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The Newbies Thread

Started by shavethewhales, September 30, 2008, 10:34:41 PM

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Quote from: SDC Rules! on May 07, 2009, 03:38:31 PM
^Welcome Riverman and Bransonreg!  Wow, Geyser Gulch is at least ten years old???  Makes me feel like an old man. ;)

Ayup. The last time I was there, GG was open, and my soon-to-be-14 son was too small to ride anything except FitH, Lost Mine, and TNT.


Not sure when it was I noticed your site.  I was just craving stuff about SDC and googled.  I am an addict, as I'm leaving Branson after a trip, I'm already looking forward to my next one.  My favorite season is Christmas at the park, it charges my batteries for the whole season.  I have become a huge fan of "A Christmas Carol" at the opera house, can't miss it or the trip is a loss.  I sing with the Dicken's Carolers in Kansas City, which makes it a challenge to get down here for the lights and sounds, but I manage.  But getting back to the park in general, SDC, I feel has it hands down over everyone else.  The people that work there have always made it a fun place to go, so the rides are just icing on the cake.  LOVE IT!
In closing, thanks for this site, it is just another way I can feel close to my "memories worth repeating".
Vote to end 2020!



Hello everybody,

my parents first took me to SDC when I was just a baby - I believe the first family trip was either 78 or 79.

Like many, for me going to SDC feels like going home again.



Welcome to the site, MCLFLN.  As you will find out, this is the perfect place to share memories, thoughts, and photos of SDC, and get your questions answered as well.
"Why do they call them Wild Women?"


Hi my name is Avis - I am from Southern Illinois and I work as a cataloger for a law school library.  I have been coming to Branson and Silver Dollar City since I was 12 and I am starting on my second family.  I have raised my son in the tradition and now I have 11 year old twin girls and I am teaching them in the tradition too.

I came upon your web site by web surfing and I have been reading your posts numerous times a day.  So I have decided to join a good group of people who I share the love of SDC.

Thanks for letting me be part of your SDC family :D


Welcome, Great to have you Avis! I also stumbled across the site about a year ago, and gosh, I honestly don't know how I would make it away from "The City" without the site!



Welcome MCLFLN and Avis! 8)  So many newbies lately, it's great! ;D


Welcome, new members! The more the merrier!

I just learned today that the girl I sit next to in Folklore was a Marvel Cave guide a couple summers ago. I told her she should check this site out, so we'll see if we get yet another new member!



Hi guys! I've been lurking for a while, enjoying all of the historical pictures and info about SDC. But I just got my season pass in the mail and in anticipation of the new season I thought I should introduce myself and think about becoming active around here. My goal this year is to take a lot of pics while I'm in the city. I've been going to SDC since I was a wee little kid and I wish I had pictures of my 30 some odd years of visiting. But better late than never, I will take a ton of pics this year.


Slow_Walker....   Glad to have you here...  I checked out you photo web site.  Enjoyed you pics of the day.
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City." – Paul Harvey


Hi Everybody!  I found SDC Fans in a google search I think, and have really enjoyed reading your posts and looking at the photos of the park updates.  Thanks to everyone who does that for those of us who live so far away.  My real name is Ron but I decided to use the name "Pastor Don" because I was called up on stage to be in the Frontier Follies show in 2004 and Choctaw Charlie (Shannon) said, "Give the gun Pastor Don", after I "shot out all the lights".  He went on to comment: "You don't hear that too often!"  My family first discovered SDC when we were living in central Illinois about 9 years ago.  We went just about every year when it was just a 5 hour drive for us, and in 2004 we had season tickets.  We moved to South Dakota in 2007 and the last time I was at SDC was in May of that year.  We're finally getting to go back in June and I'm really excited.  Turning 50 this year, so I GET IN FREE!! 
I have been a Disney park fan for many years, but over the years SDC has grown on me to the point where it is replacing Disneyland as the "happiest place on earth".  (After all, who wants to go to California these days?  :P
Our favorite ride is Wildfire with Powderkeg as a close second. 
One of my dreams over the years has been to take a summer sabbatical and work at SDC, but don't know if that will ever happen, when my daughter was 7 or 8 she wanted to be a "Saloon Girl".  (Try explaining that to a church group!)
   One of my favorite things to do is go to the park early right when it opens, and eat breakfast at Mollie's Mill, then, after the flag raising, it's off to Wildfire!   I've shot a lot of video at SDC over the years and right now I'm working on one called "The Best of SDC" to post on the 50th Anniversary site.
Well, thanks for having this site and all you folks who go opening weekend be sure to take lots of pictures of River Blast to share those of us who have to wait a couple more months! 
In His grip!


^Welcome, and thanks for the stories!
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City..."


Does anybody know if Shannon is still working at SDC?  Had a nice talk with him and Dusty Chaps after I was in the Frontier Follies, and sent him a video of the show.  Don't know if he ever got it.
In His grip!