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Eagles Lodge - Homestay Inn 417-336-2666

Started by saloongal, February 14, 2011, 11:43:53 AM

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Hello Everybody! I am going to close down 11th of Dec now. So, last night open will be the 10th (check-out would be 11th). If you want to come on in, we would love to have you all stay before we close for the season! Call us asap if those 4 days extra will help for your travel plans, thanks!  ;D


Paige,  hard to beleive another year has come and gone! seems like it was just last month you closed for winter :)

CYA in a few days!


I know huh? This year went by so fast I can't remember any of the holidays we've gone through this year. AND I haven't been to SDC yet......will for sure after we close. I always seem to get to get to do things around the Xmas season but not before. Maybe next year, I will try another day off other than Weds...didn't work out so well this time (didn't even get the boat out man!). Last year we were able to do all kinds of things. Maybe it was because we were busier? Who knows....3 months off sounding real good right now.  ;)


You deserve 3 month's off Paige enjoy every minute of it.


We should be there around 1 or so sunday, If our room is ready we will unload the car and head out!!

I wont tell you that we are stopping at roadhouse in springfield for lunch!! ;D

CYA Then..


Paige: How about a report card from you? How many people from SDCFans stayed at the lodge in the last year? Has it resulted in more bookings for the hotel?
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


Well Junior, HAPPY to report that so far had more rooms than expected. I guessed about 175-200 originally and we are at 278 as of today (many more reservations coming)! Because of the wonderful support from this site, the reviews, etc, we actually have received quite a few reservations from non-sdcfan members just by reading the site/reviews. Even convinced some to join by the way.  ;D I do not see why we wouldn't continue to sponsor and will work hard with the owner to keep the same rate next year.... ;) Not bad for the first year, and I know there are many that haven't been able to stay yet that want to try next year. Thank you all and remember, last night open is the 10th (check out the 11th) so if you can squeeze it in, would love to see you!  :D


Wow. I don't know the exact number of "active" members on this site, but I'd guess that's a pretty good percentage of us.
"He takes a log, then he just cuts away everything that don't look like an injun" - Jed Clampett



Can't believe I didn't see you all weekend, Paige.  We arrived on Friday afternoon and left Monday morning.  Did you have the weekend off?


OH MAN!!  bisuit you there too..  we were there sunday afternoon/nite, talke a while with cheesehead and her other 1/2.  wish i had met ya! maybe next time.. 

paige was there sunday nite for sure!!



Quote from: biscuitcreek on November 22, 2011, 02:18:19 PM
Can't believe I didn't see you all weekend, Paige.  We arrived on Friday afternoon and left Monday morning.  Did you have the weekend off?

Biscuit, so sorry I missed you this time! I was here but didn't get on shift until 3-3:30. I was soaking any time off I could. See....this week I have late arrivals for the next 3 nights (latest I think is 3:00 am) on Thurs? So, due to that I am resting as much as I can. Oh and hoping for good movies to keep me awake till all guests arrive safely.  :D

By the way, sorry I was told the TV was "fixed" so we just replaced it the day you left of course, and on the power strip well replaced that too. Hope you didn't suffer too much?  ;)


Sorry to miss you Biscuit.....we met up with Sanddune and his better half.....good people!