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Site Updates

Started by shavethewhales, May 27, 2013, 11:10:02 PM

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Since I finally have a little bit of downtime to work with this summer, I'm hoping to get some upgrades in place for this site.

The first thing on the agenda is to install a plugin that allows for easier photo sharing through the forums. I've been researching a few and have selected one to try out, so look for that soon.

The other major thing I have in mind is bringing back a home page of sorts. It will be similar to the old one, but without all the clunky features that I was experimenting with. It will have links to the old content pages that I wanted to keep around, feeds of forum activity, and a news feature that will allow people to submit links to news articles about Branson/SDC. I keep forgetting to update the 'What's New' feature at the top of the forums as it is, so I hope by building a feature such as this I'll stay more on top of it. Right now the process I have for updating that feature is so clunky that I just never get around to using it.

I'll be able to start working on these updates starting next week. The new home page will probably take until the end of the summer to implement because of how slow I am at designing things.

In the mean time, any requests, comments, concerns? I know there were some feature requests in the past that slipped through the cracks because I was so busy. Now is the time to ask.


Thanks for the work you do! I would like to see a home page return. Also the galleries that used to be available, and the descriptions of rides and attractions that featured a history of them and a photo or two. I know I can go online and go through a search engine and occasionally still find those diving bell and float trip galleries I put together for the site. It would be nice just to click on a tab on the home page and go right to all of those things. Take your time, do it right, enjoy your summer! :)
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


Yes indeed, try to enjoy your summer,

I am sure whatever changes you make will be appreciated. It sound to me like you have a finger on what needs to be changed/modified..



a photo plug in would be A-mazing!


Speaking of photos, Flickr has restructured their free vs paid accounts, and now all free accounts have *1tb* storage. No more limit of 200 photos in your gallery if you have a free account!


I noticed Flickr had changed their formatting. Glad to know there is not a photo limit now.
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


Make sure I can still Advertise the HomeStay Logo!  ;D


Very happy to see you bringing back the home page. I appreciate all your work on this website. This is by far my favorite and most used website. I look forward to seeing the changes you plan to bring to the site.

PS...For whomever does the "Where In the City?" game...Are you going to bring it back for this season?
Colorado SDC Fan


I've started implementing the new gallery feature. Try it out and let me know what you think: http://sdcfans.com/forums/index.php?action=gallery

It's a third party plugin, and it costs money to get many features with it, but I'm considering going that route eventually. The expanded version allows individuals to have their own galleries on the server, among other things.


Gallery feature is simple and easy to use. Thanks!  Oh, can you reload the diving bell and float trip galleries I submitted some time back and place them here? If not, let me know and I will load the photos for you sometime when I have got time to do it.
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


Just FYI: it looks like a major targeted spam attack is underway. I've deleted several dozen spam accounts that were created just today. Hopefully we won't get overrun.


Better late than never: I'm very close to launching the new home page and de-cluttered main site.

It's a bit plain, but I will probably continue to work on it over the next few months as I have time. I decided to stop trying to be a perfectionist and just get something out there. It's taken far too long anyway.

Look for the root URL to start pointing toward the new home page sometime within the next few days or so. I have basically everything designed and coded at this point, I'm mostly just sorting through the old content at this point.


Thanks, Shave, for all that you do for this site.


Getting there... I haven't worked on any of these files for over a year, and I've never exactly been a skilled coder, so there's been quite a few bugs. The new home page is up more or less now, but almost all of the content is still locked until I can sort everything out. I'll hopefully have some time this weekend though.


Like the looks of the home page so far..... Thanks for doing what you do....