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The Newbies Thread

Started by shavethewhales, September 30, 2008, 10:34:41 PM

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Hi all, I am new to this forum but have been reading it for some time now.
I live not too far from SDC and have not been there in quite some time; trying to make it
out there for Christmas this year though.  I loved SDC in the eighties, nineties and hope it
hasn't changed too much since the last time I was there.

Ozark Outlaw

Hi Marge! If you are looking for a group of people who are absolutely passionate about Silver Dollar City then you have come to the right place.

Silver Dollar City sure has changed throughout the decades, but don't worry, it's still the 1880's. ;)

Welcome aboard! :)


Live life like it's the last day!


Been here a couple weeks. Been going to SDC most of my life. My grandparents owned at Treasure Lake from 1984 until they passed away. They knew most of the  entertainers back when most of them were local talent. I always loved bluegrass music and decided to learn to play the violin after watching Shoji play at the Starlight theater in 1984. Now I play fiddle, mandolin, bass, and acoustic guitar in a band in Oklahoma City called Southern Ride. Would love to get the chance to play in Branson someday. I am a computer geek professionally, but kinda burned out and looking for something else.


It's tough to make a living as a musician. However, if you have the passon...go for it. I was involved in the local entertainment scene in Branson in the late 70s/early 80s, when everything was local, and it was great fun. Practice, practice, practice!
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


I'm not exactly a Newbie, but I'll post here anyway to "make it official".  I've been going to SDC basically since I was born.  My parents used to fish Table Rock Lake every year.  One year they heard about this new place Silver Dollar City.  So, my mom and her friend thought they'd try it out (with the kids, of course, while the dads fished), and the rest is history.  We've averaged at least one visit a year since then.  I'm 44, so I haven't been around since the park began, but almost so.  It's easily my favorite theme park, and I like something about most of the ones I've visited, so that's saying something.  No other park is as relaxing and as good at letting you get away from the hubbub of life.  Every time we go, the first thing my mom (now coming with her grandkids) says as we walk in is, "We're back home!"


Hi to Marge and dorsal!

Welcome to our site and I hope you have many minutes, hours and days of enjoyment here! This is a great group of folks that is friendly as friendly can be!




If I make a living at it that's cool. If not,  that's ok too. Would like to try to get a job at SDC within the next couple years. Also wanting to open a computer consulting business. Any need for that around Branson?


I'm sure Branson could use another computer consulting business. Before making the move, try to network with other computer guys in the area and visit the "regular" and not the tourist parts of town and investigate the issue a lot before making a move. Do  your research, and ask potential clients about their needs before doing anything.
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


As they say.... " HOOWWDDYYYYYY"!!!!  I found this site last winter and check it 4 or 5 times a week to see whats "new".  I used to go to SDC often and then 7 or 8 years ago just quit doing the Branson scene.  Came down last fall for the festival  and was HOOKED again!!   I immediately ordered my season tickets for this year and have there once a month since April.... I have only logged onto your site 3 or 4 times..  But do enjoy all the discussions..  I just wanted to get started on my newbie status.   and let you know you are doing a great job, and i will obviously continue watching.......

Ozark Outlaw

Howdy sanddunerider!

Silver Dollar City sure is captivating isn't it? Unfortunately, this website is just as addicting! Being a casual observer is just fine, however don't hesitate to stop on by, and give us a piece of your mind from time to time.

Welcome aboard! ;D


Sooooo I dont think I am terribly new. the shine has worn off my exterior buuuuuut I have to say this site easily trumps any social networking site you can find. I am addicted. I work from home and this is how I spend my time between calls. I love SDC and have been going since I was knee high to a pigs eye.
The smell of asphalt and butane says home!

Ozark Outlaw

Just be careful, I am totally addicted to this website. I find myself checking every hour, or so and asking myself "Has anyone made a new post yet? Anything at all? Anything changed since my last visit? Any new rumors?"  :-X ;D

Glad to have your around on the forums!  :)


I have been a computer nerd ever since I first used the Net. The First site I ever went to was.....

kcroyals.com (Hang head in shame)

however the second one was silverdollarcity.com

(I don't this site existed in 1997 or I would have been on it a long time ago)

Ditto on the forums, when nobody was posting today I was checking it every couple minutes


just doing my afternoon check in...  I check this site like i do my yahoo mail account...  Never know when something new or interesting might post.  Or even somebody's else idea on the new "ride" for 2011..  LOL!!   love it!