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How To Use SDCFans' User Features

Started by shavethewhales, October 12, 2008, 09:10:37 PM

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SDCFans user features are currently offline. Look for a slew of new, easy to use features coming soon!

Here at SDCFans, we're all about sharing our park experiences with each other. You can join in on the fun by creating your own photo gallery, posting a youtube video, writing a trip report, or reviewing an attraction.

Photo Galleries:
To access your photo galleries, go to your profile and click on 'Upload Photos' (the center icon). From there you'll see a list of your galleries.

To add a gallery, click on the 'Add A Gallery' link at the top of the page and fill out the simple form. The selection box for 'Active' at the bottom of the form allows you to set to active or inactive, which will change whether or not the gallery is shown on the main site. You may want to keep the gallery inactive until you have all your photos added to it, but I usually just leave it set to 'Yes'.

The new gallery will now show up in your gallery list. To add photos to the gallery, click on 'Manage Photos'.
On the next page you can add photos using the simple form. The photo description box is optional, anything you enter there will be displayed as a photo description underneath the photo in the gallery.
As you add photos, they will appear underneath the photo manager box, with links underneath each for editing or deleting.

Make sure your gallery is set to 'Active' when you are done.

Trip Reports/Editorials:
Go to your profile and click on the first icon at the top of the page. It should read either 'Write An Article' or Write A Trip Report' or something similar. From there you are presented with a simple form with a small text editor.

Write away as you wish! I reserve the right to do some small editing if your grammar just really bugs me, but I'm not too picky. The only rules are to not go overboard with arguments against the park. I'd prefer if we used this feature for sharing trip reports and special memories.

Go to your profile and click on the last icon in the list at the top of the page, dubbed 'Add A Video'.

From there all you have to do is fill out the video title and the embed code. We only accept youtube videos right now. Just copy the text that youtube provides with each video into the embed code field.

The active field allows you to hide your videos from the public (though I don't know why you would, I'll be taking this out soon).

Attraction Reviews:
Coming Soon

Please let me know if you are having trouble with a user feature. I'm always working on these things, and I really value your input. [/s]