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Ozarks Medieval Fortress

Started by Junior, January 21, 2012, 09:08:08 AM

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Arkansas Democrat Gazette reports today (1-21-12) that hard times have befallen the Ozarks Medieval Fortress project at Lead Hill, AR. The French owner of the property has closed it. A 13th Century style castle was being built on the property in 2010 and 2011. The project's Website says no activities are planned for this year at the site. Investors or an outright buyer are being sought. Check out their Website: www.ozarkmedievalfortress.com

(admin edit: use the edit button to the top right to make corrections - shavethewhales)
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


Not surprising. That seemed like a novel idea, but I really never could see it being a big money maker. Medieval times have a certain appeal to some but I don't think it's a lot. The business model for repeat business was brilliant however.  ;D
"He takes a log, then he just cuts away everything that don't look like an injun" - Jed Clampett


Thats too bad, i have been following that site for a while.  was hoping to visit this year.. novel idea.. 

i thought their "tour" price sounded high, but maybe not.

be a great ongoing project for a college.

Hope somebody does something with the site!!


nooooooooooooo... Another unique roadside attraction bites the dust. I don't understand why everything cool has to come to inevitable failure in this country. I wanted to make it to this place someday, but they are not in a convenient location and it sounds like it was expensive to visit for what they had so far. Sounds like they needed donations to make it through the first phases, but with the economy that's got to be harder and harder to find these days. I hope it can be picked back up eventually.


That will be very confusing for someone 200-300 years from now when they stumble across a half-built fortress.  :D
You have a great past just ahead of you.


actually that would be humorous,,,,,excavating the ozarks, followng history for the area, and discover fortess/castle ruins!!  LOL


Buy it now -- it's a fixer-upper, a real handyman special.

Ozarks Gal

Larry the Cable Guy's show "Only in America" on History Channel visited this place. I laughed a bit since it has now been closed.
"Red Flanders, you come back in here and put on your pants!" "Well Sadie, I ain't got no pants no more. The dang Baldknobbers stole 'em!"


Everytime Larry would tell the workers they had a job for the next 20 years I would keep yelling "not anymore."
SDC has always made a great past to remember