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Bell's Developments

Started by shavethewhales, May 24, 2010, 10:35:45 PM

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After many long years of waiting, Bell's Amusement Park is finally on the move!


It's a terrible location, but I'm willing to drive it a couple of times a year to hit up Zingo again. I can't wait to see what new rides will be added to the mix.


Call me a pessimist, but I'll believe it when the gates to the park finally open... and even then I might not believe it (yeah hi WWW - looking at you).



Any idea why their lease was not renewed where they are? Seems like it would benefit the landowners to keep a popular attraction going where it is at?
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"




Yeah, politics. People playing their little games. Seems like a lot of people never get over the kindergarten thing where they gotta fight in the sandbox. Good people go down, the bastards usually gain...in the shortrun. Someday they get to stand tall before the man, and then what will they say? No lies that day, only confession.
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"

Tony from Tulsa

The City of Tulsa annexed the fairgrounds from Tulsa county, and said that Bell's was behind on their lease payments, I believe. Then the city voted to remove Bells from the premises to make way for a big, fancy parking lot. Politics, indeed. I just discovered that I use way too many commas in my writings. I, need, to, stop, doing, that.,,,
No matter where you go, there you are.


WE WILL KNOW SOON IF IT WILL BE BACK.  The 27th is just around the corner.

The deal is contingent on Wagoner County voters approving a quarter-cent sales tax increase on the July 27th ballot.

Wagoner County would use the money generated by the tax to acquire property where it would locate the amusement park, an expo center and other attractions
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City." – Paul Harvey


Actually, it's already been defeated. The measure was taken off the ballet due to a bunch of Tea-partiers who don't understand how city infrastructure projects work. I wish they would have at least allowed the vote so people could have decided for themselves what would have been better for the city. It was not at all out of the ordinary for an entity such as Bell's to require tax-payer funded infrastructure like water lines and roads to be built in order for it to come to Coweta. Many surrounding communities have spent far more to entice strip malls and super-targets to come in...


"May there always be a Silver Dollar City." – Paul Harvey


We'll see if this is the end of Bell's or not. I thought they were finished a long time ago, but they're still at it. Maybe they'll push for a vote again, or maybe they'll get another community to try. Or maybe, just maybe, they'll get an actual investor to get them off to a good start. I'm kind of scared for Bell's to come back now because Robby keeps talking like spending $5 million will be enough to rebuild the entire park. Maybe he's only planning on bringing back Zingo and a handful of rides...


Well, Bell's is pretty much official dead now. In a last ditch effort, Robby has put what remains of Zingo on sale on Ebay, hoping to get a cash infusion to jump start the rest of the park. Problem is, without Zingo there's hardly anything else to start a park with. The two newer rides at the park were sent back to their manufacturer due to not being completely paid for. The awesome Bill Tracy dark ride and the two water rides are both completely gone. All that he has left, I'm assuming, are a few kiddie rides, a tilt-a-whirl, and a swinging ship.

I guess he plans to restart his business as a kiddie park like the old Bell's? Somehow I doubt that's going to work out for him.

Here's the newstory: http://www.newson6.com/Global/story.asp?S=13818460
and ebay listing: http://cgi.ebay.com/Wood-Roller-Coaster-Sale-400-000-Best-Offer-/280614399329?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4155ebed61

Sounds like he has until May to get rid of Zingo's remains.


I find it funny that he will sell all parts, but no plans to accompany the pieces. Good Luck Mr Bell! I understand the copyright they have on Zingo, but really? He says it is just lumber and bolts...will he ever again have the funds and park to rebuild this?


What sad news.  Looks like a piece of my childhood is gone.


 Not unless you have a spare $400,000.000 lying around StaceySue! They could always auction off pieces of the ride for smaller amounts of money. The Arena-where the StL Blues played was imploded in 98' and bricks were sold, wood was sold in planks/ pieces, & after Busch stadium was demolished, pieces were sold. I think they could make some money, and only would have to sacrifice a minimal amount of timber. People capitalized on the idea and items like this came out including stats and pieces of the old structures.


Hmm.  That's interesting.  I didn't know they did that!  I could have my own little box of Zingo.  Although my favorite ride was Phantasmagoria.  But I'm sure they don't even have pieces of it anymore.

As for the $400,000,000--you do remember I'm a teacher, right?  :D