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Started by palallin, May 18, 2011, 10:02:47 AM

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I have dug some pics out of the albums, several Kodak snapshots and one "official" photo taken, I suppose, by a city photographer.  All are from a visit in July of '66 ; I was 26 months old at the time, so I really don't remember this visit.  I do remember visits from the next several years (up till '71, next visit after that was in '82).  I even remember a childhood nightmare about the Flooded Mine.

The first pic is very poor, but it shows Shad (I think) working at his anvil.


The next shows most of the family who were there in front of the restaurant.

The shortest one, on the left, is me.  The two ladies are my grandmother and my aunt.  The other three children are my aunt's, therefore my cousins.  My mother took the shot.


This one shows us kids in front of the steam traction engine.


Next is the hotel.


The next three are taken in front of the hotel during a street show/shoot out.  I am only guessing at the proper order.




This one was shoot by somone else in another format:  black&white, different size.  Thin paper:  I tried taking it off the album page and nearly ruined it (hence the crinkle ont he right hand side), so I had to crop this scan quite a bit.

Group of rowdy reprobates!


what wonderful pictures!! thanks for sharing those! I always love to look back and see how different it was.
The smell of asphalt and butane says home!


Yes!  Thank You Very Much palallin.  Really Nice!


Awesome pictures!!! I wish I could go back in time and see one of those street shows from the old days!
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City..."


Wonderful! I love looking at the photos of the city in it's various times. It is great how the same shots would look very familiar today (aside from the clothing!).

I LOVE the photo of the Hotel, and The Candy Store (Copper Kettle)


Great pics! thanks!


Wow thanks for sharing!
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


Excellent! Thank you so much for sharing!
"He takes a log, then he just cuts away everything that don't look like an injun" - Jed Clampett