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SDC's 2016 Project(s) and Park Developments

Started by shavethewhales, August 19, 2014, 09:16:32 AM

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I don't get why it is taking them so long to build some signs.


Probably because it's being done in park and it's not the only project currently being worked on right now


I'm Your Huckleberry


So they used the Disney-fied version of the logo, but took out the sparks? Kinda looks like they tried to compromise weirdly between old and new. Not that it matters though, just a nit-pick. Are the bottom signs interchangeable or is the "Home of American Craftsmenship" permanent?


I imagine that it'll be changed out for each festival. 


The signs?
May I say the theme really does appear to be gone.


Quote from: shavethewhales on September 26, 2016, 07:56:32 PM
So they used the Disney-fied version of the logo, but took out the sparks? Kinda looks like they tried to compromise weirdly between old and new. Not that it matters though, just a nit-pick. Are the bottom signs interchangeable or is the "Home of American Craftsmenship" permanent?


And as someone on here stated before, it definitely has that generic Rollercoaster Tycoon vibe going on with it.


Why in the world did they locate the electrical box right in the front? They should have hidden it behind somewhere.


QuoteWhy in the world did they locate the electrical box right in the front? They should have hidden it behind somewhere
May I say the theme seems to be gone,  This is a far cry from the waterfall sign with the Axe on top.  Apparently I am on old man, a has been who thinks
that you should let Disney be Disney, Six Flags be themselves and SDC should remain different.  They do seem to be conforming to the bland "nice"look that the other parks use. This also further erodes the idea" that is SDC.

Pudgy Jones

Quote from: mhguy77 on September 27, 2016, 07:38:51 AM
QuoteWhy in the world did they locate the electrical box right in the front? They should have hidden it behind somewhere
May I say the theme seems to be gone,  This is a far cry from the waterfall sign with the Axe on top.  Apparently I am on old man, a has been who thinks
that you should let Disney be Disney, Six Flags be themselves and SDC should remain different.  They do seem to be conforming to the bland "nice"look that the other parks use. This also further erodes the idea" that is SDC.

I agree. Awhile back, it was suggested that some of us were overreacting about this sign. But look at this thing!! In what world does this look like it belongs at Silver Dollar City? It looks like it belongs in front of a gated suburban community. With a little bit of thought and creativity, this sign could have easily been built with hewn timbers. They've got an employee who does that for a living! The rustic, primitive look is popular everywhere these days except, it seems, at Silver Dollar City. It baffles me. That's why I worry so much about new projects and expansions at the park. It seems that the PTB either don't understand or no longer care about the park's theme. I know it's just a sign, but it's representative of so much more. This is like buying a cheap fiberglass front door from Lowes and putting on your nice log cabin.

Rant over.


Pudgy, I looked at the photos and thought the very same thing - looks like a sign in front of a gated community - and then read your comment about the same time I was thinking it.  LOL!  Gave me a good laugh!  And, you're right - the rustic look is very in right now, especially with new homes.


I really do not see that much wrong with the sign itself. Things move forward and the old design looked a little 80ish to me. Like I said before though why stick that electrical box right in the middle?


My 2 cents....

Thought the old ones where fine....I agree that the finish looks like the 'fancy' siding from Lowes....lol  "No more wood....SDC is making it to the middle class now Ma!!!".....lol

I'm ok with a small budget for new signs....especially if the rides budget is getting bigger  ::)
"If with women don't find you handsome....maybe they'll find you handy"


Quote from: Runner1960 on September 27, 2016, 01:27:01 PM
I really do not see that much wrong with the sign itself. Things move forward and the old design looked a little 80ish to me. Like I said before though why stick that electrical box right in the middle?

Isn't the electrical box for the stop lights?   That would be county's doing not SDC