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A New Plan - (Ongoing site updates/status thread)

Started by shavethewhales, June 30, 2010, 12:19:20 AM

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Let me know what you want tested..  If i can do it anybody can!!!!!!!! :o :o


"May there always be a Silver Dollar City..."


Coaster, sanddunerider, & rube - you should all be able to access the feature now by going to http://sdcfans.com/profile/
Trip reports and videos aren't active yet, just the photo stuff.

If you want to just try adding a gallery or two, try deleting some photos, try deleting entire galleries, etc. that'd be great. Let me know if any bugs pop up or if anything needs  to be changed to make it easier.

I will be adding a few notes somewhere on these forms to provide more instruction to the user, but I think it should be somewhat self-explanatory.

You do have to have javascript turned on to use it, and I haven't tried it out in any version of Internet Explorer yet, just Chrome and Firefox.



Alright, so I'm finding that after all that work, the tool that I'm using for file uploads simply doesn't work very well at all in any version of Internet Explorer, and it requires the latest version of flash that many won't have and will be too lazy to download and install. I'm going to have to write a new method for file uploads...  :(

Ozark Outlaw

Sometimes you have to take one step back before you can take two steps forward. I know I speak for most when I say we appreciate the hard work you do, and are very excited about the potential this site has. :)


Ugh, apparently there isn't a good jQuery file uploader any where that will serve our purposes easily. I've spent far too much time trying to get a number of ajax file uploaders to work to no avail. I'm going to have to call it quits for about a week due to other things I have going on, and when I come back I'll probably forget about using ajax and go back to a simpler way that requires individual form submissions. Not as fun, but at this point I'm ready to do anything to get these features working again and move on.

Thanks for all the help and support guys. 


Ozark Outlaw


So today I got out one of my older computers, pulled up the site on IE7, and to my surprise it actually worked! I don't know why it works on my computer with IE7 and not on another with IE8, but I expect it has to do with not having the latest version of flash on the latter.

I've actually gone ahead and pushed the features live for the time being. You can try them out here: www.sdcfans.com/profile/ (you have to be logged in first). There are still a number of things to sort out and polish up, but for those of you using Firefox, Chrome or IE7 with the latest version of flash installed, all of the features should be working fine.

I'll be adding a work around for those who don't meet the browser requirements for the photo uploader. I'll also be adding a little tutorial and more instructions on the page itself. Finally, I plan to finally sort out the login issues on the main site so you aren't redirected back to the forums, and I'll put a login box on the home page.

One last thing, the display page for photos has changed as well. We used to have a pop-up gallery that expanded when you clicked on a photo, but I found that to cumbersome because you had to wait until all the photos were loaded for it to work. The new set up doesn't depend on javascript, though I'll be adding some so it will be possible to flip through photos without reloading the entire page: http://sdcfans.com/photos/feat/17/168