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Beer sales at SDC?

Started by Junior, July 03, 2010, 11:49:34 PM

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Sooooooo....What do you think about the sale of beer at SDC? Can guests knock back a cold one in the saloon or maybe another location or two on the park? How would you feel if they allowed this in the future? Busch Gardens does this, so do some of the Disney locations in Florida. Could beer sales help SDC or hurt? Do you think Jack and Pete would go for something like this? Would it be any worse to serve beer at SDC than at a ballpark? Chime in...
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


Oooooooooooooooooh Junior!  You opened a can of worms here.  I won't say too much at this point, but will be interested to watch the fireworks (and I don't mean the 4th of July variety!) 

I guess my only point is, I don't think any increased revenues from beer sales would begin to offset the harm caused by ticking off those thousands of loyal fans who appreciate the park's ban on alcohol. 
In His grip!


I would think that alcohol would not go over well at SDC. I am picturing people walking around with stacks of cups like at the ball game, or citizens wearing those "WE I.D." buttons . The demographics is very widespread for SDC, but  I think that this would alienate some of the more conservative guests to the park. Could you imagine the effects of roller coasters on a guest that has indulged in alcohol recently?

I am not opposed to alcohol in general and I am not throwing stones at places that do in fact serve alcohol, I have had my blurry stumbling times thanks to my good friend "Al Cohal" and I would be the first in line to support local microbreweries, and I do enjoy the occasional adult beverage, but Not at SDC.

Now a still that makes moonshine is more like it.......(I am only kidding on this one!)


I had this topic in my mind just recently. I enjoy throw'n afew back myself, but leave that stuff for afterwords. So, NO!! I have seen alcohol ruin too many places, not nesseceraly amusement parks tho'. I dont wanna run into some1 that has had too many & is just a dumb-dumb, & gets sick, or is a fool around every1 else. I was a alcoholic for 5+ years & dont wanna be around people like that anymore, cuz ya know some people WILL get out'a hand. I've see it at Worlds of Fun in Kansas City.
You cant control every1, but if its NOT there, it's a settle'n state of mind. I have never ran into some1 at SDC that has too many. Dont burn bread on us....

One of my worst hangovers i had to go back to SDC to pick up some stuff that we had bought, & get back home, i was in the back seat crash'd all the way home, I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!!!! :-[
Live life like it's the last day!


We don't see tailgating at the park, nor do we see too many poeple heading out to their cars for a quick drink like several theme parks I have been to. Things would change, thats all...and not for the better.

Drinking is expected at ballparks, and bars. There are reasons that tour busses, field trips, groups of Missionary Kids, Menonites, Amish, Baptist Conventions, Youth Gatherings etc DO NOT GO THERE! (the list goes on and on I just picked a few that stuck out in my head as groups that might not believe booze has a place there)

IN 1997 leaders of the Southern Baptists, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, voted to boycott Walt Disney Co. and its subsidiaries for what it called the company's "anti-Christian and anti-family direction."  This was due to several instances, and I think a similar backlash, not necessarily as large, would happen st HFEC parks with this type of change.

WOuld I stop attending, No, but it would make me feels violated in some odd way. Much like if Gambling for $ where roulette wheels, or slot machines and cards made their was into the park. SImilar problems in society with excess and vices for people, and these and family wholesome fun don't mix in my book.


Definitely it would be a bad idea.  SDC has done so well and created so many memories without resorting to this.   I have seen enough of people abusing alcohol in other places.  I don't imbibe myself-never developed a taste for it and too many in my immediate family have over-indulged at times. 
Vote to end 2020!


I think it is a mistake for amusement parks to have beer.  With this in the mix you are more likely to have problems with people acting badly.  I work for the county jail in OK and public intox is the #1 reason we have people in jail...  People just do not know when to stop when they are out in public with their friends.  I think if they did it that it would hurt the bottom line because of the extra officers they would have to employ as well as the yearly license fees and training to employees.
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City." – Paul Harvey


Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, Nokeedokee!  A little train action skit which seems to fit here.  I say positively No.  I also think it would be over Jack & Pete's dead bodies.


Really, I just threw this topic out there to see what kind of reaction it would get. I'm not for it myself. Jack and Pete would not go for it anyway, in my opinion. Now after they are gone, well, it will depend on who's left in charge...
"Howdy there folks! My name is Junior Dugan, and I'll be drivin' your diving bell!"


After going to SDC for over 35 years now, it wasn't until a few years ago that I even thought of an amusement park serving alcohol. I just assumed it was a no-no. Then a friend and I went to an amusement park (can't even remember which one now) several years ago and she had a beer, I just couldn't believe it. Its not that I'm a non-drinker, I have one once in a while, but it amazes me how people behave at things like concerts, motorsports events etc. Another eye opener a while back was reading about a Chuckie Cheese pizza place that was going to stop serving beer cause of the trouble it caused, it blew me away they even served it. Funny though, Silver Dollar City has the Saloon but you never think of anything stronger then Root Beer being served lol

History Buff

Thank you to all who have said NO.  May it be resounding!  I can say my family would not patronize the park as much - maybe not at all - if this decision occurred.
Always SEEKING Memories Worth Repeating


Jack and Pete have indulged in adult beverages for a special occasion, wine and Champagne at least. I know this as have seen it with my own eyes.  Not that big of a deal but SDC is a different kind of special occation.
Booze is a liability and sets up areas with " NO " written all over them.  Alcohol is not a family friendly beverage.
If you need it that bad head back to the car.
I myself am a raging boozehound (alkihawlick) and in my former days would head back to the lot to pound a few.  It isn't that tough to do but certainly inconvinient, if they want and need it that bad they can work for it.
SDC does not need the liability or the problems.


The #1 issue with selling beer is that SDC is a family theme park. The last thing that SDC needs is to loose visitors because they don't want their kids to see drunk guys running around and getting kicked out. SDC should stay as clean as possible. :)
"Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example to others in your speech, love, life, faithfulness, and purity."
                           - 1 Timothy 4:12


Quote from: maddilives4him on July 04, 2010, 02:46:20 PM
The #1 issue with selling beer is that SDC is a family theme park. The last thing that SDC needs is to loose visitors because they don't want their kids to see drunk guys running around and getting kicked out. SDC should stay as clean as possible. :)

Close: SDC would lose visitors because people would assume people would be running around drunk.

I don't think there would be any issue with people getting drunk at SDC. I do think a lot of visitors would stop going simply because of their prejudice against alcohol, and would blame any bad experience on the availability of alcohol, even if it wasn't involved. Alcohol makes people lose their judgment and act stupid; and sometimes people even drink it.  ;)

I would like a cold beer on a hot day while in the park, but I believe it would be a bad business decision. Not because of liability or the effects of alcohol, but the loss of customer base.

History Buff

The issue may not be getting drunk but kids seeing the drinking.  Some don't like to be around it, nor do they want their children to see it as acceptable.
Always SEEKING Memories Worth Repeating