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SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments

Started by Swoosh, June 17, 2016, 12:24:35 PM

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I don't know what their plan is. It's still hard to understand how they are doing all this within arm's reach of their biggest performance venue which they apparently plan to use more and more. I think we can all assume they know what they are doing, but it's still impossible to know hardly anything about how the final product will look like.

I'm still wondering if there will be walls and structures that the coaster will run behind to shield a portion of the noise. A few extra trees at this point won't make a difference. Then again maybe the amphitheater has its days numbered after all and will be replaced somewhere else eventually.


Here are a few fresh photos. Not too much different from Swoosh's last update, but from here out I won't mind getting updates as often as we are able to.


Quote from: shavethewhales on December 04, 2016, 10:30:36 PM
I don't know what their plan is. It's still hard to understand how they are doing all this within arm's reach of their biggest performance venue which they apparently plan to use more and more. I think we can all assume they know what they are doing, but it's still impossible to know hardly anything about how the final product will look like.

I'm still wondering if there will be walls and structures that the coaster will run behind to shield a portion of the noise. A few extra trees at this point won't make a difference. Then again maybe the amphitheater has its days numbered after all and will be replaced somewhere else eventually.

I think they'll have to put in some type of retaining wall or something like that to shield the noise from Echo Hollow. I think if it were in the long term plans to remove the amphitheater they wouldn't be putting in brand new restrooms. Instead of putting more money into it, they would just remove it with the construction of the 2018 project.
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City..."


I know....I know....SDC isn't a typical amusement park.

A lot of amusement parks have coasters running behind there amphitheatres....kind of serving as a backdrop to the stage.
"If with women don't find you handsome....maybe they'll find you handy"


QuoteI think they'll have to put in some type of retaining wall or something like that to shield the noise from Echo Hollow. I think if it were in the long term plans to remove the amphitheater they wouldn't be putting in brand new restrooms.
Not so sure about that. If EH were relocated they might just keep the restroms there to serve the new area or attraction. 


I was there over the weekend 12/3,4,5.
saw the same as Shave. it was a light rain all Sat into the night, not much going on.
you can see quite a lot from TNT & the back porch of the culinary school.
its really cleared out behind EH. I dont know about these sorts of things, its just hard to believe they can squeeze a coaster in that small of an area.
I ain't got no pants no more! The Dang Baldknobbers stole'em!


Nothing says the new coaster won't overlap TNT a couple times


This area is kind of a paradox in that it is both larger or smaller than it seems depending on how you are looking at it due to the sharp topography and odd layout. There is definitely plenty of room for a coaster, but not one that is drawn out with few crossovers like Outlaw Run. It will have to wind around itself or have a tight out and back layout.

As we've noted before, if you look at the area from just overhead plan view, you could technically fit in another Wildfire or Thunderation with just a bit of smooshing. What makes it challenging/intriguing is that there is probably a 200ft+ difference from the very bottom of the valley to the entrance to Thunderation.

Oh and in case we missed this, Google maps street view has updated to this past August where you can see the construction beginning: https://www.google.com/maps/@36.6686957,-93.3358698,3a,52.8y,300.81h,85.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdYMH9paq4g5js8SDSEPATA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


Okay I had a little birdie tell me something. No way of knowing if this is true so take with a grain of salt.

So look at the picture enclosed
The blue circle is the old waterboggin tower
What is being said to me is that the actual station for the new ride will be located in the gren area behind the tower and the ride will lift and drop from the top of the tower down into the ravine crossing over the path! He said the area where the now removed restrooms are is actually for a launch section that will have heavy themeing and what not. He says the need to cross the path and what not is why this isna two season project. Thoughts?
The Scariest Part Of The Ride Is The Lift Hill!


My first thought is that I'm kinda doubting it because that would take a bite out of the hollow and make it even more difficult to use during park hours. Plus I know how much of a pain it is to retrofit old steel towers for new equipment (that was part of my job as a structural eit for a couple years). I doubt the tower is suited to hold a new coaster despite our endless speculations over the years. Usually its cheaper to build new anyway.

On the other hand though it matches the tower/plunge aspect of the concept art. It would be super fun, especially if those sections crossing and near the pathways were covered and super themed.

No markers out there yet though... but its something to watch just in case. Anything is possible when they are taking this long.


Very interesting. I'm not going to be quick to dismiss it even though it is radically different than anything SDC has ever done.
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City..."


Quote from: Grapeslie on December 06, 2016, 12:00:25 PM
Okay I had a little birdie tell me something. No way of knowing if this is true so take with a grain of salt.

So look at the picture enclosed
The blue circle is the old waterboggin tower
What is being said to me is that the actual station for the new ride will be located in the gren area behind the tower and the ride will lift and drop from the top of the tower down into the ravine crossing over the path! He said the area where the now removed restrooms are is actually for a launch section that will have heavy themeing and what not. He says the need to cross the path and what not is why this isna two season project. Thoughts?

They would have had to completely changed the plans for this to happen. I think your friend might be getting two projects jumbled together.  The 2018 coaster will be completely contained in the valley. 


Anyone know what this might be about?


Please join Gov. Jay Nixon, Missouri Tourism Director Dan Lennon, and local tourism and economic development leaders for a special announcement at Silver Dollar City, tomorrow, Dec. 8th at 10:00 a.m.

As a respected leader in Missouri's travel and tourism industry, your attendance would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, Dec. 8

WHO:             Gov. Nixon
                        Missouri Tourism Director Dan Lennon
                        Regional travel and tourism industry leaders

WHAT:           Special announcement regarding Missouri's tourism industry

WHEN:           10 a.m.

WHERE:        Silver Dollar City – Culinary and Craft School
399 Silver Dollar City Parkway
Branson, MO 65616
*Parking directions will be provided upon RSVP


Can't find any buzz about it online, so probably not anything huge, per se. Definitely not the coaster announcement. Probably something about job growth at HFEC, or some sort of investment in something like solar for the park?

If there are other development leaders present though, it would indicate that it could have something to do with Branson at large though, which could mean something is finally coming to the old Celebration City site?


I love all the buzz going around about SDC and Branson. Exciting times, people. Exciting times!

I think the announcement has to do about HFEC, otherwise the event would be held somewhere else in Branson. The CC site is a good guess.
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City..."