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Getting Rid of a Mouse...

Started by tiffanylynnt, January 04, 2013, 02:55:45 AM

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We've had a mouse living with us for almost 2 months. He is eating hair stuff and dragging it all over the house, like ponytail holders and headbands, and he eats bars of soap and chews on everything. We even found Christmas ribbon in the back of the stove. He has been leaving "messes" all over the house and he's starting to get brave, letting us see him. He doesn't hide much anymore so I'm afraid someone is going to get bit since he isn't afraid of people. We have tried spring loaded traps, glue traps, any kind of trap, you name it. We've even brought the cat inside to catch him. He is getting to be really annoying. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get him gone?
"They don't hit nothin' though... They're New York Yankees." - Alfie Bolin


sounds like ya'r doing everything you can, have ya tried them poison pellets? dont let the cat get to the pellets ofcourse. sounds like a sneaky-smart mouse! >:(
good luck!
Live life like it's the last day!


Leave the sticky traps and regular mousetraps in those areas he has been before. He travels the same pathways now. I've always found crunchy peanut butter wedged hard into the little dip in the regular traps causes them to get aggressive licking and nipping to get the peanut out, and then "SNAP!" A trick I learned from my grandma. Also, if you can find the hole he got into the house from, fill it full of steel wool. It will block other entries and his exit. Hard on their little teeth. If he gets a leg or tail stuck in a regular trap and starts to squeal...go in for the kill with a broom handle. Best of luck. (Most unusual experience with a mouse I've ever had: I worked as a DJ at a radio station located in the middle of a field. Winter came, and the mice came in. So one night I'm on the air live making an announcement written on a 3x5 card in front of my face, I glance over it and a mouse is perched on the microphone stand literally 6 inches from my face! I held my composure, started the next record (yes, I said record...a 45rpm those were the days) and closed the mike, and swatted away. I MISSED HIM! HAAAAAAAA!
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


this is effictive BUT tends to leave a mess...LOL!!!..

ruger 22 revolver with bird shot..


funny, I had a dream about mice last night, and no we have not had them in the house to my knowledge, just outside, and near the creek in the backyard. I have hit one with a mower once, sheered him right in two, I felt bad, but hey It wasn't like I meant to run him over, he simply hopped in front when I wasn't looking.


Junior , I got into my car one day and looked over the steering wheel and had one sitting on the dashboard staring back at me. Like " where aare we going dude."
SDC has always made a great past to remember


On my last trip to NH, I noticed one of the cats was standing guard in front of the pantry. I opened the door and saw a rodent blinking back at me.

I shut the door and called, "Hey honey? We have company!"

We started trying to corner it and start the eviction proceedings, but we weren't even sure what it was. Wasn't a rat, too big for a mouse, and then when it jumped over our heads to the wall, we both froze and shouted at the same time, "IT'S A FLYING SQUIRREL!"

With five people, 7 dogs, and 3 cats all contributing to the madness as we chased it through every room of the downstairs, it finally jumped in a box and I threw a lid on it. We all stopped to catch our breath and laugh, and I did look it up on Wikipedia to confirm that it was indeed a Northern Flying Squirrel. We saw that they're indigenous to the area, and this one was big enough to be fully grown, so they took him outside and let him scoot up a tree.

She did get a picture of the little guy before he took off. (You should be able to see it if you have a Facebook account.)



We finally caught it!! But he had a friend who we are now trying to catch...
This one is leaving Saltine Crackers everywhere.
"They don't hit nothin' though... They're New York Yankees." - Alfie Bolin