavethewhales on June 10, 2017, 01:00:25 PM
I'm told it doesn't look hugely different than last week, but it probably depends where you are looking. I haven't seen the station in two weeks - I'm sure a lot has been done on that

No idea on the station.  Only know that there are now two swoops of track done.  I thought that constitutes as looking hugely different but I must have been wrong.  ???


Quote from: Wildfire on June 10, 2017, 03:52:25 PM
At park now

In order to see all of the new track you'll have to go down into Echo Hollow and then over by the restrooms.


There is a wall dividing the 2 right openings from the boarding area


I think the station will be set up much like OR with the storage to the right and the transfer out in front


Wow, you could be right about that - but then this whole building is just for the loading dock and train storage/maintainence bay? Essentially no indoor queue? That would be disappointing. Time will tell.

Thanks for the photos!




Not sure where the Holidays in Midtown thread is, so I will post this here. As I walked thru Midtown the other day, I looked at the new platform, but saw something rather strange on it. It is a speaker. Im thinking this will be a popular place with some sort of tree or something set to music on it.